Cryptography Course Manuscript

Maceió — Winter 2019

July 2020


Notes for a course in cryptologoy that introduces


Learning Objectives

In this course, you will learn about

  1. the terminology, aims and history of cryptography,
  2. the basic principles of symmetric algorithms (those with a single key),
  3. the principles of asymmetric algorithms (those with a public and private key),
  4. the methods of user authentication, the proof of the identity of a user,
  5. the methods of cryptanalysis, the art of deciphering enciphered data without knowledge of the key,
  6. the practical considerations of applied cryptography in a corporate environment,
  7. its manifold implementations, for example, in Online banking, Blockchain and electronic voting.

The recommended reading will introduce you to the most important authors and articles in cryptology.

1 Basic concepts of cryptology

Study Goals

On completion of this chapter, you will have learned …


Cryptography serves to protect information by encryption (or enciphering), the shuffling of data (that is, the transformation of intelligible into indecipherable data) that only additional secret information, the key, can feasibly undo it (decryption or deciphering).

encrypt/encipher: to shuffle data so that only additional secret information can feasibly undo it.

key: the additional secret information that is practically indispensable to decrypt.

decrypt/decipher: to invert encryption.

That is, the shuffled (enciphered) data can practically only be recovered (deciphered) by knowledge of the key. Since the original data is in principle still recoverable, it can be thought of as concealment.

Because historically only written messages were encrypted, the source data, though a string of 1s and 0s (the viewpoint adopted in symmetric cryptography) or a number (that adopted in asymmetric cryptography), is called plaintext and the encrypted data the ciphertext.

plaintext respectively ciphertext: the data to be encrypted respectively the encrypted data.

Single and Public-Key Cryptography

Historically, the key to reverse this transformation (of intelligible data into indecipherable data) was both necessary to decipher and to encipher, symmetric encryption. That is, in the past, the key used to encrypt and decrypt was always the same: Symmetric cryptography had been used by the Egyptians almost 2000 years before Christ, and was used, for example,

symmetric cryptography: cryptography is symmetric when the same key is used to encrypt and decrypt.

In the 70s asymmetric cryptography was invented, in which the key to encipher (the public key) and the key to decipher (the secret or private key) are different.

asymmetric cryptography: cryptography is asymmetric when different keys are used to encrypt and decrypt. The key to encipher is public and the key to decipher is private (or secret).

In fact, only the key to decipher is private, kept secret, while the key to encrypt is public, known to everyone. In comparison with symmetric cryptography, asymmetric encryption avoids the risk of compromising the key to decipher that is involved

On top, It is useful, that the keys exchange their roles, the private key enciphers, and the public one deciphers, a digital signature: While the encrypted message will no longer be secret, every owner of the public key can check whether the original message was encrypted by the private key.

Nowadays such asymmetric cryptography algorithms are ubiquitous on the Internet: Examples are

which protect (financial) transactions on secure sites (those indicated by a padlock in the browser’s address bar).

Data Format

Up to the digital age, cryptography mainly studied the transformation of intelligle text into indecipherable text. Since then, cryptography studies the transformation of processible (digital) data into indecipherable (digital) data. This data is, for example, a digital file (text, image, sound, video, …). It is considered a bit sequence (denoted by a string of 0s and 1s) or byte sequence (denoted by a string of hexadecimal pairs 00, 01, …, FE, FF) or a number (denoted as usual by their decimal expansion 0, 1, 2, 3 …). Let us recall that every 1011...1011... bit sequence is a number nn via its binary expansion n=1+02+122+123+ n = 1 + 0 \cdot 2 + 1 \cdot 2^2 + 1 \cdot 2^3 + \cdots (and vice versa).

The point of view of a sequence of bits (or, more exactly, of hexadecimal digits whose sixteen symbols 09 and AF correspond to a group of four bits) is preferred in symmetric cryptography whose algorithms transform them, for instance, by permutation and substitution of their digits. The point of view of a number is preferred in asymmetric cryptography whose algorithms operate on it by mathematical functions such as raising to a power (raising to a power) and exponentiation.

The key, the additional secret information, can take various form; which form is mainly a question of convenience, most common are:

For example, in the ancient Scytale algorithm (see Section 2) that uses a role of parchment wrapped around a stick, the key consists of the circumference (in letters) of the stick, a small number. Nowadays, PIN codes (= Personal Identification Number) or passwords are ubiquitous in day-to-day life; to facilitate memorization the memorization of complete secret sentences (= pass phrases) is encouraged.

Asymmetric encryption depends on larger keys and therefore stores them in files (of 64-letter texts, called ASCII-armor) of a couple of kilobytes. For example (where ... indicates tens of skipped lines):

Version: SKS 1.1.6
Comment: Hostname:


1.1 Terminology

The prefix Crypto-, comes from Greek kryptós, “hidden”.


Cryptography (from the Greek gráphein, “to write”) is the art of hidden writing: shuffling information so that it is indecipherable to all but the intended recipient.

Cryptography: the art of transforming information so that it is indecipherable to all but the intended recipient.

That is, cryptography is the art of transforming information such that it is incomprehensible to all but the intended recipient. Useful, since Antiquity, for example to conceal military messages from the enemy. Since then, (electronic binary) data has replaced text, and what used to be concealing written messages exchanged by messengers or kept secret has become symmetric cryptography: securing data flowing between computers or stored on a computer.

Since the 70s, asymmetric cryptography makes it possible (by digital signatures) to verify the identities of participants and undeniably (non-repudiation) register their transactions in electronic commerce.

Cryptographic methods (or Ciphers) are generically classified

  1. according to whether sender and recipient use the same key (symmetric, or single-key) cipher, such as AES, or different keys to encrypt and decrypt (asymmetric, or two-key, or public-key) cipher, such as RSA or ECC.

Among the symmetric ciphers, these are generically classified

  1. according to whether they operate on blocks of bits of fixed length, say 128 bits, (block cipher, such as AES or RSA) or single bits (stream ciphers such as RC4): While stream ciphers typically are simpler, faster and predestined for real time transmissions, they tend to be less secure and are therefore less commonly used (for example, a Wi-Fi network is commonly secured by a block cipher such as AES).


Cryptanalysis (from the Greek analýein, “to unravel”) is the art of untying the hidden writing: the breaking of ciphers, that is, recovering or forging enciphered information without knowledge of the key.

Cryptanalysis: the art of deciphering ciphertext without knowledge of the key.

Cryptanalysis (colloquially “code breaking”) is the art of deciphering the enciphered information without knowledge of the secret information, the key, that is normally required to do so; usually by finding a secret key.

Cryptanalysis of public-key algorithms relies on the efficient computation of mathematical functions on the integers. For instance, cryptanalysis of the most famous public-key algorithm, RSA , requires the factorization of a number with >500> 500 decimal digits into its prime factors, which is computationally infeasible (without knowledge of the key).

Cryptanalysis of symmetric ciphers depends on the propagation of patterns in the plaintext to the ciphertext. For example, in a monoalphabetic substitution cipher (in which each letter is replaced by another letter, say A by Z), the numbers of occurrences with which letters occur in the plaintext alphabet and in the ciphertext alphabet are identical (if A occurred ten times, then so does Z). If the most frequent letters of the plaintext can be guessed, so those of the ciphertext.

A powerful technique is Differential cryptanalysis that studies how differences (between two plaintexts) in the input affect those at the output (of the corresponding ciphertexts). In the case of a block cipher, it refers to tracing the (probabilities of) differences through the network of transformations. Differential cryptanalysis attacks are usually Chosen-plaintext attacks, that is, the attacker can obtain the corresponding ciphertexts for some set of plaintexts of her choosing.


Cryptology (from the Greek lógos, “word”, “reason”, “teaching” or “meaning”) is the science of hiding, the science of trusted communication which embraces cryptography and cryptanalysis; according to Webster (1913) it is “the scientific study of cryptography and cryptanalysis”. Though cryptology is often considered a synonym for cryptography and occasionally for cryptanalysis, cryptology is the most general term.

Cryptology: the science of trusted communication, including cryptography and in particular cryptanalysis.

Secrecy, though still important, is no longer the sole purpose of cryptology since the advent of public-key cryptography in the 80s. To replace by electronic devices what had historically been done by paperwork, digital signatures and authentication were introduced.

Adjectives often used synonymously are secret, private, and confidential. They all describe information which is not known about by other people or not meant to be known about. Something is

Frequently confused, and misused, terms in cryptology are code and cipher, often employed as though they were synonymous: A code is a rule for replacing one information symbol by another. A cipher likewise, but the rules governing the replacement (the key) are a secret known only to the transmitter and the legitimate recipient.


A codification or an encoding is a rule for replacing one bit of information (for example, a letter) with another one, usually to prepare it for processing by a computer.

encoding: a rule for replacing one bit of information (for example, a letter) with another one, usually to process it by a computer.

For example,


A cipher, like an encoding, also replaces information (which may be anything from a single bit to an entire sequence of symbols) with another one. However, the replacement is made according to a rule defined by a key so that anyone without its knowledge cannot invert the replacement.

cipher: a rule for replacing information (for example, a text) so that its inverse is only feasible by knowledge of the key.

Information is frequently both encoded and enciphered: For example, a text is encoded, for example, by ASCII, and then encrypted, for example, by the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES).

Self-Check Questions

  1. Please distinguish between cryptology, cryptography and cryptanalysis:

  2. Please distinguish between encoding and encryption:

    While both encoding and encryption transform information into a computer readable format, only for encryption this transformation is not invertible without knowledge of the key.

1.2 IT security: threats and common attacks

A snappy acronym to resume the fundamental aims of information security is the CIA, which stands for: Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability. That is, confidentiality of information, integrity of information and availability of information.

CIA: stands for Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability.

More comprehensive are “the five pillars of Information Assurance”, that add authentication and non-repudiation: Confidentiality, integrity, availability, authentication and non-repudiation of information.

The five pillars of Information Assurance: are formed by Confidentiality, integrity, availability, authentication and non-repudiation of information.

Cryptography helps to achieve all of these to good effect: Good encryption, as achieved by thoroughly tested standard algorithms such as AES or RSA, is practically impossible to break computationally; instead, keys are stolen or plaintext is stolen before encryption or after decryption. While cryptography provides high technical security, human failure, for example, arising out of convenience or undue trust, is the weakest point in information security.


Information that is confidential is meant to be kept secret, that is, should not be disclosed to other people, for example information that is known only by someone’s doctor or bank. In law, confidential is the relation existing between, for example, a client and her counsel or agent, regarding the trust placed in one by the other. In the information security standard ISO/IEC 27002 the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) defines confidentiality as “ensuring that information is accessible only to those authorized to have access”. In IT, it means ensuring that sensitive information stored on computers is not disclosed to unauthorized persons, programs or devices. For example, avoiding that anyone with access to a network can use common tools to eavesdrop on traffic and intercept valuable private information.


Integrity is the state of being whole, the condition of being unified or sound in construction.

(Data) Integrity is about the reliable, complete and error-free, transmission and reception or storage of data: that the original data had not been altered or corrupted; in particular, is valid in accordance with expectations.

When the data has been altered, either through electronic damage by software or physical damage to the disk, the data is unreadable. For example when we download a file we verify its integrity by calculating its hash and comparing with the hash published by source. Without such a check, someone could, for example, package a Trojan horse into an installer on Microsoft Windows (that, as a last resort, hopefully would already be known and detected by an antivirus program such as Microsoft Defender).


Though unrelated to cryptology, in IT security availability of information against threats such as DoS (Denial of Service) attacks (to deny users of the Website access to a Website by flooding it with requests) or accidents, such as power outages, or natural disasters such as earthquakes. To achieve it, it is best to have a safety margin and include redundancy, in particular, to have


Authentic (from Greek authentes, real or genuine) means according to Webster (1913)

Authentication thus is the verification of something (or someone) as “authentic”. This might involve confirming the identity of a person or the origins of an object.

In IT, authentication means

To verify her identity, a person proves that she is who she claims to be by showing some evidence. Devices that are used for authentication include passwords, personal identification numbers, smart cards, and biometric identification systems. For example, to login, she enters her user identification and password.

A common attack is that of the “man in the middle”, where the attacker assumes to either correspondent the identity of the other correspondent. To solve this, certificates, digital signatures by third parties, are used. Either,


Repudiation is a legal term for disavowal of a legal bind (such as an agreement or obligation); someone who repudiates:

For example, a forged or forced signature is repudiable.

Non-repudiation is the assurance:

In computing, this means that authentication can hardly be refuted afterwards. This is achieved by a digital signature.

For example,

In today’s global economy, where face-to-face agreements are often impossible, non-repudiation is essential for safe commerce.

Self-Check Questions

  1. In practice, is sensitive information obtained by


  2. What does CIA in IT security stand for: Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability.

  3. Please list the five pillars of information security: Confidentiality, integrity, availability, authentication and non-repudiation of information.

1.3 Aims of Cryptography in Child’s terms

Alice wants to send Bob a locked box (with a message or a key) without sending the key, so that the box was never left unlocked throughout the process.

A castle

An open lock is the public key and locking its application. The key is the secret key:

  1. Alice sends Bob a lock of hers.
  2. Bob puts the keys in the box, locks it with Alice’s lock and sends the box to Alice.
  3. Alice opens the box.
  4. Now Alice and Bob have a key to a common lock.

Two locks

The key or message in the box is the shared secret. The other two keys the mutual secrets. From two two-sided one can be constructed by the interchangeability of the order of the encryptions, commutativity.

  1. Alice puts a message or key in a box.
  2. Alice padlocks the box (and keeps the key) and sends the locked box to Bob.
  3. Bob obviously can’t open the box, but he secures the box with a second padlock (and also keeps the key) and sends the double-locked box back to Alice.
  4. Alice opens her lock with her key and sends the box (still padlocked) to Bob.
  5. Bob can now open the box with his own key.

1.4 Historical Overview

The history of cryptography dates back at least 4000 years. We distinguish three periods:

  1. Till the 20th century, its methods were classic, mainly pen and paper.

  2. In the early 20th century, they were replaced by more efficient and sophisticated methods by complex electromechanical machines, mainly rotor machines for polyalphabetic substitution, such as the Enigma rotor machine used by the axis powers during World War II.

  3. Since then, digitalization, the replacement of analog devices by digital computers, allowed methods of ever greater complexity. Namely, the most tested algorithms are

Classic Cryptography

From antiquity till World War I, cryptography was carried out by hand and thus limited in complexity and extent to at most a few pages. The principles of cryptanalysis were known, but the security that could be practically achieved was limited without automatization. Therefore, given sufficient ciphertext and effort, cryptanalysis was practically always successful.

The principles of cryptanalysis were first understood by the Arabs. They used both substitution and transposition ciphers, and knew both letter frequency distributions and probable plaintext in cryptanalysis. Around 1412, al-Kalka-shandī gave in his encyclopedia Subīal-aīshī a manual on how to cryptanalyze ciphertext using letter frequency counts with lengthy examples.


A scytale (from Latin scytala) consists of a rod with a band of parchment wound around it on which is written a secret message. It was rolled spirally upon a rod, and then written upon. The secret writing on the strip wound around the rod is only readable if the parchment was to be wound on a rod of the same thickness; It is a transposition cipher, that is, shuffles, or transposes, the letters of the plaintext.

Caesar’s Cipher

Caesar’s Cipher is one of the simplest and most widely-known chiphers, named after Julius Caesar (100 – 44 BC), who used it to communicate with his generals. It is a substitution cipher that replaces, substitutes, each alphabetic letter of the plaintext by a fixed alphabetic letter. In Caesar’s Cipher, each letter in the plaintext is shifted through the alphabet the same number of positions; that is, each letter in the plaintext is replaced by a letter some fixed number of positions further down the alphabet.

Bacon’s Cipher

Francis Bacon’s cipher from 1605 is an arrangement of the letters a and b in five-letter combinations (of which there are 25=322^5 = 32 ) that each represent a letter of the alphabet (of which there are 26 ). Nowadays we would call a code, but at the time it illustrated the important principle that only two different signs can be used to transmit any information.

Alberti’s Cipher Disk

In 1470, Leon Battista Alberti described in Trattati in Cifra (“Treatise on Ciphers”) the first cipher disk to shift the letters of the alphabet cyclically. He recommended changing the offset after every three or four words, thus conceiving a polyalphabetic cipher in which the same alphabetic letters are replaced by different ones. The same device was used more than four centuries later by the U.S. Army in World War I.

The Alberti substitution disk (Buonafalce (2014))

ADFGVX cipher

The best known cipher of World War I is the German ADFGVX cipher:

  1. The 26 Latin letters and 10 arabic digits were replaced in a 6 x 6 matrix by pairs of the letters A, D, F, G, V, and X.
  2. The resulting text was then written into a rectangle, and
  3. then the columns read in the order indicated by the key.

Invented by Fritz Nebel, it was introduced in March 1918 for use by mobile units. The French Bureau du Chiffre, in particular, Georges Painvin, broke the cipher a month later — still too late as the German attacks had already ceded.

Electromechanical Cryptography by Rotor Machines

The mechanization of cryptography began after World War I by the development of so-called rotor cipher machines:

Enigma Rotor Wiring (CourtlyHades296 (2017))

These rotors are stacked. The rotation of one rotor causes the next one to rotate 1/261 / 26 of a full revolution. (Just like in an odometer where after a wheel has completed a full revolution, the next one advances 1/101 / 10 of a full revolution.) In operation, there is an electrical path through all rotors. Closing the key contact of the plaintext letter on a typewriter-like keyboard

  1. emits a current to one of the contacts on the initial rotor,
  2. The current then passes through the cable salad of the stacked rotors (which depends on their rotational positions!), and
  3. ends up at an indicator where it lights up the lamp of the ciphertext letter.
CrypTool 2 has an animation of the encryption by Enigma; Esslinger et al. (2012)

In the US, Edward H. Hebern made in 1917 the first patent claim to accomplish polyalphabetic substitution by cascading a collection of monoalphabetic substitution rotors, wiring the output of the first rotor to the input of the following rotor, and so on. In Europe, Already in 1915 such a rotor machine had been built by two Dutch naval officers, Lieut. R.P.C. Spengler and Lieut. Theo van Hengel, and independently by a Dutch mechanical engineer and wireless operator, Lieut. W.K. Maurits. Around the same time as Hebern, Arthur Scherbius from Germany (who filed his patent in February 1918) and Hugo A. Koch from the Netherlands (a year later), also built rotor machines, which were commercialized and evolved into the German Enigma used in World War II.

In Japan, the Japanese Foreign Office put into service its first rotor machine in 1930, which was cryptanalyzed in 1936, using solely the ciphertexts, by the U.S. Army’s Signal Intelligence Service (SIS). (In 1939 a new cipher machine was introduced, in which rotors were replaced by telephone stepping switches, but readily broken by the SIS again solely relying on ciphertext; even more so, their keys could be foreseen.)

The Invention of Engima

Arthur Scherbius was born in Frankfurt am Main on 20 October 1878 as son of a businessman. After studying at the Technical College in Munich, he completed his doctoral dissertation at the Technical College in Hanover in 1903, then worked for several major electrical companies in Germany and Switzerland. In 1918, he submitted a patent for a cipher machine based on rotating wired wheels and founded his own firm, Scherbius and Ritter. Since both the imperial navy and the Foreign Office declined interest, he entered the commercial market in 1923 and advertised the Enigma machine, as it was now called, in trade publications or at the congress of the International Postal Union. This sparked again the interest of the German navy in the need for a secure cipher, and a slightly changed version was in production by 1925. Still, the corporation continued to struggle for profitability because commercial as public demand was confined to a few hundred machines. While Scherbius fell victim to a fatal accident involving his horse-drawn carriage, and died in 1929, his corporation survived and by 1935 amply supplied the German forces under Hitler’s rearmament program.

The Breakage of Enigma

Polish and British cryptanalysis solved the German Enigma cipher (as well as two telegraph ciphers, Lorenz-Schlüsselmaschine and Siemens & Halske T52). To this end

Hans-Thilo Schmidt, decorated with an Iron Cross in World War I, worked as a clerk at a cipher office (previously lead by his brother). In June 1931, he contacted the intelligence officer at the French embassy and agreed with Rodolphe Lemoine to reveal information about the Enigma machine, copies of the instruction manual, operating procedures and lists of the key settings. However, French cryptanalysts made little headway, and the material was passed on to Great Britain and Poland, whose specialists had more success:

The commercial version of the Enigma had a rotor at the entry and his wiring was unknown. However, the Polish cryptanalyst Marian Rejweski, guided by the German inclination for order, found out that it did not exist in the military version; what is more, he inferred the internal wirings of the cylinders by distance, that is, by mere cryptanalysis of the enciphered messages.

Marian Rejweski; Thuresson (2013)

The Britisch cryptanalysts in Bletchley Park (among them the mathematician Alan Turing, a founding father of theoretical computer science) could reduce by likely candidates the number of possible keys from 150 trillions to around a million, a number that allowed a work force of around 4200 (among them 80%80\% women) an exhaustive key-search with the help of the Turing Bomb, an ingenious electromechanical code-breaking machine that imitated a simultaneous run of many Enigma machines and efficiently checked the likelihood of their results.

The inner workings of the Turing bomb; Petticrew (2018)

Schmidt continued to inform the Allies throughout war till the arrest (and confession) of Lemoine in Paris which lead to that of Schmidt by the Gestapo in Berlin on 1 April 1943 and his death in prison.

Digital Cryptography

After World War II, cryptographic machines stayed conceptually the same till the early 80s: faster rotor machines in which rotors had been replaced by electronic substitutions, but still merely concatenating shifted monoalphabetic substitutions to obtain a polyalphabetic substitution.

However, such letter per letter substitutions are still linear over the letters, so the ciphertext obtained from a plaintext will reveal how to decrypt all letters of a plaintext of (at most) the same length. That is, a letter per letter substitution diffuses little, that is, hardly spreads out changes; optimal diffusion is attained whenever the change of a single letter of the plaintext causes the change of half of the letters of the ciphertext. If the attacker has access to the ciphertexts of many plaintexts, possibly of his own choosing, then he can obtain the key by the ciphertexts of two plaintexts that differ in a single position.


Instead, computers made it possible to combine such substitutions (such as Caesar’s Cipher) with transpositions (such as the Scytale), achieving far better diffusion, which lead to the creation of one of the most widely used ciphers in history, the Data Encryption Standard (DES), in 1976.


In January 1997 the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST; former National Bureau of Standards, NBS) announced a public contest for a replacement of the aging DES, the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES). Among 15 viable candidates from 12 countries, in October 2000 Rijndael, created by two Belgian cryptographers, Joan Daemen and Vincent Rijmen, was chosen and became the AES.

Since improvements in computing power allowed to find the fixed 56-bit DES key by exhaustive key-search (brute force), the NIST specifications for the AES demanded an increasing key length, if need be. Rijndael not only was shown immune to the most sophisticated known attacks such as differential cryptanalysis (in Daemen and Rijmen (1999) and Daemen and Rijmen (2002)) and of an elegant and simple design, but is also both small enough to be implemented on smart cards (at less than 10 000 bytes of code) and flexible enough to allow longer key lengths.

Public-key cryptography

Since the ’80s, the advent of public-key cryptography in the information age made digital signatures and authentication possible; giving way to electronic information slowly replacing graspable documents.

Asymmetric encryption was first suggested publicly at Diffie and Hellman (1976).

Conceptually it relies on a trap function (more specifically, in op.cit. the modular exponential), an invertible function that is easily computable but whose inverse is hardly computable in the absence of additional information, the secret key.

To encrypt, the function is applied; to decrypt its inverse with the secret key. For example, in the approach according to Diffie and Hellman, this function is the exponential, however, over a different domain than the real numbers we are used to.

In fact, Diffie and Hellman (1976) introduced only a scheme for exchanging a secret key through an insecure channel. It was first put it into practice

Not only do these algorithms enable ciphering by a public key (thus removing the problem of its secret communication), but, by using the private key instead to encipher, made possible digital signatures, which might have been its commercial breakthrough. These algorithms still stand strong, but others, such as elliptic curve cryptography, are nowadays deemed more efficient at the same security.

Self-Check Questions

  1. Please list the major epochs of cryptography: Classic (Pen and Paper), electromechanics (rotor machine) and digital age.
  2. How many possible keys has Caesar’s Cipher? 26 including the trivial one.
  3. Which one of Caesar’s Cipher and the Scytale is a substitution cipher? Caesar’s Cipher is a substitution cipher and the Scytale is a transposition cipher.
  4. What deficiency was shared by all rotor machines? As substitution is letter-wise, the frequency of the alphabetical letters was preserved.

1.5 Security Criteria

Kerckhoff’s Principle

Kerckhoff principle postulates the independence of a cryptographic algorithm’s security from its secrecy:

Kerckhoffs’ principle: The ciphertext should be secure even if everything about it, except the key, is public knowledge.

While knowledge of the key compromises a single encryption, knowledge of the algorithm will compromise all encryptions ever carried out. A public algorithm guarantees the difficulty of decryption depending only on the knowledge of the key, but not on the algorithm. The more it is used, the more likely it becomes that the algorithm will be eventually known. For the algorithm to be useful, it thus needs to be safe even though it is public.

Claude Shannon (1916 – 2001) paraphrased it as: “the enemy knows the system”, Shannon’s maxim. The opposite would be to rely on a potentially weak, but unknown algorithm, “security through obscurity”; ample historic evidence shows the futility of such a proposition (for example, the above ADFGVX cipher of Section 1.4 comes to mind).

Shannon’s Criteria

Shannon’s principles of

give criteria for an uninferable relation between the ciphertext and

Ideally, when one letter in the key respectively in the plaintext changes, then half of the ciphertext changes, that is, each letter in the ciphertext changes with a probability of 50%. While the output of the cipher, the ciphertext, depends deterministically on the input, the plaintext, and the key, the algorithm aims to obfuscate this relationship to make it as complicated, intertwined, scrambled as possible: each letter of the output, of the ciphertext, depends on each letter of the input, of the plaintext, and of the key.

Self-Check Questions

  1. Name two algorithms that satisfy Kerckhoff’s principle. DES and AES.


Cryptography protects information by shuffling data (that is, transforming it from intelligible into indecipherable data) so that only additional secret information, the key, can feasibly reverse it. Up to the end of the ’70s, the key used to encrypt and decrypt was always the same: symmetric or (single-key) cryptography. In the 70s asymmetric cryptography was invented, in which the key to encipher (the public key) and the key to decipher (the secret or private key) are different. In fact, only the key to decipher is private, kept secret, while the key to encrypt is public, known to everyone. When the keys exchange their roles, the private key enciphers, and the public one deciphers, then the encryption is a digital signature. while the encrypted message will no longer be secret, every owner of the public key can check whether the original message was encrypted by the private key. Because historically only written messages were encrypted, the source data, though a stream of 1s and 0s (the viewpoint adopted in symmetric cryptography) or a number (that adopted in asymmetric cryptography), is called plaintext and the encrypted data the ciphertext.

The security

Good encryption, as achieved by standard algorithms such as AES or RSA, is practically impossible to break computationally; instead, keys are stolen or plaintext is stolen before encryption or after decryption.

A hash function is an algorithm that generates an output of fixed (byte) size (usually around 16 to 64 bytes) from an input of variable (byte) size, for example, a text or image file, a compressed archive. The output string of fixed length that a cryptographic hash function produces from a string of any length (an important message, say) is a kind of inimitable “signature”. A person who knows the “hash value” cannot know the original message, but only the person who knows the original message can prove that the “hash value” is produced from that message.


Required Reading

The article Simmons et al. (2016) gives a good summary of cryptology, in particular, historically; read its introduction and the section on history. As does the first chapter of Menezes, Oorschot, and Vanstone (1997), which focuses more on the techniques. The most recent work is Aumasson (2017), and a concise but demanding overflight of modern cryptography. Get started by reading its first chapter as well.

Further Reading

Some classics are Frederick) Friedman (1976) which is a manual for cryptanalysis for the U.S. military, originally not intended for publication.

The books Kahn (1996) and Singh (2000) trace out the history of cryptanalysis in an entertaining way.

The book Schneier (2007) is a classic for anyone interested in understanding and implementing modern cryptographic algorithms.

2 Symmetric ciphers

Study Goals

On completion of this chapter, you will have learned …


Up to the end of the ’70s, before the publication of Diffie and Hellman (1976) and Rivest, Shamir, and Adleman (1978), all (known) cryptographic algorithms were symmetric (or single-key), that is, used the same key to encipher and decipher. Thus every historic algorithm, as sophisticated as it may be, be it Caesar’s Cipher, the Scytale or the Enigma, was symmetric.

While asymmetric algorithms depend on a computationally difficult problem, such as the factorization of a composed number into its prime factors, and regard the input as a natural number, symmetric ones operate on the input as a string (of bits or letters) by (iterated) substitutions and transpositions.

The only perfectly secure cipher is the one-time pad in which the key is as long as the plaintext and the ciphertext is obtained by adding, letter by letter, each letter of the key to the corresponding (that is, at the same position) letter of the plaintext.

However, such a large key is impractical for more complex messages, such as text, image or video files: In modern times, it means that to encrypt a hard drive, another hard drive that carries the key is needed.

To compensate the shorter key length, modern algorithms, ideally, create so much intertwining that they achieve almost perfect diffusion, that is, the change of a single bit of the input or key causes the change of around half of the output bits. Modern algorithms, such as DES or AES, are substitution and permutation network block ciphers, meaning that they encrypt one chunk of data at a time by iterated transpositions and substitutions.

2.1 Substitution and Transposition

The two basic operations to encrypt are transposition and substitution:

The historical prototypical algorithms for these two operations are:

We will see that even with many possible keys an algorithm, such as that given by any permutation of the alphabet which has almost 2802^{80} keys, can be easily broken if it preserves regularities, like the frequency of the letters.

As a criterion for security, there is that of diffusion by Shannon: Ideally, if a letter in the plaintext changes, then half of the letters in the ciphertext changes. Section 2.2 will show how modern algorithms, called substitution and permutation networks, join and iterate these two complementary prototypical algorithms to reach this goal.

ideal diffusion (according to Shannon): if a bit in the plaintext or key changes, then half of the bits in the ciphertext changes.

Substitution ciphers

In a substitution cipher the key determines substitutions of the plaintext alphabet (considered as a set of units of symbols such as single letters or pairs of letters) by the ciphertext alphabet. For example, if the units of the plaintext and ciphertext are both the letters of the Latin alphabet, then a substitution permutes the letters of the Latin alphabet. If the substitution cipher is monoalphabetic (such as Caesar’s Cipher), then the same substitution is applied to every letter of the plaintext independent of its position. If the substitution cipher is polyalphabetic (such as the Enigma), then the substitution varies with the position of the letter in the plaintext. To encrypt, each alphabetical unit of the plaintext is replaced by the substituted alphabetical unit, and inversely to decrypt.

Substitution Cipher: a cipher that replaces each alphabetical unit of the plaintext by a corresponding alphabetical unit.

Every monoalphabetic substitution cipher, that is, every plaintext symbol is always encrypted into the same ciphertext symbol, is insecure: the frequency distributions of symbols in the plaintext and in the ciphertext are identical, only the symbols having been relabeled. Therefore, for example in English, around 25 letters of ciphertext suffice for cryptanalysis.

The main approach to reduce the preservation of the single-letter frequencies in the ciphertext is to use several cipher alphabets, that is, polyalphabetic substitution.

Shift by a fixed distance

The simplest substitution cipher is a cyclical shift of the plaintext alphabet; Caesar’s cipher.

Caesar’s Cipher A substitution cipher that shifts the alphabetical position of every plaintext letter by the same distance.

This method was used by Roman emperors Caesar (100 – 44 B.C.) and Augustus (63 – 14 B.C.): fix a distance dd between letters in alphabetical order, that is, a number between 0 and 25, and shift (forward) each letter of the (latin) alphabet by this distance dd . We imagine that the alphabet is circular, that is, that the letters are arranged in a ring, so that the shift of a letter at the end of the alphabet results in a letter at the beginning of the alphabet.

We imagine that the letters of the alphabet form a wheel ( (2014))

For example, if d=3d = 3 , then AD,BE,...,WZ,XA,...,ZC. A \mapsto D, B \mapsto E, ..., W \mapsto Z, X \mapsto A, ..., Z \mapsto C.

There are 26 keys (including the trivial key d=0d = 0 ).

Caesar displaces each letter of the alphabet by the same distance

To decipher, each letter is shifted by the negative distance d-d , that is, dd positions backwards. If the letters of the alphabet form a wheel, then the letters are transferred

By the cyclicity of the letter arrangement, we observe that a transfer of dd positions in counterclockwise direction equals one of 26d26-d positions in clockwise direction.

Substitution by Permutation of the letters of the alphabet

Instead of replacing each letter by one shifted by the same distance dd , let us replace each letter with some letter, for example:


To revert the encipherment, never two letters be sent to the same letter! That is, we shuffle the letters among themselves. This way we obtain 2625s1=26!>10626 \cdot 25 \cdot s1 = 26! > 10^6 keys (which is around the number of passwords with 80 bits).

Transposition (or Permutation) ciphers

A transposition (or permutation) cipher encrypts the plaintext by permuting its units (and decrypts by the inverse permutation). Each alphabetical unit stays the same; the encryption depends only on the positions of the units.

Transposition Cipher: Transpose the alphabetical units of the plaintext.

The Scytale or Licurgo’s Baton (= a Spartan legislator around 800 B.C.) is a cipher used by the Spartans, as follows:

  1. wrap a stick into a narrow strip,
  2. write on this strip horizontally, that is, along the larger edge, and
  3. unroll the strip.

The letters thus transposed on the strip could only be deciphered by a stick with the same circumference (and being long enough) in the same way as the text was encrypted:

  1. wrap the stick into the strip, and
  2. read this strip horizontally, that is, along the larger edge.
The skytale encrypting a military order in English (BeEsCommonsWiki (2015))

Here, the key is given by the stick’s circumference, that is, the number of letters that fit around the stick.

For example, if the stick has a circumference of 2 letters (and a length of 3 letters), the two rows


become the three rows


which, once concatenated (to reveal neither the circumference nor the length), become


Security of Historical Examples

Let us apply the established security criteria to the substitution ciphers:

Caesar’s Cipher

This simple substitution cipher violates all desirable qualities: For example, Kerckhoff’s principle that the algorithm be public: Once the method is known, considering the small amount of 25 keys, the ciphertext gives way in short time to a brute-force attack:

brute-force attack: an exhaustive key-search that checks each possible key.

Substitution by any permutation of the letters of the Alphabet

A substitution by any permutation of the letters of the alphabet, such as,


has 26251=26!>1026 26 \cdot 25 \cdots 1 = 26! > 10^{26} keys, so a brute-force attack is computationally infeasible.

But it violates the goals of diffusion and confusion. If the key (= permutation of the alphabet) exchanges the letter α\alpha for the letter β\beta , then there’s

In fact, the algorithm allows statistical attacks on the frequency of letters, bigrams (= pairs of letters) and trigrams (= triples of letters). See Section 12.1.

The Scytale

Also the scytale is weak in any sense given by the security principles. It violates

In fact, the maximum value of the circumference of the stick in letters is <n/2< n/2 where nn = the number of letters in the ciphertext. So a brute-force attack is feasible.

It has

In fact, the algorithm is prone to statistical attacks on the frequency of bigrams (= pairs of letters), trigrams (= triples of letters), and higher tuples. For example, a promising try would be the choice of circumference as number cc that maximizes the frequency of the ‘th’ bigram between the letter strings at positions 1,1+c,1+2c,...1, 1 + c, 1 + 2c, ... , 2,2+c,2+2c,...2, 2 + c, 2 + 2c, ... . For example, if we look TEHMHTUB \text{TEHMHTUB} we notice that T and H are one letter apart, which leads us to the guess that the circumference is three letters, c=3c = 3 , yielding the decipherment THE THUMB. \text{THE THUMB}.

Product ciphers

A product cipher composes ciphers, that is, if the product is two-fold, then the output of one cipher is the input of the other.

product cipher: a composition of ciphers where the output of one cipher serves as the input of the next.

The ciphertext of the product cipher is the ciphertext of the final cipher. Combining transpositions only with transpositions or substitutions only with substitutions, the obtained cipher is again a transposition or substitution, and hardly more secure. However, mixing them, a transposition with substitutions, indeed can make the cipher more secure.

A fractionation cipher is a product cipher that:

  1. substitutes every symbol in the plaintext by a group of symbols (usually pairs),
  2. transposes the obtained ciphertext.

The most famous fractionation cipher was the ADFGVX cipher used by the German forces during World War I:

A a b c d e f
D g h i j k l
F m n o p q r
G s t u v w x
V y z 0 1 2 3
X 4 5 6 7 8 9
  1. The 26 letters of the Latin Alphabet and 10 digits were arranged in a 6×66 \times 6 -table and replaced by the pair of letters among A , D , F , G , V , and X that indicate the row and column of the letter or digit.
  2. The resulting text was written as usual from left to right into the rows of a table and then each column read in the order indicated by a keyword.

However, it was cryptanalyzed within a month by the French cryptanalyst Georges J. Painvin in 1918 when the German army entered in Paris. We will see in Section 2.2 how modern ciphers refine this idea of a product cipher to obtain good diffusion.

Self-Check Questions

  1. For which distances dd is Caesar’s Cipher auto-inverse, that is, the output of the encipherment equals that of the decipherment? For d=0d = 0 and 1313 .
  2. Does Caesar’s Cipher satisfy Kerckhoff’s principle? No, the number of possible keys is too small.
  3. Why is a substitution cipher insecure? Because two identical letters in the plaintext are replaced by two identical letters in the ciphertext.

2.2 Block Ciphers

Classic ciphers usually replaced single letters, sometimes pairs of letters. Systems that operated on trigrams or larger groups of letters were regarded as too tedious and never widely used.

Instead, it is safer to substitute a whole block (of letters instead of a single letter, say) according to the key. However, the alphabet of this replacement would be gigantic, so this ideal is practically unattainable, especially on hardware as limited as a smart card with an 8 bit processor. For a block of, for example, 44 bytes, this substitution table would already have a 44 gigabytes (= 23242^{32} \cdot 4 bytes). However, in modern single-key cryptography a block of information commonly has 1616 bytes, about 27 alphabetic characters (whereas two-key cryptography based on the RSA algorithm commonly uses blocks of 256256 bits, about 620620 alphabetic characters).

Instead, for example, AES only replaces each byte, each entry in a block, a replacement table of 28=2562^8 = 256 entries of 11 byte (and afterwards transposes the entries.) We will see that these operations complement each other so well that they are practically as safe as a substitution of the whole block.

Block and Stream Ciphers

A block cipher partitions the plaintext into blocks of the same size and enciphers each block by a common key: While a block could consist of a single symbol, normally it is larger. For example, in the Data Encryption Standard the block size is 64 bits and in the Advanced Encryption Standard 128 bits.

stream cipher versus block cipher: a stream cipher operates on single characters (for example, single bytes) while a block cipher operates on groups of characters (for example, each 16 bytes large)

A stream cipher partitions the plaintext into units, normally of a single character, and then encrypts the ii -th unit of the plaintext with the ii -th unit of a key stream. Examples are the one-time pad, rotor machines (such as the Enigma) and DES used in Triple DES (in which the output from one encryption is the input of the next encryption).

In a stream cipher, the same section of the key stream that was used to encipher must be used to decipher. Thus, the sender’s and recipient’s key stream must be synchronized initially and constantly thereafter.

Feistel Ciphers

A Feistel Cipher (after Horst Feistel, the inventor of DES) or a substitution and permutation network (SPN ) groups the text (= byte sequence) into nn -byte blocks (for example, n=16n = 16 for AES and enciphers each block by iteration (for example, 10 times in AES , and 5 times in our prototypical model) of the following three steps, in given order:

  1. add (XOR) the key,
  2. substitute of the alphabet (which operates in sub-blocks of the block, for example, on each byte), and
  3. permute of all the sub-blocks in a block.

Substitution and Permutation Network: a cipher that iteratively substitutes and permutes each block after adding a key.

That is, after

  1. the addition (by Or Exclusive) of the key as in the One-time pad,

are applied

  1. the substitution of the alphabet, for example, in the AES algorithm (each byte, pair of hexadecimal letters, by another), and
  2. the permutation of the text (from the current step, the state); for example, in AES , that groups the text into a 4×44\times 4 square (whose entries are pairs of hexadecimal letters), the entries in each row (and the columns) are permuted.

These two simple operations,

complement each other well, that is, they generate high confusion and diffusion after a few iterations. In the first and last round, the steps before respectively after the addition of the key are omitted because they do not increase the cryptographic security: Since the algorithm is public (according to Kerckhoff’s principle), any attacker is capable of undoing all those steps that do not require knowledge of the key.

Though seemingly a Feistel Cipher differs from classical ciphers, it is after all a product cipher, made up of transpositions and substitutions.

Self-Check Questions

  1. What distinguishes a stream cipher from a block cipher? a stream cipher operates on single characters while a block cipher operates on groups of characters
  2. What is a Substitution and Permutation Network (or Feistel Cipher)? A block cipher that iteratively substitutes and permutes each block after adding a key.

2.3 Data Encryption Standard (DES)

The Data Encryption Standard (DES), was made a public standard in 1977 after it won public competition announced by the U.S. National Bureau of Standards (NBS; now the National Institute of Standards and Technology, NIST). IBM (International Business Machines Corporation) submitted the patented Lucifer algorithm invented by one of the company’s researchers, Horst Feistel, a few years earlier (after whom the substitution and permutation network was labelled Feistel Cipher). Its internal functions were slightly altered by the NSA (and National Security Agency) and the (effective) key size shortened from 112 bits to 56 bits, before it became officially the new Data Encryption Standard.

DES: Block cipher with an effective key length of 56 bits conceived by Horst Feistel from IBM that won a U.S. National competition to become a cryptographic standard in 1977.

DES is a product block cipher of 16 iterations, or rounds, of substitution and transposition (permutation). Its block size and key size is 64 bits. However, only 56 of the key bits can be chosen; the remaining eight are redundant parity check bits.

As the name of its inventor Horst Feistel suggests, it is a Feistel Cipher, or substitution and permutation network, similar to the prototype discussed above. It groups the text (= byte sequence) into 32-bit blocks with sub-blocks of 4 bits and enciphers each block in 16 iterations of the following three steps, called the Feistel function, for short F-function, in given order:

  1. add (XOR) the key,

  2. substitution of each 4-bit sub-blocks of the block by the S-box (in hexadecimal notation), and

    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
    E 4 D 1 2 F B 8 3 A 6 C 5 9 0 7
  3. permutation of all the sub-blocks.

The DES F-function (Hellisp (2014))

At each round ii , the output from the preceding round is split into the 32 left-most bits, L(i)L(i) , and the 32 right-most bits, R(i)R(i) . R(i)R(i) will become L(i+1)L(i+1) , whereas R(i+1)R(i + 1) is the output of a complex function, L(i)+f(R(i),K(i+1))L(i) + f(R(i), K(i + 1)) whose input is

This process is repeated 16 times.

Essential for the security of DES is the non-linear S-box of the F -function ff specified by the Bureau of Standards; it is not only non-linear, that is, f(A)+f(B)f(A+B)f(A) + f(B) \neq f(A + B) but maximizes confusion and diffusion as identified by Claude Shannon for a secure cipher in Section 2.1.

Key Size and the Birth of 3DES

The security of the DES like any algorithm is no greater than the effort to search 2562^{56} keys. When introduced in 1977, this was considered an infeasible computational task, but already in 1999 a special-purpose computer achieved this in three days. A workaround, called “Triple DES” or 3DES, was devised that effectively gave the DES a 112-bit key (using two normal DES keys).

3DES: Triple application of DES to double the key size of the DES algorithm.

(Which is after all the key size for the algorithm originally proposed by IBM for the Data Encryption Standard.) The encryption would be E(1)D(2)E(1)E(1) \circ D(2) \circ E(1) while decryption would be D(1)E(2)D(1)D(1) \circ E(2) \circ D(1) , that is, the encryption steps are:

  1. Encrypt by the first key,
  2. Decrypt by the second key, and
  3. Encrypt by the first key;

while the decryption steps are:

  1. Decrypt by the first key,
  2. Encrypt by the second key, and
  3. Decrypt by the first key.

If the two keys coincide, then this cipher becomes an ordinary single-key DES; thus, triple DES is backward compatible with equipment implemented for (single) DES.

DES is the first cryptographic algorithm to fulfill Kerckhoff’s principle of being public: every detail of its implementation is published. (Before, for example, the implementation records of the Japanese and German cipher machines in World War II were released only half a century after their cryptanalysis.)

Shortly after its introduction as a cryptographic standard, the use of the DES algorithm was made mandatory for all (electronic) financial transactions of the U.S. government and banks of the Federal Reserve. Standards organizations worldwide adopted the DES, turning it into an international standard for business data security. It only waned slowly after its successor AES was adopted around 2000 (after its shortcomings became more and more apparent and could only be worked around, by provisional means such as 3DES).

Self-Check Questions

  1. What key size does DES use?

  2. Name a cryptographic weakness of DES: Short key length.

  3. What does 3DES stand for? Tripe DES, that is, tripe application of DES.

  4. What key size does 3DES use?

2.4 Advanced encryption standard (AES)

In January 1997 the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST; former National Bureau of Standards, NBS) announced a public contest (National Institute for Standards and Technology (2000)) for an Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) to replace the former symmetric encryption standard, the Data Encryption Standard (DES). Since improvements in computing power allowed to find the fixed 56-bit DES key by exhaustive key-search (brute force) in a matter of days, the NIST specifications for the AES demanded an ever increasable key length, if ever need be. The winner of this competition, the algorithm that became the AES, was Rijndael (named after its creators Vincent Rijmen and Joan Daemen):

AES: Substitution and Permutation network with a (variable) key length of usually 128 bits conceived by Vincent Rijmen and Joan Daemen that won a U.S. National competition to become a cryptographic standard in 2000 and succeed DES.

Evaluation of Security

The creators of AES could demonstrate in Daemen and Rijmen (1999) that these two operations complement each other so well that, after several iterations, they almost compensate for the absence of a replacement of the entire block by another. For a more detailed source, see Daemen and Rijmen (2002).

As was the case with DES, the AES, decades after its introduction, still stands strong against any attacks of cryptanalysis, but foreseeably will not yield to developments in computing, as happened to the DES, also thanks to its adjustable key size.


Among the competitors of public contest by the NIST, none of them stood out for its greater security, but Rijndael for its simplicity, or clarity, and in particular computational economy in implementation. Since this algorithm is to be run everywhere, for example on 8-bit smart card processors (smartcards), the decision was made in favour of Rijndael. Rijndael not only was secure, but thanks to its elegant and simple design, also both small enough to be implemented on smart cards (at less than 10,000 bytes of code).

To this day, this algorithm remains unbroken and is considered the safest; there is no need for another standard symmetric cryptographic algorithm. And indeed, it runs everywhere: For example, to encrypt a wireless network, a single key is used, so the encryption algorithm is symmetrical. The safest option, and therefore most recommended, is AES.

Encipherment in Blocks

The AES algorithm is a block cipher, that is, it groups the plaintext (and the keys) into byte blocks of 4×B4 \times B-byte rectangles where B:=number of columns in the rectangle=4,6or8. B := \text{number of columns in the rectangle} = 4, 6 or 8. Commonly, and for us from now on, B=4B = 4 , that is, the rectangle is a 4×44 \times 4-square (containing 1616 bytes or, equivalently, 128128 bits). Each entry of the block is a byte (= sequence of eight binary digits = eight-bit binary number).

On a hexadecimal basis (= whose numbers are 09, A = 10, B = 11, C = 12, D = 13, E = 14 and F = 15), such a square is for example

A1 13 B1 4A
A3 AF 04 1E
3D 13 C1 55
B1 92 83 72


The AES algorithm enciphers each byte block BB iteratively, in a number of rounds RR which depends on the number of columns of BB: there are R=10R = 10 rounds for B=4B = 4 columns, R=12R = 12 rounds for B=6B = 6 columns and R=14R = 14 rounds for B=8B = 8 columns. For us, as we assume B=4B = 4 columns, R=10R = 10.

The Substitution and Permutation cipher AES operates repeatedly as follows on each block:

  1. Substitute each byte of the (square) block according to a substitution table (S-box) with 28=2562^8 = 256 entries of 11 byte each.
  2. Permute the entries of each row, and
  3. exchange the entries (= bytes = eight-digit binary numbers) of each column by sums of multiples of them.
  4. Add the round key, which is a byte block of the same size, to the block (by XOR in each entry).

The first step is a substitution. The second and third step count as a horizontal permutation (of the entries in each row) respectively vertical permutation (of the entries in each column).

CrypTool 1 offers in Menu Individual Procedures -> Visualization of Algorithms -> AES

The AES rounds in CrypTool 1 (Zabala (2019a))
Figure 2.1: The AES rounds in CrypTool 1 (Zabala (2019a))

In these rounds, keys are generated, the plaintext replaced and transposed by the following operations:

  1. Round r=0r = 0 :

  2. Rounds r=1,...,R1r = 1, ..., R-1 : to encrypt, apply the following functions:

    1. SubBytes to replace each entry (= byte = sequence of eight bits) with a better distributed sequence of bits,
    2. ShiftRows to permute the entries of each row of the block,
    3. MixColumn to exchange the entries (= bytes = eight-digit binary number) of each column of the block by sums of multiples of them,
    4. AddRoundKey to generate a key from the previous round’s key and add it (by XOR) to the block.
  3. Round r=Rr = R : to encrypt, apply the following functions:

    1. SubBytes
    2. ShiftRows
    3. AddRoundKey

    That is, compared to previous rounds, the MixColumn function is omitted: It turns out that MixColumn and AddRoundKey, after a slight change of AddRoundKey, can change the order without changing the end result of both operations. In this equivalent order, the operation MixColumn does not increase cryptographic security, as the last operation invertible without knowledge of the key. So it can be omitted.

The function MixColumn (and at its origin SubBytes) uses the multiplication of the so-called Rijndael field 𝔽28\mathbb{F}_{2^8} to compute the multiple of (the eight-digit binary number given by) a byte; it will be presented at the end of this chapter. Briefly, the field defines, on all eight-digit binary numbers, an addition given by XOR and a multiplication given by a polynomial division with remainder: The eight-digit binary numbers a=a7...a0a = a_7 ... a_0 and b=b7...b0b = b_7 ... b_0 to be multiplied are identified with polynomials a(x)=a7x7++a0 and b(x)=b7++b0 a(x) = a_7 x^7 + \cdots + a_0 \quad \text{ and } \quad b(x) = b_7 + \cdots + b_0 which are then multiplied as usual to give a polynomial C(x)=a(x)b(x)C(x) = a(x) b(x). To yield a polynomial with degree 7\leq 7, the remainder c(x)=c7x7++c0c(x) = c_7 x^7 + \cdots + c_0 of C(x)C(x) by polynomial division with m(x)=x8+x4+x3+x+1. m(x) = x^8 + x^4 + x^3 + x + 1. is computed. The product c=abc = a \cdot b is then given by the coefficients c7...c0c_7 ... c_0.

Let us describe all round functions in more detail:


SubBytes substitutes each byte of the block by another byte given by the S-box substitution table.

To calculate the value of the entry by which the S-box substitutes each byte:

  1. Calculate its multiplicative inverse BB in 𝔽28\mathbb{F}_{2^8} ,

  2. Calculate ai=bi+bi+4+bi+5+bi+6+bi+7+ci a_i = b_i + b_{i + 4} + b_{i + 5} + b_{i + 6} + b_{i + 7} + c_i where ii = 0 , 1 , …, 7 is the index of each bit of a byte, and

In matrix form, (a0a1a2a3a4a5a6a7)=(1000111111000111111000111111000111111000011111000011111000011111)(b0b1b2b3b4b5b6b7)+(11000110) \begin{pmatrix} a_0 \\ a_1 \\ a_2 \\ a_3 \\ a_4 \\ a_5 \\ a_6 \\ a_7 \end{pmatrix} = \begin{pmatrix} 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 1 \\ 1 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 1 \\ 1 & 1 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 1 \\ 1 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 \\ 1 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 1 \end{pmatrix} \begin{pmatrix} b_0 \\ b_1 \\ b_2 \\ b_3 \\ b_4 \\ b_5 \\ b_6 \\ b_7 \end{pmatrix} + \begin{pmatrix} 1 \\ 1 \\ 0 \\ 0 \\ 0 \\ 1 \\ 1 \\ 0 \end{pmatrix} in hexadecimal notation (where the row number corresponds to the first hexadecimal digit and the column number to the second hexadecimal digit of the byte to be replaced):

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
0 63 7c 77 7b f2 6b 6f c5 30 01 67 2b fe d7 ab 76
1 ca 82 c9 7d fa 59 47 f0 ad d4 a2 af 9c a4 72 c0
2 b7 fd 93 26 36 3f f7 cc 34 a5 e5 f1 71 d8 31 15
3 04 c7 23 c3 18 96 05 9a 07 12 80 e2 eb 27 b2 75
4 09 83 2c 1a 1b 6e 5a a0 52 3b d6 b3 29 e3 2f 84
5 53 d1 00 ed 20 fc b1 5b 6a cb be 39 4a 4c 58 cf
6 d0 ef aa fb 43 4d 33 85 45 f9 02 7f 50 3c 9f a8
7 51 a3 40 8f 92 9d 38 f5 bc b6 da 21 10 ff f3 d2
8 cd 0c 13 ec 5f 97 44 17 c4 a7 7e 3d 64 5d 19 73
9 60 81 4f dc 22 2a 90 88 46 ee b8 14 de 5e 0b db
A e0 32 3a 0a 49 06 24 5c c2 d3 ac 62 91 95 e4 79
B e7 c8 37 6d 8d d5 4e a9 6c 56 f4 ea 65 7a ae 08
C ba 78 25 2e 1c a6 b4 c6 e8 dd 74 1f 4b bd 8b 8a
D 70 3e b5 66 48 03 f6 0e 61 35 57 b9 86 c1 1d 9e
E e1 f8 98 11 69 d9 8e 94 9b 1e 87 e9 ce 55 28 df
F 8c a1 89 0d bf e6 42 68 41 99 2d 0f b0 54 bb 16


ShiftRows shifts the ll-th row (counted starting from zero, that is, ll runs through 00 , 11 , 22 and 33; in particular, the first row is not shifted) ll positions to the left (where shift is cyclic). That is, the (square) block with entries

B00 B01 B02 B03
B10 B11 B12 B13
B20 B21 B22 B23
B30 B31 B32 B33

is transformed into one with entries

B00 B01 B02 B03
B11 B12 B13 B10
B22 B23 B20 B21
B33 B30 B31 B32
Transposition in AES algorithm (Moser (2009))


MixColumn exchanges all entries of each column of the block by a sum of multiples of them. This is done by multiplying each column by a fixed matrix. More exactly,

then (a0,ja1,ja2,ja3,j)=(02030101010203010101020303010102)(b0,jb1,jb2,jb3,j) \begin{pmatrix} a_{0,j} \\ a_{1,j} \\ a_{2,j} \\ a_{3,j} \end{pmatrix} = \begin{pmatrix} 02 & 03 & 01 & 01 \\ 01 & 02 & 03 & 01 \\ 01 & 01 & 02 & 03 \\ 03 & 01 & 01 & 02 \end{pmatrix} \begin{pmatrix} b_{0,j} \\ b_{1,j} \\ b_{2,j} \\ b_{3,j} \end{pmatrix} For example, the byte a0,ja_{0,j} is computed by a0,j=2b0,j+3b1,j+b2,j+b3,j a_{0,j} = 2 \cdot b_{0,j} + 3 \cdot b_{1,j} + b_{2,j} + b_{3,j}


AddRoundKey adds, by the XOR operation, the key W(r)W(r) of the current round rr to the current block BB of the ciphertext, the status, that is, BB is transformed into BW(r). B \oplus W(r). The key is generated column by column. We denote them by W(r)0W(r)_0, W(r)1W(r)_1, W(r)2W(r)_2 and W(r)3W(r)_3; that is, W(r)=W(r)0W(r)1W(r)2W(r)3. W(r) = W(r)_0 \mid W(r)_1 \mid W(r)_2 \mid W(r)_3. Since the key has 1616 bytes, each column has 44 bytes.

  1. The first round key W(0)W(0) is given by the initial WW key.
  2. For r=1r = 1 , …, RR (where RR is the total number of rounds, R=10R = 10 for us), the four columns W(r)0W(r)_0, W(r)1W(r)_1, W(r)2W(r)_2 and W(r)3W(r)_3 of the new key are generated from the columns of the old W(r1)W(r-1) key as follows:
    1. The first column W(r)0W(r)_0 is given by W(r)0=W(r1)0ScheduleCore(W(r1)3); W(r)_0 = W(r-1)_0 \oplus \mathrm{ScheduleCore}(W(r-1)_3); that is, the last column of the previous round key plus the result of ScheduleCore applied to the first column of the previous round key (which we denote by TT ); here ScheduleChore is the composition of transformations:
      1. SubWord : Substitutes each of the 4 bytes of TT according to the S-box of SubBytes .
      2. RotWord : Shift TT one byte to the left (in a circular manner, that is, the last byte becomes the first).
      3. Rcon(r): Adds (by XOR ) to TT the constant value, in hexadecimal notation, (02)r1000000(02)^{r-1} 00 00 00 (where the power, that is, the iterated product, is calculated in the Rijndael field 𝔽28\mathbb{F}_{2^8}). That is, the only byte that changes is the first one, by adding either the value 2r12^{r-1} (for r8r \leq 8 ) or the value 2r12^{r-1} in F28F_{2^8} for r=9,10r = 9, 10.
    2. The next columns W(r)1W(r)_1, W(r)2W(r)_2 and W(r)3W(r)_3 are given, for i=1,2i = 1, 2 and 33 , by W(r)i=W(r)i1W(r1)i; W(r)_i = W(r)_{i-1} \oplus W(r-1)_i; that is, the previous column of the current round key plus the current column of the previous round key.


We note that the only transformation that is not affine (that is, the composition of a linear application and a constant shift) is the multiplicative inversion in the Rijndael field 𝔽28\mathbb{F}_{2^8} in the SubBytes operation. In fact

  1. In the operation SubBytes are applied, in this order,
    1. the inversion in 𝔽28\mathbb{F}_{2^8} ,
    2. a linear application, and
    3. the translation by a constant vector.
  2. ShiftRows is a permutation, in particular, linear.
  3. MixColumn is an addition, in particular, linear.
  4. AddRoundKey is the translation by the round key.

Regarding the goals of ideal diffusion and confusion, we can point out that in each step about half of the bits (in SubBytes) or bytes (in MixColumn and ShiftRows)is replaced and transposed. To convince oneself of the complementarity of the simple operations for high security, that is, that they generate in conjunction high confusion and diffusion after few iterations:

it is worth to experiment in Individual Procedures -> Visualization of Algorithms -> AES -> Inspector with some pathological values, for example:

The values of the blocks along the rounds of AES in CrypTool 1 (Zabala (2019b))
Figure 2.2: The values of the blocks along the rounds of AES in CrypTool 1 (Zabala (2019b))

We see how this small initial difference spreads out, already generating totally different results after, say, four rounds! This makes plausible the immunity of AES against differential cryptanalysis.

In case all key and plaintext entries are equal to 00 , we also understand the impact of adding the Rcon(r) constant to the key in each round: that’s where all the confusion comes from!

The Rijndael binary field

The function MixColumn (as well as the computation of the power of Rcon in AddRoundKey) uses the multiplication given by the so-called Rijndael field, denoted 𝔽28\mathbb{F}_{2^8}, to compute the multiple of (the number given by a) byte; let us quickly introduce it:

Groups and Fields

A group is a set GG with


Example. The set of nonzero rational numbers *\mathbb{Q}^* with the multiplication operation \cdot is a group.

If the group GG is commutative, that is, if the operation satisfies the commutativity law, then commonly

Example. The set of rational numbers \mathbb{Q} with the addition operation ++ is a commutative group.

A field is a set FF with an addition and multiplication operation ++ and \cdot such that

Example. The set of rational numbers \mathbb{Q} with addition ++ and multiplication \cdot is a field.

Bytes as Polynomials with Binary Coefficients of Degree 7

A byte, a sequence b7b_7b1b_1, b0b_0 of eight bits in {0,1}\{ 0, 1 \} is considered a polynomial with binary coefficients by b7...b1b0b7X7++b1X+b0 b_7 ... b_1 b_0 \mapsto b_7 X^7 + \cdots + b_1 X + b_0 For example, the hexadecimal number 0x570x57 , or binary number 010101110101 0111 , corresponds to the polynomial x6+x4+x2+x+1. x^6 + x^4 + x^2 + x + 1. All additions and multiplications in AES take place in the binary field 𝔽28\mathbb{F}_{2^8} with 28=2562^8 = 256 elements, which is a set of numbers with addition and multiplication that satisfies the associativity, commutativity and distributivity law (like, for example, \mathbb{Q} ) defined as follows: Let 𝔽2={0,1} \mathbb{F}_2 = \{ 0, 1 \} be the field of two elements with

Let 𝔽2[X]=/2=the polynomials on 𝔽2, \mathbb{F}_2[X] = \mathbb{Z} / 2 \mathbb{Z} = \text{the polynomials on } \mathbb{F}_2, that is, the finite sums a0+a1X+a2X2+s+anXna_0 + a_1 X + a_2 X^2 + \cdot s + a_n X^n to a0a_0 , a1a_1 , …, ana_n to 𝔽2\mathbb{F}_2 and be 𝔽28:=𝔽2[X]/(X8+X4+X3+X+1). \mathbb{F}_{2^8} := \mathbb{F}_2[X] / (X^8 + X^4 + X^3 + X+1). That is, the result of both operations ++ and \cdot in 𝔽2X\mathbb{F}_2 X is the remainder of the division by X8+X4+X3+X+1X^{8 + X^4 + X} 3 + X + 1 .


The ++ addition of two polynomials is the addition in 𝔽2\mathbb{F}_2 coefficient to coefficient. That is, as bytes, the ++ addition is given by the XOR addition.


The multiplication \cdot is given by the natural multiplication followed by the division with rest by the polynomial m(x)=x8+x4+x3+x+1. m(x) = x^8 + x^4 + x^3 + x + 1. For example, in hexadecimal notation, 5783=C157 \cdot 83 = C1 , because (x6+x4+x2+x+1)(x7+x+1)=x13+x11+x9+x8+x6+x5+x4+x3+1 (x^6 + x^4 + x^2 + x + 1)(x^7 + x + 1) = x^{13} + x^{11} + x^9 + x^8 + x^6 + x^5 + x^4 + x^3 + 1 and x13+x11+x9+x8+x6+x5+x4+x3+1=(x5+x3+1)(x8+x4+x3+x+1)+x7+x6+1 x^{13} + x^{11} + x^9 + x^8 + x^6 + x^5 + x^4 + x^3 + 1 = (x^5 + x^3 + 1) (x^8 + x^4 + x^3 + x + 1) + x^7 + x^6 + 1 The multiplication by the polynomial 11 does not change anything, it is the neutral element. For every polynomial b(x)b(x) , Euclid’s extended algorithm, calculates polynomials a(x)a(x) and c(x)c(x) such that b(x)a(x)+m(x)c(x)=1. b(x)a(x) + m(x)c(x) = 1. That is, in the division with the remaining a(x)b(x)a(x) b(x) for m(x)m(x) left over 11 . This means that aa is the inverse multiplicative in 𝔽28\mathbb{F}_{2^8} , b1(x)=a(x) in 𝔽28. b^{-1}(x) = a(x) \text{ in } \mathbb{F}_{2^8}. When we invert a byte bb into 𝔽28\mathbb{F}_{2^8} , we mean byte a=b1a = b^{-1}.

Self-Check Questions

  1. How many rounds has AES for a 128 bit key?

  2. Which are the steps of each round? SubBytes, ShiftRows, MixColumn and AddRoundKey

  3. Which one of the steps is non-linear?


There are two basic operations in ciphering: transpositions and substitution.

Either of these ciphers is insecure because they preserve statistical data of the plaintext: For example, a mere (monoalphabetic) substitution cipher falls victim to the frequency distributions of symbols in the plaintext being carried over to the ciphertext. Instead, a modern cipher combines substitution and permutation ciphers, so called substitution and permutation network or Feistel cipher

While the only cipher proved to be perfectly secure, that is no method of cryptanalysis is faster than exhaustive key-search, modern ciphers such as DES from 1976 or AES from 2000 in practice achieve, up to (the k)now, the same, that is, no cryptanalytic method faster than exhaustive key-search is known. The key criterion for this feat is high diffusion as defined by Shannon, that is, if a bit in the plaintext or key changes, then half of the bits in the ciphertext changes. Compare it to that of ancient algorithms!


  1. Which cipher is a substitution cipher? Scytale, Enigma, AES, DES
  2. Which cipher is perfectly secure? RSA, one-time pad, AES, DES
  3. What is the smallest key size used by AES? 56, 128128 , 512, 2048

Required Reading

Read the section on symmetric cryptography in the article Simmons et al. (2016).

Read (at least the beginnings of) Chapter 9 on hash functions in Menezes, Oorschot, and Vanstone (1997), and (at least the beginnings of) that in the most recent work Aumasson (2017), Chapter 6.

Further Reading

Cryptanalyze a substitution cipher in Esslinger et al. (2008).

Follow the encryption process

See the book Sweigart (2013a) for implementing some simpler (symmetric) algorithms in Python, a readable beginner-friendly programming language.

Read the parts of the book Schneier (2007) on understanding and implementing modern symmetric cryptographic algorithms.

3 Hash Functions

Study Goals

On completion of this chapter, you will have learned about the manifold uses of (cryptographic) hash functions whose outputs serve as IDs of their input (for example, a large file).


A hash function is an algorithm that generates an output of fixed (byte) size (usually around 16 to 64 bytes) from an input of variable (byte) size, for example, a text or image file, a compressed archive.

hash function: algorithm that generates a fixed-size output from variable-size input

As a slogan it transforms a large amount of data into a small amount of information.


A hash function takes an input (or “message”), a variable-size string (of bytes), and returns a fixed-size string, the hash value (or, depending on its use, also (message) digest, digital fingerprint or checksum).

For example, the hash md5 (of 16 bytes) of the word “key” in hexadecimal coding (that is, whose digits run through 0, …,9, a,b, c,d,e and f) is 146c07ef2479cedcd54c7c2af5cf3a80.

One distinguishes between


A (simple) hash function, or checksum function, should satisfy:

That is, with respect to the second property, a hash function should behave as much as possible like a random function, while still being a fast and deterministic algorithm.

checksum function: algorithm that quickly generates a fixed-size output from variable-size input without collisions.

For example, the most naive checksum would be the sum of the bits of the input, truncated to the fixed output size. It is almost a hash function: it is fast, and it is indeed unlikely that two different messages give the same hash. However, one easily obtains two almost identical messages with the same hash. Tiny alterations could therefore go undetected.

Cryptographic hash function

A cryptographic (or one-way) hash function should, moreover, satisfy:

Thus the output string of fixed length that a cryptographic hash function produces from a string of any length (an important message, say) is a kind of inimitable signature. A person who knows the hash value cannot know the original message; only the person who knows the original message can prove that the “hash value” is produced from that message.

cryptographic (or one-way) hash function: a hash function such that, given an output, it is unfeasible to calculate a corresponding input.

More exactly:

weak collision resistance: computationally unfeasible to find an unknown message for a given hash.

strong collision resistance: computationally unfeasible to find two messages with the same hash.

Otherwise, an attacker could substitute an authorized message with an unauthorized one.


Hash functions are used for


A checksum is a method of error detection in data transmission (where it also bears the name message digest) and storage. That is, a checksum detects whether the received or stored data was not accidentally or intentionally changed, that is, is free from errors or tampering. It is a hash of (a segment of) computer data that is calculated before and after transmission or storage.

That is, it is a function which, when applied to any data, generates a relatively short number, usually between 128 and 512 bits. This number is then sent with the text to a recipient who reapplies the function to the data and compares the result with the original number. If they coincide, then most probably the message has not been altered during transmission; if not, then it is practically certain that the message was altered.

Most naively, all the bits are added up, and the sum is transmitted or stored as part of the data to be compared with the sum of the bits after transmission or storage. Another possibility is a parity bit that counts whether the number of nonzero bits, for example, in a byte, is even or odd. (The sum over all bits for the exclusive-or operation instead of the usual addition operation.) Some errors — such as reordering the bytes in the message, adding or removing zero valued bytes, and multiple errors which increase and decrease the checksum so that they cancel each other out — cannot be detected using this checksum.

The simplest such hash function that avoids these shortfalls against accidental alterations is CRC, which will be discussed below. It is faster than cryptographic checksums, but does not protect against intentional modifications.

Hash Table

A hash table stores and sorts data by a table in which every entry is indexed by its hash (for a hash function that is fixed once and for all for the table). That is, its key is the hash of its value. This key has to be unique, and therefore the hash function ideally collision free. If not, then, given a key, first the address where several entries with this key are stored has to be looked up, and then the sought-for entry among them, causing a slow down.

Therefore, the hash size has to be chosen wisely before creating the table, just large enough to avoid hash collisions in the far future. If this can be achieved, then the hash table will always find information at the same speed, no matter how much data is put in. That is, hash tables often find information faster than other data structures, such as search trees, and frequently used; for example, for associative arrays, databases, and caches.


In practice, even for checksums, most hash functions are cryptographic. Though slower, they are still fast enough on most hardware. In fact, sometimes, for example to store passwords, they have to deliberately slow so that the passwords cannot be found quickly by their hash values through an exhaustive search among probable candidates (see rainbow tables in Section 12.6.2).

The most common cryptographic hash functions used to be MD5, usually with an output length of 128 bit, invented by Ron Rivest of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1991. By 1996 methods were developed to create collisions for the MD5 algorithm, that is, two messages with the same MD5 hash. MD5CRK was a concerted effort in 2004 by Jean-Luc Cooke and his company, CertainKey Cryptosystems, to prove the MD5 algorithm insecure by finding a collision. The project started in March and ended in August 2004 after a collision for MD5 was found. In 2005, further security defects were detected. In 2007 the NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) opened a competition to design a new hash function and gave it the name SHA hash functions, that became a Federal Information Processing standard.

Cyclic Redundance Check (CRC)

One exception is the Cyclic Redundance Check (CRC) which is a fast simple hash function to detect noise, expected accidental errors, for example, while reading a disc, such as a DVD, or in network traffic. The CRC uses a binary generating polynomial (a formal sum in an unknown whose only coefficients are 0 and 1 such as X2+XX^2 + X ). The CRC is computed by:

  1. a polynomial division of the binary polynomial obtained from the binary input (that is, 1001 corresponds to X3+1X^3 + 1 ) by the generating polynomial, and
  2. taking the remainder from the division as output.

The choice of the generator polynomial is the most important one to be made when implementing the CRC algorithm; it should maximize the error-detection and minimize the chances of collision. The most important attribute of the polynomial is its length (or degree) as it determines the length of the output. Most commonly used polynomial lengths are 9 bits (CRC-8), 17 bits (CRC-16), 33 bits (CRC-32) and 65 bits (CRC-64).

In fact, the type of a CRC identifies the generating polynomial in hexadecimal format (whose 16 digests run through 0, …, 9 and A, …, F). A frequent CRC type is that used by Ethernet, PKZIP, WinZip, and PNG; the polynomial 0x040x04 .

Again, the CRC can only be relied on to confirm the integrity against accidental modification; through intentional modification, an attacker can cause changes in the data that remain undetected by a CRC. To prevent against this, cryptographic hash functions could be used to verify data integrity.


SHA stands for Secure Hash Algorithm. The SHA hash functions are cryptographic hash functions made by the National Security Agency (NSA) and the National Institute of Standards and Technology. SHA-1 is the successor to MD5 with a hash size of 160 bits, an earlier, widely-used hash function, that fell victim to more and more suspicious security shortcomings (even though it is not downright broken; for example, there is no known computationally feasible way to produce an input for a given hash ). SHA-1 was notably used in the Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA) as prescribed by the Digital Signature Standard (DSS) by the Internet Engineering Task Force.

In the meanwhile, there are three SHA algorithms SHA-1, SHA-2 and SHA-3, released in 2015 of ever-increasing security, mitigating the shortcomings of each predecessor. “SHA-2” permits hashes of different bit sizes; to indicate the number of bits, it is appended to the prefix “SHA”, for example, “SHA-224”, “SHA-256”, “SHA-384”, and “SHA-512”.

3.2 Hash as ID

A hash function should be

So if, for example, the output has 256 bits, then ideally each value should have the same probability 22562^{-256}. That is, the output identifies the input practically uniquely (with a collision chance of ideally 22562^{-256}); So one might think of a data hash, for example, from a file, as its ID card (or more accurately, identity number); a hash identifies much data by little information.

Since the length of the hash sequence is limited (rarely 512\geq 512 bits), while the length of the input sequence is unlimited, there are collisions, that is equal hashes from different files. However, the algorithm minimizes the probability of collisions by distributing their values as evenly as possible: Intuitively, make them as random as possible; more accurately, every possible fixed-length sequence is a value and the probability of each of the values is the same.

3.3 Cryptographic Hash Functions

It is cryptographic (or one-way)

Cryptographic or One-Way hash function: a hash function such that it is computationally infeasible to find an input for a given output and similar inputs have dissimilar output.

More exactly, the algorithm should resist

According to Kerckhoff’s principle, the algorithm should also be public. In practice,

For example, the CRC algorithm is a hash function (not cryptographic); Common cryptographic hash functions are, for example, MD4, MD5, SHA-1, SHA-256 and SHA-3.

For example, the output of the hash function SHA-256 of ongel is bcaec91f56ef60299f60fbce80be31c49bdb36bc500525b8690cc68a6fb4b7f6. The output of a hash function, called hash, but also message digest or digital fingerprint, depending on the input, is used, for example, for message integrity and authentication.

3.4 Common Cryptographic Hash Functions

The most commonly used hash (cryptographic) algorithms even today are 16 bytes (=128 bits) MD4 and MD5 or SHA-1, which uses 20 bytes (= 160 bits). Although all of these, MD4, MD5 and SHA-1 do not withstand collision attacks, they remain popular for use. Their implementation details are described in RFCs (Request for Comments): an RFC publicly specifies in a text file the details of a proposed Internet standard or of a new version of an existing standard and are commonly drafted by university and corporate researchers to get feedback from others. An RFC is discussed on the Internet and in formal meetings of the working group tasked by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). For example, networking standards such as IP and Ethernet have been documented in RFCs.

instead of MD4, MD5 or the ancient SHA-1, recommended are more recent versions like SHA-256 and SHA-3 of the Secure Hash Algorithm.

Secure Hash Algorithm: Hash algorithm recommended by the National Institute for Standards and Technology.

3.5 Construction Scheme

Similar to modern symmetric ciphers that follow the design laid out by Feistel’s Lucifer algorithm in the 70s, cryptographic hash functions follow the Merkle-Damgård construction:

The Merkle meta-method, or the Merkle-Damgård construction, builds from a lossless compression function (that is, whose inputs have the same length as the output) a lossy compression function, that is, a hash function. This method allows us to reduce the immunity of the entire hash function against

to the corresponding immunity of the compression function.

Merkle Meta-Method Scheme

This construction needs

With h0=IVh_0 = \mathrm{IV}, one computes for i=1,2,...i = 1, 2, ... hi=C(mi,hi1). h_i = C(m_i, h_{i-1}). That is, for the computation of the hash of the current block, the value of the compression function of the last block enters jointly with the current block value.

The Merkle meta-method (Chouhartem (2016)) where remplissage and bourrage = padding, and f is the compression function (denoted C )

The C compression function consists of a Feistel Cipher (or substitution and permutation network) cc where

The addition of hi1h_{i-1} ensures that the C compression function is no longer invertible (unlike the cc cipher for a fixed key); that is, for a given output, it is no longer possible to know the (unique) input. Otherwise, to create a collision, given an output hih_i , one could decipher by different keys, mim_i ' and mim_i '' to get different entries hi1h_{i-1}' and hi1h_{i-1}'' .


To reduce the immunity from hash to compression function, the padding mm¯m \overline m needs to meet sufficient conditions:

The simplest pad that meets these conditions is the one that attaches the length |m||m| to mm and fills the segment between the end of mm and |m||m| by the number of 0 s prescribed by the block size, that is, the concatenation m¯=m0k|m|. \overline m = m \, \| \, 0^k \, \| \, |m|.

Observation: To avoid collisions, it is not enough for the padding to fill with zeros the rest of the message: This way, two messages that only differ in the number of final zeros at the last end would have the same padding!

Instead, the simplest way would be to attach a digit 1, and then the rest with 0s. However, we will see that this would allow collisions with the Merkle meta-method if the initial value IV was chosen in the following way:

Denote B1,...,BkB_1 , ..., B_k the message blocks and IV the starting value. The hash is calculated by iterating the compression function C:(X,B)C(X,B)C : (X,B) \to C(X,B) H(M)=C(C(..C(C(IV,B1),B2)...Bk1),Bk) H(M) = C(C(..C(C(\mathrm{IV},B_1),B_2)...B_{k-1}),B_k) The clou of Merkle’s meta-method is the reduction of collisions from the hash function to the compression function: a hash collision would imply a collision of the compression function, that is, different pairs of X,BX',B' and X,BX'',B'' blocks with C(X,B)=C(X,B)C(X',B')=C(X'',B'') .

To see this, we note that

Without the length in the padding, the collision of two messages with different lengths can ultimately only be reduced to a pre-image of the initial value IV under the compression function, that is, a value B such that IV=C(IV,B). \mathrm{IV} = C(\mathrm{IV}, B).

If its choice were arbitrary, the authors of MD5 and SHA-256 could however have inserted the following back door: Both algorithms use Mayer-Davis’s scheme, that is, a compression function C(X,K)=XE(X,K) C(X,K) = X \oplus E(X, K) for a Feistel cipher E with a key KK ; in particular, with KK fixed the decryption function EK=E(,K)E_K = E( \cdot,K) is invertible! Now, if the authors wanted to, they could have chosen a key KK and set IV:=EK1(0) \mathrm{IV} := E_K^{-1}(0) exactly so that IV = C(IV,K). Then C(IV, B) = C(C(IV, K), B) , that is, a collision between the hashes of BB and KBK \oplus B !

Since, for example, MD5 and SHA-256 choose as IV a value whose pre-image is supposedly not known (for example, the hexadecimal digits in ascending order in MD5 or the decimal digits of the first eight primes in SHA-256) this problem is more theoretical than practical.

3.6 SHA-256

We won’t study the inner workings of SHA-256 in detail (in contrast to O’Connor (2022)), but a schematic look at its design shows that it follows the Merkle-Damgård construction:

Compression function (Kaminsky (2004))

It is then iterated in roughly 64 rounds:

Iteration (Kaminsky (2004))

On Lynn-Miller (2007), you can trace the bytes of an input of your choosing at each step of the SHA-1 algorithm.

3.7 Uses

Uses of cryptographic hash functions abound:

Digital Signatures

If the roles of the public and private key are flipped, then the encryption is a digital signature: while the encrypted message will no longer be secret, every owner of the public key can check whether the original message was encrypted by the private key. However, in theory, signing a file (using the RSA algorithm) that was encrypted using the RSA algorithm would decrypt it. Therefore, in practice, since for a signature it suffices to unequivocally identify the signed file (but its content often secret, for example, when signing a secret key), usually a cryptographic hash is encrypted by the private key.


A message authentication code algorithm uses a one-way hash function (such as MD5 or SHA-1) and a block cipher that accepts a secret key and a message as input to produce a MAC. The MAC value provides the intended receivers (who know the secret key) to detect any changes to the message content by:

Data Storage and Integrity

Hash functions (not necessarily cryptographic, like CRC) are used:


Cryptographic Hash functions are used:

Observation: Note the difference between authenticity and authentication: The former guarantees the equality of data received and sent from a person (for example, in the digital signature), the latter the identity of that person (for example, in a secure site access).

The cryptographic hash algorithms listed above, MD4/5, SHA … distribute the values evenly, but are fast; so they are unsuitable for password creation because they are vulnerable to brute-force attacks. To prevent these, the PBKDF algorithm, for example, PBKDF1, PBKDF2, bcrypt, scrypt, Argon2 (a new and more promising candidate), are

3.8 Dispersion Table

A h table (or scatter table) uses a hash function to address the entries (= rows) of a array, that is, a data table.

Each entry has a name, that is, a unique identification (= key). For example, the key is the name of a person. The key data, for example, your telephone number, is stored in a table row. These rows are numbered from 00.

Hash Table

The row number, your address, of the key is determined by your hash. As an advantage, at a fixed time, the data can


Comparison of data structures

Collisions, that is, two entrances with the same hash are more frequent than you might think; see the Birthday Paradox. To avoid collisions, it is necessary

When collisions occur, a strategy is

Up to 8080 of the table being filled, on average 33 collisions occur. That is, finding an entry takes 33 operations. To compare, with 10001000 entries, it would take on average

However, after this factor collisions occur so often that the use of another data structure, for example a binary tree, is recommended.

3.9 Merkle Tree

A spreading or Merkle tree (invented in 1979 by Ralph Merkle) groups data into blocks by a tree (binary), whose vertices (= nodes) are hashes and whose sheets (= end nodes) contain the data blocks, in order to be able to quickly check (in linear time) each data block by computing the root hash.

Checking the third block of a Merkle tree by computing the radical hash. The hash of each node (mother) is the hash (of the concatenation) of the two daughters. The hashes which are necessary and which have been informed to calculate the one of the top are grey.
Figure 3.1: Checking the third block of a Merkle tree by computing the radical hash. The hash of each node (mother) is the hash (of the concatenation) of the two daughters. The hashes which are necessary and which have been informed to calculate the one of the top are grey.

In a nn (= 2n2^n sheets )deep scattering tree the data block of each sheet is verifiable


The main use of Merkle trees is to ensure that blocks of data received from other pairs in a point-to-point network (P2P) are received intact and unchanged.

Transaction Tree


A Merkle tree is a (usually binary) hashes tree whose leaves are data blocks from a file (or set of files). Each node above the leaves on the tree is the hash of its two children. For example, in the image,

Merkle-tree defective

Normally a cryptographic shuffling function' is used, for example,SHA-1. However, if the Merkle tree only needs to protect against unintentional damage, "checkums" are not necessarily cryptographic, such asCRC`s are used.

At the top of the Merkle tree resides the root-dispersion or master-dispersion. For example, on a P2P network, root dispersion is received from a trusted source, e.g. from a recognized website. The Merkle tree itself is received from any point on the P2P network (not particularly reliable). This (not particularly reliable) Merkle tree is compared by calculating the leaf hashes with the reliable root dispersion to check the integrity of the Merkle tree.

The main advantage of a tree (deep nn with 2n2^n leaves, that is, blocks of data), rather than a dispersion list, is that the integrity of each leaf can be verified by calculating nn (rather than 2n2^n) hashes (and its comparison with the root hash).

For example, in Figure 3.1, the 33 integrity check requires only

Self-Check Questions

  1. How do a checksum and cryptographic hash function differ? Only for a cryptographic hash function it is unfeasible to create collisions.
  2. What are typical uses of hash functions? Fast data queries, identification of files (for example, virus scanning), error correction and detection.
  3. What are typical uses of cryptographic hash functions? Password storage, message authentication, integrity checks.
  4. What is the clou of the Merkle-Damgård construction? Reduction of the resistance against collisions to that of the compression function.


A hash function transforms any data (such as a file), in other words, a variable-length string, into a fixed-length string (which is usually 16 or 32 bytes long); as a slogan, it transforms a large amount of data into a small amount of information. Their output, a hash, can be thought of as an ID-card of their input (such as a file); to this end, the hash function should

So if, for example, the output has 256 bits, then ideally each value should have the same probability 22562^{-256}. That is, the output identifies the input practically uniquely (with a collision chance of ideally 22562^{-256});

It is cryptographic (or one-way)

Recommended are, among others, the more recent versions SHA-256 and SHA-3 of the Secure Hash Algorithm.


  1. How do a checksum and cryptographic hash function differ? Only for a cryptographic hash function it is unfeasible to create collisions.

  2. What are typical uses for checksums? (Accidental) error detection and correction, for example, noise on reading a Compact Disc or in network traffic, and many more.

  3. What are typical uses of cryptographic hash functions? (Intentional) alteration correction in storage or network traffic, and many more.

  4. Name common cryptographic hash functions. The MD and the SHA family.

  5. Which hash function is not cryptographic ? SHA-1, MD4, CRC, WHIRLPOOL

  6. Which cipher is a stream cipher? RSA, Enigma, AES, DES

Required Reading

Read the section on symmetric cryptography in the article Simmons et al. (2016).

Read (at least the beginnings of) Chapter 9 on hash functions in Menezes, Oorschot, and Vanstone (1997), and (at least the beginnings of) that in the most recent work Aumasson (2017), Chapter 6.

Further Reading

Observe the diffusion created by a cryptographic hash function in Lynn-Miller (2007).

4 Asymmetric Cryptography

Study Goals

On completion of this chapter, you will have learned …


The big practical problem of single-key cryptography is key distribution, more exactly:

In 1976, Whitfield Diffie and Martin Hellman conceived that the key distribution problem could be solved by an algorithm that satisfied:

Observation: This was the first public appearance of two-key cryptography. However, the British Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) knew it around a decade earlier.

If a user, say Alice, of such an algorithm keeps her decryption key secret but makes her encryption key public, for example, in a public directory, then:

The security of two-key cryptographic algorithms relies on the computational difficulty of a mathematical problem, for example, factoring a number that is the product of two large primes; ideally, computing the secret key is equivalent to solving the hard problem, so that the algorithm is at least as secure as the underlying mathematical problem is difficult. This has not been proved for any of the standard algorithms, although it is believed to hold for each of them.

4.1 Asymmetric Cryptography

In comparison with symmetric cryptography, asymmetric encryption avoids the risk of compromising the key to decipher that is involved in exchanging the key with the cipherer. This secure communication with anyone via an insecure channel is a great advantage compared to symmetric cryptography. Let us recall the classic methods to exchange a symmetric key, before looking at its asymmetric counterpart: While asymmetric cryptography made it possible to exchange a secret key overtly, this convenience comes at the risk of the unknown identity of the key holder, prone to a man-in-the-middle attack which Public Key Infrastructure work around by the use of certificates, digital signatures by third parties of public keys.

Symmetric Ciphers

A symmetric key must be passed secretly. Possible methods are:

4.2 Man-in-the-middle Attack

Diffie and Hellman’s achievement was to separate secrecy from authentication: Ciphertexts created with the secret key can be deciphered by everyone who uses the corresponding public key; but the secret-key holder has no information about the owner of the public key!

Thus the public keys in the directory must be authenticated. Otherwise A could be tricked into communicating with C when he thinks he is communicating with B by substituting C key for B in A’s copy of the directory; the man-in-the-middle attack (MIM):

MITM Sweigart (2013b)

Man-in-the-middle attack: an attacker intercepts the messages between the correspondents and assumes towards each of them either correspondent’s identity.


In an MITM, the attacker places himself between the correspondents, assuming towards each one of them the identity of the other to intercept their messages.

  1. Bob sends his public key to Alice. Eve intercepts it, and sends Alice her own public key that claims Bob as its owner. If Alice sends a message to Bob, then she uses, without realizing it, the public key of Eve!
  2. Alice enciphers a message with the public key of Eve and sends it to Bob.
  3. Eve intercepts the message, deciphers it with her private key; she can read the message and alter it.
  4. Eve enciphers the message with Bob’s public key.
  5. Bob deciphers the message with his private key and suspects nothing.

So both Alice and Bob are convinced to use each other’s public key, but they are actually Eve’s!


In practical terms, this problem occurs for example in the 1982 ‘ARP’ Address Resolution Protocol (in RFC 826) which standardizes the address resolution (conversion) of the Internet layer into link layer addresses. That is, ARP maps a network address (for example, an IPv4 address) to a physical address as an Ethernet address (or MAC address). (On Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) networks, ARP has been replaced by NDP, the Neighbor Discovery Protocol).

The ARP poisoning attack proceeds as follows:

Maria Bonita wants to intercept Alice’s messages to Bob, all three being part of the same physical network.

Maria Bonita sends a arp who-has packet to Alice which contains as the source IP address that of Bob whose identity we want to usurp (ARP spoofing) and the physical MAC address of Maria Bonita’s network card.

  1. Alice will create an entry that associates the MAC address of Maria Bonita with Bob’s IP address.
  2. So when Alice communicates with Bob at the IP level, it will be Maria Bonita who will receive Alice’s packages!

4.3 Public and private key

Let us recall that there are two keys, a public key and a private key. Usually:

Thus, a text can be transferred from the encipherer (Alice) to one person only, the decipherer (Bob).

The roles of the public and private keys can be reversed:

Thus, the encipherer can prove to all decipherers (those who have the public key) their ownership of the private key; the digital signature.

The (mathematical) algorithm behind the encryption either by the public key (for hiding the content of digital messages) or by the private key (for adding digital signatures) is in theory almost the same: only the roles of the arguments of the one-way function are exchanged (for example, in the RSA algorithm). In practice, however, usually:

digital signature

That is, while

Ephemeral Sub Keys

A sub-key of a master key is a key (whose cryptographic checksum is) signed by the master key. The owner often creates subkeys in order to use the main key (public and private) only

The subkeys are used for all other daily purposes (signing and deciphering).

This way, if a sub key is eventually compromised (which is more likely that that of a main key due to its everyday use), then the main key will not be compromised. In this case,


We saw how subkeys work in practice in the common command-line program GPG discussed in Section 13.4. A good reference is

Sub Keys for the Day-to-Day

For more security, you create (for example, in GPG)

Fingerprints of sub keys in GPG for S subscribe and E encrypt

As for using different keys to sign and encrypt,

Best Practices for Key Management

Only the main key is immutably linked to the identity of the owner, and all others replaceable: While the

smartcard reader

(Perfect) Forward Secrecy

(Perfect) Forward Secrecy means that, after the correspondents exchanged their (permanent) public keys and established mutual trust,

  1. before correspondence each correspondent creates an ephemeral key (the session key*) and signs it by the private (permanent) key to avoid a MITM attack (see Section 4.2),
  2. after correspondence each correspondent deletes her (ephemeral) private key.

This way, even if the correspondence was eavesdropped and recorded, it cannot be deciphered later; in particular, it cannot be deciphered by obtaining a correspondent’s private key.

For example, the TLS protocol, which encrypts communication of much of the Internet, has since version 1.2 support for Perfect Forward Secrecy: In the handshake between client and server in Section 13.3 : after the client has received (and trusted) the server certificate, the server and the client exchange a ephemeral public key which serves to encrypt the communication of only this correspondence. This ephemeral key is signed by the public (permanent) key of the server. (The creation of this asymmetric key in Perfect Forward Secrecy makes the creation of a symmetric preliminary key by the client in the penultimate step in the handshake in the TLS protocol superfluous.)

Perfect Forward Secrecy

Group Signature

Every granted signature shall first be thought through solemnly. The same goes for digital signatures:

A signature proves that the owner of the private key, say Alice, acknowledged the content. In e-mail communication, it avoids the risk that an attacker

However, if the communication contains something Alice doesn’t want to be seen by others (for example, to be read out loud by a prosecutor in court), better not prove her acknowledgement! Since this message may eavesdropped, her correspondent may change his mind about the privacy of their conversation, or his account is hacked, …

To give an analogy to our analog reality, an automatic digital signature by Alice compares to the recording of every private conversation of Alice.

In fact, usually Alice wants to prove only to Bob that she’s the sender, but not to third parties! For this, in a group signature, an ephemeral key to sign is created and shared (that is, the public and private key) between Alice and Bob. This way, Alice and Bob are sure that the message was sent by the other correspondent, but a third party only that it was sent among the group members.

Group Signature

4.4 Public Key Infrastructures

A Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) of a network establishes trust among its spatially separated users by first authenticating them, then authorizing their public keys by signing them (referred to as digital certificates) and finally distributing them. In institutions and corporations, a PKI is often implemented as “a trust hierarchy” of Certification Authorities, whereas in looser communities it can be decentralized and trust mutually established by the users themselves.

A Public Key Infrastructure (PKI): establishes trust among its spatially separated users of a network by first authenticating them, then authorizing their public keys by signing them (referred to as digital certificates) and finally distributing them.

A PKI includes:

Philosophy of Solutions

The identity of the key owner is confirmed by third parties, that is, other identities with private keys that confirm by their digital signatures that it is Alice who owns the private key.

However, the problem of the public key identity arises again: How can we ensure the identities of the private key owners? There are two solutions:

Hierarchical authorities, Cort (2018)
The web of trust, Kku (2019)

For short: while in the Web-of-Trust the connections built by trust form a graph, in the approach by hierarchical authorities they form a tree.

Hierarchical Authorities

In the approach via hierarchical authorities, private key owners are distinguished by hierarchical levels. At the highest level lie the root authorities on which one trusts unconditionally.

hierarchical authorities: Key owners that confirm others’ identities by digital signatures and are organized in a hierarchy, where trust passes from a higher to a lower level; total trust is placed in those at the highest level, the root authorities.

For example,

Web of Trust

In the web of trust, private key owners cannot be distinguished from each other.

web of trust: Private key owners confirm other’s identities by successively passing trust to each other among equals.

The absence of root authorities, unconditionally trusted entities, is compensated for by the

  1. trust initially established by

  2. then the trust is successively (transitively) passed from one to the other: If Alice trusts Bob, and Bob trusts Charles, then Alice trusts Charles.

Standardization of Philosophies on the Internet

On the Internet,

4.5 DANE

The IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force) proposed (in RFC 63941: DANE use cases and RFC 66982: DANE protocol) the DANE protocol that aims to cryptographically harden the TLS, DTLS, SMTP, and S/MIME protocols using DNSSEC. By DNSsec, a DNS resolver can authenticate a DNS resolution, that is, whether it is identical to that on the authoritative DNS server, by checking its signature (of the authoritative DNS server). Instead of relying, like these protocols, entirely on certificate authorities (CAs), domain holders

Using CAs, there is no restriction on which CAs can issue certificates for which domains. If an attacker can gain control of a single CA among the many CAs that the client trusts, then she can emit fake certificates for every domain. DANE allows clients to ask the DNS servers, which certificate are trustworthy so that the domain holder can restrict the scope of a CA. When the user is passed a domain name certificate (as part of the initial TLS handshake), the client can check the certificate against a TLSA resource-record (TLSA-RR) published in the DNS for the service name which is authenticated by the authoritative DNS server.

The most common standard for a PKI is the hierarchy of X.509 certificate authorities. X.509 was first published in 1998 and is defined by the International Telecommunications Union’s Standardization sector (ITU-T), X.509 establishes in particular a standard format of electronic certificate and an algorithm for the validation of certification path. The IETF developed the most important profile, PKIX Certificate and CRL Profile, or “PKIX” for short, as part of RFC 3280, currently RFC 5280. It is supported by all common web browsers, such as Chrome and Firefox, which come with a list of trustworthy X.509 certificate authorities.

In more detail, the TLSA-RR contains the entry Certificate Usage, whose value (from 0 to 3, the lower, the more restrictive) restricts the authority allowed to validate the certificate for the user:

  1. PKIX-TA (CA constraint). The client’s trust resides in a PKIX authority.
  2. PKIX-EE (Service Certificate Constraint). The client’s trust resides in a PKIX certificate.
  3. DANE-TA (Trust Anchor assertion). The client’s trust resides in an authority which, in contrast to PKIX-TA, does not have to be a PKIX certificate authority.
  4. DANE-EE (Domain-issued certificate). The client’s trust resides in an certificate which, in contrast to PKIX-EE, does not have to be a PKIX certificate.

The DANE check therefore serves to confirm certificates issued by public certification authorities. With DANE values (2 and 3), the domain holder has the option of creating his own, even self-signed certificates for his TLS-secured services, without having to involve a certification authority known to the client. By choosing between “Trust Anchor” (TA) and “End Entity” (EE), the domain owner can decide for himself whether to anchor DANE security to a CA or server certificate.

4.6 Hybrid Ciphers

hybrid encryption: a two-key algorithm is used to authenticate the correspondents by digitally signing the messages or to exchange a key for single-key cryptography for efficient communication thereafter,

The most common key exchange method is to create a shared secret between the two parties by the Diffie-Hellman protocol and then hash it to create the encryption key. To avoid a man-in-the-middle attack, the exchange is authenticated by a certificate, that is, by signing the messages with a long term private key to which the other party holds a public key to verify. Since single-key cryptographic algorithms are more efficient than two-key cryptographic algorithms by a considerable factor, the main use of two-key encryption is thus so-called hybrid encryption where the two-key algorithm is used

For example, in the TLS (Transport Layer Security; former SSL) protocol, which encrypts secure sites on the World Wide Web, a cryptographic package such as TLS_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA (identification code 0x00 0x0a) uses

Self-Check Questions

  1. What is a problem that Public Key cryptography solves? Distributing a secret key over an open channel.
  2. What is a problem that Public Key cryptography does not solve? The authentication of the private key owner.
  3. What are two common approaches to work around the Man-in-the-middle attack? Certificate authorities and Web-of-trust
  4. What are common protocols to work around the Man-in-the-middle attack? X.509 (as used by S/MIME) and OpenPGP


Single-key (or symmetric) cryptography suffers from the key distribution problem: to pass the same secret key to all, often distant, correspondents. Two-key (or asymmetric) cryptography solves this problem seemingly at once, by enabling the use of different keys to encrypt and decrypt. However, the identity of the key owner must be confirmed; if not personally, then by third parties, that is, identities with private keys that confirm by their digital signatures that it is Alice who owns the private key. However, the problem of the public key identity arises again: How can we ensure the identities of these private key owners? There are two solutions: In the approach via hierarchical authorities, private key owners are distinguished by hierarchical levels. At the highest level lie the root authorities on which one trusts unconditionally. In the web of trust, trust is transferred from one to the other, that is, trust is transitive: If Alice trusts Bob, and Bob trusts Charles, then Alice trusts Charles.


Required Reading

Read the section on asymmetric cryptography in the article Simmons et al. (2016). Read in Menezes, Oorschot, and Vanstone (1997) Sections 3.1 and 3.3.

Further Reading

Read the parts of the book Schneier (2007) on understanding and implementing modern asymmetric cryptographic algorithms.

5 Modular Arithmetic

Study Goals

On completion of this chapter, you will have learned what a trapdoor function is, and:

  1. why modular arithmetic is needed to define such a function, and
  2. what modular arithmetic is by division with rest.


The security of two-key cryptographic algorithms relies on the computational difficulty of a mathematical problem, for example, factoring a number that is the product of two large primes; ideally, computing the secret key is equivalent to solving the hard problem, so that the algorithm is at least as secure as the underlying mathematical problem is difficult. This has not been proved for any of the standard algorithms, although it is believed to hold for each of them.

To see the usefulness of (modular) arithmetic in cryptography, recall that asymmetric cryptography is based on a trapdoor function, which

The ease of calculating the function corresponds to the ease of encryption, while the difficulty of calculating the inverse corresponds to the difficulty of decryption, that is, inverting the encryption. For example, RSA uses

While both, the function itself and even its inverse, are easily computed using the usual multiplication of numbers, instead cryptographic algorithms (such as RSA) use modular arithmetic to entangle the computation of the inverse function without knowledge of the key (which in RSA is root extraction).

We already know modular or circular arithmetic from the arithmetic of the clock, where m=12m = 12 is considered equal to 00 : Because the indicator restarts counting from 00 after each turn, for example, 33 hours after 1111 hours is 22 o’clock: 11+3=14=12+2=2. 11 + 3 = 14 = 12 + 2 = 2. Over these finite circular domains, called finite rings and defined in Section 5.3, (the graphs of) these functions become irregular and practically incomputable, at least without knowledge of a shortcut, the key.

In what follows, we

  1. convince ourselves of the difficulty on this domain in contrast to that of the real numbers, and
  2. introduce this domain.
  3. we explain how to calculate the inverse function on it.

5.1 Modular Arithmetic as Randomization

The difficulty of calculating the inverse corresponds to the difficulty of decryption, that is, inverting the encryption. In an asymmetric cryptographic algorithm,

are based on an invertible function such that

For example, the inverses of the trap-door functions

are given by

They are

Observation. Both functions are algebraic, that is, they are expressed by a formula of sums, products, and powers. Analytical functions, that is, infinite convergent sums, for example, sine, cosine, …, are inconvenient by the rounding errors.

5.2 Functions on Discrete Domains

The domain of these functions is not the set of integers \mathbb{Z} (or that of the real numbers \mathbb{R} that includes them), because both functions, exponentiation and raising to a power, are continuous over \mathbb{R}:

The function of the exponential \exp (Wassermann (2020a))
The parabola of the cubic function x \mapsto x^3 (Wassermann (2020b))

If the domain of these functions were \mathbb{R} , then their inverses could be approximated over \mathbb{R} , for example, by iterated bisection where the inverse point is besieged in intervals that are halved at every iteration: Given y0y_0, find an x0x_0 such that f(x)=y0f(x) = y_0 is equivalent to finding a zero x0x_0 of the function xf(x)y0. x \mapsto f(x) - y_0.

Bisection of a continuous function (Ziegler (2009))
  1. (Start) Choose an interval [a,b][a, b] such that f(a)<0 and f(b)>0. f(a) < 0 \text{ and } f(b) > 0.

  2. (Recalibration) Calculate the midpoint m:=(a+b)/2m := (a + b)/2 of the interval [a,b][a , b]:


    and recalibrate the newly obtained interval [m,b][m, b] respectively [a,m][a, m].

By the Intermediate Value Theorem, the zero is guaranteed to be in the interval, which at each step decreases and converges to the intersection.

Intermediate Value Theorem (Abramson (2019))

Finding the zero of the polynomial F(x)=x3+3x2+12x+8 F(x) = x^3 + 3x^2 + 12x + 8 by bisection with starting points x1=5x_1 = -5 and x2=0x_2 = 0 , yields in steps i=2,...,15i = 2, ..., 15 the successive approximations

ii xix_i F(x)F(x) xixi1x_i - x_{i-1}
22 00 88 55
33 2.5-2.5 18.875-18.875 2.52.5
44 1.25-1.25 4.26563-4.26563 1.251.25
55 0.625-0.625 1.427731.42773 0.6250.625
66 0.9375-0.9375 1.43726-1.43726 0.31250.3125
77 0.7813-0.7813 0.02078-0.02078 0.156250.15625
88 0.7031-0.7031 0.698040.69804 0.078130.07813
99 0.7422-0.7422 0.337450.33745 0.039060.03906
1010 0.7617-0.7617 0.158060.15806 0.019530.01953
1111 0.7715-0.7715 0.068570.06857 0.009770.00977
1212 0.7764-0.7764 0.023880.02388 0.004880.00488
1313 0.7783-0.7783 0.001540.00154 0.002440.00244
1414 0.7800-0.7800 0.00962-0.00962 0.001220.00122

5.3 Finite Rings

To avoid the iterative approximation of the zero of a function and thus complicate the computation of the inverse function (besides facilitating the computation of the proper function), the domain of a trapdoor function is a finite ring denoted by /m={0,1,...,m1} \mathbb{Z} / m \mathbb{Z} = \{ 0, 1, ..., m-1 \} for a natural number mm.

finite ring: A finite set that contains 00 and 11 and over which a sum ++ is explained that obeys the laws of associativity and commutativity.

In such a finite ring m=1++1=0; m = 1 + \cdots + 1 = 0; necessarily, every addition (and thus every multiplication and every raising to a power) has result <m< m. So the addition of /m\mathbb{Z} / m \mathbb{Z} is different from that on \mathbb{Z} (or \mathbb{R}). For example, for m=7m = 7 , 22=22=4 and 32=33=7+2=0+2=2. 2^2 = 2 \cdot 2 = 4 \text{ and } 3^2 = 3 \cdot 3 = 7 + 2 = 0 + 2 = 2. We will introduce these finite rings first by the examples /12\mathbb{Z} / 12 \mathbb{Z} and /7\mathbb{Z} / 7 \mathbb{Z}, the rings given by the clock hours respectively weekdays), then for every mm .

The graph of exponentiation with basis 2 over \mathbb{Z} / 101 \mathbb{Z} (Grau (2018b))
Figure 5.1: The graph of exponentiation with basis 22 over /101\mathbb{Z} / 101 \mathbb{Z} (Grau (2018b))
The graph of the cubic Y = X^3 over \mathbb{Z} / 101 \mathbb{Z} (Grau (2018c))
Figure 5.2: The graph of the cubic Y=X3Y = X^3 over /101\mathbb{Z} / 101 \mathbb{Z} (Grau (2018c))

When we look at the graphs of the functions, which are so regular on \mathbb{R} , we note that over the finite ring /101\mathbb{Z} /101 \mathbb{Z}, either graph, that of

is initially as regular over /101\mathbb{Z} / 101 \mathbb{Z} as over \mathbb{Z} , but starting

begins to behave erratically. (Except for the symmetry of the parabola on the central axis x=50.5x = 50.5 due to (x)2=x2(-x)^2 = x^2).

Task. Experiment with the function plotter Grau (2018d) to view the erratic behavior of other function graphs over finite domains.

5.4 Modular Arithmetic in Everyday Life

We apply modular arithmetic in everyday life when we add times in the daily, weekly and yearly cycle of clock hours, weekdays and months. It is this circularity that explains the naming “ring”.


The prototypical example of modular arithmetic is the arithmetic of the clock in which the pointer comes back to start after 1212 hours; formally, 120, 12 \equiv 0, which implies, for example, 9+41 and 1211.(5.1) 9 + 4 \equiv 1 \quad \text{ and } \quad 1-2 \equiv 11. \qquad{(5.1)} That is, 44 hours after 99 hours is 11 o’clock, and 22 hours before 11 o’clock is 1111 o’clock. We can go further: 9+2499 + 24 \equiv 9; that is, if it is 99 o’clock now, then in 2424 hours (one day later) as well.

The Clock as Ring of numbers 1 , 2 , …, 11 , 12 = 0; J. Smith (2009)

Days of the Week

Another example of modular arithmetic in everyday life are the days of the week: after 77 days, the days of the week start over: If we enumerate ‘Saturday’, ‘Sunday’, ‘Monday’, ‘Tuesday’, ‘Wednesday’, ‘Thursday’ and ‘Friday’ by 00 , 11 , 22 , 33 , 44 , 55 , 66 , then 70, 7 \equiv 0, which implies, for example, 4+41 and 125. 4 + 4 \equiv 1 \quad \text{ and } \quad 1-2 \equiv 5. Indeed, 44 days after Wednesday is Sunday, and 22 days before Sunday is Friday. We can go further: 5+1455 + 14 \equiv 5; that is if now it is Thursday, then in 1414 days (two weeks later) as well.

The weekly cycle of taking pills; Walmart (2019)


Another example of modular arithmetic in everyday life are the months of the year: after 1212 months, the months of the year start over. If we number ‘January’, ‘February’, … for 11, 22, … then, as in the clock, 120, 12 \equiv 0, which implies, for example, 10+31 and 1211; 10 + 3 \equiv 1 \quad \text{ and } \quad 1-2 \equiv 11; That is, a quarter after October the year starts over, and 22 months before January is November. We can go further: 5+2455 + 24 \equiv 5; that is, if it’s ‘May’ now, then in 22 years as well.

5.5 Formalization

Formally, we derive the equation Equation 5.1 from the equalities 9+4=13=12+10+1=1 and 12=1=1+01+12=11. 9 + 4 = 13 = 12 + 1 \equiv 0 + 1 = 1 \quad \text{ and } \quad 1-2 = -1 = -1 + 0 \equiv -1 + 12 = 11. and 9+24=9+2129+20=9. 9 + 24 = 9 + 2 \cdot 12 \equiv 9 + 2 \cdot 0 = 9. In general, for every aa and xx in \mathbb{Z} , a+12xa a + 12 \cdot x \equiv a or, equivalently, for all aa and bb in \mathbb{Z} , ab if 12 divides ab. a \equiv b \quad \text{ if } 12 \text{ divides } a - b.

Division with remainder

Definition. Let aa and bb be positive integers. That aa divided by bb has remainder rr means that there is such an integer qq that a=bq+r with 0r<b. a = b \cdot q + r \quad \text{ with } 0 \leq r < b.

Example. For a=230a = 230 and b=17b = 17 , we compute 230=1713+9230 = 17 \cdot 13 + 9 . That is, the remainder of 230230 divided by 1717 is 99 .

In other words, for every aa and bb in \mathbb{Z} , ab a \equiv b if and only if aa and bb leave the same remainder divided by 1212.

There is nothing special about the number m=12m = 12 (of clock hours). For example, analogous equalities would hold if the clock indicated m=16m = 16 hours (as many as a day on the planet Neptune has):

A clock with 16 hours; Carleton (2011)

Definition. Let mm be a natural number. The integers aa and bb are congruent modulo mm, formally, abmodm a \equiv b \mod \, m if m|abm | a - b , that is, if their difference aba-b is divisible by mm. In other words, if aa and bb leave the same remainder divided by mm.

The number mm is called modulus.

Or, phrased differently, abmodma \equiv b \mod m if aa and bb leave the same remainder divided by mm .

Congruence: Two integer aa and bb are congruent modulo mm if they leave the same remainder after division by mm .


Let us finally define these finite domains /m\mathbb{Z} /m \mathbb{Z} (the ring of integers modulo mm) for a natural, usually prime, number mm, on which the trap-door functions in asymmetric cryptography live; those that make a cryptanalyst’s life so difficult when trying to compute their inverse (in contrast to the domains \mathbb{R} or \mathbb{Z}).

Given an integer m1m \geq 1, we want to define the ring /m\mathbb{Z} /m \mathbb{Z} (loosely, a set with an addition ++ and multiplication \cdot governed by certain laws) such that m=1++1=0. m = 1 + \cdots + 1 = 0. More exactly, such a ring

If this equality for ++ is to hold over /m\mathbb{Z} /m \mathbb{Z}, then the addition ++ over /m\mathbb{Z} /m \mathbb{Z} has to be defined differently from that over \mathbb{Z}. We put

That is, to add and multiply in /m\mathbb{Z} /m \mathbb{Z},

  1. we calculate the sum or product as in \mathbb{Z}, and
  2. We calculate its remainder divided by mm.

For example, for m=4m = 4 we get the addition and multiplication tables

+ 0 1 2 3
0 0 1 2 3
1 1 2 3 0
2 2 3 0 1
3 3 0 1 2


* 0 1 2 3
0 0 0 0 0
1 0 1 2 3
2 0 2 0 2
3 0 3 2 1

Exercise. Show that an integer is divisible by 33 (respectively 99) if, and only if, the sum of its decimal digits is divisible by 33 (respectively 99).

In Python, the modular operator is denoted by the percentage symbol %. For example, in the interactive shell, we get:

>>> 15 % 12
>>> 210 % 12

Conditions for Invertibility of Functions

The base gg of xgxx \mapsto g^x and the exponent ee of xxex \mapsto x^e determine whether the function is invertible or not.

Exponential Function

The exponential function invertible if and only if it is onto, that is, every number, except 00 is a value of the function. For example, for m=101m = 101, the values are contained in /101*:=/101{0}\mathbb{Z} / 101 \mathbb{Z}^* := \mathbb{Z} / 101 \mathbb{Z} - \{ 0 \}:

Theorem on the existence of a primitive root. A generator of /m*\mathbb{Z} / m \mathbb{Z}^* exists if, and only if,

Raising to a Power

A function (between a finite domain and counter-domain) is invertible if and only if it is injective, that is, sends different arguments to different values.

Task. Experiment with the function plotter Grau (2018d) to find examples of functions that are injective or not, that is, whose graph has two points at the same level.

If the exponent EE is even, E=2eE = 2 e for an integer ee , then raising to the power xxEx \mapsto x^E satisfies (x)E=(x)e=((x)2)e=(x2)e=xe=xE(-x)^E = (-x)^e = ((-x)^2 )^e = (x^2 )^e = x^e = x^E, that is, sends the arguments x-x and xx to the same value. Thus, it is not injective. For example, for m=101m = 101 and e=1e = 1 , we observe this symmetry in Figure 5.3 along the central axis x=50,5x = 50, 5 (but note that its restriction onto 0,...,500, ..., 50 is injective).

The graph of the quadratic Y = X^2 over \mathbb{Z} / 101 \mathbb{Z} (Grau (2018e))
Figure 5.3: The graph of the quadratic Y=X2Y = X^2 over /101\mathbb{Z} / 101 \mathbb{Z} (Grau (2018e))

Theorem. The raising to a power xEx^E is injective over /m\mathbb{Z} / m \mathbb{Z}

Example. For example, for m=21=37m = 21 = 3 \cdot 7 , the exponent E=5E = 5 gives the invertible function xxEx \mapsto x^E on /m\mathbb{Z} / m \mathbb{Z}.

Self-Check Questions

  1. What is the remainder of 888^8 divided by 77 ?

    Because 81mod78 \equiv 1 \mod 7 , it is 8818=18^8 \equiv 1^8 = 1 .

  2. Why is a number divisible by 33 if and only if the sum of its decimal digits is divisible by 33 ? Because 101mod310 \equiv 1 \mod 3 , we have 102,103,...1mod310^2 , 10^3 , ... \equiv 1 \mod 3 . Therefore, say a=a2102+a110+a0a2+a1+a0mod3a = a_2 \cdot 10^2 + a_1 \cdot 10 + a_0 \equiv a_2 + a_1 + a_0 \mod 3 . We have 3|a3 | a if and only if a0mod3a \equiv 0 \mod 3 .

5.6 Fast Raising to a Power

While the finite domains /m\mathbb{Z} / m \mathbb{Z} for a natural number mm complicate the computation of the inverse function of the trapdoor function, they actually facilitate the computation of the function itself given by the raising to a power:


Given a base bb and an exponent ee in \mathbb{Z} to calculate be in /M, b^e \text{ in } \mathbb{Z} / M \mathbb{Z},

  1. expand the exponent in binary base, that is, e=e0+e12+e222++es2s with e0,e1,...,es in {0,1}, e = e_0 + e_1 2 + e_2 2^2 + \cdots + e_s 2^s \quad \text{ with } e_0, e_1, ..., e_s \text{ in } \{ 0, 1 \},

  2. compute b1,b2,b22,...,b2smodM. b^1, b^2, b^{2^2}, ..., b^{2^s} \mod M.

    Because b2n+1=b2n2=(b2n)2b^{2^{n + 1}} = b^{2^n \cdot 2} = (b^{2^n})^2, that is, each power is the square of the previous one (bounded by MM), each power is, in turn, is easily computable.

  3. raise to the power: be=be0+e12+e222++es2s=be0(b2)e1(b22)e2(b2s)es b^e = b^{e_0 + e_1 2 + e_2 2^2 + \cdots+ e_s 2^s} = b^{e_0} (b^2)^{e_1} (b^{2^2})^{e_2} \cdots (b^{2^s})^{e_s} Only powers e0,e1,...,ese_0, e_1, ..., e_s equal to 11 matter, the others can be omitted.

This algorithm takes 2log2(e)2 \log_2(e) module multiplications.


To calculate 353^5 module 77, expand 5=1+021+122 5 = 1 + 0 \cdot 2^1 + 1 \cdot 2^2 and calculate 31=3,32=92,322=(32)222=4mod7, 3^1 = 3, 3^2 = 9 \equiv 2, 3^{2^2} = (3^2)^2 \equiv 2^2 = 4 \mod 7, yielding: 35=31+22=31322=345mod7. 3^5 = 3^{1 + 2^2} = 3^1 \cdot 3^{2^2} = 3 \cdot 4 \equiv 5 \mod 7.

To calculate 3113^{11} module 55, expand 11=1+121+022+123 11 = 1 + 1 \cdot 2^1 + 0 \cdot 2^2 + 1 \cdot 2^3 and calculate 31=3,32=94,322=(32)242=1 and 323=3222=(322)212=1mod5, 3^1 = 3, 3^2 = 9 \equiv 4, 3^{2^2} = (3^2)^2 \equiv 4^2 = 1 \text{ and } 3^{2^3} = 3^{2^2 \cdot 2} = (3^{2^2})^2 \equiv 1^2 = 1 \mod 5, yielding 311=31+21+23=31321323=341=122mod5. 3^{11} = 3^{1 + 2^1 + 2^3} = 3^1 \cdot 3^{2^1} \cdot 3^{2^3} = 3 \cdot 4 \cdot 1 = 12 \equiv 2 \mod 5.


Asymmetric cryptography relies on a trapdoor function, which

This difficulty of calculating the inverse corresponds to the difficulty of decryption, that is, inverting the encryption. To complicate the computation of the inverse function (besides facilitating the computation of the proper function) is done using modular (or circular) arithmetic*, that we already know from the arithmetic of the clock, where m=12m = 12 is considered equal to 00.


Required Reading

Read the section on asymmetric cryptography in the article Simmons et al. (2016). Read in Menezes, Oorschot, and Vanstone (1997), Sections 2.4, 2.5 and 2.6 on the basic notions of number theory behind public key cryptography. Use Grau (2018d) to get an intuition for the graphs over finite domains.

Further Reading

See the book Sweigart (2013a) for implementing some simpler (asymmetric) algorithms in Python, a readable beginner-friendly programming language.

Read the parts of the book Schneier (2007) on understanding and implementing modern asymmetric cryptographic algorithms.

6 Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange

Study Goals

On completion of this chapter, you will have learned the Diffie-Hellman key exchange using the (Discrete) Logarithm.


In 1976, Whitfield Diffie and Martin Hellman conceived that the key distribution problem could be solved by an algorithm that satisfied:

Observation: This was the first public appearance of two-key cryptography. However, the British Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) knew it around a decade earlier.

The first published protocol to overtly agree on a mutual secret key is the Diffie-Hellman key exchange protocol published in Diffie and Hellman (1976).

This is not yet two-key cryptography, because the single secret key is known to both correspondents (in the following called Alice and Bob). The asymmetric cryptographic algorithms that build on this protocol (for example, ElGamal and ECC), generate a unique key for every message.

Diffie-Hellman Key exchange: overt agreement on a common secret key whose security relies on the infeasibility of computing the logarithm modulo a large number.

6.1 Key Exchange Protocol

Notation. Let us denote, in every asymmetric encryption algorithm,

For both correspondent, say Alice and Bob, to overtly agree on a secret key, they first combine


  1. Alice, to generate one half of the key, chooses a number aa ,
  2. Bob, to generate the other half of the key, chooses a number bb ,
  3. The secret mutual key between Alice and Bob is c:=Ab(ga)b=gab=gba=(gb)aBamodp. c := A^b \equiv (g^a)^b = g^{ab} = g^{ba} = (g^b)^a \equiv B^a \, \mod \, p.

CrypTool 1 offers in the menu entry Individual Procedures -> Protocols a dialogue to experiment with key values in the Diffie-Hellman.

The steps of the Diffie-Hellman protocol in CrypTool 1 (Esslinger et al. (2018a))

Observation. This protocol shows how to overtly build a shared secret key. This key can then be used to encrypt all further communication, for example, by an asymmetric algorithm such as AES. However, the protocol shows

ElGamal (1985) showed first how to build an encryption and signature algorithm on top of the Diffie-Hellman protocol. While its encryption algorithm is rarely employed (albeit, for example, the standard cryptography command-line tool GnuPG offers it as first alternative to RSA), its signature algorithm forms the basis of the Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA), which is used in the US government’s Digital Signature Standard (DSS), issued in 1994 by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).

Elliptic Curve DSA (ECDSA) is a variant of the Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA) which uses points on finite (elliptic) curves instead of integers. The general number field sieve computes keys on DSA in subexponential time (whereas the ideal would be exponential time) . Elliptic curve groups are (yet) not vulnerable to a general number field sieve attack, so they can be (supposedly) securely implemented with smaller key sizes.

6.2 Security

The security of the Diffie-Hellman key exchange is based on the difficulty of computing the logarithm modulo pp . An eavesdropper would obtain the secret key Ab=BaA^b = B^a from AA and BB, if he could compute the logarithm logg\log_g as inverse of the exponentiation xgx=yx \mapsto g^x = y, that is a=loggA or b=loggBmodp; a = \log_g A \quad \text{ or } b = \log_g B \, \mod \, p; While a power is easily computable (even more so using the fast power algorithm in Section 5.6), even more so in modular arithmetic, its inverse, the logarithm, the exponent for a given power, is practically incomputable for pp and gg appropriately chosen, that is:

Let us look for such appropriate numbers:

6.3 Appropriate Numbers

Euclid’s Theorem. There are infinitely many prime numbers.

Demonstration: Otherwise, there are only finitely many prime numbers, say p1p_1, …, pnp_n are all of them. Consider = p_1 ... p_n + 1 . Since qq is greater than p1p_1, …, pnp_n, it cannot be prime. Let pp be a prime number that divides qq . Because p1p_1, …, pnp_n are prime, pp divides at least one of p1p_1, …, pnp_n. However, by its definition, qq has remainder 11 divided by every prime p1p_1, …, pnp_n. The last two statements are in contradiction! Therefore, there must be an infinite number of primes.

Euclid’s Theorem. There are infinitely many prime numbers.

Euclid’s Theorem guarantees that there are arbitrarily many big prime numbers (in particular, >2048>2048 bits).

Thank Heavens, for almost every prime number pp there is a prime number qq large (>768> 768 bits) that divides p1p-1 .

The Theorem on the existence of a Primitive Root ensures that (since the modulus is prime) there is always a number gg in 𝔽p*\mathbb{F}_p^* such that {g,g2,g3,...,gp1}=𝐅p* \{ g, g^2, g^3, ..., g^{p-1} \} = \mathbf{F}_p^* That is, every number 11 , 22 , 33 , …, p1p-1 is a suitable power of gg . In particular, the cardinality of 11 , gg , g2g^2, …, gp1g^{p-1} is a multiple of any prime qq that divides p1p-1 . In practice, the numbers pp and gg are taken from a reliable source, such as a standards committee.

6.4 Padding

Since initially (for x<loggpx < \log_g p ) the values gxg^x over /p\mathbb{Z} / p \mathbb{Z} equal to the values gxg^x over \mathbb{Z} , the secret numbers aa and bb should be large enough, that is, >loggp> \log_g p . To ensure this, in practice these numbers are artificially increased, that is, the message is padded.

At present, the fastest algorithm to calculate the logarithm xx from gxg^x , is an adaption of the general number field sieve, see Gordon (1993), that achieves subexponential runtime. That is, roughly, the number of operations to calculate the logarithm of an integer of nn bits is exponential in n1/3. n^{1/3}.

Self-Check Questions

  1. Does the Diffie-Hellman protocol explain how to encipher a message by a public key and decipher it by a secret key? No, it only explains how to construct a mutual secret key publicly.


The Diffie-Hellman Key exchange protocol shows how to build overtly a mutual secret key based on the difficulty of computing the logarithm modulo pp . This key can then be used to encrypt all further communication, for example, by an asymmetric algorithm such as AES.

However, it shows

ElGamal (1985) showed first how to build an encryption and signature algorithm on top of the Diffie-Hellman protocol; in particular, it gave rise to the Digital Signature Algorithm, DSA.


Required Reading

Read in Menezes, Oorschot, and Vanstone (1997) Sections 3.1, 3.3 and try to understand as much as possible in 3.2 and 3.6 on the number theoretic problems behind public key cryptography.

Further Reading

Use CrypTool 1 to experiment with the Diffie-Hellman protocol.

See the book Sweigart (2013a) for implementing some simpler (asymmetric) algorithms in Python, a readable beginner-friendly programming language.

Read the parts of the book Schneier (2007) on understanding and implementing modern asymmetric cryptographic algorithms.

7 Euclid’s Theorem

Study Goals

On completion of this chapter, you will have learned …


We study multiplication in the finite rings /n\mathbb{Z} /n \mathbb{Z}. We take a particular interest in what numbers we can divide into them. It will be the Euclid Algorithm that computes the answer for us.

The private key

defines a function that is the inverse of the function defined by the public key. This inverse is computed via the greatest common divisor between the two numbers. This, in turn, is computed by Euclid’s Algorithm, an iterated division with rest.

We then introduce

7.1 Euclid’s Algorithm

Definition. A common divisor of two whole numbers aa and bb is a natural number that divides both aa and bb. The greatest common divisor of two whole numbers aa and bb is the greatest natural number that divides both aa and bb. Denote by gcd(a,b)\mathrm{gcd} (a,b) the greatest common divisor of aa and bb , gcd(a,b)=thegreatestnaturalnumberthatdividesaandb. \mathrm{gcd}(a,b) = \mathrm{the greatest natural number that divides} a \mathrm{and} b.

Example. The greatest common divisor of 1212 and 1818 is 66 .

Iterated Division with rest yields an efficient algorithm to calculate the largest common divisor, Euclid’s Algorithm.

Definition. The integers aa and bb are relatively prime if gcd(a,b)=1\mathrm{gcd}(a,b) = 1, that is, if no integer >1> 1 divides aa and bb.

For all integer numbers aa and bb, integer numbers a/ga/g and b/gb/g for g=gcd(a,b)g = \mathrm{gcd}(a,b) are relatively prime.

Division with rest helps us build an efficient algorithm to calculate the largest common divisor. Let us look back on Division with Rest:

Definition. Be aa and bb positive integer numbers. That aa divided by bb has quotient qq and rest rr means a=bq+r with 0r<b.(7.1) a = b \cdot q + r \quad \text{ with } 0 \leq r < b. \qquad{(7.1)}

Example. For a=19a = 19 and b=5b = 5, we get 19=53+419 = 5 \cdot 3 + 4. That is, the remainder of 1919 divided by 55 is 44.

Euclid’s Algorithm

A linear combination (or sum of multiples) of two whole numbers aa and bb is a sum s=λa+μb s = \lambda a + \mu b for whole numbers λ\lambda and μ\mu.

Example. For a=15a = 15 and b=9b = 9, a sum of multiples of them is s=2a+(3)b=21539=3. s = 2 \cdot a + (-3) \cdot b = 2 \cdot 15 - 3 \cdot 9 = 3.

In particular, looking at the division with remainder in Equation 7.1, for an entire number dd, we observe:

That is, dd divides aa and bb if, and only if, dd divides bb and rr. That is, the common dividers of aa and bb are the same as those of bb and rr. In particular, gcd(a,b)=gcd(b,r). \mathrm{gcd}(a,b) = \mathrm{gcd}(b,r). By dividing the numbers bb and rr (which is <b< b), we obtain b=rq+r with 0r<r b = r \cdot q' + r' \quad \text{ with } 0 \leq r' < r e gcd(b,r)=gcd(r,r). \mathrm{gcd}(b,r) = \mathrm{gcd}(r,r'). Iterating, and thus diminishing the remainder, we arrive at s=r...s = r^{'...'} and r...r^{'...''} with r...=0r^{'...''} = 0, that is gcd(a,b)=...=gcd(s,0)=s. \mathrm{gcd}(a,b) = ... = \mathrm{gcd}(s,0) = s.

That is, the highest common divisor is the penultimate remainder (or the last one other than 00).

Example. To calculate gcd(748,528)\mathrm{gcd}(748, 528), we get

748=5281+220748 = 528 \cdot 1 + 220

528=2202+88528 = 220 \cdot 2 + 88

220=882+44220 = 88 \cdot 2 + 44

88=442+088 = 44 \cdot 2 + 0

thus gcd(528,220)=44\mathrm{gcd}(528, 220) = 44.

CrypTool 1, in the entry Indiv. Procedures -> Number Theory Interactive -> Learning Tool for Number Theory, Section 1.3, page 15, shows an animation of this algorithm:

Euclid’s algorithm in CrypTool 1, (Esslinger et al. (2008))

Theorem. (Euclidean algorithm) Let aa and bb be positive whole numbers with aba \geq b . The following algorithm calculates gcd(a,b)\mathrm{gcd} (a,b) in a finite number of steps:

(start) Put r0=ar_0 = a and r1=br_1 = b , and i=1i = 1 .

(division) Divide ri1r_{i-1} by rir_i with rest to get ri1=riqi+ri+1 with 0ri+1<ri. r_{i-1} = r_i q_i + r_{i + 1} \quad \text{ with } 0 \leq r_{i + 1} < r_i. Then

Demonstration: We need to demonstrate that the algorithm ends with the highest common divisor of aa and bb:

Observation: All it takes is 2log2b+12 \cdot \log_2 b + 1 divisions with rest for the algorithm to finish.

Demonstration: We demonstrate ri+2<1/2ri.() r_{i + 2} < 1/2 \cdot r_i. \quad (\dagger) We have

In the latter case, it follows ri=ri+11+ri+2 r_i = r_{i + 1} \cdot 1 + r_{i + 2} and then ri+2=riri+1<ri1/2ri=1/2ri. r_{i + 2} = r_i - r_{i + 1} < r_i - 1/2 \cdot r_i = 1/2 \cdot r_i. For (\dagger) we get iteratively that just 2log2b+12 \cdot \log_2 b + 1 divisions with rest for the algorithm finish.

In fact, it turns out that a factor of 1.451.45 is enough log2(b)+1.68\log_2(b) + 1.68 with rest, and on average 0.850.85 is enough log2(b)+0.14\log_2(b) + 0.14.

Euclid’s Extended Algorithm

For the computation of the exponent of the decryption function, we need more information than the largest common divisor (calculated by the Euclid Algorithm). In fact, one observes (Euclid’s Extended Algorithm) that in each step of the Euclid’s Algorithm the largest common divisor gcd(x,m)\mathrm{gcd} (x, m) of xx and mm is a linear combination (or sum of multiples) of xx and mm , that is, gcd(x,m)=λx+μm for integers x and m. \mathrm{gcd}(x, m) = \lambda x + \mu m \quad \text{ for integers } x \text{ and } m. The inverse of xx modulo mm is one of these multiples:

Example. For a=15a = 15 and b=9b = 9, a sum of multiples of them is s=2a+(3)b=21539=3. s = 2 \cdot a + (-3) \cdot b = 2 \cdot 15 - 3 \cdot 9 = 3.

Theorem. (Euclid’s Extended Algorithm) For any positive integers aa and bb , their highest common divisor gcd(a,b)\mathrm{gcd} (a,b) is a linear combination of aa and bb ; that is, there are integers uu and vv such that gcd(a,b)=au+bv. \mathrm{gcd}(a,b) = au + bv.

CrypTool 1, in the Indiv. Procedures -> Number Theory Interactive -> Learning Tool for Number Theory, Section 1.3, page 17, shows an animation of this algorithm:

Euclid’s extended algorithm in CrypTool 1 (Esslinger et al. (2008))

Example. We have gcd(528,220)=44\mathrm{gcd} (528, 220) = 44 and, indeed, 44=57487528. 44 = 5 \cdot 748 - 7 \cdot 528.

Demonstration: As r0=ar_0 = a, r1=br_1 = b, and r2=r0q1r1r_2 = r_0 - q_1 r_1, it follows that r2r_2 is a linear combination of aa and bb. In general, since ri1r_{i-1} and rir_i are linear combinations of aa and bb, first qiriq_i r_i is a linear combination of aa and bb, and so ri+1=ri1qiri r_{i + 1} = r_{i-1} - q_i r_i is a linear combination of aa and bb. In particular, if rI+1=0r_{I + 1} = 0 then rI=gcd(rI,rI+1)=gcd(a,b)r_I = \mathrm{gcd}(r_I, r_{I + 1}) = \mathrm{gcd}(a,b) is a linear combination of aa and bb.

CrypTool 1, in the menu entry Indiv. Procedures -> Number Theory Interactive -> Learning Tool for Number Theory, Section 1.3, page 17, shows an animation of this algorithm:

The Euclid algorithm extended in CrypTool 1

Example. Let’s review the calculation of the largest common divisor of a=748a = 748 and b=528b = 528. Euclid’s algorithm did:

748=5281+220748 = 528 \cdot 1 + 220

528=2202+88528 = 220 \cdot 2 + 88

220=882+𝟒𝟒220 = 88 \cdot 2 + \mathbf{44}

88=442+088 = 44 \cdot 2 + 0,

which provides the linear combinations

220=7485281=ab220 = 748 - 528 \cdot 1 = a - b

88=5282202=b(ab)2=3b2a88 = 528 - 220 \cdot 2 = b - (a-b) \cdot 2 = 3b - 2a

𝟒𝟒=220882=(ab)(3b2a)2=5a7b\mathbf{44} = 220 - 88 \cdot 2 = (a-b) - (3b - 2a) \cdot 2 = 5a - 7b.

Indeed, 44=57487528. 44 = 5 \cdot 748 - 7 \cdot 528.

Implementation in Python

To implement the Euclid algorithm, we will use multiple assignment in Python:

>>> spam, eggs = 42, 'Hello'
>>> spam
>>> eggs

The names of the variables and their values are listed to the left of == respectively.

Euclid’s Algorithm

Here is a function that implements the Euclid algorithm in Python; it returns the largest common divisor gcd(a,b)\mathrm{gcd}(a,b) of two whole aa and bb.

def gcd(a, b):
    while a != 0:
        a, b = b % a, a
    return b

For example, in the interactive shell:

>>> gcd(24, 30)
>>> gcd(409119243, 87780243)

Extended Euclide’s Algorithm

The // operator will figure in the implementation of the extended Euclid algorithm; it divides two numbers and rounds down. That is, it returns the greater integer equal to or less than the result of the division. For example, in the interactive shell:

>>> 41 // 7
>>> 41 / 7
>>> 10 // 5
>>> 10 / 5

We chose the following implementation of the extended Euclid algorithm:

def egcd(a, b):
    x,y, u,v = 0,1, 1,0
    while a != 0:
        q, r = b//a, b%a
        m, n = x-u*q, y-v*q
        b,a, x,y, u,v = a,r, u,v, m,n
    gcd = b
    return gcd, x, y

7.2 Modular Units

The private key is calculated by the multiplicative reverse in the modular arithmetic from the public key, both in the RSA algorithm and the ElGamal algorithm.

We have just learned how to calculate the largest common divisor by the Euclid Extended Algorithm; we now learn how it is used to calculate this multiplicative reverse.

While in \mathbb{Q} we can divide by any number (except 00), in \mathbb{Z} only by ±1\pm 1! The numbers you can divide by are called invertible or units. The amount of invertible numbers in /m\mathbb{Z} / m \mathbb{Z} depends on the mm module. Roughly speaking, the fewer prime factors in mm, the more units in /m\mathbb{Z} / m \mathbb{Z}.

Definition. The element xx in /m\mathbb{Z} / m \mathbb{Z} is a unit (or invertible) if there is yy in /m\mathbb{Z} / m\mathbb{Z} such that yx=1y x = 1. The element yy is the inverse of xx and denoted by x1x^{-1}. The set of units (where we can multiply and divide) is denoted by (/m)*:=the units in /m. (\mathbb{Z} / m \mathbb{Z})^* := \text {the units in } \mathbb{Z} / m \mathbb{Z}. Euler’s totiente function # Φ\Phi is m#/m*; m \mapsto \# \mathbb{Z} / m \mathbb{Z}^*; that is, given mm, it counts how many units /m\mathbb{Z} / m \mathbb{Z} has.


Proposition. Let \mathbb{N} and xx in /m\mathbb{Z} / m \mathbb{Z}, that is, xx in {0,1,...,m1}\{ 0, 1, ..., m-1 \}. The number xx is a unit in /m\mathbb{Z} / m \mathbb{Z} if, and only if, gcd(x,m)=1\mathrm{gcd}(x,m) = 1.

Demonstration: We observe that each common divisor of xx and mm divides each sum of multiple s=ux+vms = ux + vm of xx and mm; in particular, if s=1s = 1, then the largest common divisor of x\bar x and mm is 11.

By the Extended Euclid Algorithm, there is uu and vv in \mathbb{Z} such that ux+vm=gcd(x,m). u x + v m = \mathrm{gcd}(x,m). So, from the above observation, gcd(x,m)=1\mathrm{gcd}(x,m) = 1 if, and only if, there is uu in \mathbb{Z} such that ux1modm. u x \equiv 1 \mod m. That is, bxb x is a unit in /m\mathbb{Z} / m \mathbb{Z} whose inverse is bx1=bub x^{-1} = b u.

Observation. We concluded that for xx in {0,...,m1}\{ 0, ..., m-1 \} with gcd(x,m)=1\mathrm{gcd}(x,m) = 1, we obtained by the Extended Euclid Algorithm uu and vv in \mathbb{Z} such that ux+vm=1 u x + v m = 1 The reverse x1x^{-1} of xx in /m\mathbb{Z} /m \mathbb{Z} is given by the remainder of uu divided by mm.

In Python, we can then calculate the inverse of aa in /m\mathbb{Z} / m \mathbb{Z} by

def ModInverse(a, m):
    if gcd(a, m) != 1:
        return None # no mod. inverse exists if a and m not rel. prime
        gcd, x, y = egcd(a,m)
        return x % m

Self-Check Questions

  1. What mathematical function is used to encrypt in RSA? Raising to a power modulo a composed integer.*

  2. What mathematical function is used to decrypt in RSA? Taking a root modulo a composed integer.

  3. What is a principal use of RSA on the Internet today? The verification of certificates.


Asymmetric cryptography relies on a trapdoor function, which

This difficulty of calculating the inverse corresponds to the difficulty of decryption, that is, inverting the encryption. To complicate the computation of the inverse function (besides facilitating the computation of the proper function) is done using modular (or circular) arithmetic*, that we already from the arithmetic of the clock, where m=12m = 12 is considered equal to 00 .


Required Reading

Read the section on asymmetric cryptography in the article Simmons et al. (2016). Read in Menezes, Oorschot, and Vanstone (1997), Sections 3.1, 3.3 and try to understand as much as possible in 3.2 and 3.6 on the number theoretic problems behind public key cryptography

Further Reading

Use CrypTool 1 to experiment with Euclid’s algorithm.

See the book Sweigart (2013a) for implementing some simpler (asymmetric) algorithms in Python, a readable beginner-friendly programming language.

Read the parts of the book Schneier (2007) on understanding and implementing modern asymmetric cryptographic algorithms.

8 Classic Asymmetric Algorithms: RSA, ElGamal and DSA

Study Goals

On completion of this chapter, you will have learned …


The best-known public-key algorithm is the Rivest-Shamir-Adleman (RSA) cryptoalgorithm from Rivest, Shamir, and Adleman (1978). A user secretly chooses a pair of prime numbers pp and qq so large that factoring the product N=pqN = pq is beyond estimated computing powers for the lifetime of the cipher. The number NN will be the modulus, that is, our trapdoor function will live on /N={0,1,...,N1}\mathbb{Z} / N \mathbb{Z} = \{ 0, 1, ..., N-1 \}.

RSA: algorithm that encrypts by raising to a power and whose security relies on the computational infeasibility of factoring a product of prime numbers.

NN is public, but pp and qq are not. If the factors pp and qq of NN were known, then the secret key can be easily computed. For RSA to be secure, the factoring must be computationally infeasible; nowadays 2048 bits. The difficulty of factoring roughly doubles for each additional three digits in NN .

8.1 Algorithm

Having chosen pp and qq, the user selects any integer e less than n and relatively prime to p1p - 1 and q1q - 1, that is, so that 11 is the only factor in common between e and the product (p1)(q1)(p - 1)(q - 1). This assures that there is another number d for which the product ed will leave a remainder of 11 when divided by the least common multiple of p1p - 1 and q1q - 1. With knowledge of pp and qq, the number d can easily be calculated using the Euclidean algorithm. If one does not know pp and qq, it is equally difficult to find either ee or dd given the other as to factor nn, which is the basis for the cryptosecurity of the RSA algorithm.

The RSA algorithm creates

Compared to the Diffie-Hellman protocol, it has the advantage that it is completely asymmetric: there is no need to share a mutual secret key (and therefore the secret key is kept in a single place only, but not two). Instead a single correspondent has access to the secret key. However, in this case the communication is encrypted only towards the owner of the secret key. To encrypt in both directions,

8.2 Euler’s Formula

The keys for encrypting, EE and decryption, dd , will be constructed via Euler’s Formula, which in turn is based on Fermat’s Little Theorem.

Fermat’s Theorem

Fermat’s Little Theorem. If pp is a prime number, then for any integer aa ,

In particular, for every integer aa , ap=a(p1)+1=ap1a=a. a^p = a^{(p-1)+1} = a^{p-1} a = a.

For example, if m=Edm = Ed , that is, EE and dd are such that Ed1modp1Ed \equiv 1 \mod p-1 (so to speak, d1/Emodp1d \equiv 1/E \mod p-1 ) then aEd=(aE)damodp, a^{Ed} = (a^E)^d \equiv a \, \mod \, p, that is, ad=a1/E=aE! a^{d} = a^{1/E} = \sqrt[E]{a}! That is, the computation of the EE -th root E\sqrt[E] \cdot is equal to that of the dd -th power d\cdot^d , a great computational shortcut! The existence of such a shortcut dd given EE is assured by Euler’s formula:

Euler’s Formula

Theorem. (Euler’s formula) Let pp and qq be different prime numbers. If aa is divisible by neither pp nor qq , then a(p1)(q1)1modpq. a^{(p-1)(q-1)} \equiv 1 \, \mod \, pq.

Proof: By Fermat’s Little Theorem, a(p1)(q1)=(ap1)q11q1=1modp a^{(p-1)(q-1)} = (a^{p-1})^{q-1} \equiv 1^{q-1} = 1 \, \mod \, p and a(q1)(p1)=(aq1)p11p1=1modq a^{(q-1)(p-1)} = (a^{q-1})^{p-1} \equiv 1^{p-1} = 1 \, \mod \, q that is, pp and qq divide a(p1)(q1)1a^{(p-1)(q-1)} - 1 . Since pp and qq are different prime numbers, pqpq divides a(p1)(q1)1a^{(p-1)(q-1) - 1} , that is, a(p1)(q1)1modpqa^{(p-1)(q-1)} \equiv 1 \mod pq .

Taking Roots

Corollary. (Taking roots modulo N) Let pp and qq be different prime numbers, N=pqN = pq and ϕ(N)=(p1)(q1)\phi(N) = (p-1)(q-1) . For every exponent nn such that n1modϕ(N) n \equiv 1 \, \mod \, \phi(N) we have anamodN for every integer a. a^n \equiv a \, \mod \, N \quad \text{ for every integer } a.

Demonstration: If pp or qq divides aa , then a0modNa \equiv 0 \mod N. Otherwise, we can apply Euler’s Formula: Because n1mod(p1)(q1)n \equiv 1 \mod (p-1)(q-1) , that is, there is ν\nu such that n1=ν(p1)(q1)n-1 = \nu (p-1)(q-1) , by Euler’s Formula, an=aν(p1)(q1)+1=(a(p1)(q1))νa1νa1=amodN. a^n = a^{\nu (p-1)(q-1) + 1} = (a^{(p-1)(q-1)})^\nu \cdot a \equiv 1^\nu \cdot a^1 = a \, \mod \, N.

Observation (crucial for the RSA algorithm). If m1modϕ(N)m \equiv 1 \mod \phi(N) , then by Euler’s Formula amamodNa^m \equiv a \mod N , that is, taking to the power is the identity function, midmodN. \cdot^m \equiv \mathrm{id} \, \mod \, N. In particular, if m=Edm = Ed is the product of two whole numbers EE and dd , that is, Ed1modϕ(N), Ed \equiv 1 \, \mod \, \phi(N), then a=am=aEd=(aE)d. a = a^m = a^{Ed} = (a^E)^d. That is, d=1/EmodN\cdot^d = \cdot^{1/E} \mod N . Calculating a power is much easier than a root!

Example. If p=3p = 3 and q=11q = 11 then N=pq=33 and ϕ(N)=(p1)(q1)=20. N = pq = 33 \quad \text{ and } \quad \phi(N) = (p-1)(q-1) = 20. If E=7E = 7 and d=3d = 3 , then n=Ed=211mod20n = Ed = 21 \equiv 1 \mod 20 . For example, for base 22 , we check 2E=27=128=29+33329modN 2^E = 2^7 = 128 = 29 + 3 \cdot 33 \equiv 29 \, \mod \, N and 29d=293=(4)364=22332modN. 29^d = 29^3 = (-4)^3 \equiv -64 = 2 - 2 \cdot 33 \equiv 2 \, \mod \, N. That is, 29E=2=29dmodN. \sqrt[E]{29} = 2 = 29^d \, \mod \, N.

8.3 Encryption Algorithm

(Recall that an upper case letter denotes a public number (and vice-versa), whereas a lower case letter denotes a secret number.) For Alice to secretly send the message mm to Bob through an insecure channel:

  1. Bob, to generate the key, chooses

    Bob, to transmit the key, sends to Alice

  2. Alice, to cipher,

  3. Bob, to decipher,

Computing dd by knowing both prime factors of NN is Bob’s shortcut. CrypTool 1 offers in the menu Individual Procedures -> RSA Cryptosystem the entry RSA Demonstration to experiment with different values of the key and message in RSA.

The encrpytion steps in RSA shown by CrypTool 1 (Esslinger et al. (2018b))

In sum, raising to the power y=xEmodNy = x^E \mod N encrypts where the exponent EE is the public key. Correspondingly, its inverse, taking the EE-th root x=y1/EmodNx = y^{1/E} \mod N , decrypts. It is practically incomputable. However, modulo NN , by Euler’s formula, there is dd such that y1/E=ydmodN y^{1 / E} = y^d \, \mod \, N for a number dd that Euclid’s Algorithm calculates from EE as well as pp and qq . Therefore, the secret key is dd , or, sufficiently, the knowledge of the prime factors pp and qq of NN .

8.4 Security


are all public, the computational security of RSA is solely based on the difficulty of finding a root modulo a large number mME(=M1/E)modN. m \equiv \sqrt[E]{M} \; (= M^{1/E}) \, \mod \, N.

An eavesdropper would obtain the secret message mm from NN , EE and MM only if he could compute mME(=M1/E)modN. m \nequiv \sqrt[E]{M} \; (= M^{1/E}) \, \mod \, N.

The shortcut is the knowledge of the two prime factors pp and qq of N=pqN = pq that makes it possible to calculate

so that, by the Euler Formula, Md=mdmmodNM^d = m^d \equiv m \mod N .

Key Size Recommendations

Euclid’s Theorem guarantees that there are arbitrarily large prime numbers (in particular, >15360> 15360 bits). While taking powers is computationally easy, taking roots is computationally hard for suitable choices of N=pqN = pq and EE , that is, for large enough prime numbers pp and qq (while the choice of the exponent EE is free; for example, E=2E = 2 ):

The fastest algorithm to calculate the prime factors pp and qq from NN is the general number sieve, see A. K. Lenstra et al. (1993). The number of operations to factor an integer number of nn bits is roughly exp(logn1/3). \exp(\log n^{1/3}). Therefore, according to Barker (2016), the National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST)


In practice, the plaintext number mm needs to be padded, that is, the number mm randomly increased. Otherwise, when the plaintext number mm and the exponent EE are both small (for example, E=3E = 3 ), then possibly the enciphered message M=mEM = m^E satisfies M<NM < N . In this case, the equality m=ME holds in ! m = \sqrt[E]{M} \quad \text{ holds in } \mathbb{Z} ! So mm is easily computable, for example, by the Bisection method already presented, (or, numerically more efficient, by Newton’s method).


A simple hypothetical attack is that by Wiener when

If the conditions of the theorem are met, then the secret dd can be computed by a linear time algorithm as the denominator of a continuous fraction.

Observation. If EE (but not dd ) is too small, then an attack is much more difficult; see Boneh et al. (1999).

8.5 Applications

RSA is still a standard of many asymmetric cryptographic methods. One principal use of RSA nowadays lies in the verification of (older) certificates emitted by certificate authorities. See Section 13.

Other uses are that by GPG for asymmetric cryptography, such as the OpenPGP protocol to encrypt e-mail messages, which creates RSA keys by default:

Default key generation with GPG (Koch et al. (2020))

The command line program GPG creates keys and makes it possible to (de)encrypt and sign/authenticate with them. Other (graphical) applications, for example, the Enigmail extension for the free e-mail client Thunderbird, use it for all these cryptographic operations.

Self-Check Questions

  1. What mathematical function is used to encrypt in RSA? Raising to a power modulo a composed integer.
  2. What mathematical function is used to decrypt in RSA? Taking a root modulo a composed integer.
  3. What is a principal use of RSA on the Internet today? The verification of certificates.

8.6 Signatures

Let us recall that in public-key cryptography there are two keys, a public key and a private key. Usually:

Thus, a text can be transferred from the encipherer (Alice) to one person only, the decipherer (Bob). The roles of the public and private keys can be reversed:

Thus, the encipherer can prove to all decipherers (those who have the public key) his ownership of the private key; the digital signature.

digital signature: encryption of a message by the private key followed by decryption by the public key to check whether the original message was encrypted by the private key.

The theory (meaning the mathematics) behind the encryption by the public key (digital messages) or private key (digital signature) is almost the same; only the roles of the trap function arguments are reversed. (For example, in the RSA algorithm, this exchange of variables is indeed all that happens). In practice, however, usually encrypted by the private key are:

Digital Signature of a document and its Verification. (Acdx (2019))

That is, while

RSA Signature Algorithm

In the RSA Signature Algorithm, to sign (instead of encrypt), the only difference is that the exponents EE and dd exchange their roles. That is, the signed message is M=mdM = m^d (instead of mEm^E ). For Samantha to sign the mm message and Victor to verify it,

  1. Samantha, to generate a signet, chooses

    1. two prime numbers pp and qq , and
    2. an exponent EE relatively prime to (p1)(q1)(p-1)(q-1) , and

    Samantha, to transmit the signet, sends to Victor

    1. the product N=pqN = pq (the modulus) and the exponent EE (the public key).
  2. Samantha, to sign,

    1. calculates (by the Euclid’s extended Algorithm) dd such that Ed1mod(p1)(q1)Ed \equiv 1 \mod (p-1)(q-1) (which exists because EE is relatively prime to (p1)(q1)(p-1)(q-1) ),
    2. calculates M=mdmodNM = m^d \mod N , and
    3. transmits MM to Victor.
  3. Victor, to verify, calculates ME=mEdmmodNM^E = m^{Ed} \equiv m \mod N (which holds by Euler’s Formula).

Observation. Signing and the deciphering are both given by d\cdot^d for the private key dd . So, signing an encrypted document (for the public key EE that corresponds to dd ) is equivalent to deciphering it! Therefore, in practice,

CrypTool 1 offers in the menu Individual Procedures -> RSA Cryptosystem the entry Signature Generation to experiment with different values of the signature and the message.

We note that instead of the original message, it signs:

The signature steps by RSA in CrypTool 1 (Esslinger et al. (2008))

DSA (Digital Signature Algorithm)

ElGamal (1985) showed first how to build an encryption and signature algorithm on top of the Diffie-Hellman protocol. While its encryption algorithm is rarely employed (albeit, for example, the standard cryptography command-line tool GnuPG offers it as a first alternative to RSA), its signature algorithm forms the basis of the Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA), which is used in the US government’s Digital Signature Standard (DSS), issued in 1994 by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). Elliptic Curve DSA (ECDSA) is a variant of the Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA) which uses points on finite (elliptic) curves instead of integers.

Self-Check Questions

  1. What is the private key used for in digital signature algorithm? signing by encryption.
  2. What is the public key used for in digital signature algorithm? verification by decryption.


Single-key (or symmetric) cryptography suffers from the key distribution problem: to pass the same secret key to all, often distant, correspondents. Two-key (or asymmetric) cryptography solves this problem seemingly at once, by enabling the use of different keys to encrypt and decrypt. However, the identity of the key owner must be confirmed; if not personally, then by third parties, that is, identities with private keys that confirm by their digital signatures that it is Alice who owns the private key. However, the problem of the public key identity arises again: How can we ensure the identities of these private key owners? There are two solutions: In the approach via hierarchical authorities, private key owners are distinguished by hierarchical levels. At the highest level lie the root authorities on which one trusts unconditionally. In the web of trust, trust is transferred from one to the other, that is, trust is transitive: If Alice trusts Bob, and Bob trusts Charles, then Alice trusts Charles.


Asymmetric cryptography relies on a trapdoor function, which

This difficulty of calculating the inverse corresponds to the difficulty of decryption, that is, inverting the encryption. To complicate the computation of the inverse function (besides facilitating the computation of the proper function) is done using modular (or circular) arithmetic*, that we already from the arithmetic of the clock, where m=12m = 12 is considered equal to 00 .

The Diffie-Hellman Key exchange

The Diffie-Hellman Key exchange protocol shows how to build overtly a mutual secret key based on the difficulty of computing the logarithm modulo pp . This key can then be used to encrypt all further communication, for example, by an asymmetric algorithm such as AES.

However, it shows

ElGamal (1985) showed first how to build an encryption and signature algorithm on top of the Diffie-Hellman protocol; in particular, it gave rise to the Digital Signature Algorithm, DSA.

The RSA algorithm

The best-known public-key algorithm is the Rivest-Shamir-Adleman (RSA) cryptoalgorithm. A user secretly chooses a pair of prime numbers pp and qq so large that factoring the product N=pqN = pq is beyond estimated computing powers during the lifetime of the cipher; The number NN will be the modulus, that is, our trapdoor function will be defined on /N={0,1,...,N1}\mathbb{Z} / N \mathbb{Z} = \{ 0, 1, ..., N-1 \} .

NN is public, but pp and qq are not. If the factors pp and qq of NN were known, then the secret key can be easily computed. For RSARSA to be secure, the factoring must be computationally infeasible; nowadays 2048 bits. The difficulty of factoring roughly doubles for each additional three digits in NN .

To sign (instead of encrypt), the only difference is that the exponents EE and dd exchange their roles. That is, the signed message is M=mdM = m^d (instead of mEm^E ):

The trapdoor function of of RSA is raising to a power, mM=MEm \mapsto M = M^E for a message mm , and its computational security relies upon the difficulty of finding a root modulo a large number mME(=M1/E)modN. m \equiv \sqrt[E]{M} \; (= M^{1/E}) \, \mod \, N. The shortcut is the knowledge of the two prime factors pp and qq of N=pqN = pq that makes it possible to calculate the inverse multiplicative d=1/Ed = 1/E of EE , that is, dd such that Ed1mod(p1)(q1). Ed \equiv 1 \, \mod \, (p-1)(q-1). Then MEMdmodN; \sqrt[E]{M} \equiv M^d \, \mod \, N; computing a power is a lot faster than a root.


  1. What is the inverse of the trapdoor function used in RSA?

  2. What is the fastest known algorithm to attack RSA?

  3. What is the minimum key size of RSA to be currently considered secure, for example, by the NIST?

Required Reading

Read the section on asymmetric cryptography in the article Simmons et al. (2016). Read in Menezes, Oorschot, and Vanstone (1997),

Use Grau (2018d) to get an intuition for the graphs over finite domains.

Read Chapter 10 on RSA.

Further Reading

Use CrypTool 1 to experiment with RSA.

See the book Sweigart (2013a) for implementing some simpler (asymmetric) algorithms in Python, a readable beginner-friendly programming language.

Read the parts of the book Schneier (2007) on understanding and implementing modern asymmetric cryptographic algorithms.

9 Primes

Study Goals


9.1 Detection of Primes

Let us recall Euclid’s Theorem which asserts that there are prime numbers arbitrarily large (for example, with 2048\geq 2048 binary digits for the RSA):

Euclides’ theorem. There are infinitely many prime numbers.

Demonstration: Let’s suppose otherwise, that there’s only a finite number p1,...,pnp_1, ..., p_n of prime numbers. Consider q = p_1 ... p_n + 1. Since qq is greater than p1p_1, …, pnp_n, it is not prime. So let pp be a prime number that divides qq. Therefore, pp must be one of p1p_1, …, pnp_n. But, by its definition, qq leaves rest 11 for any p1p_1, …, pnp_n.

Contradiction! So there’s no greatest prime number. \quad q.e.d.

Examples of Greater Prime Numbers

Marin Mersenne (Oizé, 1588 — Paris, 1648) was a French Franciscan friar who tried to find, without success, a formula to give all prime numbers. Motivated by a letter from Fermat in which he suggested that all the numbers 22p+12^{2^p}+1, Fermat’s Numbers be primes, Mersenne studied the numbers of the form 2p1 for p prime . 2^p-1 \quad \text{ for $p$ prime }. In 1644 he published the work Cogita physico-mathematica which states that these numbers are primes for p=2,3,5,7,13,17,19,31 and 127. p = 2,3,5,7,13,17,19,31 \text{ and } 127. (and mistakenly included p=63p = 63 and p=257p = 257). (Only a computer could show in 19321932 that 225712^{257} - 1 is composed.)

Mersenne’s prime numbers, in the form of 2p12^p-1 to pp prime, are known to be

22, 33, 55, 77, 1313, 1717, 1919, 3131, 6161, 8989, 107107, 127127, 521521, 607607, 12791279, 22032203, 22812281, 32173217, 42534253, 44234423, 96899689, 99419941, 1121311213, 1993719937, 2170121701, 2320923209, 4449744497, 8624386243, 110503110503, 132049132049, 216091216091, 756839756839, 859433859433, 12577871257787, 13982691398269, 29762212976221, 30213773021377, 69725936972593, 1346691713466917, 2099601120996011, 2403658324036583, 2596495125964951, 3040245730402457, 3258265732582657, 3715666737156667, 4264380142643801, 4311260943112609, 5788516157885161, 7420728174207281, 7723291777232917 e 8258993382589933

The prime number 2825899331 2^{82\,589\,933} - 1 has 24,862,04824,862,048 digits. It was found on December 8,2018 and is to this day the biggest known prime number.

“CrypTool 1”, in the menu entry “Indiv. Procedures -> Number Theory Interactive -> Compute Mersenne Numbers’ allows you to calculate some of Mersenne’s prime numbers.


A quick test if the natural number nn is compound is the Small Fermat Theorem (formulated as its contraposition): If there is a natural number aa such that anamodn a^n \nequiv a \mod n then nn is compound.

But the reverse implication doesn’t hold: There are nn numbers (which are called Carmichael numbers) that are compound but for every natural number aa, anamodn. a^n \equiv a \mod n. The lowest such number nn is 561561 (which is divisible by 33).

The Eratosthenes sieve

The simplest algorithm to verify whether a number is prime or not is the Eratosthenes sieve (285 – 194 B.C.).

Eratosthenes, the third head librarian of the Alexandria Library

To illustrate this, let’s determine the prime numbers between 11 and 3030.

Initially, we’ll determine the largest number by what we’ll divide to see if the number is composed; is the square root of the upper coordinate rounded down. In this case, the 3030 root, rounded down, is 55.

  1. Create a list of all integers from 2 to the value of the quota: 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, 77, 88, 99, 1010, 1111, 1212, 1313, 1414, 1515, 1616, 1717, 1818, 1919, 2020, 2121, 2222, 2323, 2424, 2525, 2626, 2727, 2828, 2929 e 3030.
  2. Find the first number on the list. He’s a prime number, 22.
  3. Remove all multiples from 22 to 3030 from the list: 22, 33, 55, 77, 99, 1111, 1313, 1515, 1717, 1919, 2121, 2323, 2525, 2727 e 2929.

The next number on the list is prime. Repeat the procedure:

As initially determined, 55 is the last number we divide by. The final list 22, 33, 55, 77, 1111, 1313, 1717, 1919, 2323, 2929 contains only prime numbers.

Here’s an implementation in Python:

def primeSieve(sieveSize):
    # Returns a list of prime numbers calculated using
    # the Sieve of Eratosthenes algorithm.

    sieve = [True] * sieveSize
    sieve[0] = False # zero and one are not prime numbers
    sieve[1] = False
    # create the sieve
    for i in range(2, int(math.sqrt(sieveSize)) + 1):
        pointer = i * 2
        while pointer < sieveSize:
            sieve[pointer] = False
            pointer += i
    # compile the list of primes
    primes = []
    for i in range(sieveSize):
        if sieve[i] == True:
    return primes

The Deterministic ‘AKS’ Test

The test of AKS determines in polynomial time whether nn is compound or prime (more exactly, in time 𝑂(d)6\textit{O}(d)^6 where dd = the number of digits dd [binary] of nn). In practice, the Miller-Rabin test is usually enough to guarantee much more witnesses (= aa numbers that prove whether nn is composed or not) than Fermat’s Little Theorem.

In fact, when we compare the duration between the two algorithms to check if a number is prime on a computer with a 2GHz Intel Pentium-4 processor, we get

prime number Miller-Rabin AKS
73097309 0.010.01 12.3412.34
90040979004097 0.010.01 23:22.5523:22.55
23112^31-1 0.010.01 6:03:14.366:03:14.36

The CrypTool 1 offers in the Individual Procedures -> RSA Menu an entry to experiment with different algorithms to detect prime numbers.

The algorithms to check if a number is prime in CrypTool 1

The Probabilist Test Miller-Rabin

The simplistic tests, to know if a nn number is prime or not, are inefficient because they calculate the nn factors. Instead of them, to know only if it is prime or not, there is the Miller-Rabin Test. After your demonstration, we’ll give you your opposition; it’s in this formulation that it’s applied.

The Miller-Rabin Test. Be p>2p > 2 a prime number, be n1=2kqn-1 = 2^k q for numbers kk and qq (with qq odd). So, for any whole number aa indivisible for pp is worth

Demonstration: By the Little Theorem of Fermat ap1=(ad)2k1modp a^{p-1} = (a^d)^{2^k} \equiv 1 \mod p By iteratively extracting the square root, we obtain

If for an odd number, a possibly prime number, we write n1=2kqn-1 = 2^k q, then by Fermat’s Test nn is not prime if there is a whole aa such that a2kq1modna^{2^k q} \equiv 1 \mod n. The Miller-Rabin Test explains the condition aq2k=(aq)2k=((aq)2))21a^{q 2^k} = (a^q)^{2^k} = ((a^q)^2) \cdots)^2 \nequiv 1:

The Miller-Rabin Test. (Contraposition) It’s nn odd and n1=2kqn-1 = 2^k q for numbers kk and qq (with qq odd). An integer aa relatively prime to nn is a Miller-Rabin Witness (for divisibility) of nn, if

Question: What are the chances that we declare by the Miller-Rabin Test accidentally a prime number, that is, a number that is actually compound?

Theorem. (About the frequency of witnesses) Be nn odd and compound. So at least 7575 of the numbers in 11, …, n1n-1 are Miller-Rabin Witnesses for nn.

So, already after 55 attempts a1a_1, a2a_2, …, a5a_5 without witness we know with a chance 1/45=1/1024<0.1%1/4^5 = 1/1024 < 0.1 \%, that the number is prime!

Python Implementation

Let’s implement

  1. the Miller-Rabin algorithm,
  2. a test for a prime number, and
  3. a function to generate (large) prime numbers.
# Primality Testing with the Rabin-Miller Algorithm
# (BSD Licensed)

random import

def rabinMiller(num):
    # Returns True if num is a prime number.

    s = num - 1
    t = 0
    while s % 2 == 0:
        # keep halving s while it is even (and use t
        # to count how many times we halve s)
        s = s // 2
        t += 1

    for trials in range(5): # try to falsify num's primality 5 teams
        a = random.randrange(2, num - 1)
        v = pow(a, s, num)
        if v != 1: # this test does not apply if v is 1.
            i = 0
            while v != (num - 1):
                if i == t - 1:
                    return False
                    i = i + 1
                    v = (v ** 2) % in a
    return True
def isPrime(num):
    # Return True if num is a prime number. This function does a
    # quicker prime number check before calling rabinMiller().

    if (num < 2):
        return False # 0, 1, and negative numbers are not prime

    # About 1/3 of the time we can quickly determine if num is not
    # prime by dividing by the first few dozen prime numbers.
    # This is quicker # than rabinMiller(), but unlike rabinMiller()
    # is not guaranteed to prove that a number is prime.
    lowPrimes = [2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43,
    47, 59, 61, 67, 71, 73, 79, 83, 89, 97, 101, 103, 107,
    109, 113, 127, 131, 137, 149, 151, 157, 163, 167, 173, 179, 181,
    191, 193, 197, 199, 211, 223, 227, 233, 239, 241, 251, 257, 263,
    269, 271, 277, 281, 283, 293, 307, 311, 313, 331, 337, 347, 349,
    353, 359, 367, 373, 379, 383, 389, 397, 401, 409, 419, 431, 433,
    439, 443, 449, 457, 461, 463, 467, 479, 487, 491, 499, 503, 509,
    523, 541, 547, 557, 563, 569, 571, 577, 587, 593, 599, 601, 607,
    613, 617, 631, 641, 643, 647, 653, 659, 661, 673, 677, 683, 691,
    701, 709, 719, 727, 739, 743, 751, 757, 761, 769, 773, 787, 797,
    809, 811, 821, 823, 827, 829, 853, 857, 859, 863, 877, 881, 883,
    887, 907, 911, 919, 929, 937, 941, 947, 967, 971, 977, 983, 991,

    if in a lowPrimes:
        return True

    # See if any of the low prime numbers can divide into one
    for prime in lowPrimes:
        if (num % prime == 0):
            return False

    # If all else fails, call rabinMiller() to check if num is a prime.
    return rabinMiller(num)
def generateLargePrime(keysize = 1024):
    # Return a random prime number of keysize bits in size.
    while True:
        num = random.randrange(2**(keysize-1), 2**(keysize))
        if isPrime(num):
            return num

9.2 Other Moduli

Let’s observe for modules that are not primes, that is, a product of primes factors, that the difficulty increases linearly in the number of factors, unlike it increases exponentially in the number of bits of each factor:

Product of Different Primes

If the m=pqm = pq module is the product of two factors pp and qq without common factor, then the modular logarithm loggmodm \log_g \mod m can be computed, by the Chinese Theorem of the Remains, by the logarithms loggmodp and loggmodq \log_g \mod p \quad \text{ and } \quad \log_g \mod q More exactly, there are integers aa and bb, computed (in linear time in the number of pp and qq bits) by the Euclid Algorithm (extended), such that ap+bq=1ap + bq = 1 and loggmodm=a(loggmodp)+b(loggmodq). \log_g \mod m = a (\log_g \mod p) + b (\log_g \mod q).

Power of a Prime

If the modulus m=pem = p^e is a power of a prime pp, then Bach (1984) shows how the modular logarithm module mm for a gg base logg:/m*/ϕ(m) \log_g \colon \mathbb{Z} / m \mathbb{Z}^* \to \mathbb{Z} / \phi(m) \mathbb{Z} can be computed in polynomial time from the pp module logarithm. Let’s expose the steps to a prime number p>2p > 2:

  1. Let us recall the Section 7.2 about the existence of the primitive root for every module for which /pe*\mathbb{Z} / p^e \mathbb{Z}^* is cyclical in order (p1)pe1(p-1)p^{e-1}. Therefore, there is a multiplicative application /pe*μp1×U1 \mathbb{Z} / p^e \mathbb{Z}^* \to \mu_{p-1} \times U_1 given by xxpe1,x/xpe1(*) x \mapsto x^{p^{e-1}}, x / x^{p^{e-1}} \quad (*) where μp1={ζ/pe*:ζp1=1} \mu_{p-1} = \{ \zeta \in \mathbb{Z} / p^e \mathbb{Z}^* : \zeta^{p-1} = 1 \} denote the group of (p1)(p-1)-highest roots of the unit and U1=1+p/pe U_1 = 1 + p \mathbb{Z} / p^e \mathbb{Z} The unitary units.
  2. We have the isomorphism μp1𝔽p* \mu_{p-1} \to \mathbb{F}_p^* given for xxmodpx \mapsto x \mod p and its inverse for XXpe1X \mapsto X^{p^{e-1}} for every XX in /pe\mathbb{Z} / p^e \mathbb{Z} such that XxmodpX \equiv x \mod p. (Note that the restriction of homomorphism /pe*U1 \mathbb{Z} / p^e \mathbb{Z}^* \to U_1 given by x1pe1x^{1 - p^{e-1}} to U1U_1 is the identity because the order of U1U_1 is pe1p^{e-1}).
  3. We have the logarithm to the gg base logg:𝔽p*/(p1) \log_g \colon \mathbb{F}_p^* \to \mathbb{Z} / (p-1) \mathbb{Z} and we have the natural logarithm log:U1p(/pe) \log \colon U_1 \to p (\mathbb{Z} / p^e \mathbb{Z}) which is calculated in polynomial time by the formula u[xpe1]/pe;(9.1) u \mapsto [x^{p^e} - 1]/p^e; \qquad{(9.1)} and which provides the logarithm logg:U1p(/pe)\log_g \colon U_1 \to p (\mathbb{Z} / p^e \mathbb{Z}) for the base gg by the scaling logg=log/logg. \log_g = \log \cdot / \log g.
  4. By the Chinese Remainder Theorem, we have the isomorphism /(p1)×/pe1/(p1)pe1 \mathbb{Z} / (p-1) \mathbb{Z} \times \mathbb{Z} / p^{e-1} \mathbb{Z} \to \mathbb{Z} / (p-1) p^{e-1} \mathbb{Z} given by the product and its inverse given by y(aymodp,bymodpe1)y \mapsto (a y \mod p, b y \mod p^{e-1}) where aa and bb satisfy a(p1)+b(pe1)=1a (p-1) + b (p^{e-1}) = 1 and were obtained by the Euclid Algorithm (extended).

We conclude that, given

the value of logg(y)\log_g(y) of logg:(/pe)*/(p1)pe1\log_g \colon (\mathbb{Z} / p^e \mathbb{Z})^* \to \mathbb{Z} / (p-1)p^{e-1} \mathbb{Z} is computed in polynomial time.

Observation. To facilitate computing, instead of projection /pe*U1 \mathbb{Z} / p^e \mathbb{Z}^* \to U_1 given in (*)(*) for xx1pe1x \mapsto x^{1 - p^{e-1}}, it’s faster to use that given in (*)(*) by π:xxp1\pi \colon x \mapsto x^{p-1}. However, its U1U_1 restriction is not identity. So you need to use it instead of logg:U1p/pe \log g \colon U_1 \to p \mathbb{Z} / p^e \mathbb{Z} the scaled logarithm (p1)1logg (p-1)^{-1} \log_g in order to obtain logg=(p1)1loggπ=(log(g)p1)1logπ:U1p/pe. \log_g = (p-1)^{-1} \log_g \circ \pi = (\log(g) p-1)^{-1} \log \circ \pi \colon U_1 \to p \mathbb{Z} / p^e \mathbb{Z}.

Discreet Logarithm To Prime Power

Let’s explain Equation 9.1 which defines the logarithm log:U1p(/pe)\log \colon U_1 \to p (\mathbb{Z} / p^e \mathbb{Z}): let us remember the definition of the exponential on \mathbb{R} for compound interest exp(x)=lim(1+1n)n, \exp(x) = \lim \left(1+\frac{1}{n}\right)^n, which leads to the definition of the inverse function log(x)=limn(x1/n1)=xϵ1 \log(x) = \lim n (x^{1 / n} - 1) = x^\epsilon - 1 where ϵ=1/n0\epsilon = 1 / n \to 0.

Now, at /pe\mathbb{Z} / p^e \mathbb{Z}, we have 11, pp, pp, 22, …, p=0p = 0, that is, pnp^n, which may motivate the idea of considering pp as small. So, the good analog about U1U_1 is log(x)=lim1pe1(xpe11). \log(x) = \lim \frac{1}{p^{e-1}}(x^{p^{e-1}} - 1). In fact, over U1U_1, log(1+x)=xx22+x33... \log(1+x) = x - \frac{x^2}{2} + \frac{x^3}{3} - ... is a well defined value in p/pep \mathbb{Z} / p^e \mathbb{Z}, because if pp divides xx, then no denominator of the fraction cut is divisible by pp and all indivisible numbers by pp are invertible by /pe\mathbb{Z} / p^e \mathbb{Z}. Likewise, over p/pep \mathbb{Z} / p^e \mathbb{Z}, exp(x)=n0xnn! \exp(x) = \sum_{n \geq 0} \frac{x^n}{n!} is a well defined value at 1+p/pe1 + p \mathbb{Z} / p^e \mathbb{Z}, because if pp divides xx, then no cut denominator is divisible by pp and all indivisible numbers by pp are invertible by /pe\mathbb{Z} / p^e \mathbb{Z}.

Of particular interest is the base epe^p of the natural logarithm at 1+p/pe1 + p \mathbb{Z} / p^e \mathbb{Z}, that is, the argument yy such that logy=1\log y = 1. For example, for p=7p = 7 and e=4e = 4, we calculate exp(p)=n0pnn!=1+p+p22+p33!=1+7127=1+17+472+273. \exp(p) = \sum_{n \geq 0} \frac{p^n}{n!} = 1 + p + \frac{p^2}{2} + \frac{p^3}{3!} = 1 + 7 \cdot 127 = 1 + 1 \cdot 7 + 4 \cdot 7^2 + 2 \cdot 7^3.

Self-Check Questions


Asymmetric cryptography relies on a trapdoor function, which

This difficulty of calculating the inverse corresponds to the difficulty of decryption, that is, inverting the encryption. To complicate the computation of the inverse function (besides facilitating the computation of the proper function) is done using modular (or circular) arithmetic*, that we already from the arithmetic of the clock, where m=12m = 12 is considered equal to 00 .


Required Reading

Further Reading

Use CrypTool 1 to experiment with various prime detection algorithms.

10 Finite Elliptic Curves

Study Goals

On completion of this chapter, you will have learned …


Denote 𝔽p:=/p\mathbb{F}_p := \mathbb{Z} / p \mathbb{Z} . Among all curves, the clou of the elliptic curves (given by an equation y2=x3+ax+by^2 = x^3 + ax + b ) is that one can add points on them: p+q+r=0p + q + r = 0 if a line passes for p,qp, q and rr . By restricting the solutions to points (x,y)(x, y) in (𝔽p×𝔽p(\mathbb{F}_p \times\mathbb{F}_p for a large prime number pp and fixing a point PP on the curve,

Diffie-Hellman over Elliptic Curves: (an analog of) the Diffie-Hellman protocol, in which iterated multiplication of a number modulo pp is replaced by iterated addition of a point on a finite elliptic curve.

The Diffie-Hellman protocol (over 𝔽p\mathbb{F}_p) has an analog over Elliptic Curves:

The advantage of using

is that depending on the number of bits nn of pp (regarding the fastest presently known algorithms):

For example, the security obtained by a 2048 bits key for the multiplicative logarithm equals approximately that of a 224 bits key for the logarithm over an elliptic curve. To a length of 512 bits of a key for an elliptic curve, corresponds a length of 15360 bits of an RSA key.

In the next sections, we:

  1. introduce these general finite fields (because common finite elliptic curves are defined over more general finite fields than those of the form 𝔽p=/p\mathbb{F}_p = \mathbb{Z} / p \mathbb{Z} for a prime number pp that we know so far).
  2. introduce elliptic curves.
  3. study the addition of points of an elliptic curve.
  4. present the Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange over elliptic curves, and
  5. look at the cryptographic problem behind the curves and the algorithms that solve it.

10.1 General Finite Fields

We realized that we already use the modular arithmetic in everyday life, for example for the modulus m=12m = 12 , the arithmetic of the clock, and for m=7m = 7 , the days of the week. More generally, we defined, for any integer mm the finite ring /m\mathbb{Z} /m \mathbb{Z} (= a finite set where we can add and multiply), roughly,

If m=pm = p is prime, then it can be shown that /p\mathbb{Z} / p \mathbb{Z} is a field denoted by 𝔽p\mathbb{F}_p: for every aa in 𝔽p\mathbb{F}_p, except 00 , there is always a1a^{-1} in 𝔽p\mathbb{F}_p, the inverse multiplicative of aa defined by satisfying aa1=1a a^{-1} = 1 . In other words, in a field we can divide by every number except 00 . (The most common examples are the infinite fields \mathbb{Q} and \mathbb{R} .)

𝔽q\mathbb{F}_q for q=pnq = p^n: A ring of polynomials with coefficients in 𝔽p\mathbb{F}_p of degree nn

In cryptography, elliptic curves are defined over fields 𝔽q\mathbb{F}_q whose cardinality is a power q=pnq = p^n of a prime number pp (and not just 𝔽p\mathbb{F}_p till now); for example, q=2nq = 2^n for a large number nn . The case p=2p = 2 is particularly suitable for computing (cryptographic). The fields of the form 𝔽2n\mathbb{F}_{2^n} are called binary.

In Section 2.4, we already made acquaintance with the Rijndael field, which was defined by polynomials of degree 77 with binary coefficient. More generally, the field 𝔽q\mathbb{F}_q to q=pnq = p^n is defined by polynomials of degree nn over 𝔽p\mathbb{F}_p, 𝔽q[X]={anXn+an1Xn1++a0 with an,an1,...,a0 in 𝔽q}. \mathbb{F}_q[X] = \{ a_n X^n + a_{n-1} X^{n-1} + \cdots + a_0 \text{ with } a_n, a_{n-1}, ..., a_0 \text{ in } \mathbb{F}_q \}.

The Rijndael Field 𝔽28\mathbb{F}_{2^8}

For example, for q=pnq = p^n with p=2p = 2 and n=8n = 8 , we get the field 𝔽28\mathbb{F}_{2^8} used in AES . As a set 𝔽q={a7X7++a0 with a7,...,a0 in 𝔽p}. \mathbb{F}_q = \{ a_7 X^7 + \cdots + a_0 \text{ with } a_7, ..., a_0 \text{ in } \mathbb{F}_p \}. that is, the finite sums a0+a1X+a2X2++a7X7 a_0 + a_1 X + a_2 X^2 + \cdots + a_7 X^7 for a0a_0, a1a_1, …, a7a_7 in {0,1}\{ 0, 1 \} .

10.2 Elliptic Curves

An elliptic curve EE over a finite field (in which 02,30 \neq 2, 3 ) is an equation y2=x3+ax+b y^2 = x^3 + ax + b for coefficients aa and bb such that the curve is not singular, that is, its discriminant is nonzero, 4a3+27b204 a^3 + 27 b^2 \neq 0 .


After choosing a domain (for example, \mathbb{Z} , \mathbb{Q} , \mathbb{R} , \mathbb{C} or 𝔽p\mathbb{F}_p for a prime number pp ) the points (x,y)(x, y) that solve this equation, E(x,y)=0E(x,y) = 0 , form a curve in the plane. This plane,

In addition to the points in the plane, there is also the point at infinity (or ideal point) that is denoted 00 . Thus, the points of the elliptic curve are given by E:={ all points (x,y) such that E(x,y)=0}{0} E := \{ \text{ all points } (x,y) \text{ such that } E(x,y) = 0\} \cup \{ 0 \} where the notion of point depends on the domain: On a finite field 𝔽q\mathbb{F}_q, the number of points #E\# E is limited by q+1tq + 1 - t where t2qt \leq 2 \sqrt{q} , that is, asymptotically equal to #𝔽q*=q1\# \mathbb{F}_q^* = q -1 . It can be computed by Schoof’s algorithm Schoof (1995) in about n5n^5 operations for n=log2qn = \log_2 q the number of binary digits of qq .

Just as the coefficients aa and bb , this plane can be a rational, real, complex or finite plan, that is, a finite field 𝔽q\mathbb{F}_q for a power q=pnq = p^n of a prime number pp .

Continuous and Discrete Finite Curves

For the domain \mathbb{R} , the curves take the following forms in the real plane for different aa and bb parameters:

Real elliptic curves (Corbellini (2015a))

While on finite fields, we obtain a discrete set of points (symmetrical around the middle horizontal axis).

Finite elliptic curve (Grau (2018a))

Curves used in Cryptography

For the cryptographic algorithm on this curve to be safe, that is, the computation of the logarithm on it takes time, there are restrictions on the choices of q=pnq = p^n and the elliptic curve (that is, on its defining coefficients aa and bb ). For example,

The probability that a randomly generated curve (that is, one whose coefficients aa and bb in the equation by2=x3+ax2+xb y^2 = x^3 + a x^2 + x are randomly generated) is vulnerable to one of these attacks is negligible.

Ideally, these choices are publicly justified.

A safe choice is for example: The Curve25519 given by y2=x3+486662x2+x y^2 = x^3 + 486 662 x^2 + x over 𝔽q\mathbb{F}_q with q=p2q = p^2 where p=225519p = 2^{255} - 19 (which explains its name); its number of points is #E=2252+277423177773585193790883648493\#E = 2^{252} + 277423177773585193790883648493 . (This curve became popular as an unbiased alternative to the recommended, and soon distrusted, curves by the National Institute for Standards and Technology, NIST).

To ensure that the coefficients are not chosen to intentionally compromise cryptographic security, they are often obtained at random, that is,

  1. obtained by a randomly generated number (a seed), and
  2. transformed by a cryptographic hash such as SHA-256.

10.3 Addition (and Multiplication by an integer)

How is the sum of two points on an elliptic curve defined? Geometrically the sum of three points pp , qq and rr on an elliptic curve in the Euclidean plane (that is, in ×\mathbb{R} \times\mathbb{R} ) is defined by the equality p+q+r=0p + q + r = 0 if a line passes p,qp, q and rr . However, over finite fields, this geometric intuition no longer applies, and we need an algebraic definition (which is also the form that the computer expects).

Geometric Addition (over \mathbb{R} )

If we look at the real points of the curve EE , that is, at all the points (x,y)(x, y) in ×\mathbb{R} \times\mathbb{R} such that E(x,y)=0E(x,y) = 0 , the addition has a geometric meaning: We have P+Q+R=0P + Q + R = 0 if PP , QQ and RR are on the same line. More exactly:

The reflection of R-R along the xx -axis is the point R=P+QR = P + Q .

CrypTool 1 demonstrates this geometric addition in an animation accessible from the Point Addition on Elliptic Curves entry in the menu Procedures -> Number Theory - Interactive.

Two-point addition on real numbers in CrypTool 1 (Esslinger et al. (2008))

Algebraic Addition (over a finite field 𝔽p\mathbb{F}_p)

This geometric description of the addition leads us to the following algebraic description: Expressed by Cartesian coordinates, the addition of two points of an elliptic curve is given by an algebraic formula, that is, it involves only the basic operations of addition, multiplication (and raising to a power). (Thus, we can replace the unknowns by values in any domain, be it \mathbb{Q} , \mathbb{R} , or 𝔽q\mathbb{F}_q.)

Proposition: Denote P+Q=RP + Q = R by (xP,yP)+(xQ,yQ)=(xR,yR). (x_P, y_P) + (x_Q, y_Q) = (x_R, y_R). If the curve EE is given by Y2=X3+aX+bY^2 = X^3 + aX + b and the points PP , QQ and RR are non-zero, then xR=s2xPxQ and yR=s(xPxR)yP(*) x_R = s^2 - x_P - x_Q \quad \text{ and } \quad y_R = s(x_P - x_R) - y_P \quad (*) where ss is the degree of inclination of the line that passes through PP and QQ given by s=yQyPxQxP if xQxP, and s=3xP2+a2yP if xQ=xP. s = \frac{y_Q - y_P}{x_Q - x_P} \quad \text{ if } x_Q \neq x_P, \quad \text{ and } \quad s = \frac{3x_P^2 + a}{2y_P} \quad \text{ if } x_Q = x_P.

Demonstration: For a cubic curve not in the normal Weierstrass shape, we can still define a group structure by designating one of its nine inflection points as the OO identity. On the projective plane, each line will cross a cubic at three points when considering multiplicity. For a PP point, P-P is defined as the third exclusive point in the line passing OO and PP . So for all PP and QQ , PP + QQ is defined as R-R where RR is the third exclusive point in the line containing PP and QQ .

Be KK a field on which the curve is defined (that is, the coefficients of the equation or defining equations of the curve are in KK ) and denotes the curve as EE . So, the rational KK points are the EE points whose coordinates are in KK , including the point at infinity. The - -rational points set is indicated by EE (KK ). It also forms a group, because the properties of the polynomial equations show that if PP is in EE (KK ), then P-P is also in EE (KK ), and if two of PP , QQ and RR are in EE (KK ), then it is the third. Also, if KK is a subfield of LL , then EE (KK ) is a subgroup of EE (LL ). Given the curve Y2=X3+aX+bY^2 = X^3 + aX + b on the field KK (such that 02,30 \neq 2, 3 ), and the points PP = (xPx_P, yPy_P) and QQ = (xQx_Q, yQy_Q) on the curve.

  1. If xPxQx_P \neq x_Q, then y=sx+dy = sx + d the Cartesian equation of the line intersecting PP and QQ with the slope s=yPyQxPxQ. s = \frac{y_P - y_Q}{x_P - x_Q}. For the values xPx_P, xQx_Q and xRx_R the equation of the line is equal to the curve (sx+d)2=x3+ax+b, (s x + d)^2 = x^3 + ax + b, or, equivalently, 0=x3s2x22xd+ax+bd2. 0 = x^3 - s^2 x^2 - 2xd + ax + b - d^2. The roots of this equation are exactly xPx_P, xQx_Q and xRx_R; thence (xxP)(xxQ)(xxR)=x3+x2(xPxQxR)+x(xPxQ+xR+xQxR)xPxQxR. (x - x_P) (x - x_Q) (x - x_R) = x^3 + x^2 (- x_P - x_Q - x_R) + x (x_P x_Q + x_R + x_Q x_R) - x_P x_Q x_R.

    Therefore, the coefficient of x2x^2 gives the value xRx_R; the value of yRy_R follows by replacing xRx_R in the Cartesian equation of the line. We conclude that the coordinates (xRx_R, yRy_R) = RR = -(PP + QQ ) are xR=s2xPxQ and yR=yP+s(xRxP). x_R = s^2 - x_P - x_Q \quad \text{ and } \quad y_R = y_P + s (x_R - x_P).

  2. If xPx_P = xQx_Q, then

    1. either yP=yQy_P = -y_Q, including the case where yPy_P = yQ=0y_Q = 0 , then the sum is set to 00 ; so the inverse of each point on the curve is found reflecting it in the xx axis,
    2. or yPy_P = yQy_Q, then QQ = PP and RR = (xRx_R, yRy_R) = -(PP + PP ) = 2P-2P = 2Q-2 Q is given by xR=s22xP and yR=yP+s(xRxP) with s=3xP2+a2yP. x_R = s^2 - 2x_P \quad \text{ and } \quad y_R = y_P + s(x_R - x_P) \quad \text{ with } \quad s = \frac{3{x_P}^2 + a}{2y_P}.

Observation. For certain specific curves, these formulas can be simplified: For example, in an Edwards’ Curve of the shape x2+xy=1+dx2y2 x^2 + xy = 1 + d x^2 y^2 for d0,1d \neq 0, 1 (with neutral element 00 the point (0,1)(0, 1) ), the sum of the points p=(xP,yP)p = (x_P , y_P ) and q=(xQ,yQ)q = (x_Q , y_Q ) is given by the formula (xP,yP)+(xQ,yQ)=(xPyQ+xQyP1+dxPxQyPyQ,yPyQxPxQ1dxPxQyPyQ) (x_P,y_P) + (x_Q,y_Q) = \left(\frac{x_P y_Q + x_Q y_P}{1 + dx_P x_Q y_P y_Q}, \frac{y_P y_Q - x_P x_Q}{1 - d x_P x_Q y_P y_Q}\right) (and the inverse of a point (x,y)(x, y) is (x,y)(-x, y) ). If dd is not a square in 𝔽q\mathbb{F}_q, then there are no exceptional points: The denominators 1+dxPxQyPyQ1 + dx_P x_Q y_P y_Q and 1dxPxQyPyQ1 - dx_P x_Q y_P y_Q are always different from zero.

If, instead of \mathbb{R} , we look at the points with entries in a finite field 𝔽q\mathbb{F}_q from the curve EE , that is, all points (x,y)(x, y) in 𝔽q\mathbb{F}_q such that E(x,y)=0E(x,y) = 0 , the addition is uniquely defined by the formula (*)(*) .

CrypTool 1 demonstrates this addition in the entry Point Addition on Elliptic Curves of the menu Indiv. Procedures -> Number Theory - Interactive.

Two-point addition on a finite field in CrypTool 1 (Esslinger et al. (2008))

Scalar Multiplication

The addition leads to scaling by iterated addition. That is,

Base Point

As the group of points on a finite field 𝔽q\mathbb{F}_q is finite (of cardinality approximately qq ), necessarily for any point PP the set P:={P,2P,...}\langle P \rangle := \{ P, 2P, ... \} is finite. That is, there is nn and n+mn + m in {0,1,...,q1}\{ 0, 1, ..., q-1 \} such that nP=(n+m)Pn P = (n + m) P , that is, there is a whole m<qm < q such that mP=0m P = 0 .

Cyclicity of a point on a finite elliptic curve (Corbellini (2015a))

Grau (2018a) shows for an elliptic curve over a finite field 𝔽p\mathbb{F}_p the addition table between the points, and for each point PP the finite cyclic group P={P,2P,...}\langle P \rangle = \{ P, 2 P, ... \} generated by it. The cardinality m=#Pm = \# \langle P \rangle is the smallest mm such that mP=0m P = 0 and is called the order of the point PP .

10.4 Key Exchange using Elliptic Curves

Elliptic Curve Cryptography uses Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange to

  1. build a secret key,
  2. turn it into a cryptographic hash, and
  3. use it to encrypt communication by a symmetric cryptographic algorithm.

Encryption by the ECC is standardized by the ECIES (Elliptic Curve Integrated Encryption Scheme), a hybrid procedure (asymmetric cryptography with symmetric cryptography).

Once the mutually secret cc key (= a point on the finite elliptic curve) is agreed on, Alice and Bob derive from it a key to a symmetric cipher like AES or 3DES . The derivation function that transforms a secret information into the appropriate format is called a Key Derivation Function, KDF. Such a standardized function is ANSI-X9.63-KDF with the SHA-1 option. For example, the TLS protocol

Let us transfer the Diffie-Hellman protocol from multiplication in a finite field to addition on a finite elliptic curve: Denote GG a point on the curve, and xG=G++G x G = G + \cdots + G the xx -fold iterated addition over the finite elliptic curve (instead of gg and gx=gsgg^x = g \cdot s g for a finite field).


one chooses first

  1. a prime number pp that defines the field 𝔽p\mathbb{F}_p, and
  2. the coefficients aa and bb that define the points EE in the plane on 𝔽p\mathbb{F}_p (subject to condition 4a3+27b2uiv0modp4 a^3 + 27 b^2 \neq uiv 0 \mod p to not be singular).

To resist

Then one chooses

  1. One chooses a base point GG in EE .

The critical cryptographic number is the order nn of the base point GG that should be big enough.

To resist

To find a base point GG whose order nn is big enough, proceed as follows:

  1. Randomly select coefficients aa and bb in 𝔽q\mathbb{F}_q.
  2. Compute the number of points N=#E(𝔽q)N = \#E(\mathbb{F}_q ) of EE in 𝔽q\mathbb{F}_q by Schoof’s algorithm.
  3. Verify that Nq,q+1N \neq q, q + 1 (to avoid the attacks of Smart and Menezes, Okamoto and Vanstone). Otherwise, go back to step one.
  4. Check if there is a prime factor of NN such that
  5. Randomly pick points gg in EE up to G=hG0G = h G \neq 0 to h:=N/nh := N/n .

That the point thus found has order nn can be shown by Langrange’s Theorem which asserts that #H|#G\# H | \# G where

For example, G=/10G = \mathbb{Z} / 10 \mathbb{Z} is a group and 2H={0,2,4,6,8}2 \cdot H = \{ 0, 2, 4, 6, 8 \} a subgroup.

Demonstration: For every point PP we have #EP=nhP=0\# E P = n h P = 0 by Lagrange’s Theorem. That is, nG=0n G = 0 for G=hPG = h P , and for the Lagrange Theorem #G\# \langle G \rangle divides nn . Since nn is prime, either G=1\langle G \rangle = 1 , or G=p\langle G \rangle = p . Since G1\langle G \rangle \neq 1 , or #G>1\# \langle G \rangle > 1 , so #G=n\# \langle G \rangle = n .

Example (of a base point).

The elliptic curve Curve25519 with y2=x3+486662x2+x y^2 = x^3 + 486 662 x^2 + x over 𝔽q\mathbb{F}_q with q=p2q = p^2 where p=225519p = 2^{255} - 19 , uses as base point G=(xG,yG)G = (x_G , y_G ) uniquely determined by


In the ECDH (Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman) protocol, for Alice and Bob to overtly build a secret key, they first combine

and then

  1. Alice, to generate one half of the key, chooses a number aa ,
  2. Bob, to generate another half of the key, chooses a number bb ,
  3. The secret mutual key between Alice and Bob is c:=bA=baG=abG=aB. c := b A = b a G = a b G = a B.

We note that for both to compute the same key cc , the addition must satisfy the associative and commutative law; that is, it is indispensable that EE be a group.

The ECDHE protocol, where the additional final E stands for ‘Ephemeral’, is, regarding the key exchange, the same as the ECDH protocol, but discards the keys (which are necessarily signed by permanent keys to testify the identity) after the session. Corbellini (2015b) is an implementation in Python of ECDH.

Self-Check Questions

  1. How much older is RSA compared to ECC? Around 20 years.

  2. How does the ECC Diffie-Hellman key exchange compare to the original Diffie-Hellman key exchange? The ECC Diffie-Hellman key exchange uses points on an elliptic curve given by pairs of numbers whereas the original Diffie-Hellman key exchange uses simple numbers.

  3. How do the key sizes between RSA and ECC compare? Usual are 2048 bits for RSA and 224 bits for ECC.

  4. How much faster is ECC compared to RSA?


Asymmetric cryptography relies on a trapdoor function, which

This difficulty of calculating the inverse corresponds to the difficulty of decryption, that is, inverting the encryption. To complicate the computation of the inverse function (besides facilitating the computation of the proper function) is done using modular (or circular) arithmetic*, that we already from the arithmetic of the clock, where m=12m = 12 is considered equal to 00 .

Let us denote 𝔽p=/p\mathbb{F}_p = \mathbb{Z} / p \mathbb{Z} .

The most current cryptography widely in use uses elliptic curves (given by an equation y2=x3+ax+by^2 = x^3 + ax + b ) where one can add points on them: p+q+r=0p + q + r = 0 if a line passes for p,qp, q and rr . By restricting the solutions to points (x,y)(x, y) in (𝔽p×𝔽p(\mathbb{F}_p \times\mathbb{F}_p for a large prime number pp and fixing a point PP on the curve,


The advantage of using elliptic curves are shorter key sizes: Because, depending on the number of bits nn of the used modulus pp , regarding the fastest presently known algorithms:

For example, the security of a 2048 bit key for the multiplicative logarithm equals approximately that of a 224 bit key for the logarithm over an elliptic curve. To a length of 512 bits of a key for an elliptic curve, corresponds a length of 15360 bits of an RSA key.

ECC, elliptic curve cryptography, is becoming the new standard because its cryptographic problem (the logarithm over a finite elliptic curve) is currently computationally more difficult than that of RSA (the factoring in prime numbers) or DH (the logarithm over the multiplicative group of a finite field). small keys for the ECC achieve the same level of security as large keys for the RSA or DH. As an example, the security of a 224 bits key from the ECC corresponds to that of a 2048 bits key from the RSA or DH. This factor in reducing key sizes corresponds to a similar factor in reducing computational costs. Regarding usability,


  1. What key size in ECC is as secure as a 256256 bit key in AES ?

  2. What key size in ECC is as secure as a 256 bit key in AES?

  3. What certificate size in ECC is as secure as a 256 bit key in AES?

Required Reading

Use Grau (2018d) to get an intuition for the graphs over finite domains.

Read Chapter 12 on elliptic curves of Aumasson (2017).

Further Reading

Use CrypTool 1 to observe the addition of points on an elliptic curve.

See the book Sweigart (2013a) for implementing some simpler (asymmetric) algorithms in Python, a readable beginner-friendly programming language.

Read the parts of the book Schneier (2007) on understanding and implementing modern asymmetric cryptographic algorithms.

11 Authentication

Study Goals

On completion of this chapter, you will have learned …

  1. … How a user can be authenticated by:

    1. a password or personal identification number (PIN),
    2. smart card (that has a microprocessor that stores a private key and runs cryptographic algorithms), or
    3. biometric identifiers (recognition of the users’ signature, facial features, fingerprint, …).
  2. … How authentication is most securely achieved over distance.

  3. … How the secret is never revealed by challenge and response protocols.

  4. … How no information other than the knowledge of the secret is leaked by zero-knowledge proofs.

  5. … How Kerberos mediates between users and servers without either one revealing her password to the other.


Authentication is the identification of a person or of data; the confirmation

This chapter treats exclusively the former type, the identification of a person, the user; particularly important on the Internet where the person is far away. In this sense identification is telling a computer or a network who the user is, usually by her user (or account) name. This is followed by authentication, the verification of the identity of a user, that is, convincing a computer that a person is who he or she claims to be.

To authenticate, the user can use as a proof information that

Authentication should not be confused with authorization, the final confirmation of authentication that determines the user’s eligibility to access certain contents, that is, what a user is allowed to do or see.

The authentication protocol can be simple or two-factor, that is:

and one-way or mutual, that is,

Most operating systems (such as Linux) and applications store a hash of the authentication data rather than the authentication data itself. During authentication, it is verified whether the hash of the authentication data entered matches the hash stored. Even if the hashes are known to an intruder, it is practically impossible to determine an authentication data that matches a given hash.

11.1 Passwords

A password is a secret sequence of letters attached to a user identity that grants access to a system (such as a computer) after deriving it from the data of authorized users stored on the system.

password: a secret sequence of letters attached to a user identity that grants access to a system (such as a computer).

It is the most common approach for authentication: gratis, convenient and private. It should be easy to memorize but difficult to guess.


Comparing authentication by what one knows (such as a password) to



Attacks during the entry of another person’s password are:

Attacks on another person’s stored password exploit principally the following deficiency: Since passwords have to be memorized, they tend to be memorizable, that is, follow patterns. For example, are built from (birth)dates, counts and words, in particular names. Common are (reversing, capitalizing, … ):

These more likely candidates can then be guessed first. Or, instead of building likely passwords, the attacker uses those already leaked to begin with.

Self-Check Questions

  1. Which conditions must a secure but practical password fulfill? Must be easy to memorize but difficult to guess.
  2. List at least three common attacks during another person’s password entry! spying, keylogging and login spoofing

11.2 Challenge-Response Protocols and Zero-knowledge

A challenge-response protocol poses a task that can be solved only by a user with additional authentication data; usually:

challenge-response protocol: poses a task that can be solved only by a user who has the authentication data.

A Zero-knowledge Protocol goes, in theory, further, as it shows how a claimant can prove knowledge of a secret to a verifier such that no other information (than this proof of knowledge) is disclosed; however:

Zero-Knowledge Protocol: a protocol (first presented in Goldwasser, Micali, and Rackoff (1989)) to prove knowledge of a secret but disclose no other information.


A challenge-response protocol poses a task that can be solved only by a user with additional authentication data. For example,

  1. as challenge some (randomly) generated value is encrypted using the password for the encryption key, and
  2. as response a similarly encrypted value that depends on the original value,

thus proving that the user could decrypt the original value. For example, smart-cards commonly use such a protocol. Such a (randomly) generated value is a nonce (number used once) and avoids a replay attack where the exchanged data is recorded and sent again later on.

nonce: stands for (a randomly generated) number used once used in a cryptographic protocol (such as one for authentication).

For example, in CRAM-MD5 or DIGEST-MD5,

  1. Server sends a unique challenge value challenge to the client.
  2. Client computes response = hash(challenge + secret) and sends it to the server.
  3. Server calculates the expected value of response and verifies that it coincides with the client’s response.

Such encrypted or hashed information does not reveal the password itself, but may supply enough information to deduce it by a dictionary (or rainbow table) attack, that is, by probing many probable values. Therefore information that is (randomly) generated anew enters on each exchange, a salt such as the current time.

salt: a (randomly) generated number that enters additionally into the input of a hash function to make its output unique; principally if the additional input is a secret information such as a password.

Observation. Nonce, Salt and IV (Initialization Vector) are all numbers that are (usually) randomly generated, disclosed, used once in a cryptographic process to improve its security by making it unique. The name is given according to its use:

Challenge-Response protocols such as those presented below are used, for example, in object-relational databases such as PostgreSQL, or e-mail clients such as Mozilla Thunderbird.


Digest-MD5 was a common challenge-response protocol that uses the MD5 hash function and specified in RFC2831. It is based on the HTTP Digest Authentication (as specified in RFC2617) and was obsoleted by Melnikov (2011)

Challenge-Response Authentication Mechanism (CRAM)

CRAM-MD5 is a challenge-response protocol based on HMAC-MD5, Hashing for Message Authentication as specified in Krawczyk, Bellare, and Canetti (1997), that uses the MD5 hash function. The RFC draft Zeilenga (2008) recommends obsoleting it by SCRAM.


  1. The server sends the client a nonce.
  2. The client is supposed to respond with HMAC(secret, nonce).
  3. The server calculates HMAC(secret, nonce) and checks whether it coincides with the client’s response to be convinced that the client knew secret.


Salted Challenge-Response Authentication Mechanism (SCRAM)

Salted Challenge-Response Authentication Mechanism (SCRAM) is a challenge-response protocol for mutual authentication specified in Menon-Sen et al. (2010) (that should supersede CRAM-MD5 as proposed in Zeilenga (2008)).

While in CRAM the client password is stored as hash on the server, now knowledge of the hash (instead of the password) suffices to impersonate the client on further authentications: The burden has just been shifted from protecting the password to its hash. SCRAM prevents this by demanding additional information (on top of the authentication information StoredKey stored on the server) that was initially derived from the client’s password (ClientKey). Advantages of SCRAM in comparison to older challenge-response protocols, according to loc.cit., are:

Key Creation, Transmission and Storage

When the client creates a password Password, the server stores derived keys StoredKey and ServerKey together with the parameters used for its derivation, as follows:

  1. The client:

    1. computes SaltedPassword by applying the password hashing function PBKDF2 (which is variable; by default it is PBKDF2, but nowadays, for example, bcrypt is recommended) IterationCount many times on the input given by the password Password and the salt Salt, that is, SaltedPassword := PBKDF2(Password, Salt, IterationCount)
    2. computes ClientKey respectively ServerKey by applying the HMAC function on SaltedPassword with the public constant strings “Client Key” respectively “Server Key”, that is, ServerKey:=HMAC(SaltedPassword,ServerKey)\mathrm{ServerKey} := \mathrm{HMAC}(\mathrm{SaltedPassword}, '\mathrm{Server Key}') and ClientKey:=HMAC(SaltedPassword,ClientKey)\mathrm{ClientKey} := \mathrm{HMAC}(\mathrm{SaltedPassword}, '\mathrm{Client Key}')
    3. computes StoredKey by hashing ClientKey, that is, StoredKey := H(ClientKey) and sends ServerKey and StoredKey to the server (but not ClientKey).
  2. The server stores StoredKey, ServerKey, Salt and IterationCount to later check proofs from clients and issue proofs to clients: ClientKey is used first to authenticate the client against the server and ServerKey is used later by the server to authenticate against the client.

Dependency graph in which each oriented edge is the output of a one-way function, Cesar (2020)

The server only stores the public part of the root (Salt and IterationCount) and the leafs (StoredKey and ServerKey) of this tree. That is, the password is never sent to the server, but only:

Thus, after a database breach, that is, after an attacker has stolen a ServerKey, a client’s password does not need to be replaced, but only the salt and iteration count changed and ClientKey and ServerKey replaced.

iteration count: Given an initial input, apply a hash function that many times (1-1 ) to the output.

Client Authentication to the Server

For the server to authenticate the client:

  1. The client sends to the server an authenticator (containing her client-name and a client-nonce).
  2. The server sends to the client a salt salt, iteration count ic and a server-nonce.

Therefore, both, the client and server know AuthMessage := client-name, client-nonce, salt, ic, server-nonce.

  1. The client

    1. creates proof of her knowledge of StoredKey by computing

      ClientSignature := HMAC(StoredKey, AuthMessage)
      ClientProof     := ClientKey XOR ClientSignature
    2. and sends ClientProof to the server.

  2. The server

    1. recovers ClientKey by

      1. computing ClientSignature (by knowing StoredKey from storage and AuthMessage from this exchange), and

      2. deciphering ClientKey' from the one-time pad ClientProof by computing

        ClientKey' = ClientProof XOR ClientSignature
    2. computes StoredKey' by H(ClientKey), and

    3. checks whether the computed StoredKey' coincides with the stored StoredKey; if so the client is successfully authenticated.

If just ClientSignature were sent, then an attacker who knows StoredKey could impersonate the client. Instead, ClientProof additionally requires the client to know ClientKey. Therefore, the value of ClientKey' that is calculated on the server should be immediately and irreversibly (say, by zeroing) deleted after verification.

Client Authentication to the Server

  1. The client initiates the protocol by sending the Client’s First Message to the server that contains:

  2. In response to the reception of a valid message from the client, the server sends the Server’s First Message to the client that contains:

The concatenation of the client’s and server’s message is AuthMessage

    AuthMessage = username, ClientNonce, ServerNonce, salt, IterationCount
  1. The client creates the proof for the server by computing:

    1. ClientSignature = HMAC(StoredKey, AuthMessage), and
    2. ClientProof=ClientKeyClientSignature\mathrm{ClientProof} = \mathrm{ClientKey} \oplus \mathrm{ClientSignature}

where StoredKey can be recomputed by StoredKey = H(ClientKey) and ClientKey=HMAC(SaltedPassword,ClientKey)\mathrm{ClientKey} = \mathrm{HMAC}(\mathrm{SaltedPassword}, '\mathrm{Client Key}') using the salt and IterationCount from AuthMessage and the user’s password.

Dependency graph in which each oriented edge is the output of a one-way function, Cesar (2020)
  1. The client sends ClientNonce and ClientProof to the server
  2. The server checks the proof ClientProof from the client by
    1. recalculating

      1. ClientSignature = HMAC(StoredKey, AuthMessage),
      2. ClientKey by ClientKey=ClientProofClientSignature\mathrm{ClientKey}' = \mathrm{ClientProof} \oplus \mathrm{ClientSignature},
      3. StoredKey' = H(ClientKey'), and
    2. checking whether StoredKey=StoredKey\mathrm{StoredKey'} = \mathrm{StoredKey}.

If just ClientSignature were sent, then an attacker that knows StoredKey could impersonate the client. Instead, ClientProof additionally requires the client to know ClientKey. Therefore, the value of ClientKey' that is calculated on the server should be immediately and irreversibly (say, by zeroing) deleted after verification.

We conclude that instead of the client’s password, sent were

  1. The server computes ServerSignature = HMAC(ServerKey, AuthMessage)

  2. The server sends ServerSignature

  3. The client checks ServerSignature from the server by

    1. recalculating

      1. ServerKey:=HMAC(SaltedPassword,ServerKey)\mathrm{ServerKey} := \mathrm{HMAC}(\mathrm{SaltedPassword}, '\mathrm{Server Key}')
      2. ServerSignature=HMAC(ServerKey,AuthMessage)\mathrm{ServerSignature'} = \mathrm{HMAC}(\mathrm{ServerKey}, \mathrm{AuthMessage})
    2. checking whether ServerSignature=ServerSignature\mathrm{ServerSignature'} = \mathrm{ServerSignature}.

We conclude that instead of the server’s key, sent was


If an attacker knows

then he can calculate ClientSignature, thus ClientKey and can impersonate the client to the server.

Zero-knowledge Proofs

A Zero-Knowledge Protocol shows how a claimant can prove knowledge of a secret to a verifier such that no other information is disclosed; that is, not a single bit of information, other than the validity of the claimant’s claim, is disclosed (to anyone, including the verifier).

Proof is meant probabilistically, that is, the claim is true beyond any reasonable doubt. More so, because the proofs are independent of each other, the probability can be increased as much as desired by increasing their number. The impossibility to gather information on the secret from that exchanged relies on the computational difficulty to solve a mathematical problem.

That no information whatsoever is leaked cites the following benefits:

Comparison to Classic Protocols

While claiming to know the secret alone is unconvincing, the leakage of information during classical protocols in which a claimant C proves knowledge of a secret to verifier V, still compromises the secret as follows:

Public Key

To weigh up the advantages and inconveniences between a zero-knowledge proof and a digital signature by a private key (verified by its corresponding public key):

The security of both, most zero-knowledge protocols and public-key protocols, depends on the unproved assumption that cryptanalysis is computationally as difficult as a mathematical problem (such as the computation of quadratic residuosity, the decomposition of an integer into its prime factors, discrete logarithm, …).


The concept of

An interactive protocol is turned into a non-interactive one by taking the hash of the initial statement and then send the transcript to the verifier (who also checks that the hash was computed correctly).

Practical protocols were introduced in Fiat and Shamir (1987) and Feige, Fiat, and Shamir (1988).

The latter introduced so-called sigma protocols in three steps:

  1. the claimant commits to a value by sending it to the verifier,
  2. the verifier chooses a random challenge,
  3. the claimant “opens” a combination of the original value and the challenge.

IEEE 1363.2 defines zero-knowledge password proof as “an interactive zero-knowledge proof of knowledge of password-derived data shared between a prover and the corresponding verifier”.

Ali Baba’s Cave

Ali Baba’s cave illustrates the principles behind a zero-knowledge proof: In a circular cave there is a door invisible from the entrance that bars any passage if not opened by a password (such as “Sesame”). For C to prove to V that he knows the password without disclosing it:

  1. C enters the cave unobserved from V till standing in front of the door’s left or right.
  2. V demands C to return to the entrance coming from the left or right.

Because the probability that C entered the cave on the same side as V asked for to leave on is one half and all proofs are independent, for example, after 1010 proofs the chance C does not know the password is 2102^{-10}, less than a thousandth.

While V is convinced that C knows the password, she cannot convince anybody else. Even if V recorded the sequence, then it could have been mutually fixed in advance.

Schnorr’s Sigma Protocol

Schnorr (1991) presented a zero-knowledge protocol simple enough to run on smart cards. Knowledge of discrete logarithms is proved, that is,

where pp is a prime number. For P to prove knowledge of xx without revealing it:

  1. P chooses some integer aa and sends gag^a to V .

  2. V tosses a coin and sends the result cc in 0,1{0, 1} to P .

  3. P sends to V

This is a zero-knowledge protocol, because

If c=0c = 0 , then no knowledge of xx is needed. If c=1c = 1 however, then V can verify whether P knows a+xa+x by ga+x=gagxg^{a+x} = g^a g^x where both values on the right-hand side are known. Since the probability that c=1c = 1 is 1/21/2 and all proofs are independent, after, say, 1010 proofs the chance V does not know xx is 210<1/10002^{-10} < 1/1000 .

Fiege-Fiat-Shamir protocol

The security of the Fiege-Fiat-Shamir protocol rests on the assumed computational difficulty of extracting square roots modulo large composite integers whose prime factors are unknown (similar to RSA):

  1. An arbiter (a trusted, independent entity) generates a product nn of two large random primes; in practice a number of 1024 bits.
  2. The arbiter then generates a public and private key pair for the prover P, as follows:
    1. choose a number vv , which is a quadratic residue modulo nn ; that is, x2vmodnx^2 \equiv v \mod n has a solution, and v1modnv^{-1} \mod n exists.
    2. let the public key be vv , and
    3. let the private key be the smallest ss such that s2vmodns^2 \equiv v \mod n , that is, sv1/2modns \equiv v^{-1/2} \mod n .
  3. P, the prover,
    1. chooses a random number rr that shares no divisor with nn .
    2. computes xr2modnx \equiv r^2 \mod n , and
    3. sends xx to the verifier V .
  4. V, the verifier,
    1. tosses a coin, and
    2. sends the result cc in {0,1}\{ 0, 1 \} to P .
  5. P, the prover,
  6. V, the verifier,

If c=0c = 0 , then no knowledge of the private key ss is needed. If c=1c = 1 however, then V can verify whether P can compute (x/v)1/2(x / v)^{1/2}, thus presumably knows ss . Because the probability that c=1c = 1 is one half and all proofs are independent, for example, after 1010 proofs the chance V does not know xx is 2102^{-10}, less than a thousandth.

This is nearly a zero-knowledge protocol, however, care must be taken:

Self-Check Questions

  1. How does a challenge-response protocol authenticate a client? By posing a task to the user that she can only solve if having authentication data.
  2. What is a salt? A (randomly) generated number that enters additionally into the input of a hash function to make its output unique.
  3. How does storage of the identification data differ between SCRAM and CRAM? In CRAM a hash of the client password is stored as is on the server, while in SCRAM additional data (salt) enters.
  4. Name an advantage and inconvenience of zero-knowledge proof in comparions to a digital signature. The proof of knowledge does not leak any information on the user’s private key, while a digital signature requires less computation.
  5. On the computational difficulty of which mathematical function does the zero-knowledge property of Schnorr’s protocol rely? On the discrete logarithm.

11.3 Biometric Authentication

Biometric authentication identifies the user of a computer by


Comparing authentication by what one is (for example, a fingerprint) to


For example, the German Chaos Computer Club (CCC) and its collaborators have demonstrated time and again the ease of forging fingerprints, for example, using wood glue and sprayable graphene. The many successful forgery attacks against biometric identification, such as fingerprints and photo ID, leads to the conclusion to treat them, instead of a replacement for passwords or smart-cards, rather

Self-Check Questions

  1. List advantages of authentication by what one knows over what one is:

11.4 Authentication in a Distributed System

In a (distributed) system, only if

then the secret itself for authentication could be responsibly sent in the clear. Otherwise, to ensure that the secret for authentication is seen by none other than possibly the intended recipient, the secret itself must never be sent in the clear. Instead, both the user and the system convince each other they know the shared secret (usually a password). That is, the identification data itself is never sent, but only proof she has access to it beyond any doubt. In practice, for a system that is password-based, the most popular approach are challenge-response systems. A challenge-response protocol poses a task that can be solved only by a user with additional authentication data: Usually,

challenge-response protocol: poses a task that can be solved only by a user who has the authentication data.

As best practice, even though the secret itself is never sent, it is still advisable to encrypt all communication to establish authentication, for example, by public-key encryption.

Other approaches are:

single-use system: the identification data is only used once.

second-channel system: the identification data is sent via a second channel.


The FIDO (Fast IDentity Online) Alliance was officially founded in February 2013 to develop open and license-free industry standards for authentication on the Internet in arrangement with many companies such as Google or Microsoft. On December 9, 2014, the first standard FIDO v1.0 was released that specifies:

These standards aim to facilitate authentication on the Internet by using a user’s

instead of

That is, no longer needs a user to memorize numerous secure passwords (though at the cost of the drawbacks discussed in Section 11.1). In comparison with previous methods of two-factor authentication such as SMS verification codes, FIDO2 requires the key, such as the smart phone, to be physically near your computer. FIDO2 (“Moving the World Beyond Passwords”) consists of the

Personal data and private keys are always and exclusively in the hands of the user and are not stored on public servers. To register via FIDO2 an account on a server:

  1. The server sends a request.
  2. The FIDO2-key generates a public and a secret key from a secret initial key and the server address.
  3. The public key is transmitted to the server, which stores it, and thus can uniquely identify the FIDO2-key in the future.

This way, the FIDO2-key can identify itself with an individual key at each server without the server obtaining information on the key pairs for the same FIDO2-key on other servers. That is, the FIDO2-key generates a separate key pair for each service, based on the domain of the other party. For example, Ebay and Google, cannot determine which of their users use the same FIDO2-key. In practice, this is an advantage (on the server-side!) to authentication by a password where a user often uses similar passwords on different servers.


A FIDO2 key (or authenticator or token) is the device by which to authenticate oneself to a service. It can be

Against misuse of the FIDO2 key, it can be additionally secured biometrically or with a password/PIN. If the stick is lost, then either a registered backup key is available or one has to identify oneself again by, say, the mobile phone number in combination with an e-mail address or alike.


A FIDO2 key can either be used instead of a password or in addition to it, as a second factor. Depending on how a service has implemented FIDO2, the key suffices for logging in (one-factor authentication) or additionally entering a password (two-factor authentication) is necessary. FIDO2 one-factor authentication already is available for,, Office 365 and OneDrive in the Edge browser. FIDO2 two-factor authentication works, for example, with Google, GitHub, Dropbox and Twitter.


One solution to the problem of key distribution, that is,

is a central authority who is

so that each correspondent has only to protect one key, while the responsibility to protect all the keys among the correspondents is shifted to the central authority.

Kerberos (pronounced “kur-ber-uhs”) is named after Cerberus, the three-headed watchdog at the gate to Hades; while Cerberus authenticates dead souls, Kerberos mutually authenticates users over a network:

Authentication and Ticket-Emission Components

Kerberos is a network protocol (as specified in RFC 1510 — The Kerberos Network Authentication Service V5) which permits users to securely authenticate to each other over an insecure network by a trusted third party, the Key Distribution Center (KDC) . Once a user is authenticated (Kerberos), she is authorized by access protocols such as LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol).

Kerberos: a network protocol to securely authenticate clients to servers over an insecure network by a trusted third party.

Key Distribution Center (KDC): stores the symmetrical keys of all registered users and servers to securely authenticate them.

The Key Distribution Center (KDC) stores the symmetrical keys of all registered users (be it client or server) to authenticate them as an intermediary third-party. Due to its critical role, it is good practice to have a secondary KDC as a fallback.

Kerberos groups users into clients and (service) servers (SSs) that host services for the clients. The authentication protocol authenticates a client only once so that she is trusted by all SSs for the rest of her session. This is achieved by

The ticket, to further obstruct man-in-the-middle attacks (in comparison to a mere key authentication),

The KDC is split up into :

Service Server (SS): the server that hosts a service the user wants to access.

Authentication Server (AS): stores for each user (be it client or server) in the network a symmetric key known only to itself, the AS, and the user.

Ticket-Granting Server (TGS): generates a session key as part of a ticket between two users of the network after authentication.

Authentication Protocol

To allow a user (commonly referred to as client) to securely communicate with another user (commonly referred to as Service Server or Application Server (SS or AP), the server that hosts a service the client wants to access) via the KDC, the Kerberos protocol defines ten messages, among them:

Code Meaning
KRB_AS_REQ Kerberos Authentication Service Request
KRB_AS_REP Kerberos Authentication Service Reply
KRB_TGS_REQ Kerberos Ticket-Granting Service Request
KRB_TGS_REP Kerberos Ticket-Granting Service Reply
KRB_AP_REQ Kerberos Application Request
KRB_AP_REP Kerberos Application Reply
The authentication and subsequent ticket granting between a user and a server mediated by Kerberos server; Bentz (2019)
  1. The client, to authenticate to the AS,

    1. authenticates to the authentication server (AS) (KRB_AS_REQ) using a long-term shared secret (client’s key), and
    2. receives a short-term shared secret (session key) and a (ticket-granting) ticket from the authentication server (KRB_AS_REP).
  2. The client, to authenticate to the SS via the AS,

    1. authenticates to the AS using her TGT, and
    2. requests (KRB_TGS_REQ) a ticket from the TGS (KRB_TGS_REP) that contains a session key between the client and the SS.
  3. The TGS, to create the ticket,

    1. generates a client-to-server session key,
    2. encrypts, using the key of the client, the session key,
    3. encrypts, using the key of the SS, the client-to-server ticket that contains the client’s ID, the client’s network address, a timestamp, a lifetime, and the session key, and
    4. sends the results of both encryptions to the client.
  4. The client, to authenticate directly to the SS:

    1. decrypts the client-to-server session key using her own key, and

    2. sends to the SS (KRB_AP_REQ and KRB_AP_REP)

      • the client-to-server ticket, encrypted using the SS’s key, and
      • an authenticator that contains the client’s ID and a timestamp NN , encrypted using the client-to-server session key.
  5. The SS

    1. retrieves the client-to-server session key by decrypting the client-to-server ticket using his own key,
    2. decrypts, using the session key, the authenticator and checks it. If the check succeeds, then the server can trust the client.
    3. The SS authenticates to the client by sending the client N+1N+1 , the timestamp of client’s authenticator incremented by 11 , encrypted using the client-to-server session key.
  6. The client decrypts, using the client-to-server session key, the incremented timestamp and checks it. If the check succeeds, then the client can trust the server and can start issuing service requests to the server.

The server provides the requested services to the client.


The Kerberos protocol is based on the Needham-Schroeder authentication protocol, invented by Roger Needham and Michael Schroeder in 1978, and designed to securely establish a session key between two parties on an insecure network (the Internet, for example) by a symmetric-key algorithm.

MIT developed Kerberos to protect network services provided by Project Athena that aimed at establishing a computing environment with up 10,000 workstations on varying hardware, but where a user could on every workstation access all files or applications in the same user interface; similar to what a browser achieved today. Versions 1, 2 and 3 were only used at MIT itself. Version 4 employed the Data Encryption Standard encryption algorithm, which uses 56-bit keys, and was published in 1989.

In 2005, the Internet Engineering Task Force Kerberos working group introduced a new updated specifications for Kerberos Version 5, and in 2007, MIT formed the for continuation of development.

MIT Kerberos is the reference implementation that supports Unix, Linux, Solaris, Windows and macOS, but other commercial and non-commercial implementations exist: Most notably, Microsoft added a slightly altered version of Kerberos V5 authentication in Windows 2000.

Kerberos originally used the DES algorithm for encryption and the CRC-32, MD4, MD5 algorithms for hashing, but nowadays Kerberos implementations can use any algorithm for encryption and hashing.

Weak Spots

Protocol Steps

Let us detail each step from logon and authentication to service authorization and request

Kerberos Messages exchanged between the client and the AS = Authentication Server, TGS = Ticket-Granting Server and SS = Service Server (Omerta-ve (2012))

Client Logon

  1. A user enters a username and password on the client.
  2. The client applies a one-way function (mostly a hash function) on the entered password, and this becomes the secret key of the client.

Client Authentication

  1. The client sends a cleartext message to the Authentication Server (AS) asking for services on behalf of the user (KRB_AS_REQ).

  2. The AS checks whether the client is in his database.

  3. If she is, then the AS sends back the following two messages to the client:

    1. Client/Ticket-Granting Server (TGS) Session Key, encrypted using the secret key of the client.

    2. Ticket-granting Ticket (TGT), encrypted using the secret key of the TGS, and which includes the

      • client ID,
      • client network address,
      • ticket validity duration, and
      • the Client/TGS Session Key.
  4. Once the client receives messages A and B, she retrieves the Client/TGS Session Key by decrypting message A using her secret key.

The Client/TGS Session Key is used for further communication with TGS. At this point, the client has enough information to authenticate herself to the TGS.

We observe that neither the user nor any eavesdropper on the network can decrypt message B, since they do not know the TGS’s secret key used for encryption.

Client Service Authorization

  1. To request services, the client sends the following two messages C and D to the TGS:

    1. Composed of the

      • TGT (message B), and
      • the identification number (ID) of the requested service.
    2. Authenticator, encrypted using the Client/TGS Session Key, and which is composed of the

      • client ID, and
      • timestamp
  2. Once the TGS receives messages C and D, he retrieves the Client/TGS Session Key by

    1. retrieving message B out of message C, and
    2. decrypting message B using the TGS secret key.
  3. The TGS

    1. retrieves the client ID and its timestamp by decrypting message D (Authenticator) using the Client/TGS Session Key, and

    2. sends the following two messages E and F to the client:

      1. Client/Server Session Key, encrypted using the Client/TGS Session Key.

      2. Client-to-Server ticket, encrypted using the Service Server ’s (SS) secret key, which includes the

        • client ID,
        • client network address,
        • ticket validity duration, and
        • Client/Server Session Key.

At this point, after the client receives messages E and F from the TGS, the client has enough information to authenticate herself to the SS.

Client Service Request

  1. The client connects to the SS and sends the following two messages F and G:

     f. from the previous step (the Client-to-Server ticket, encrypted using the SS's secret key).
     g. a new Authenticator, encrypted using the Client/Server Session Key, and which includes the
         - client ID, and
         - timestamp.
  2. The SS

    1. retrieves the Client/Server Session Key by decrypting the ticket using his own secret key,

    2. retrieves the Authenticator by decrypting it using the session key, and

    3. authenticates to the client by sending the following message H to the client :

      1. Timestamp found in the client’s Authenticator plus 11 , encrypted using the Client/Server Session Key.
  3. The client checks whether the timestamp is correctly updated by decrypting Message H using the Client/Server Session Key. If so, then the client can trust the server and can start issuing service requests to the server.

  4. The server provides the requested services to the client.

Self-Check Questions

  1. What does FIDO2 achieve? Standardizes authentication on the Internet by what one has, such as a USB key or smart phone, instead of what one knows, such as a password.
  2. Which parties are involved in establishing a Kerberos ticket granting ticket? The client, the authentication server and the ticket granting server.
  3. What is the single point of failure in a Kerberos network? The key distribution center.

11.5 Smart cards

A smart card has the form of a credit card, but contains a microprocessor to securely store and process information. (In contrast, a magnetic-stripe card only stores little information (around <100< 100 bytes) but cannot process it.) Security algorithms are implemented on the card so that only properly authorized parties can access and change this data after they have authenticated themselves.


The first smart card was invented in 1973. While it initally consisted only of read and write memory, a microprocessor was added in 1976. In 1981, the French state telephone company introduced it to store a pre-paid credit, which was reduced when calls were made. As memory capacity, computing power, and data encryption capabilities of the microprocessor increased, smart cards are graudally replacing cash, credit or debit cards, health records, and keys.


Most of the processing in smart cards is dedicated to cryptographic operations; in particular, encryption between on-chip components To function, a smart card needs external power and clock signal provided through contact with a smart card reader (that usually can write as well). The operating system on most smart cards implements a standard set of control commands such as those standardized in ISO 7816 or CEN 726.

There is a single Input/Output port controlled by small data packets called APDUs (Application Protocol Data Units). Because data flows only at around 9600 bits per second and half-duplex, that is, the data can either flow from the reader to the card or from the card to the reader, but not simultaneously in both directions, the smart card can only be read out slowly, thus complicating attacks. The reader sends a command to the smart card, the card executes the command and returns the result (if any) to the reader; then waits for the next command. The smart card and the reader authenticate each other by a challenge-response protocol using a symmetric key encryption:

  1. The card generates a random number and sends it to the reader,
  2. The reader encrypts the number with a shared encryption key and returns it to the card.
  3. The card compares the returned result with its own encryption.

(and possibly with interchanged roles). Once mutually authenticated, each exchanged message is verified by a message authentication code (HMAC) which is calculated using as input the message, encryption key, and a random number.

SIM cards

For example, the UICC (Universal Integrated Circuit Card) or Universal Subscriber-Identity Module (USIM) is a smart card used in mobile phones in GSM and UMTS networks. It ensures the integrity and security of all kinds of personal data, and it typically holds a few hundred kilobytes. The Subscriber Identification Modules (SIM) is an application in the UICC that stores the subscriber’s information to authenticate her with the network:


Comparing authentication by what one has (for example, a smart card) to

Self-Check Questions

  1. List advantages of authentication by what one knows over what one has:

  2. List disadvantages of authentication by what one knows over what one has or is:

11.6 Identity and Anonymity


Anonymity comes from the Greek word anonymía, “name-less”, and means “namelessness”. Colloquially, it means that a person’s identity is unknown. More abstractly, that an element (for example, a person or a computer) within a set (for example, a group or network) is unidentifiable (within this set).


Protecting one’s identity from being disclosed is not only necessary for someone who acts against the law, for example, when attempting to exploit a computer in a network, but also as a precaution to a possible abuse; for example, to amass data of the user’s online habits to build a profile for targeted advertising.

Countermeasures are

However, these countermeasures involve inconveniences, such as an involved setup and slower data transfer. As a less compromising practical measure is to adapt best practices for protecting one’s privacy on the world wide web, for example, by using the Firefox browser with add-ons that filter out

such as


Also, there is a need for anonymised datasets, for example:

For example, the I Been Pwned web form transmits only the first five digits of the SHA-1 of the password to compare, thus leaking little personal information. This achieves what is generally called k-Anonymity where a data set has for each record k1k-1 identical copies.

Identity theft:

Identity, from Late Latin identitas, from Latin idem, same, and entitas, entity, are the characteristics by which someone or something is uniquely recognizable, that is, held by no other person or thing. Identity theft is the assumption of another person’s identity, usually another person’s name or other personal information such as her PINs, social security numbers, driver’s license number or banking details, to commit fraud, for example, to open a fraudulent bank or credit card account to receive loans. With the advent of digitalized records and (the anonymity on) the Internet, identity theft has become more and more common.

For example, in SIM-card swapping, the attacker obtains a victim’s mobile-phone number to assume, temporarily, her online identity. The attacker initially obtains personal data about the victim, usually her name, mobile phone number and postal address. He then exploits that mobile operators usually offer their customers a new SIM card, for example, after the phone is lost, onto which the previous phone number is transferred. The attacker now pretends to be the actual customer to the mobile phone operator, for example, by phone in the customer service center (where often the date of birth and postal address suffice to identify oneself if no customer password was agreed on signing the contract). For example, it suffices to know the mobile phone number to reset the password of an Instagram account.

Self-Check Questions

  1. What does anonymity of a computer in a network mean? That the identity of the computer in a network is unknown.
  2. How does the Tor network achieve anonymity? By onion routing in which every node only knows its predecessor and successor, and in which all traffic between both endpoints is indecipherable to every node but the endpoints.


Identification is telling a computer who the user is, usually by her user (or account) name. This is followed by authentication, the verification of the user’s identity, that is, convincing a computer that a person is who he or she claims to be. To authenticate, the user prove her identity by information that

Each method with its proper advantages and disadvantages. In particular, passwords, the most common method, have to be memorizable, which in practice weakens them. The FIDO2 standard aims at replacing (or at least complementing) them by hardware and biometric authentication.

Instead of revealing the secret itself when authenticating, it is safer to prove only its knowledge. In a challenge-response authentication protocol, the successful response to the challenge requires its knowledge (such as encryption and decryption of random data by the secret key). In a zero-knowledge protocol, in contrast to a challenge-response protocol, no information whatsoever can be won on the secret key provided the computation of a mathematical function is assumed infeasible.

The Kerberos protocol mediates between users and servers by a central server that stores symmetric keys of all parties; then instead of the parties mutually proving the knowledge of their symmetric keys, it creates for each correspondence a session key of limited validity.


Required Reading

Read Bentz (2019) to get an idea how Kerberos works and Quisquater et al. (1989) for zero-knowledge proofs.

Further Reading

Read Schnorr (1991) to understand a basic zero-knowledge protocol.

Have a look at Menon-Sen et al. (2010) to get acquainted with the format of Request for Comments, in particular, thoroughly understand the SCRAM protocol.

12 Cryptanalysis — how to break encryption

Study Goals

On completion of this chapter, you will have learned …


Let us recall that the prefix Crypto-, comes from Greek kryptós, “hidden” and analysis from the Greek analýein, “to untie”: the breaking of ciphers, that is, recovering or forging enciphered information without knowledge of the key.

Cryptanalysis: Recovering or forging enciphered information without knowledge of the key.

History delivers plenty cryptanalytic success-stories; for example, among many others, the decryption of the German rotor machine Enigma by the Polish and British forces.

While we will present some established principles of cryptanalysis, in practice the cryptanalyst’s intuition and ability to recognize subtle patterns in the ciphertext were paramount, but difficult to convey. Today, however, cryptanalysis is based on mathematics and put into practice by efficient use of extensive computing power.

12.1 Frequency Analysis

Cryptanalysis of single-key ciphers relies on patterns in the plaintext carrying over to the ciphertext. For example, in a monoalphabetic substitution cipher (that is, each alphabetic letter a, b, … in the plaintext is replaced, independently of its position, by another alphabetic letter), the frequencies of the occurrences of the letters in the plaintext alphabet are the same as those in the ciphertext alphabet. This can be put to good cryptanalytic use by

  1. recognizing that the cipher is a monoalphabetic substitution cipher and,
  2. giving the likeliest candidates of plaintext letters.

Latin Alphabet

A substitution by any permutation of the letters of the alphabet, such as,


has 26251=26!>1026 26 \cdot 25 \cdots 1 = 26! > 10^{26} keys, so a brute-force attack is computationally infeasible. But it violates the goals of diffusion and confusion: If the key (that is, the given permutation of the alphabet) exchanges the letter α\alpha for the letter β\beta , then there’s

In fact, the algorithm allows statistical attacks on the frequency of

in English For example,

Thus substituting

is a good starting point to decipher the text: The more ciphertext, the more likely that this substitution coincides with that the text was enciphered by.


For example, using these frequencies on the ciphertext



    THE THE** TH*E***

for yet to be deciphered letters marked by *. By the restrictions of English vocabulary and sentence structure, yielding


As an exercise, Dear reader, build a short English sentence with common letter frequencies, ask a friend to encrypt it and try your hands at cryptanalyzing it!


Homophones: Multiple cipher symbols for the same plaintext letter.

To hide the frequencies of the alphabetic letters, one approach is to use homophones, a number of ciphertext symbols for the same alphabetic plaintext letter, chosen in proportion to the frequency of the letter in the plaintext; for example, twice as many symbols for E as for S and so forth, so that each cipher symbol occurs on average equally often in the ciphertext. However, other frequencies in the plaintext (partially) still resist encryption (and ease cryptanalysis), such as digraphs: TH occurs most often, about 20 times as frequently as HT, and so forth.

Self-Check Questions

  1. What is a monoalphabetic substitution cipher? Each alphabetic letter in the plaintext is replaced, independently of its position, by another alphabetic letter.
  2. Which patterns preserves a monoalphabetic substitution cipher? Among many others, (single) letter, bigram and trigram frequencies.
  3. Which patterns preserves a substitution cipher using homophones? The frequencies of pairs of letters (bigrams), triples (trigrams), …

12.2 Brute-force attacks

In practice the security of a cipher relies foremost

In contrast to single-key cryptography whose cryptanalysis exploits statistical patterns, by its reliance on computationally difficult mathematical problems (that is, whose runtime grows exponentially in the bit-length of the input), the cryptanalysis of two-key cryptography is that of computational mathematics: to find an algorithm that quickly computes the solutions of the difficult mathematical problem. Ideally, one whose runtime is polynomial in the number of input bits. However, in practice, for example, for

algorithms whose runtime grows slower than exponentially in the number of input bits (sub-exponential) are known, but none with polynomial runtime.

Comparison of Computational Efforts

ECC, elliptic curve cryptography, is becoming the new standard because its cryptographic problem (the logarithm over a finite elliptic curve) is (from what we know) computationally more difficult than that of RSA (the factoring in prime numbers) or DH (the logarithm over the multiplicative group of a finite field). Therefore, small keys for the ECC achieve the same level of security as large keys for the RSA or DH. As an example, the security of a 224 bits key from the ECC corresponds to that of a 2048 bits key from the RSA or DH. This factor in reducing key sizes corresponds to a similar factor in reducing computational costs. Regarding usability,

Let us compare the cryptographic problem behind ECC to that of RSA and DH:

Exponential and Generic Logarithm

Both groups, the multiplicative group of a finite field and the group of a finite elliptic curve, are finite cyclic groups, that is, generated by an element gg of finite order nn . Mathematically speaking, they are equal to a group of type G=g={g0,g1,g2,...,gn1}{0,1,2,...,n1}=/n G = \langle g\rangle = \{g^0, g^1, g^2, ..., g^{n-1}\} \simeq \{ 0, 1, 2, ..., n-1 \} = \mathbb{Z} / n \mathbb{Z} However, one way of this identification, from /n\mathbb{Z} / n \mathbb{Z} to GG , is a lot faster than the other way around:


Given a generator gg in GG , the identification of /n\mathbb{Z} / n \mathbb{Z} with GG for xgxx \mapsto g^x, the exponential exp:/nG \exp \colon \mathbb{Z} / n \mathbb{Z} \to G is quickly computed in every commutative group GG : Given dd in 1,...,n11, ..., n-1 , to calculate gdg^d, expand dd in binary base d=d0+2d1+22d2++2mdm d = d_0 + 2 d_1 + 2^2 d_2 + \cdots + 2^m d_m for d0d_0, …, dmd_m in 0,1{ 0, 1} and calculates by multiplying by 22 successively g2g^2 , …, g2m}g^{2m}\}. So gd=gd0+2d1+22d2++2mdm=gd0g2d1g2d2g2mdm. g^d = g^{d_0 + 2 d_1 + 2^2 d_2 + \cdots + 2^m d_m} = g^{d_0} g^{2 d_1} g^{2 d_2} \cdots g^{2^m d_m}. That is, we calculate gdg^d in 2log2n\leq 2 \log_2 n group operations.

Example. For GG the group of points of an elliptic curve, PP in GG , and dd in \mathbb{N} we calculate successively 2P2 P , 22=2P2^2 = 2 \cdot P , 23P=222P2^3 P = 2 \cdot 2 \cdot 2 P . Let i0i_0, i1i_1, … be the indices of the binary digits … that are different from 00 . So dP=2i0P+2i1P+ d P = 2^{i_0} P + 2^{i_1} P + \cdots

Generic Logarithm

Given a gg generator in GG , the computation of the reverse identification, the logarithm log:G𝔽p, \log \colon G \to \mathbb{F}_p, that is, given yy in GG , calculate xx in 0,...,n10, ..., n-1 such that y=gxy = g^x is usually hard: By Shoup’s theorem in Shoup (1997), every generic algorithm, that is, using only the operations of the group, takes at least n1/2n^{1/2} operations (of the group) to calculate the logarithm.

A generic algorithm that achieves this speed (except a 22 factor) is the Baby Step, Giant Step (or Shanks algorithm): Given hh in g\langle g\rangle , to calculate dd in {0,1,...,n1}\{ 0 , 1, ..., n-1 \} such that h=gdh = g^d:

  1. Put m:=n1m := \lceil \sqrt{n-1} \rceil (where \lceil \cdot\rceil indicates the smallest integer above or equal to the real number \cdot ).
  2. Calculate α0:=g0\alpha_0 := g^0 , α1:=gm\alpha_1 := g^m, α2:=g2m\alpha_2 := g^{2m}, …, αm1:=g(m1)m}\alpha_{m-1} := g^{(m-1)m}\}. (The giant step)
  3. Calculate β0:=h\beta_0 := h , β1:=hg1\beta_1 := hg^{-1} , β2:=hg2\beta_2 := hg^{-2} , …, hg(m1)hg^{-(m-1)} until you find some βi\beta_i that equals some αj\alpha_j from the above list. (The baby step)
  4. If βi=αj\beta_i = \alpha_j, then the result is d=jm+id = jm + i .

This algorithm works, because:

Note. For elliptic curves, Pollard’s ρ\rho -algorithm is slightly faster.

Specific Logarithms

This estimation of the operations necessary to compute the logarithm of a group, that is, which uses only the operations of the group, applies to generic algorithms. However, specific algorithms, that is, those that use group-specific properties (such as the units of a finite field or that of an elliptic curve), may use less.

For example, for the multiplicative group of a finite field, there are indeed faster algorithms (called sub-exponential) to calculate the prime factors of a product and the logarithm. They are based on Index Calculus which makes use of the properties of this specific group. For example, for the cryptographic problems of RSA and Diffie-Hellman on the multiplicative group of a finite field, that is,

there are indeed faster algorithms (called sub-exponential). They are based on Index Calculus which makes use of the properties of this specific group. The fastest known algorithm is the General Number Field Sieve; see A. K. Lenstra et al. (1993) for the computation of the prime factors and Gordon (1993) for that of the logarithm.

Its complexity is sub-exponential, roughly for large nn , the number of group operations is 2n1/3(C+o(1))(logn)2/3 2^{n^{1/3} (C + o(1)) (\log n)^{2/3}} where C=64/9C = 64/9 and o(1)o(1) means a function ff over \mathbb{N} such that f(n)0f(n) \to 0 to nn \infty .

In contrast, all known algorithms for the ECC cryptographic problem, that is, calculating the logarithm over a finite elliptic curve, are generic algorithms. For these generic algorithms, by Shoup’s Theorem, the complexity 2n/22^{n/2} in the number of bits nn of input is as small as possible. The fastest algorithm at present is Pollard’s ρ\rho -algorithm, which has a roughly exponential complexity of 2n/2+C 2^{n/2 + C} where C=log2(π/4)1/20.175C = \log_2 (\pi/4)^{1/2} \simeq - 0.175 .

Minimal Key Length

World’s fastest supercomputer, IBM’s Summit (taking up 520 square meters in the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Tennessee, USA) has around 150150 petaflops, that is, 1.510171.5 \cdot 10^{17} floating point operations per second. The number of flops needed to check a key depends for example, on whether the plaintext is known or not, but can be very optimistically assumed to be 10001000. Therefore, Summit can check approximately 1.51031.5 \cdot 10^3 keys per second, and, a year having 365246060=315360003108365 \cdot 24 \cdot 60 \cdot 60 = 31536000 \approx 3 \cdot 10^8 seconds, approximately 4.510114.5 \cdot 10^{11} keys a year.

To counter the increasing computing power, one prudently applies a Moore’s Law that stipulates that computing power doubles every other year. Therefore, every twenty years computing power increases by a factor 210=10241032^{10} = 1024 \approx 10^3. Therefore, to ensure that in, say, sixty years, a key not surely be found during a yearlong search by world’s fastest supercomputer at least 4.510204.5 \cdot 10^{20} key combinations have to be used.

For a key of bit length nn, the number of all possible keys is 2n2^{n }. If n=80n = 80, then there are are 2801.210242^{80} \approx 1.2 \cdot 10^{24} possible key combinations. While this number is sufficient for now, the probability for the key to be found during a yearlong search by world’s fastest supercomputer being around 1/2501 / 250, the projected fastest super computer in twenty years will likely find it in half a year. Instead, to be safe in 40 years, a minimal key length of 112112 is recommended.

Comparison of Key Sizes

This Table from A. Lenstra and Verheul (2001) compares the key sizes in bits to a security level comparable between

Symmetric Key Asymmetric Elliptic Key Classic Asymmetric Key
80 160 1024
112 224 2048
128 256 3072
192 384 7680
256 512 15360

The numbers in the table are estimated by the fastest known algorithm to solve the cryptographic problem: Given an input key with nn bits,

In practice, the smaller ECC keys speed up cryptographic operations by a factor of >5>5 compared to RSA and Diffie-Hellman (in addition to facilitating their exchange among people and saving bandwidth). However, there are also disadvantages to ECC compared to RSA, for example: its signature algorithm depends on the generation of an additional ephemeral key pair by a random number generator that, if its output is predictable or repetitive, reveals the private signature key!

Self-Check Questions

  1. Which minimal key size is currently recommend as secure for RSA and Diffie-Hellman?

  2. Which minimal key size is currently recommend as secure for Elliptic Curve Cryptography?

  3. Which minimal key size is currently recommend as secure for AES?

12.3 Rainbow Tables

Rainbow tables are a method of password cracking that compares a password hash to precomputed hashes of the most likely passwords; a time-memory trade-off: more memory for less computation.

Lookup Table as Time-Memory trade-off

A lookup table is a data structure, usually an array, used to replace a runtime computation by an array indexing operation. That is, a value is first computed and then looked up to save runtime, because retrieving a value from memory is usually faster than computing it. For example, values of a common mathematical function, say the logarithm, can be precomputed to look up a nearby value be from memory.

Rainbow Tables

A rainbow table is a table of cryptographic hashes of the most common passwords. Thus, more likely passwords are revealed sooner. The generation of the table depends on

Common cryptographic hash algorithms such as MD4/5, SHA … are fast; thus they are unsuitable for password creation because they are vulnerable to brute-force attacks. For example, MD5 as a cryptographic hash function is designed to be fast and thus lends itself towards a rainbow table attack, while hash functions such as PBKDF1, PBKDF2, bcrypt, scrypt and the recent Argon2 were designed to prevent this kind of attack by being:

A rainbow attack can however most effectively be prevented by making the used hash function unique for each password. This is achieved by adding a salt, an additional unique, usually random, argument.

Meet-in-the-Middle Attack on DES

The key size of the symmetric industry standard cryptographic algorithm DES was merely 56 bits, so little that it ceded to brute-force attacks shortly after its vetting. Therefore, a twofold encryption for two different keys was thought to effectively double the key size to 112 bits. However, the meet-in-the-middle attack by Diffie and Hellman trades off memory for time to find the key in only 2n+12^{n+1} encryptions (using around 2n2^n stored keys) instead of the expected 22n2^{2n} encryptions: Assume the attacker knows a plaintext PP and its ciphertext CC , that is, C=EK(EK(P)), C = \mathrm{E}_{K''}(\mathrm{E}_{K'}(P)), where E denotes the encryption using KK' respectively KK'' . The attacker:

  1. computes EK(P)\mathrm{E}_K (P) for all possible keys KK and stores the results in memory.
  2. decrypts the ciphertext by computing DK(C)D_K (C) for every KK , and
  3. looks for matches between these two sets, whose keys likely match those used to encrypt PP to CC .

Therefore, triple encryption, 3DES was necessary to effectively double the key size and harden decryption for the computing power to come.

Self-Check Questions

  1. Why is encrypting twice for different keys less secure than encrypting thrice? Because the meet-in-the-middle attack uses a memory-time trade-off to find the used key of nn bits in only 2n+12^{n+1} encryptions.

12.4 Known/Chosen Plain/Ciphertexts

Asymmetric cryptography uses mathematical methods, more exactly modular arithmetic, to encipher. The security, the difficulty of deciphering, of asymmetric cryptography is based on computational mathematical problems that have been recognized as difficult for centuries. Symmetric cryptography (like hash functions) uses more artisanal methods of ciphering, which aim to maximize diffusion and confusion, mainly by iterated substitution and permutation. The security of symmetric cryptography is simply based on its resistance to years of ongoing attacks. That is, it is satisfactory from a practical standpoint, but less so regarding the struggle for eternal truths.

Perfect Security

Plaintexts generally do not occur with the same probability. It depends, for example, on the language, jargon or protocol used. A cipher is perfectly secure if none of its ciphertext reveals anything about the corresponding plaintext. That is, the probability that a plaintext and a key resulted in a given ciphertext is the same for all plaintexts and all keys.

perfect security: the probability that a plaintext and a key resulted in a given ciphertext is the same for all plaintexts and all keys.

More exactly: A cipher is called perfectly secure if, for every plaintext, its probability is (stochastically) independent of any ciphertext. Let pp denote a plaintext and by P(p)P(p) its probability. In formulas, for every plaintext pp and every ciphertext cc , we have P(p|c)=P(p)P(p | c) = P(p) . In practice, this means that if an attacker intercepts a ciphertext cc , then he has no advantage, that is, his probability of knowing the plaintext is the same as if he does not know cc .

In 1949, Shannon proved the following theorem on the conditions for a cipher to be perfectly secure: Given a finite number of keys and plaintexts with positive probabilities, that is, P(p)>0P(p)> 0 for every plaintext pp . The cipher is perfectly secure, if

That is, statistical deviations tend to weaken the cipher. In particular, it is important to use a completely random number generator for the keys.

One-time pad

The only perfectly secure cipher is the one-time pad where a key (of the same size as the plaintext) is added (bit by bit) to the plaintext. Such a perfectly secure cipher is however impractical. For real-time applications, such as on the Internet, it is little used.

The One-time pad adds (by the XOR operation) each bit of the plaintext tt with the (positionally) corresponding bit of a key cc that

One-time pad: The key is as long as the plaintext and they are added letter by letter (or bit by bit) to obtain the ciphertext.

That is, the ciphertext T=(T1,T2,...)T = (T_1 , T_2 , ...) is T=tc=(t1c1,t2c2,...). T = t \oplus c = (t_1 \oplus c_1, t_2 \oplus c_2, ...). This cipher is as safe as theoretically possible!

If the plaintext has a single block tt , then this simple (XOR ) addition of a key, the one-time pad , is a secure algorithm. However, it is often inconvenient or even close-to impossible to have a key as large as the plaintext: For example,

In practice, imagine an agent duplicating gigabytes of noise on two storage media, for example, a hard disk and a flash drive, and taking one of these media to encrypt his communication by the one-time pad.

Unfortunately, it is a bad idea (though natural) to use the same key for two different blocks: if, for example, the plaintext has two blocks bb' and bb'' , then, with this algorithm, the sum (XOR) (bc)(bc)=bb (b' \oplus c) \oplus (b'' \oplus c) = b' \oplus b'' of the two cipher blocks bcb' \oplus c and bcb'' \oplus c equals the sum bbb' \oplus b'' of the two clear blocks (because the addition XOR is by definition auto-inverse, that is xx=0x \oplus x = 0 regardless of whether the binary digit is x=0x = 0 or x=1x = 1 )!

The sum of two plaintexts may reveal each one of them! (R. Smith (2008))

It can be seen as the ciphering of the first block by one-time pad whose key is the second block. Unfortunately, the second block is not a good key, because far from being random; on the contrary, usually its content is similar to that of the first block, that is, the key is predictable.

Proven Security

As perfect security is unfeasible, security is demonstrated

Although there are provenly secure symmetric ciphers the most efficient and widely used algorithms, such as AES, prove their resistance only against known attacks, such as those of differential or linear cryptanalysis.

Formally Proven Security

The mathematical problems on which the difficulty of the decryption in asymmetric cryptographic algorithms are based, are all NP-complete, that is, its solutions are verifiable in polynomial runtime (in the bit-length of the input) and all other such problems can be reduced to it. That is, every cryptographic algorithm (enciphers or) deciphers a message with the key in polynomial runtime in the bit-length of the key.

In contrast, all known algorithms for deciphering without the key take exponential time in the bit-length of the key. By the P-versus-NP conjecture, there is no algorithm that takes polynomial runtime (in the bit-length of the key). For now, the conjecture being unresolved, there may theoretically exist polynomial algorithms for deciphering without the key in polynomial runtime; however, after decades of continuous vain efforts by the community of cryptanalysts, it is assumed unlikely.

Example. The initial example of such a provenly secure cipher was semantic security (in Goldwasser and Micali (1984)) which reduces the difficulty of decipherment to that of the computation of the Quadratic Residue: Given xx and NN a product of two primes, it is difficult to determine whether xx is quadratic modulo NN (that is, whether there is yy such that x=y2modNx = y^2 \mod N or not) if, and only if, the so-called Jacobi symbol for xx is +1+1 and the prime factors of NN are unknown.

This (Goldwasser-Micali) cipher consists of:


Caution: Theoretical security remains an insufficient idealization for reality: For example, Ajtai and Dwork (1999) presented a cipher and proved it theoretically secure; however, it was broken a year later. Proven does not mean true: a provenly secure system is not necessarily truly secure, because the proof is made in a formal model which assumes

For example,

Besides, the proof may be wrong! Despite this uncertainty, a proof of security is a useful criterion (though theoretically necessary, but practically insufficient) for the security of a cipher.

Attacking Scenarios

What does security mean? The criterion that the attacker cannot derive the plaintext from the ciphertext is insufficient, because he could acquire other useful (partial) information about the plaintext. But even the impossibility to derive useful information on the plaintext is insufficient in some circumstances: If

then he can encrypt all these possible plaintexts with the public key and compare the ciphertexts to the encrypted texts. For an asymmetric algorithm, the attacker should be assumed to know the public key. Thus, he can encrypt any plaintext of his choice and compare it to the ciphertext; that is, he can mount a Chosen-Plaintext Attack (CPA).

Generally, the attacking scenarios are categorized by how much the cryptanalyst’s knows about the ciphertext (ordered below from less to more knowledge):

For example, to break a monoalphabetic cipher, the ciphertext alone usually suffices thanks to frequency analysis. But often the cryptanalyst either will know or can guess some of the plaintext, such as a preamble of a letter (like a formal greeting) or a computer file format (like an identifier). Lastly, most opportunely, he can ask the sender to encrypt a plaintext that he chose or the recipient to decrypt a ciphertext that he chose.

Ciphertext-Only Attack

The attacker has the ciphertexts of several messages that were encrypted by the same algorithm. His task is to recover as much plaintext as possible or, better, to recover the (algorithms and) keys that were used.

Probable-Plaintext Attack

The attacker has the ciphertext and suspects that the plaintext contains certain words (a crib) or even whole sentences. His task is to recover as much plaintexts as possible or, better, to recover the (algorithms and) keys that were used. For example, Enigma, the cryptographic electromechanical rotor-machine used by the power axes in World War II, was broken by the repetitiveness of the messages it enciphered: for example, the weather report was sent on a daily basis and announced as such (Wetterbericht in German) at the beginning of every such message.

crib: a text probably contained in the plaintext of a given ciphertext.

Known-Plaintext Attack KPO

The attacker has a ciphertext and the corresponding plaintext. His task is to recover the (algorithm and) key that was used. (For example, linear cryptanalysis falls into this scenario). For example, an attack from 2006 on the Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) protocol for encrypting a wireless local area network exploits the predictability of parts of the encrypted messages, namely the headers of the 802.11 protocol.

Chosen (or Adaptive) Plaintext Attack CPA

The attacker has the ciphertexts of the plaintexts that he can freely choose; so that the attacker can freely adapt the plaintext depending on the text obtained after each decipherment and analyze the resulting changes in the ciphertext. His task is to recover the (algorithm and) key that was used. (For example, differential cryptanalysis falls into this scenario).

This is the minimal attacking scenario to be prepared against for asymmetric cryptography! Since the encryption key is public, the attacker can encrypt messages at will. Therefore, if the attacker can reduce the number of possible plaintexts, for example, if he knows that they are either “Yes” or “No”, then he can encrypt all possible plaintexts by the public key and compare them with the intercepted ciphertext. For example, the RSA algorithm in its textbook form suffers from this attack. Therefore, to protect against this CPA attack, every implementation of this algorithm must pad the plaintext with random data before encryption.

Chosen (or Adaptive) Ciphertext Attack CCA

The attacker has a ciphertext cc and the plaintexts of the ciphertexts (except cc ) that he can freely choose; so that the attacker can freely adapt the plaintext depending on the text obtained after each decipherment and analyze the resulting changes in the ciphertext. His task is to recover the (algorithm and) key that was used. For example, the attacker has to analyze a cipher machine black-box, that is, whose inner workings are unknown.

Few practical attacks fall into this scenario, but it is important for proofs of security: If resistance against the attacks of this scenario can be proven, then resistance against every realistic attack of chosen ciphertext is granted.

Semantic Security

If an asymmetric algorithm is used, then the attacker should be assumed to know the public key. Thus, he can encrypt any plaintext of his choice and compare it to the ciphertext. That is, he can mount a chosen-plaintext attack (CPA).

A cipher is secure against IND-CPA (indistinguishability of the ciphertext for chosen plaintexts), if no attacker can distinguish which one of two plaintexts, that he selected before, corresponds to the ciphertext that he receives afterwards. More exactly, the cipher is indistinguishable under chosen-plaintext attack if every probabilistic polynomial-time attacker has only an insignificant “advantage” over random guessing:

IND-CPA-secure: no attacker has a probability significantly higher than 1/21/2 to distinguish two ciphertexts.

The four steps of the game IND-CPA with polynomial-runtime restriction (in the bit-length of the key kk ) on the attacker’s computations (carried out on creating the two plaintexts, step two, and on choosing the plaintext that corresponds to the ciphertext, step four):

  1. A pair of keys is created, one secret and one public, both with kk bits. The attacker receives the public key.

  2. The attacker computes two plaintexts M0M_0 and M1M_1 of the same size.

  3. The cipher machine

    1. randomly chooses a bit bb in {0,1}\{0, 1\}
    2. enciphers MbM_b, and
    3. passes the ciphertext to the attacker.
  4. The attacker chooses a bit bb' in {0,1}\{ 0, 1 \} .

The attacker who chooses the bit bb' in the fourth step randomly is right with a probability of 1/21/2 . A cipher is IND-CPA-secure if no attacker has a probability of success P(b=b)P( b = b' ) significantly higher than 1/21/2: That is, if every attacker’s difference P(b=b)1/2=ϵ(k)P( b = b' ) - 1/2 = \epsilon(k) is insignificant, that is: for every (nonzero) polynomial function pp there is k0k_0 such that ϵ(k)<1/p(k)\epsilon(k) < 1 / p(k) for every k>k0k > k_0.

An insignificant difference should be granted, because the attacker easily increases his probability of success above 1/21/2 by guessing a secret key and trying to decipher the ciphertext with it.

Observation. Although the above game is formulated for an asymmetric cipher, it can be adapted to the symmetric case by replacing the public key cipher by a cryptographic oracle, a black-box function, that is, whose inner workings are unknown, that retains the secret key and encrypts arbitrary plaintexts at the attacker’s request.

Semantically Secure Algorithms

Secure semantic encryption algorithms include El Gamal and Goldwasser-Micali because their semantic security can be reduced to solving some difficult mathematical problem, that is, irresolvable in polynomial runtime (in the number of input bits); in these cited examples, the Decisory Diffie Hellman Problem and the Quadratic Residue Problem. Other semantically insecure algorithms, such as RSA, can be made semantically secure by random cryptographic paddings such as OAEP (Optimal Asymmetric Encryption Padding).

Example. The Elgamal encryption method is IND-CPA-secure under the assumption that the Decisory Diffie Hellman Problem is difficult. To prove security, let us transform

as follows: Given a base gg and exponents xx , yy and zz in 1,...,p11, ..., p-1 .

  1. S simulates the creation of a key pair by giving gxg^x as public key to A (but not knowing the corresponding secret key).
  2. A produces two plaintexts m0m_0 and m1m_1.
  3. S simulates the encipherment by randomly choosing a bit bb and defining the ciphertext as gy,gzmbg^y , g^z m_b.
  4. A decides whether the plaintext is m0m_0 or m1m_1.

S ’s strategy is therefore to opt for gz=gyg^z = g^y if, and only if, A is correct. Thus, the probability that S is correct is 1/2+ϵ/21/2 + \epsilon/2 .

Semantic Security IND-CCA

Let us recall that:

A cipher is secure against IND-CCA (indistinguishability of ciphertext for chosen ciphertexts), if the attacker, in the second and fourth steps of the IND-CPA game, can ask for any ciphertext to be deciphered (except the one in question cc ), and still cannot distinguish which one among two plaintexts corresponds to the ciphertext:

  1. The oracle creates a secret key.

  2. The attacker asks for the decryption of any ciphertext (except cc ), and creates two plaintexts M0M_0 and M1M_1 of equal size.

  3. The oracle

  4. The attacker asks for the decryption of any ciphertext (except cc ), and chooses a bit bb' in {0,1}\{ 0, 1 \} .

Example. Bleichenbacher’s attack on PKCS#1 from 1998 is secure against the RSA variant of IND-CPA (but precisely not against IND-CCA!).

Bellare and Namprempre showed in 2000 for a symmetric cipher that if

then the cipher with “Encrypt-then-MAC” resists an “IND-CCA” attack.

Self-Check Questions

  1. Is the one-time pad perfectly secure in theory?

  2. What are all known perfectly secure cipher in theory? one-time pad

  3. Is the one-time pad perfectly secure in practice?

  4. What is a practical inconvenience of the one-time pad? Its key must be as long as the plaintext.

12.5 Side-channel attacks

A side-channel attack uses information from the physical implementation of a cipher machine. For example, measures of timing, power consumption, electromagnetic or sound emissions.

side-channel attack: an attack that uses information on the physical implementation of a cipher machine.

We will restrict to timing attacks that measure the runtimes of cryptographic operations (of a specific software on a specific hardware) and compare them to estimated ones. A timing attack can be carried out remotely, however, the measurements often suffer from noise, that is, random disturbances from sources such as network latency, disk drive access times, and correction of transmission errors. Most timing attacks require that the attacker knows the implementation; however, inversely, these attacks can also be used to reverse-engineer.

timing attack: an attack that measures the runtime of cryptographic operations and compares them to estimated ones.

We will restrict to the example of a timing attack that measures the time for computing integer powers. For this, we first have to understand how integer powers are computed:

Exponentiating by squaring

Exponentiating by squaring (or square-and-multiply algorithm or binary exponentiation) is an algorithm to quickly compute large integer powers of a number by binary expansion of the exponent; especially useful in modular arithmetic. To compute bnb^n , instead of bb multiplying bb by itself nn times, only 2log2n2 \cdot \log_2 n multiplications are needed:

Exponentiating by squaring (or square-and-multiply algorithm or binary exponentiation): an algorithm to quickly compute integer powers of a number by binary expansion of the exponent.

Given a nonnegative integer base bb and exponent ee , to compute bemodMb^e \mod M :

  1. Expand the exponent binarily, that is, e=e0+e12+e222++es2s with e0,e1,...,es in {0,1}, e = e_0 + e_1 2 + e_2 2^2 + \cdots + e_s 2^s \, \text{ with } e_0, e_1, ..., e_s \text{ in } \{ 0, 1 \},
  2. Compute b1,b2,b22,...,b2smodM. b^1, b^2, b^{2^2}, ..., b^{2^s} \mod M.

Because b(2n+1)=b2n2=(b2n)2b^{(2^{n+1})} = b^{2^n \cdot 2} = (b^{2^n})^2 , that is, each power is the square of the previous one (and at most M ), each power, one after the other, is easily computable, yielding: be=be0+e12+e222++es2s=be0(b2)e1(b22)e2(b2s)es b^e = b^{e_0 + e_1 2 + e_2 2^2 + \cdots+ e_s 2^s} = b^{e_0} (b^2)^{e_1} (b^{2^2})^{e_2} \cdots (b^{2^s})^{e_s} (In hindsight, only powers with e0,e1,...,ese_0 , e_1 , ..., e_s equal to 1 count, the others can be omitted.)

Example. To calculate 35mod73^5 \mod 7 , expand 5=1+021+122 5 = 1 + 0 \cdot 2^1 + 1 \cdot 2^2 and calculate 31=3,32=92,322=(32)222=4mod7; 3^1 = 3, 3^2 = 9 \equiv 2, 3^{2^2} = (3^2)^2 \equiv 2^2 = 4 \mod 7; yielding 35=31+22=31322=345mod7. 3^5 = 3^{1 + 2^2} = 3^1 \cdot 3^{2^2} = 3 \cdot 4 \equiv 5 \mod 7.

Vulnerable Algorithms

The execution time of binary exponentiation depends linearly on the number of bits equal to 1 in the exponent. While the number of these bits alone is insufficient information to find the key, statistical correlation analysis (and the Chinese remainder theorem) on exponentiations with different bases (but the same exponent) derives the exponent.

Crypto-algorithms that encipher using exponentiation modulo a large prime number, and as such are vulnerable to this attack, include RSA, Diffie-Hellman and ElGamal and the Digital Signature Algorithm (that derives from the former).

For example, in (textbook) RSA , the message is the base bb and the key is the exponent ee . Brumley and Boneh (2005) demonstrated a network-based timing attack on SSL-enabled web servers using RSA that successfully recovered the private key in a day; this lead to the widespread deployment of concealment techniques to conceal correlations between key and encryption time.

Example for the Exponential (as used in Diffie-Hellman)

Kocher (1996) exposed a flaw in the following algorithm to compute modular exponentiation, that is, to compute R(y)=yxmodnR(y) = y^x \mod n for nn public and yy known, but xx secret. The attacker, by computing R(y)R(y) for several values of yy and knowing nn , yy and the computation time, can derive xx as follows:

Let w be the bit length of x and put s_0 = 1.

For k ranging from 0 to w-1:

    If the k-th bit of x is 1, then
        put R_k = (s_k * y) mod n;
        put R_k = s_k.

    Put s_{k+1} = R_k^k mod n

End (of For loop)

Return (R_{w-1})

According to the value of the kk -th bit of xx , either (sk×y)modn(s_k \times y) \mod n or nothing is computed; therefore, the execution time of the algorithm, for different values of yy will eventually yield the value of the kk -th bit.

To prevent this attack, the algorithm can be changed so that all calculations, whatever the key bits, take the same time (slowing it down, but, security counts more than speed):

Let w be the bit length of x and put s_0 = 1.

For k ranging from 0 to w - 1:

    Put temp = (s_k y) mod n.

    If the k-th bit of x is 1, then
        put R_k = temp;
        put R_k = s_k.

    Put s_{k+1} = R^2_k mod n.

End (of For loop)

Return (R_{w-1})

Self-Check Questions

  1. Name examples of side-channel attacks: measures of timing, power consumption, electromagnetic or sound emissions.

12.6 Modern Cryptanalytic Algorithms

To understand the reasons behind the design choices of each step of a block cipher algorithm, such as AES, one must understand which attacks it defies. A powerful modern cryptanalytic algorithms is differential cryptanalysis, applicable to block ciphers. It assumes a chosen-plaintext attack: The attacker sends pairs of (slightly) differing plaintexts, whose ciphertexts he receives. He then studies how differences in the input propagate (on so-called differential trails) through the network of encipherment transformations to differences at output. The resistance of AES against this resistance by so-called wide trails was proved in the paper of proposal Daemen and Rijmen (1999).

Prototypical Feistel Cipher by Heys

Let us demonstrate this technique in the toy model of a Feistel Cipher given in Heys (2002) that

For each round, there is a corresponding (independent) key. In each one of the first three rounds 1, 2 and 3:

  1. Add the round key CC to the block BB, in formulas: BBCB \mapsto B \oplus C .

  2. Substitute each of the 4 sub-blocks bits according to the table (in hexadecimal notation)

    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
    E 4 D 1 2 F B 8 3 A 6 C 5 9 0 7
  3. Swap bit ii from the sub-block jj with jj from the sub-block ii ;

In the penultimate 4th round:

  1. Add the round key to the block, BBCB \mapsto B \oplus C .
  2. Substitute each of the 4 sub-blocks of 4 bits with the table.

In the last 5th round

  1. Add the round key to the block, BBCB \mapsto B \oplus C .

That is:

The substitution table originates from the DES algorithm and is commonly called the S-box, Substitution box.

Differential Cryptanalysis

A cryptanalyst’s dream is to learn whether a part of the chosen key is correct, that is, whether it coincides with the corresponding part of the key used to encrypt the text: For example, in Heys’s cipher the key has 16 bits: If one could learn whether, say, one half (8 bits) of the whole key tried out matches the corresponding half of the correct key, then the cryptanalyst

That is, the number of combinations that need to be tested out has been reduced from 216=655362^{16} = 65536 to 2256=5122 \cdot 256 = 512 .

Criterion for Decipherment

In a brute-force attack, the cryptanalyst deciphers the enciphered text with each possible key. To know whether the key tried out is correct, that is, if it coincides with the key used to encrypt the text, he checks whether the content is intelligible; for example, by a criterion such as

  1. counting the frequencies of the letters, pairs and triples of the deciphered text, and
  2. comparing them to the frequencies of the likely tongue in which the plaintext was written: If they come close, then the plaintext is probably intelligible and the key tried out was that used by the encipherer.

If the cipher has a single round, then this criterion is applicable. However, if the cipher has two or more rounds, and the decipherer executes the last round of the decryption algorithm with a certain key, then this criterion is no longer applicable, because the text obtained is the output of the encryption algorithm (with the same key) from the penultimate round. Instead, the criterion of differential cryptanalysis for having found the correct key is probabilistic: the key tested out is probably correct if, for a certain “incoming” difference ΔX\Delta X and a certain “outgoing” difference ΔY\Delta Y , plaintext pairs with difference ΔX\Delta X result with a certain probability in cipher pairs with difference ΔY\Delta Y .

For differential cryptanalysis to be applicable, the cryptanalyst must be able

  1. to encrypt by the same key any number of freely chosen plaintexts, and
  2. to examine the encrypted texts.

Differential cryptanalysis exploits the high probability of a difference ΔX:=XX\Delta X := X' \oplus X'' between two plaintexts XX' and XX'' propagating to a difference ΔY=YY\Delta Y = Y' \oplus Y'' between the two ciphertexts YY' and YY'' (for XX' and XX'' ) (in the penultimate round); here XXX' \oplus X'' is the addition XOR , bit per bit, where the output is 1 if, and only if, the two entries are different. (In particular, the addition XOR is auto-inverse, that is, the reverse operation to \oplus is \oplus; in contrast to the ++ operation with its reverse - . Therefore, the difference is given by the addition XOR. That is, ΔX\Delta X , indicates all the bits in which XX' and XX'' differ.) The pair D=(ΔX,ΔY)D = (\Delta X, \Delta Y) is the differential.

The difference of XX' and XX'' is ΔX:=XX\Delta X := X' \oplus X''

A differential is a pair D=(ΔX,ΔY)D = (\Delta X, \Delta Y) of input respectively output differences ΔX\Delta X respectively ΔY\Delta Y .

For differential cryptanalysis to be efficient, there must be a differential DD with high probability pDp_D(to be quantified in Equation 12.1); that is, among all incoming pairs with difference ΔX\Delta X , the probability of an outgoing pair having difference ΔY\Delta Y (in the penultimate round) is pDp_D. More exactly, the encipherer will encipher a statistically significant number of pairs (>1/pD> 1/p_D) of plaintexts with difference ΔX\Delta X to count the number of the enciphered pairs of ciphertexts with difference ΔY\Delta Y .

Frequency of Differences for a Substitution Table

An affine transformation A is the composition

Observation. For an affine transformation AA , the outgoing difference ΔY\Delta Y is independent of the incoming pair XX' and XX' (but only depends on ΔX\Delta X ): The transformation AA :

Regarding the first and second function of each round of a Feistel cipher:

that is, the outgoing difference is independent of the incoming pair. However, the outgoing difference ΔY\Delta Y of the substitution is not determined by the incoming difference ΔX\Delta X alone, but it depends on XX' and XX'' ! We examine the substitution table to find a differential DD of high probability pDp_D, that is, to find an incoming difference ΔX\Delta X with a large number of pairs XX' and XX'' that yield an outgoing difference ΔY\Delta Y : Given ΔX\Delta X , there are 24=162^4 = 16 possible inputs XX' (which determines X=XΔXX'' = X' \oplus \Delta X ), and we count the frequencies of the 24=162^4 = 16 possible outgoing differences ΔY=0,1,...,F\Delta Y = 0, 1, ..., F :

S-box in binary notation.
0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 1000 1001 1010 1011 1100 1101 1110 1111
1110 0100 1101 0001 0010 1111 1011 1000 0011 1010 0110 1100 0101 1001 0000 0111

This table lists the outgoing differences of each incoming pair whose difference is one of 1011, 1000 or 0100 :

the outgoing differences ΔY\Delta Y for three incoming differences ΔX\Delta X (listed horizontally) and all possible inputs XX (listed vertically).
X/ΔXX / \Delta X 1011 1000 0100
0000 0010 1101 1100
0001 0010 1110 1011
0010 0111 0101 0110
0011 0010 1011 1001
0100 0101 0111 1100
0101 1111 0110 1011
0110 0010 1011 0110
0111 1101 1111 1001
1000 0010 1101 0110
1001 0111 1110 0011
1010 0010 0101 0110
1011 0010 1011 1011
1100 1101 0111 0110
1101 0010 0110 0011
1110 1111 1011 0110
1111 0101 1111 1011

Let us count, for every incoming difference ΔX\Delta X , how many times each outgoing difference ΔY\Delta Y appears among all the incoming pairs XX' and XX'' such that XX=ΔXX' \oplus X'' = \Delta X .

The frequency of outgoing differences ΔY\Delta Y (listed horizontally) for all incoming differences ΔX\Delta X (listed vertically).
ΔX/ΔY\Delta X / \Delta Y 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
0 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 2 0 2 4 0 4 2 0 0
2 0 0 0 2 0 6 2 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 2 0
3 0 0 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 4 2 0 2 0 0 4
4 0 0 0 2 0 0 6 0 0 2 0 4 2 0 0 0
5 0 4 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 4 0 2 0 0 2
6 0 0 0 4 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 2 2
7 0 0 2 2 2 0 2 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 4
8 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 4 0 4 2 2
9 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 4 2 0 2 2 2 0 0 0
A 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 2 0 0 4 0
B 0 0 8 0 0 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 2
C 0 2 0 0 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 2 0 6 0 0
D 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 4 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0
E 0 0 2 4 2 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 2 0
F 0 2 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 4 0 2 0 0 2 0

The entries for each row add up to 1616 , the number of all possible pairs for a given difference. The first row confirms that two equal inputs result in two equal outputs. The highest number is 88 and reached for ΔX=B\Delta X = B and ΔY=2\Delta Y = 2 . In addition, the number 66 comes up five times.

We will choose our differentials among those with these high frequencies:

Example. In the frequency table

Differential Trails

Given a Feistel cipher, a differential trail is a finite sequence of differences (ΔU1,ΔU2,...) (\Delta U_1, \Delta U_2, ...) so that every entry ΔUi\Delta U_i is the input of the S-box of the ii -th cipher round. Given the outgoing difference ΔVi\Delta V_i of the S-box of round ii , the incoming difference of the next round ΔUi+1\Delta U_{i+1} is the result of applying the permutation to ΔVi\Delta V_i . (The key addition, as a translation, does not change the difference.)

differential trail: a tuple of differences ΔU1\Delta U_1, ΔU2\Delta U_2, … so that every entry ΔUi\Delta U_i is the input of the S-box of the ii -th cipher round.

We want to find the most probable differential trail DD in the Heys cipher D=(ΔU1,ΔU2,ΔU3,ΔU4) D = (\Delta U_1, \Delta U_2, \Delta U_3, \Delta U_4) or at least a trail in which each differential (ΔUi,ΔVi)(\Delta U_i , \Delta V_i ) is among the most probable. Every differential consists of 44 sub-differentials, corresponding to the 44 sub-blocks of 44 bits that constitute block of 1616 bits. To find such a probable differential trail, in each round:

An example of such a trail DD is the following: Let the difference in the first round be ΔU1=[0000101100000000], \Delta U_1 = [ 0000 \; 1011 \; 0000 \; 0000 ], which is by S-box 2 replaced by ΔV1=[000000100000]. \Delta V_1 = [ 0000 \; 0010 \; 0000 ]. By the subsequent permutation, we obtain as difference entering the second round ΔU2=[0000000001000000] \Delta U_2 = [ 0000 \; 0000 \; 0100 \; 0000 ] which is by S-box 3 replaced by ΔV2=[0000000001100000]. \Delta V_2 = [ 0000 \; 0000 \; 0110 \; 0000 ]. Because the bits number 22 and 33 are nonzero, we obtain by the subsequent permutation as incoming difference of the third round that with two active sub-differentials ΔU3=[000000100000] \Delta U_3 = [ 0000 \; 0010 \; 0000 ] which is by S-boxes 2 and 3 replaced by ΔV3=[000001010000]. \Delta V_3 = [ 0000 \; 0101 \; 0000 ]. Finally, by the subsequent permutation, the fourth round input is ΔU4=[0000011000000110]. \Delta U_4 = [ 0000 \; 0110 \; 0000 \; 0110 ].

Let Si,jS_{i,j} denote the substitution of the sub-block jj by the S-box in the ii -th round. On our differential trail, we enlist

the probability of substitution Si,jS_{i,j} transforming the incoming difference ΔX\Delta X (in hexadecimal notation) into outgoing difference ΔY\Delta Y :

Substitution In Out Probability
S12 B 2 8/16
S23 4 6 6/16
S32 2 5 6/16
S33 2 5 6/16

If we suppose that the differentials of one round are independent of the differentials of the previous round (which is a negligibly inaccurate simplification), then the probability pDp_D of the concatenated substitutions transforming ΔU1=[0000101100000000] \Delta U_1 = [ 0000 \; 1011 \; 0000 \; 0000 ] into ΔU4=[0000011000000110]. \Delta U_4 = [ 0000 \; 0110 \; 0000 \; 0110 ]. is the product of the probabilities of each substitution, pD=8/166/16(6/166/16)=27/1024. p_D = 8/16 \cdot 6/16 \cdot (6/16 \cdot 6/16) = 27/1024.

To find the key, for

the cryptanalyst

  1. enciphers the pair U1U'_1 and U1U''_1,
  2. reverses the cipher up to the S-box input in the fourth round by the round key K5=[0000K5,5,...,K5,80000K5,13,...,K5,16] K_5 = [ 0000 \; K_{5,5}, ..., K_{5,8} \; 0000 \; K_{5,13}, ..., K_{5,16} ] to obtain the pair υ4\upsilon'_4 and υ4\upsilon''_4 with difference υ4\upsilon_4, and
  3. compares the difference Δυ4\Delta\upsilon_4 to ΔU4\Delta U_4; if they match, then he increments the count nn by 11 .

If for a combination of sub-blocks K5,5,...,K5,8K_{5,5}, ..., K_{5,8} and K5,13,...,K5,16K_{5,13}, ..., K_{5,16} the count yields n/mpDn/m \approx p_D, that is, the ratio between

is close to the probability pDp_D, then these sub-blocks are probably the sub-blocks 2 and 4 of the round key 5 used by the cipher.

Observation. To conclude that we found the correct sub-blocks, we use the hypotheses

  1. that the differentials of a round are independent of the differentials of the previous round, and
  2. that a probability of matching pairs close to that calculated indicates the correct key.

Both have no rigid mathematical foundation, but are only plausible, because, respectively:

  1. Each round tries to diffuse as much as possible, that is, to make the value of each output bit practically independent of all input bits, and
  2. there is unlikely a key which is different but reproduces the same probability.

Note that for this attack to be faster, that is, to be more effective, than the brute-force attack (which simply tries out all possible keys), it is necessary that #{ active bits }log2pD<#{ key bits }(12.1) \# \{ \text{ active bits } \} - \log_2 p_D < \# \{ \text{ key bits } \} \qquad{(12.1)} where

Therefore, it is necessary that the trail is strict, that is, has few active blocks, in order to be able to learn whether the tested key is correct, that is, coincides with the key used, only in these active blocks (which reduces the number of combinations logarithmically). In the example given, only 2 out of the 4 sub-differentials are active, which allowed the cryptanalyst to learn whether the key is correct in only these 2 blocks: the number of combinations that need to be proved was accordingly reduced from 216=655362^{16} = 65536 to 2256=5122 \cdot 256 = 512 .

Self-Check Questions

  1. What is a differential in a substitution and permutation network? A pair D=(ΔX,ΔY)D = (\Delta X, \Delta Y) of input respectively output differences ΔX\Delta X respectively ΔY\Delta Y .
  2. What is a differential trail in a substitution and permutation network? A tuple of differences ΔU1\Delta U_1, ΔU2\Delta U_2, … so that every entry ΔUi\Delta U_i is the input of the S-box of the ii -th cipher round.
  3. How to find the most likely differential trail? By maximizing the number of times the S-box replaces the incoming difference with the outgoing difference of the sub-differential.


Cryptanalysis is the art of breaking ciphers, that is, recovering or forging enciphered information without knowledge of the key. Historically, the cryptanalyst’s intuition and ability to recognize subtle patterns in the ciphertext were paramount. Today, however, cryptanalysis is based on mathematics and put into practice by efficient use of extensive computing power.

Brute-Force Attacks

In practice, the security of a cipher, and thus the recommended key sizes, relies foremost

Rainbow Tables

It the secret information, for example, passwords, was stored as cryptographic hashes, then a practically more efficient brute-force attacks uses a rainbow table, a table of the cryptographic hashes of the most common passwords to reveal more likely passwords sooner. This is particularly promising against quickly computed hash functions such as MD4/5, whereas hash functions used for hashing passwords, such as bcrypt, were designed to be deliberately slow. Such a rainbow attack is however most effectively prevented by making the used hash function unique for each password by adding a salt, an additional unique, usually random, argument.

Attacking Scenarios

The only perfectly secure cipher is the one-time pad where a key (of the same size as the plaintext) is added (bit by bit) to the plaintext; too unwieldy to be useful in practice.

Asymmetric cryptography uses mathematical methods, more exactly modular arithmetic, to encipher. The security, the difficulty of deciphering without knowledge of the key, of an asymmetric cryptographic algorithm is based on mathematical problems that have been established as computationally difficult. Symmetric cryptography (like hash functions) uses more artisanal methods of ciphering, which aim to maximize diffusion and confusion, mainly by iterated substitution and permutation. The security of symmetric cryptographic algorithms is simply based on its resistance against years of ongoing attacks.

Side-Channel Attack

A side-channel attack uses information from the physical implementation of a cipher machine. For example, measures of timing, power consumption, electromagnetic or sound emissions. In particular, a timing attack measures the runtimes of cryptographic operations, and compares them to the estimated ones. For example, one exploits that the runtime of the computation of a power depends on the number of nonzero bits of its exponent (which, in RSA and Diffie-Hellman is the key).

Differential Cryptanalysis

Among all modern cryptanalytic algorithms, one of the most powerful ones is differential cryptanalysis that applies to block ciphers and assumes a chosen-plaintext attack: The attacker sends pairs of (slightly) differing plaintexts whose ciphertexts he receives. He then studies how differences on input propagate (on so-called differential trails) through the network of encipherment transformations to differences at output. The resistance of AES against this resistance by so-called wide trails was proved in the paper of proposal Daemen and Rijmen (1999).


  1. Which minimal key size is currently recommend as secure for RSA and Diffie-Hellman?

  2. Which minimal key size is currently recommend as secure for Elliptic Curve Cryptography?

  3. Which minimal key size is currently recommend as secure for AES?

  4. Which computationally difficult problem is the security of RSA based on?

    prime number decomposition, discrete logarithm, point counting, quadratic residue

  5. Which computationally difficult problem is the security of the Diffie-Hellman key exchange based on?

    prime number decomposition, discrete logarithm, point counting, quadratic residue

Required Reading

Read Heys (2002) to understand the basic principles of differential cryptanalysis.

Unit 5

Read the submissions Daemen and Rijmen (1999) and Daemen and Rijmen (2002) that present the algorithm AES and show its security by its resistance against differential cryptanalysis.

13 Cryptology and the Internet

Study Goals

On completion of this chapter, you will have learned …

  1. How the Internet and its protocols came about,
  2. what a Virtual Private Network, in particular IPSec, achieves.
  3. how the Transport Layer Security protocol encrypts and authenticates Internet connections,
  4. how secure e-mails can be sent by protocols such as TLS, S/MIME or PGP, and
  5. how domain names such as are looked up and how this look can be authenticated and encrypted by Secure DNS.


While before the Internet age it was unimaginable to use cryptography in everyday life, today everyday life on the Internet would be unimaginable without (public-key) cryptography; for example, for securely shopping online. Besides ciphering, cryptography establishes trust where previously paper documents were used, for example, for signing, identity authentication, granting authority, license, or ownership. And cryptography achieves this more securely so: While a written signature is imitable, a digital signature is uniquely linked to (the contents of) the signed document.

To secure transactions on the Internet, for example, in electronic banking, commerce or mailing, a cryptographic protocol (such as Transport Layer Security, TLS, formerly Secure Sockets Layer, SSL):

  1. Establishes trust: When a client connects to a web server, then the server’s identity has to be guaranteed to avoid a man-in-the-middle attack; to this end, central authorities issue digital X.509 certificates.
  2. Encrypts all traffic: For example, in an open wireless-network, such as those using log-in portals in public places, no traffic between the router (that connects to the Internet) and the client is being encrypted, neither by the router nor by the client.

13.1 The Internet Protocols

The various protocols that standardize the processing of exchanged data on the Internet can be grouped into layers, ordered according to how highly structured the processed data is:

Among these protocols, the two most important protocols (and those that were defined first) are

that specify how data should be formatted, addressed, transmitted, routed and received at the destination. Though the TCP/IP protocol reliably delivers data packets over the Internet, it

Most Internet applications rely on a higher (application) layer, such as the HTTP protocol for Web servers.

The best known stacks of such layers of Internet protocols are:

OSI model: model by the International Standards Organization (ISO) that stacks the various protocols of the Internet protocol suite into seven abstraction layers.

Internet Protocol Suite: TCP/IP stacks the various protocols of the Internet protocol suite into four layers.

World Wide Web

First, the Internet is not to be confused with the World Wide Web (WWW, for short the Web) which is an application of the Internet, albeit the most popular serves linked documents. A web document is written in HyperText Markup Language (HTML), transmitted by the HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) and retrievable at an online address called a Uniform Resource Locator (URL). The web does not include, for example, e-mail, instant messaging and file sharing.

World Wide Web: an application of the Internet that serves on a graphical user interface linked documents written in HyperText Markup Language (HTML), transmitted by the HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) and retrievable at an online address called a Uniform Resource Locator (URL).

Originally, the Web was developed to let scientists around the world exchange information instantly. In 1989, English computer scientist Timothy Berners-Lee developed at the Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire (CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research) the first Web server and client, a hypertext browser and editor, and specified the URL, HTTP and HTML formats on which the Web depends. The Web was made available within CERN in December 1990 and on the Internet at large in the summer of 1991. (Since 1994, Berners-Lee is Director of the W3 Consortium, which coordinates Web development worldwide.)

History of the Internet

The Internet itself evolved out of an early wide area network called ARPAnet: President Dwight D. Eisenhower saw the need for the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA), after the Soviet Union’s launch of Sputnik, world’s first satellite, in 1957. The ARPA followed suite by developing the United States’ first successful satellite in 18 months. Several years later ARPA developed computer network of funded research laboratories that eventually evolved into ARPAnet in the 70s. It was expanded in the United States to some laboratories and academic institutions, and then to Europe, where the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) was one of the nodes.

ARPAnet: computer network developed by the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) between a number of laboratories and academic institutions

A driving force behind the creation of the ARPAnet was the desire to share computer resources more efficiently:

Time Sharing

Computer time in the 50s was so costly access time had to be limited and scheduled. Much time on the computer was used for input and output, but not computing, so the computing power often went unused, and the computer was practically idle. To use computer resources more efficiently, the idea of “Time-sharing” to run multiple programs (seemingly) “at the same time” was born: The computer switched from user to user while receiving input or returning output, giving them the impression of a live interaction with the computer instead of taking turns. The Ethernet protocol was created (by the Xerox Corporation) to connected different computers into a single (so called local-area) network. These interactions then took place on a local area network, but the more users, the less responsive the computer.


The idea was born to share computational resources by connecting various local networks to a single larger network. In 1966 the Information Processing Techniques Office (IPTO) funded the creation of a high-speed network among the funded research laboratories, which eventually evolved into the ARPANET that differed from existing computer networks by:

Such a decentralized network, without critical paths, sparked the interest of the military, since it could reroute messages even if part of the network was destroyed (while the destruction of a telephone operation center entails that of its entire dependent network).


The American computer scientist Vinton Cerf at Stanford University wrote the first TCP protocol with Yogen Dalal and Carl Sunshine, called Specification of Internet Transmission Control Program (RFC 675), published in December 1974. From 1972-1976, Cerf co-designed the TCP/IP protocol-suite with Robert Kahn that would form the basis of the Internet. Cerf worked at the United States Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) from 1976 to 1982 and funded various groups to develop TCP/IP. When Robert Kahn became IPTO director in 1979, the DARPA had multiple incompatible packet-switching networks, which on 1 January 1983, adopted the suite of TCP/IP protocols. After some demonstrations of the network technology, such as linking the networks of SATNET, PRNET and ARPANET from Menlo Park, CA to University College London and back to USC/ISI in Marina del Rey, CA in November 1977, the Internet started in 1983.

Comparison between the OSI and TCP/IP reference-model

Since the Internet runs on the TCP/IP reference-model, which has only four layers, the standard ISO 7-layer stack is more of a theoretical abstraction than a practical standard. Unlike the standard ISO 7-layer stack, the TCP/IP 4-layer stack evolved by being used rather than drafted and thus is testified to work, even cross-platform. While the Internet Protocol Suite is descriptive, the OSI reference-model was intended to be prescriptive: the OSI model is a wonderful abstract construction; though the network, which exists and works, does not fully follow it. However, the iOS Model is of historical and conceptual interest, as it precedes the former, and the same principles apply.

When the models are (incorrectly) used interchangeably, both are referred to as the Internet reference-model.


approximative comparison table between the OSI and TCP-IP layers:
OSI Layer TCP/IP Layer Examples
Applications (7) Applications (4) HTTP(Hypertext Transfer Protocol FTP(File Transfer Protocol) SMTP(Simple Mail Transfer) IMAP(Instant Message Access Protocol) DHCP(Dynamic Host Configuration)
Presentation (6)
Session (5) SOCKS (Socket Secure)
Transport (4) Transport (3) TCP Transmission Control Protocol) UDP(User Datagram Protocol)
Network (3) Internet (2) IPv4/6(Internet Protocol) ICMP(Internet Control Message)
Data Link (2) Network Access (1) IEEE 802.3 (Ethernet LAN) IEEE 802.11,802.11a -- g (Wi-Fi)
Bit Transmission (1)
  1. The physical layer provides only the means to transmit raw bits. Electrical specifications such as Network hardware or physical cabling are specified.
  2. The network access layer (Link Layer) does not contain protocols of the TCP/IP family, but subsumes those for data transmission from point-to-point, to connect different subnets, such as Ethernet, Point-to-Point_Protocol (PPP) or 802.11 (Wireless_LAN).
  3. The Internet layer comprises all protocols for the forwarding and routing of packets, that is, determining the next intermediate destination for a received packet and to forward the packet there; also segmenting, error detection and error correction. The core of this layer is the [Internet Protocol] (IP) in version 4 or 6
  4. The transport layer comprises all protocols for establishing, prioritizing, maintaining, and terminating the communication between two computers on a network and checking that data sent from one computer to another has correctly reached its destination. Most importantly, the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) to reliably send data streams, but also unreliable protocols such as the User Datagram Protocol (UDP).
  5. The session layer comprises protocols keeps track of the progress of data transfers, for session hibernation (checkpointing), suspension, termination and restart procedures, for example, after a transmission error or interruption.
  6. Presentation Layer: For the formatting of messages, converting data into a format understandable by an application such as a Web Server, for example, encryption and decryption (or codeset conversions, say from ISO Latin-1 to UTF-8).
  7. The application layer comprises all protocols to exchange application-specific data over the network, for example, the Mozilla HTML engine used by FireFox and Chrome, or the SMTP protocol used by e-mail programs

However, different application protocols (such as HTTP, FTP, IMAP, …) implement the functions of Layer 5, 6 and 7 differently, and do not separate these layers strictly; hence, practitioners, such as network engineers, subsume all those layers as Layer 5+, the application layer, just like the Internet Protocol Suite does.

Self-Check Questions

  1. Please name the layers of the OSI model! Applications , Presentation , Session , Transport , Network , Data Link , Bit Transmission
  2. Please name the layers of the DoD model! Applications , Transport , Internet, Network Access
  3. Please provide example protocols for five layers of the OSI model! HTTP, SOCKS, TCP, IP, Ethernet
  4. Please provide example protocols for each layer of the DoD model! HTTP, TCP, IP, Ethernet

13.2 IPsec

A private IP network is a network (commonly a local area networks (LANs) in residential and enterprise environments) whose computers have IP addresses which fall into the ranges specified by IPv4 (in RFC 1918; analogue ones exist in IPv6):

These addresses can be used without approval from an Internet registry. (Where here and henceforth we often mean computer to mean an endpoint of the network; this includes tablet, smartphones and other network devices.)

Private Network: network that uses private IP addresses without any need of approval from an Internet registry.

A Virtual Private Network (VPN) is a private network made up of (at least) two (spatially separate) closed networks connected via an open network (such as the Internet). For example, to connect

VPN: A private network made up of two or more (spatially separate) closed networks connected via an open network (such as the Internet).

To establish privacy, the connections between two closed networks use authentication and encryption: The parties authenticate mutually using a previously set shared secret (such as a password or certificate); then the exchanged data is encrypted and decrypted at the end points.


Briefly, a gateway is a device that links two networks such as a router that distributes network traffic flow. An internet connection at home usually uses a router to deliver internet data packets to the devices at home, for example, a smartphone, tablet or laptop. This is the first router the device at home connects to for an Internet connection; also known as a default gateway. By convention the gateway has the lowest IP address in the subnet (a group of addresses).

A Firewall filters data packets to protect an inner (private) network from an outside (public) network. It is usually located on a gateway, or possibly as software on a user’s computer, for example, as part of the operating system such as the “Microsoft Windows firewall”.

Many (consumer) devices are both a router and a firewall. Therefore, these three terms, Gateway, Router and Firewall, are sometimes used interchangeably.


Routing is the directing of data packets from their source toward their ultimate destination through intermediary nodes, called routers, over the network. A router is a computer networking device that distributes data packets across a network of (two or more) networks toward their destinations, through a process known as routing, that is,. Routing occurs at layer 3 (the Network layer) of the OSI seven-layer model. To compute the best routes to network destinations the routers use routing tables: a basic routing table stores details of every computer in the network and the connections between them; others also the current state of the network with respect to the amount of traffic.

The simplest routing is hop-by-hop routing: each routing table lists, for all reachable destinations, the address of the next device along the path to that destination; the next hop. If the routing tables are consistent, then the simple algorithm of relaying packets to their destination’s next hop thus suffices to deliver data anywhere in a network. In practice, hop-by-hop routing is now replaced by the newer Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS), where a single routing table entry can select the next several hops resulting in less table lookups and faster arrival.

Routing Protocols specify how routers (mutually) exchange the (changes in their) routing tables. In the basic Router Information Protocol (RIP) they are periodically exchanged entirely. Because this is a rather inefficient process, RIP is replaced by the newer Open Shortest Path First(OSPF) protocol (RFC2178 from 1998) which causes smaller, more frequent updates (but require more processing power and memory).


A Firewall is a software that monitors network traffic, usually between two networks, one trusted (for example, a private local-area network at home or at a company), the other one not, (for example, a public wide-area network such as the Internet), to provide security by blocking access from the public network to certain services in the private network. It can run on a multi-purpose device (like a personal computer) or a dedicated device (like a router, especially for larger networks).

A simple Firewall (known as packet filter or screening router) has a set of rules, which are applied to each data packet according to its attached metadata, (where it is from, where it should be sent to, …), to decide whether to allow a packet through. In the simplest case, a firewall only refuses data packets based on its port. It works at the network OSI layer. Simply put, the private network is the castle, the firewall the bulwark and (network) ports holes that have to be drilled into it for access to the public network.

An application-layer firewall not only looks at the metadata but also at the actual data (so-called deep packet inspection, DPI). For example, a user of a private network could install a backdoor trojan by surfing to a Website with malicious code or by opening an email attachment.

A firewall can run on the computer in the private network connected to the public network, for example, on a personal computer running Linux or Windows connected to the Internet. However, the larger the private network, the more points of failure (such as out-of-date or disabled firewalls), including other devices such as a printer or TV. Therefore, it is prudent in larger private networks (such as those in a company) that connect to a public network to have a dedicated firewall for the whole network.


A Gateway is a device, often a dedicated computer, that works as a gateway from the computers of one to those of another network; that is, that joins two different networks, usually an internal (local-area) network to a wide-area network such as the Internet. For example, the connection of a modem to the Internet via an Internet Service Provider (ISP) is shared among the computers of a home or company network via a router or a firewall. For these computers, the router or firewall is the gateway. However, gateway is more general a term than router or firewall, because it takes care of all possible conversions between different network architectures, for example, from one protocol or character encoding to another: say from TCP-IP to a proprietary protocol used by a subnetwork. It works at level 4 and higher of the OSI reference-model.


Network Address Translation (NAT) translates public IP addresses into private ones in an Internet Protocol(IP) network by changing the the source or destination address in every packet header (and adjusting the checksums): It replaces the host’s internal source address in the IP packet header by the NAT device’s external IP address. Typically, NAT is implemented on gateways (such as router or firewalls).

Network Address Translation (NAT): translates the public IP addresses of an IP network into private ones.

Port Address Translation (PAT) replaces the host’s source port number in the TCP (or UDP) header by one from a pool of available ports. The NAT device stores an entry in a translation table that maps the host’s internal IP address and source port to the source port it was replaced with. While the internal host knows the IP address and TCP (or UDP) port of the external host, the external host only knows the public IP address of the NAT device and the port used to communicate with the internal host. However, a host’s internal applications that use multiple simultaneous connections (such as an HTTP request for a web page with many embedded objects) can deplete available ports. To avoid this, the NAT device tracks the destination IP address in addition to the internal port (thus sharing a single local port with many remote hosts).

For peer-to-peer applications such as VOIP and VPNs, external hosts must connect directly to a particular internal host. The internal addresses all map to the same publicly accessible address of the NAT device. This poses no problem if the NAT is a full cone or has Endpoint-Independent Mapping and Filtering (as categorized in RFC 3489 or RFC 4787), that is, maps an internal IP address to a static TCP/UDP port. However, NAT traversal (NAT-T) is needed, for example, if

To this end IPsec-VPN encapsulates Encapsulating-Security-Payload (ESP) packets into UDP packets using port 4500. VOIP employs

-either the Session Traversal Utilities for NAT (STUN) protocol (as specified in RFC5389) that uses hole punching: For Alice to establish a connection to Bob, a public relay server first passes Alice’s public socket (IP address and UDP port) to Bob. Bob then sends an initial (usually rejected) packet to this socket so that Bob’s firewall allows a connection from it (as reply to this outgoing connection), - or, if STUN fails, the Traversal Using Relay NAT (TURN) protocol (as specified in RFC 5766), in which the public relay server not only mediates the socket information but the entire traffic between Alice and Bob.


Most networks use NAT to enable multiple hosts on a private network with different private IP addresses to connect to the Internet using a single public IP address assigned through an Internet Service Provider (ISP). That is, NAT hides an entire (private network) address space behind a single IP address in the public domain address space.

NAT keeps track of the “state” of the network connections and uses translation tables whose entries can be filled by the network administrator (static NAT or port forwarding). This allows traffic originating in the public “external” network to reach selected hosts in the private “internal masqueraded” network. In particular, Port Address Translation (PAT) translates TCP or UDP connections made to a host and port on an outside network (Internet) to a host and port on an inside network (LAN) by mappings different internal IP addresses to different outside ports. This way a single external IP address is used for many internal hosts; almost as many as there are ports: over 64000 internal hosts.

Host-to-Host NAT-Traversal (NAT-T)

NAT changes the source or destination address in the packet header (and adjusts the checksums). In particular, PAT attaches to an IP packet a new IP address and source port. IPSec authenticates (and encrypts) the data packet, but the Network-Address Translation in-between breaks authenticity:

Because ESP does not use ports that could be “translated”, it fails on networks that use PAT (like common home routers) and only a single client in the local network can establish a VPN tunnel. Therefore connections between hosts in private TCP/IP networks, which use NAT devices; for example, of peer-to-peer and VoIP applications, cannot be established.

NAT Traversal (NAT-T or UDP encapsulation) solves this incompatibility between NAT and IPSec: After detecting one or more NAT devices, NAT-T adds a layer of User Datagram Protocol (UDP) encapsulation to IPsec packets, so they are not discarded after address translation. RFC3947 defines the negotiation during the IKE phase and RFC3948 the UDP encapsulation (both from 2005). (According to loc.cit.: “Because the protection of the outer IP addresses in IPsec AH is inherently incompatible with NAT, the IPsec AH was left out of the scope of this protocol specification.”) For NAT-Traversal, three ports must be open on the NAT device:

NAT-T encapsulates both IKE and ESP traffic within UDP( source and destination) port 4500:

  1. If a NAT device has been determined to exist, NAT-T will point all ISAKMP/IKE packets change from UDP port 500 to UDP port 4500.
  2. NAT-T encapsulates the Quick Mode (IPsec Phase 2 IKE) exchange inside UDP 4500 as well.
  3. NAT-T adds a UDP header, which encapsulates the IPSec ESP header.

This encapsulating UDP packet is NOT encrypted; therefore the NAT device can change its addresses and process the message.


The VPN can connect:

Underlying Transport Protocols

A VPN connection commonly uses one of the following two protocols underneath:

UDP: Internet Protocol used for fast transport of data across a TCP-IP network due to the absence of reliability checking;


A Port is a software, rather than a hardware concept. It is a number (between 0 and 65535) that stands for a data channel into and out of a computer in a network. The header of a packet of the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) (or the User Datagram Protocol, UDP) contains a source and destination port number. This TCP (or UDP) packet is encapsulated in an Internet Protocol (IP) packet, whose IP header contains a source and destination IP address. An Internet Socket can be defined as the pair of an IP Address and TCP Port.

Port numbers fall into three distinct ranges:

Some Well-Known (or Dedicated) ports are dedicated to certain protocols, for example, port 80 usually to the HTTP protocol for retrieving web pages. Their numbers are assigned by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA). They can be used only by system processes (or by privileged users’ such as root).

Well-Known Ports of well-known protocols
port protocol
13/tcp Daytime Protocol
17/tcp Quote of the Day
21/tcp FTP: The file transfer protocol - control
22/tcp SSH: Secure logins, file transfers (scp, sftp) and port forwarding
23/tcp Telnet, insecure text communications
25/tcp SMTP: Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (E-mail)
53/tcp DNS: Domain Name System
53/udp DNS: Domain Name System
79/tcp Finger
80/tcp HTTP: HyperText Transfer Protocol (WWW)
88/tcp Kerberos Authenticating agent
110/tcp POP3: Post Office Protocol (E-mail)
119/tcp NNTP: used for usenet newsgroups
139/tcp NetBIOS
143/tcp IMAP4: Internet Message Access Protocol (E-mail)
443/tcp HTTPS: used for securely transferring web pages
Well-Known Ports of well-known protocols
port protocol
21/tcp FTP: The file transfer protocol - control
22/tcp SSH: Secure logins, file transfers (scp, sftp) and port forwarding
25/tcp SMTP: Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (E-mail)
53/tcp DNS: Domain Name System
53/udp DNS: Domain Name System
80/tcp HTTP: HyperText Transfer Protocol (WWW)
143/tcp IMAP4: Internet Message Access Protocol (E-mail)
443/tcp HTTPS: used for securely transferring web pages


Internet Protocol Security (IPsec) is a stack of protocols that secures Internet Protocol (IP) communications by authenticating (and optionally encrypting) each packet (over public and insecure networks). It is mainly used for VPNs and is, at least in the business market, the most established protocol. IPsec was developed by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) as an integral part of IP version 6. Recommend official sources to gain an overview of the entire IPsec protocol suite are the documentation roadmap RFC2411 and its security architecture RFC4301. (See also Friedl (2005) for an illustrated informal guide.)

IPsec as a VPN offers Interoperability with IP protocols: It operates at the Internet Layer of the Internet Protocol Suite (comparable to network layer in the OSI model). Other common Internet security protocols, such as Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), Transport Layer Security (TLS) and Secure Shell (SSH), operate on a higher application layer protocol. This makes IPsec more flexible, because applications can ignore IPsec in contrast to the other higher-layer protocols.

Tunnel Mode

Tunnel mode is usually used between gateways through the Internet and connects two networks between two gateways. The end devices themselves connected via the two networks do not have to support IPsec. The security of the connection is only provided on the partial route between the two gateways. Tunnel mode encrypts the whole IP packet. A new external IP header is used. The IP addresses of the two communication end points are located in the inner protected IP header.

Tunnel mode: encrypts the whole IP packet.

Transport Mode

Transport mode is usually used when the final destination is not a gateway. It uses an additional IPsec header between the IP header and the transported data. It is less secure than tunnel mode as it only encrypts the data portion but leaves the original IP addresses as plaintext.

Tunnel mode: encrypts the data portion but leaves the original IP addresses as plaintext.

IPsec Protocols

IPSEC essentially consists of the Internet Key Exchange (IKE) and Encapsulated Security Payload (ESP) protocol. IKE is the technical implementation of the Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol (ISAKMP) framework. IKE uses UDP at port 500 for the initial key exchange (IKE) and port 50 for the IPSEC encrypted data. ESP (for NAT traversal) uses UDP port 4500 and TCP port 10 000.

Internet Key Exchange (IKE):

Establishes a common secret key

The cryptographic Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol (ISAKMP) defined by RFC 2408 describes the key exchange protocol, but does not specify the used cryptography. IKE implements the ISAKMP and establishes a mutual secret key by the Diffie-Hell. IKEv2 is a tunneling protocol that is standardized in RFC 7296 (a joint project between Cisco and Microsoft) and it stands for Internet Key Exchange version 2 (IKEv2). It extends IKE and simplifies configuration and connection establishment. The first version of IKE came out in 1998 and version 2 in December 2005.

To be used with VPNs for maximum security, IKEv2 is paired with IPSec. In comparison to other VPN protocols, the single most important benefit of IKEv2 is its ability to reconnect quickly after VPN connection loss. In particular useful on mobile devices, which usually support IKEv2 (natively).

  1. IKE Phase 1 establishes a secure connection channel. This includes the authentication between the parties, either with certificates or keys shared before. This secure connection channel is then used to securely negotiate the parameters from Phase 2 between the VPN partners.
  2. IKE Phase 2 negotiates the encryption and authenticity parameters with which the actual data is secured. After negotiating the Security Associations (SAs; a unidirectional secure flow of data between two gateways defined by a destination address, a Security Parameter Index (SPI) and a security protocol) in IKE phase 2, (usually) the ESP protocol is used to transport the encrypted data.

Internet Key Exchange (IKE): uses UDP at port 500 for the initial key exchange, either manually or automatically by certificates

Authentication Header (AH):

Provides authentication and protection against replay attacks, but no confidentiality. That is, the user data is not encrypted and can therefore be read by anyone. AH protects the invariant parts of an IP datagram: IP header fields that can be changed by routers on their way through an IP network (for example, TTL) are not considered. If routers with activated Network Address Translation (NAT) are passed on the way through the network, then they change the actually invariant parts of an IP datagram, and authentication is therefore no longer possible. Thus NAT and AH are incompatible by design! Instead, ESP is possible, which essentially superseded AH.

Authentication Header (AH): Provides authenticity, but no confidentiality. Essentially superseded by ESP.

Encapsulated Security Payload (ESP):

ESP (specified in RFC 3948) encrypts all critical information by encapsulating the entire inner TCP/UDP data packet into an ESP header. An IP protocol like TCP and UDP (OSI Network Layer 3), but without port information like TCP/UDP (OSI Transport Layer 4). Unlike Authentication Header (AH), ESP in transport mode does not provide authenticity for the entire IP packet. In Tunnel Mode, where the entire original IP packet is encapsulated and a new packet header added, ESP protects the whole inner IP packet (including the inner header) while the outer header remains unprotected. It provides:

Encapsulated Security Payload (ESP): encrypts all critical information by encapsulating the entire inner TCP/UDP data packet. An IP protocol like TCP and UDP (OSI Network Layer 3), but without port information like TCP/UDP (OSI Transport Layer 4).

Other VPNs

IPsec, thanks to its long development history:


Other options are:


An alternative to IPsec is SSL-VPN that builds on SSL/TLS. Whereas IPSec provides network security as a whole, SSL VPN’s only to certain applications and for remote client access.


OpenVPN is a popular unstandardized open-source VPN protocol over the UDP or TCP protocol that uses TLS for key exchange (and OpenSSL for encryption). It supports dynamically assigned IP addresses behind NAT gateways. Using TLS, it is incompatible with IPSec. It is implemented as software which is

In comparison to IPsec:


WireGuard: a minimalist and modern open-source VPN software built into Linux kernel 5.5 (and above).

Wireguard is a minimalist and modern open-source VPN protocol over the UDP protocol implemented in software. WireGuard

VPN Software

To securely use a shared VPN, one must trust its operator and users: though most users are well-behaved citizens, a single one possibly not, so that, say under law enforcement, all network traffic eventually could be scrutinized. To set up one’s own VPN, there are several software options:


SoftEther (“Software Ethernet”) VPN is free and open-source,


OpenVPN is complex; see for example the overview Archwiki (2020). The shell script openvpn-install at Nyr (2019) simplifies the setup of a VPN server on a UNIX operating system for the inexperienced user. It starts from entering the following one-liner in her terminal:

    wget -O && bash


Algo is a set of Ansible scripts (a tool to automatize the set up of computers on a network) that simplifies the setup of an (IPSEC) VPN. It uses only the software necessary and the most secure protocols available, works with common hosting services, and does not require client software on most devices.

Self-Check Questions

  1. On which layer of the DoD model is the IPsec protocol? 1., 2., 3., or 4. layer.
  2. Which transport protocol underlie the IPsec protocol? TCP, UDP, TLS, HTTPS
  3. Which one of these two protocols the is faster, but less reliable, one? TCP or UDP?
  4. How many ports uses IP sec to establish a secure connection? 1., 2., 3., or 4?

13.3 Transport Layer Security

Transport Layer Security (TLS) and its predecessor, Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), are cryptographic transport protocols that provide authentication, confidentiality and authenticity for data sent over a reliable transport protocol, typically TCP. It encrypts data in both directions and (almost always) guarantees the identity of the server and (optionally) the client. Originally developed by the Netscape Corporation, it is now supported by all the major browsers and the most common security protocol used on the World Wide Web.

TLS/SSL: cryptographic transport protocols that provide authentication, confidentiality, and authenticity for data transmitted over a reliable transport, typically TCP

For an application programmer, TLS (and SSL) provide a protocol that can be accessed almost like plain TCP. For a user, they establish a safe channel over the Internet to allow the user’s private information, such as credit card or banking account numbers, to be safely transmitted via certificates, public and symmetric keys (indicated by a small padlock on the web browser’s address bar).

TLS sits on top of the transport layer (in the OSI reference-model, layer 4) as it requires reliable data transfer. Therefore, it sits at least at layer 4 (and thus, in the IP reference-model, at layer 4).

It deems sensible to situate it at:

X.509 Certificates

Authentication and encryption is established by X.509 certificate. Principally, a file that contains the name, address and public key of the web site and is signed by a certificate authority. These are organized hierarchically and pass trust from the upper to the lower level; those at the top, which are trusted unconditionally, are called root authorities. In practice, this unconditional trust is achieved by the deployment of their self-signed certificates, for example, as part of an Internet browser installation.

X.509 certificate: a file, signed by a certificate authority, that contains the name, address and public key of the Web site.

The signature of a X.509 certificate is the encryption by the private key of the hash of the concatenation (V,SN,AI,CA,TA,A,KA) (V, SN, AI, CA, TA , A, KA) where

The scheme of hierarchical authorities was created to establish trust through machines and has the comfort that the key exchange can be automated. However, trust is a human matter, and has as its Achilles’ heel the (absolute) trust in (root) authority. The user must:

The level of security is reflected by the shape of the padlock in the browser’s address bar Whereas Let’s Encrypt’s certificates only verify via e-mail the ownership of the domain, companies offer (GlobalSign at $469.50) an Extended Validation (EV) certificate that verifies the identity of the owner:

Advanced Certificate Common Certificate

To prevent DNS Hijacking, for example, to make sure the site belongs to the intended owner (for example, to avoid confusion between and, it is important to verify in the address bar the padlock indicates an extended certificate. for example, the browsers Firefox and Chrome indicated it by the green color of the entity name before 2020, but more recent versions (>70> 70 respectively 77 ) abandoned it V. (2019) because it reportedly took up valuable screen estate, especially on mobile devices, and distracted the user.

By the common certificate, the user is only ensured to communicate with the owner of the domain, but not that it belongs to the company or organization that the site appears to represent. Thus, the common certificate,


The heart of the TSL/SSL protocol is the handshake that sets up the session encryption, whose steps are given. The definitive reference is RFC:5426; a splendid step-by-step illustration

The following steps are the first steps between a client and the server, for example, an e-commerce site, to establish an encrypted connection (for example, to receive credit card data from the client).

  1. The “Hello” between client and server, where the client proposes, and the server chooses, a cryptographic package; that is, the set of cryptographic algorithms,

    For example, the cryptographic package TLS_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA (identification code 0x00 0x0a) uses

    Besides this, both, the user and the server create a nonce, that is, a number used once, for a single use, which contains

    to avoid a replay attack; that is, the re-use of authentications for other sessions.

  2. The server identifies and authenticates itself by its X.509 certificate, which contains (principally):

    certificate X.509

    For example, in the picture, the server is

    The client looks for the (root) certificate authority’s public key indicated on the certificate (and which is usually included in the browser), and uses it to decipher this digital signature. If the result is the expected hash (that is, that of the server address and its public key), then

    Since the client (or, more accurately, its browser) trusts the root authorities unconditionally, at this point it is certain the public key truly belongs to the target server. (Optionally, at this point also the client authenticates itself by a certificate).

  3. The client

    The server

  4. The client and server calculate the secret (master secret), a number of 48 bytes, by a function PRF,

    master_secret = PRF(pre_master_secret, ClientHello.random + ServerHello.random)

    which uses as input

    The client and the server derive four symmetric keys (for the algorithm initially agreed on, for example, if it is AES, each one 16 bytes long) from the secret. (That each side has a different key is due to the best practice of using a different key for each different use.) Namely:

    Among these,

Observation: Optionally,

Self-Check Questions

  1. Above which layers of the OSI model does TSL sit? 1., 2., 3., and 4. layer.
  2. Above which layers of the IP (or DoD) model does TSL sit? 1., 2., 3., and 4. layer.
  3. Which cryptographic algorithms are agreed on during the TLS handshake and for which purposes?

13.4 Secure E-Mail

Most Internet protocols, among them the ones for e-mailing, such as POP3, IMAP and SMTP, initially ignored security concerns and exchanged all data in plain text. Since then, various approaches have surged to encrypt the data

However, end-to-end protocols require additional effort and still only provide partial protection:


The most common e-mail protocol for encryption during transport is STARTTLS. It is a TLS (formerly SSL) layer over the plaintext protocol (such as IMAP4 and POP3 defined in RFC2595) that allows e-mail servers to encrypt all exchanged data between the servers as well as between servers and clients. However, certificate verification is optional, because a failure of verification is considered less harm than failure of e-mail delivery. That is, most e-mail is delivered over TLS provides only opportunistic encryption.

STARTTLS: a TLS layer over the plaintext protocol that allows e-mail servers to encrypt all exchanged data between all relay servers.

Use of STARTTLS is independent of whether the e-mail’s contents are encrypted or not. An eavesdropper cannot see the encrypted e-mail contents, but it is decrypted and thus visible at each intermediate e-mail relay. This is, the encryption takes place between the servers, but not between the sender and the recipient. This is convenient

However, because every relay can easily read or modify the e-mail, this is also insecure. If the receiving organization is considered a threat, then end-to-end encryption is necessary.

Transport layer encryption using STARTTLS must be set up by the receiving organization. This is typically straightforward; a valid certificate must be obtained and STARTTLS must be enabled on the receiving organization’s e-mail server. To prevent downgrade attacks organizations can send their domain to the ‘STARTTLS Policy List’


The Secure Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension (S/MIME) is a protocol that standardizes public key encryption and signing of e-mail encapsulated in MIME using certificates emitted by an authority. S/MIME’s IETF specification in Ramsdell (2009) enhances the Privacy Enhanced Mail (PEM) specifications of the 90s. Initially RSA public-key encryption was used, but since RFC:5753 (from 2010) ECC as well.

S/MIME: An e-mail encryption protocol that uses certificate authorities to establish trust for key distribution.

Most e-mail clients, such as Microsoft Outlook or Mozilla Thunderbird, support S/MIME secure e-mail. Before use, one must install an individual key certificate, that is, before installing it:

  1. create a (set of) key pair(s), and
  2. send it to the certification authority (CA) (be it in-house or public) for them to sign it.

After successful verification, the certification authority creates a certificate of the key by signing it with its private signature key.

  1. The certificate consists of the public key itself (including the algorithm used and other specifications), personal data (like the owner’s e-mail address and name) and the signature (including the algorithm used and other specifications).
  2. For the private signature key used for signing, there is a public verification key with which the signature can be verified.
  3. There is also a certificate for this verification key of the certification authority, the CA certificate, which in turn is signed by a certification authority. In this way, a chain of CA certificates is created. The last link in this chain is called the root CA certificate. The root CA certificate was signed by the root CA itself and thus has to be unconditionally trusted.

Types of Certificate

Depending on the security class 1, 2 or 3, the certification authority checks more or less strictly whether the public key truly belongs to the applicant:

  1. The certification authority (CA) authenticates the applicant’s e-mail address. That is, the personal certificate verifies the owner’s “identity” only insofar as it declares that the sender is the owner of the “From:” email address, in the sense that the sender can receive email sent to that address.
  2. The CA verifies the personal data, such as the applicant’s name, via copies of ID cards, extracts from the commercial register, …
  3. The applicant must identify himself personally at the CA.

Free Certificates

(Class 1) S/MIME certificates, which are mostly intended for private use, are available for free: For example, from CAcert, a non-commercial, community-operated CA. However, a common e-mail client or web browser does not recognize it as a trusted certificate authority. Thus, by default, bare of a manual installation of its certificate, a user who receives an e-mail with an S/MIME certificate signed by CAcert is warned that the origin of the certificate is unverified. Companies, which, in contrast to CAcert, are also recognized as trustworthy by common software:

Web of Trust

The web of trust is based on propagation of personal trust. It has the principal advantage that is a peer-to-peer system, that is, it is independent of any particular third party such as an authority. However, as its major inconvenience, it needs personal maintenance. It also

In practice, instead of the web of trust, it is more feasible to establish trust through another impersonal channel (by exchanging the fingerprints of public keys), for example, by post, by phone, by a messenger like WhatsApp, …


OpenPGP: An e-mail encryption protocol that uses the web of trust for key distribution.

Since trust is a personal matter, the automatic unconditional trust of the user placed into root certificate authorities (principally companies) is unsatisfactory. The alternative OpenPGP protocol relies on the web of trust to communicate by e-mail. Still, few people use it: Most regard the (concrete personal) effort needed for maintaining the keys (which inherently requires the user’s estimate of her trust in the keys) disproportionately large for the (abstract) benefit (of greater privacy and security) received. Unfortunately, conceivably because so few people use OpenPGP, the usability of dedicated programs has improved little in recent years:


The Off-the-Record e-mail protocol specified in Borisov, Goldberg, and Brewer (2004) was designed to address the shortcomings of OpenPGP. It offers:

Off-the-Record: e-mail protocol that provides Repudiability and Perfect Forward Secrecy.

The recent program opmsg at Krahmer (2019) (as an alternative to GPG presented below) implements this protocol (partially). It

Examples of OpenPGP Programs

We present some programs that use the OpenPGP protocol, such as


Gnu Privacy Guard, for short GnuPG or GPG, was written to offer open and free cryptographic methods to the public. It is a command-line program for

It underlies the cryptographic functionality of many cryptographic applications with a graphical user interface (GUI applications). It is installed on most Linux distributions, and is under macOS and Microsoft Windows. The development of GPG by the German Werner Koch started in 1997 (and hasn’t stopped to this day) to have a free alternative to the commercial e-mail encryption program Pretty Good Privacy (= PGP) by Phil Zimmermann.

Creation of a key pair in GPG on the command line; Koch et al. (2020)

Among the many functions, GPG creates a pair of keys for you, one public and the other private, where it lets you choose

The public key is intended for disclosure, to encrypt and check signatures. The private key is stored and protected by a password, to decrypt and sign.


The Enigmail program is an extension to the graphic e-mail program Thunderbird that adds to it the functions to

Enigmail; Brunschwig (2018)

The user can access these functions by buttons in Thunderbird itself; to implement these, it uses GnuPG underneath. According to Snipes (2019), the Thunderbird 78 release, planned for summer 2020, has the functionality for e-mail encryption and digital signatures using the OpenPGP standard built-in and replaces the Enigmail add-on, and therefore the dependency on GnuPG, whose installation was a hassle for beginners.


Mailvelope is an extension for the browsers Firefox and Chrome, developed by the Mailvelope GmbH, which adds encryption and decryption functions to the web interface of common e-mail providers such as Gmail,, and Yahoo!

A public key created by Mailvelope; GmbH (2020)

For example, enciphering and deciphering messages (using the OpenPGP standard), files on your hard drive, and send encrypted e-mail attachments. Mailvelope is open source and based on OpenPGP.js, an OpenPGP library for JavaScript. It is comfortable, but comfort comes at the expense of security (and thus it is safer to use an e-mail client, such as Thunderbird); for example, it is potentially vulnerable to Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) attacks, where one site accesses local data stored for another

Automatic Key Exchange

Programs such as

offer as described in Dukhovni (2014) only Opportunistic Security: Protection against passive, but not active, eavesdroppers; that is, the encryption only protects the user as long as nobody is interested in her! Such a program, precisely because of the lack of verification of the owner of the private key that corresponds to the public key, is vulnerable to the man-in-the-middle (MITM) attack in which the attacker interposes himself between the two communicating parties. For example, it is perfectly possible to use someone else’s name on an e-mail or WhatsApp account. Therefore, encryption of the communication only prevents it from being read by a third party, but does not guarantee the other correspondent’s identity. To avoid this attack, one must personally (or via another channel, for example, via telephone) check the fingerprint (a cryptographic check sum) of the other correspondent’s public key. Tedious, but unavoidable.


The program Autocrypt automates the exchange of public keys and is supported by many e-mail clients, such as the graphical e-mail client Thunderbird, the command-line client Mutt or K-9 Mail for Android. It was initiated by the European Union in response to the revelations by Edward Snowden (Krekel, McKelvey, and Lefherz (2018)).

Autocrypt automatically adds a line to the e-mail header (normally invisible to the user) that contains the sender’s certificate (name, e-mail address and reference to her public key). This information is then automatically used by the recipient to encrypt her response. (Additionally, it is encrypted by her own key for secure local storage.) Therefore, all but the first e-mail exchanged between two Autocrypt users are encrypted.

Functionality of Autocrypt; Autocrypt Team (2019)

Instead of the automatic usage of the Alice’s public key by the recipient Bob, more secure would be if Bob’s e-mail insisted on checking Alice’s fingerprint through another channel (for example, by telephone).


Another program to automatically send encrypted e-mails as Autocrypt that supports commercial programs such as the e-mail client Microsoft Outlook is prettyeasyprivacy. Founded by a private initiative, it is a graphical interface for GPG(4Win) that it installs and uses underneath for its cryptographic functions,. A convenient feature for us humans is to use so-called safe words instead of hexadecimal encoding to verify the fingerprint of a public key, that is,


The application Delta-Chat (available under Linux, Windows, macOS, Android and iOS) uses the user’s e-mail account to send automatically encrypted instant messages. It uses the same open protocol as e-mail (IMAP, which is old with many deficiencies, but is the established time-tested standard with a large ecosystem). Therefore:

Delta-Chat; Merlinux GmbH (2018)

This interoperability, for example, that a user can communicate with another user, is called federation. The dependency on a single company brings the following problems:

That being said, the meta-data between the e-mail servers is still unencrypted. However, the user can consciously choose a mail server which does not exploit the users’ meta-data; for example, she sets up her own server or pays a monthly fee to a trusted provider.


The messenger Conversations proposes a modern XMPP protocol that uses less meta-data than the IMAP e-mail protocol. (Apparently the messenger Signal uses less meta-data than Conversations, but almost all servers are maintained by the vendor Open Whisper Systems itself, in contrast to Conversations. After all, the only secure solution is to run one’s own server!). It is a secure messenger, but unfortunately little established; for example, there are many IMAP mail servers, but few use XMPP.

Self-Check Questions

  1. How does secure e-mail via TLS compare to S/MIME and OpenPGP? TLS encrypts only during transport (but on no relay) while S/MIME and OpenPGP from end to end.
  2. How does authentication to establish trust compare between S/MIME and OpenPGP? S/MIME trusts in certificate authorities while OpenPGP only in personally authorized keys.
  3. What kind of attack is automatic key exchange via the OpenPGP protocol susceptible to? A man-in-the-middle attack.
  4. What kind of security does automatic key exchange via the OpenPGP protocol offer? Opportunistic Security, Some Protection Most of the Time, as defined in Dukhovni (2014).

13.5 Secure DNS

The Domain Name System (DNS) is a distributed database analogous to a phone book of the Internet.

DNS: database of all Internet domain names distributed on hierarchically organized servers over the Internet.


DNS translates human-friendly alphabetic Internet domain address, such as, to a computer-friendly numeric IP address, such as (as can be found out by the Unix command-line program nslookup). This Internet-domain address takes the form of

For example, has the domain name ongel and the TLD de. Domain and TLD names were initially registered and governed by Inter Network Information Center (InterNIC), a cooperation between the US government and the company Network Solutions Inc, which managed the registration and maintenance of .com, .net, and .org top-level domain names. In 1998 the US government liberalized the process of registration and set up the ICANN that administers Registrar companies for registering domains; for example, the company VeriSign registers domains ending in the TLDs .com and .net. Generic Top-Level-Domains (gTLD) such as .com are more strictly controlled by the ICANN than country-code Top-Level-Domains (ccTLD) such as de as a concession to state sovereignty. (An alternative Network Information Center is OpenNIC, which adds its own top-level domains such as .pirate, .geek or .libre to those from ICANN and operates free DNS servers.)

Fully Qualified Domain Name

A Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) (such as is a unique (worldwide) name (to address an IP address) on the Internet and which can be freely chosen under the rules determined by the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN):

The FQDNs are put in correspondence with the IP address by the entries of name servers.

Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN): a unique (worldwide) name (to address an IP address) on the Internet

The labels of a FQDNs are represented as nodes of a tree. A FQDN is then a path of the tree:

  1. The highest node is the null or root label that represents an empty name.
  2. Below the highest node are those that represent a top-level domain (such as de).
  3. Below the nodes on the first level are those that represent a domain (such as ongel)
  4. Below the nodes on the second level are those that represent a subdomain of the domain (such as www) …
FQDNs represented as paths of a tree

DNS Hierarchy

DNS is defined in Mockapetris (1987) and uses the UDP or TCP protocol on Port 53. DNS servers use a set of databases distributed on servers over the Internet that are organized hierarchically.

DNS zone: the subset of the DNS hierarchy which is described by a zone file, a list of entries that map a FQDN name to its IP address.

A DNS zone is the subset, often a single domain (say, of the DNS hierarchy which is described by a zone (text) file; a list of entries called resource records (RRs) that map a FQDN name to its IP address. The zone file format, as originally specified for the Berkeley Internet Name Domain (BIND) software, is used by most DNS server software. It contains

root server: is the name server that resolves all FQDNs of a top-level domain (TLD)

A root name server, or root server for short, is the name server that resolves all FQDNs of a top-level domain (TLD) such as .com.


The concept of a domain name server came around in the 80s: As the size of computer networks grew, it became increasingly difficult for humans to keep track of which machine corresponded to which number. Before DNS, names were resolved into IP addresses by a list (such as /etc/hosts on Unix operating systems) that had to be available on every computer on the Internet. Changes were first made manually on a master server and then downloaded by the clients. As the number of IP subscribers increased, this procedure became increasingly unwieldy. In 1983 Paul Mockapetris specified the Domain Name System (DNS), the first DNS software JEEVES was developed and the first three DNS root servers went into operation.

In the early 80s, the DNS software BIND for UNIX (Berkeley Internet Name Domain) was developed at the University of Berkeley, whose version 4 became the worldwide standard. Further development of the software was taken over, for a short time, by the company DEC and then by Vixie Enterprises led by Paul Vixie. Starting with version 4.9.3, BIND became the responsibility of the non-profit organization ISC (Internet Systems/Software Consortium). Version 8 was completed in 1997. In 1999 ISC commissioned Nominum Inc. to develop version 9, which has been the standard since 2007 and forms the backbone of the worldwide Domain Name System.


DNSsec: DNSsec protocol to authenticate the resolutions of a domain name to an IP address.

The DNSsec protocol allows the client to authenticate its requested resolution of a domain name to an IP address. For this, the resolution is signed on registration by the DNS server responsible for the zone file. This provides authenticity of the resolution, but neither confidentiality (that is, the request and its resolution are unencrypted) nor authentication of the DNS server. To this end, further secure DNS protocols, such as DNScrypt, DNS-over-TLS and DNS-over-HTTPS have been devised and will be discussed below.

The DNSSEC protocol as extension to the DNS protocol was standardized in RFC 25352 in March 1999. However, this version proved in practice unsuitable due to elaborate key management. The roll-out of DNSSEC was delayed till the completely rewritten version RFC 40331, RFC 40343, and RFC 40354 was published in 2005, which obsoleted RFC 25352. In May 2010 DNSSEC was introduced on all 13 root servers; in July the root zone key was published. In the meantime, 90% of the top-level domains are signed with DNSSEC and marked as signed in the root zone. A few are still testing DNSSEC without an entry in the root zone. The distribution of DNSSEC at domain level for some TLDs is now 50% or more. On average, about 10 % of domains validate.

Chain of Trust

The chain of trust along the hierarchy of the DNS architecture ensures that the public key in the resolver’s DNSKEY record in the zone file is correct by automatic successive signature verification up to the trust anchor. The trust anchor is the first key in the chain of trust, the key upon which the chain resides, the public key associated with the root name server (which is entered manually). To establish trust along the chain, every server below must know this key. See Sandia Corporation (2014) for a tool that visually analyses the DNSSEC authentication chain for a domain name and its resolution path in the DNS namespace.

Currently, the private DNSSEC key for the root zone is managed at two US locations. Critics accuse ICANN, after it had chosen the American company Verisign as its exclusive signing partner, of putting the independence of the Internet at risk through exclusive DNSSEC key management in the USA.

trust anchor the key upon which a trust chain resides.

DNSSEC defines four levels of trust in a record:


DNSSEC is a protocol that extends DNS. It therefore includes all entries (Resource Records; RRs) of a DNSSEC packet. RFC 4034 specifies the addition of the four RRs: DNSKEY , RRSIG , NSEC and DS.


DNSSEC authenticates each resource record (RR) by a digital signature, as follows: Owner of a RR is the primary authoritative name server as defined in the Start-of-Authority RR (SOA-RR) entry of the zone file.

  1. For each zone a ZSK (a pair of a public and private key) is generated:
  2. The public key is added to the zone file in the DNSKEY-RR.
  3. Each RR of the zone file is then (hashed and) signed by the private zone signing key.
  4. The resolver obtains the authoritative name server’s public key by the DNSKEY record.
  5. The resolver can then verify authenticity of the passed RR by verifying whether the decrypted (hash of the) RR using the public key (corresponding to the primary name server’s private key) matches (the hash of) the RR.

If no server matches the request, then DNSSEC proves that no such RR exists uses a new type of record that sends the name of the first (in alphabetic order) existing domain.

Key Management

Zone Signing Key (ZSK) respectively Key Signing Key (KSK): the key to sign the (hashed) RRs respectively to sign the ZSK.

The more encrypted data, the more information to infer the keys used to encrypt the data: Because of the large amount of data encrypted by the key to sign the (hashed) RRs (the so-called Zone Signing Key; ZSK), this “working” key must be renewed regularly. To avoid network administrators having to renew the ZSKs too often, the Key Signing Key (KSK) has been introduced, which is longer and has to be renewed less regularly. While the public keys are stored in DNSKEY-RRs, the KSK and ZSK private keys are stored offline. In more detail:

Virtual Hosting

Virtual hosting makes it possible to host multiple DNS names on a single (web) server, in particular, on the same IP address. This reduces server maintenance and the number of IP addresses (which are scarce in IPv4; every IP address assignments must be justified to the regional Internet registry).

Virtual hosting: allows multiple DNS names to be hosted on a single server (usually a web server) on the same IP address.

For example, a server receives requests for the domains,, and, which resolve all to the same IP address. But for, the server sends the html file /var/www/user/de/site/index.html, while he responds accordingly for the top level domains .org and .net. Likewise, two subdomains of the same domain can be hosted together: for example, and

The distinction which domain on the server was requested is made at the application level: For example, the requested domain is sent, always unencrypted,

Server Name Indication (SNI)

The biggest gripe with name-based virtual hosting is that of multiple secure websites running TLS/SSL. In HTTPS, the TLS handshake happens before the server has received the HTTP headers, and it can therefore not send the certificate for the requested domain name. Therefore, the HTTPS server can only serve one domain on a given IP address.

The TLS protocol extension Server Name Indication (SNI) defined in RFC 6066, addresses this problem by sending the domain name during the TLS handshake. This allows the server to choose the virtual domain earlier and thus send the certificate corresponding to the DNS name asked for. Therefore, with SNI-aware clients, a single IP address can be used to serve a group of domains without a common certificate.

SNI: extension of TLS that sends the domain name during the TLS handshake.

By 2013, most browsers and TLS libraries implemented SNI, but about 20% of users still had software that was incompatible with SNI 5. However, by 2019, this number had fallen below 3%.

Observation. The host name is not sent encrypted in SNI. (ESNI, Encrypted Server Name Indication, as drafted in Rescorla et al. (2018), is supposed to solve this security hole.) SSL/TLS with SNI reveals more information than SSL/TLS without SNI, since the server certificate then transmitted also contains the domain(s) for which it was issued in plain text. If instead the certificate were valid for multiple domains, then the full requested host name would not be transmitted.

Reverse DNS

A reverse DNS lookup (or resolution), rDNS, queries the Domain Name System (DNS) to determine the domain name associated with an IP address. That is, it is the reverse of the usual DNS lookup of an IP address from a domain name. It uses (so-called PTR, pointer) records through the reverse DNS database of the Internet rooted in the .arpa top-level domain. Although the informational RFC 1912 (Section 2.1) recommends that “for every IP address, there should be a matching (PTR) record”, not all IP addresses have a reverse entry, for example, when a web server hosts many virtual domains.

Secure DNS

In DNSsec authenticates DNS replies by a signature from the authoritative DNS server on which the domain name was registered; not necessarily the DNS server that answered the DNS request. DNSsec thus offers authenticity of the DNS entries but:

Secure DNS protocols

The three principal contenders for encrypted and authenticated DNS queries and replies are:

The DNS server, operated by Dutchman Rick Lahaye, supports all three of these: DNSCrypt, DNS-over-TLS and DNS-over-HTTPS.

Neither Windows, macOS nor Linux support encrypted DNS queries by default at the time of writing. However, Android 9, supports DoT. Firefox supports encrypted DNS queries by DoH and Google, at the time of writing, is testing DoH over Chrome. DNSCrypt has less backing from the big companies.

Privacy Consideration

Because all the other sent metadata in particular usually include the requested DNS, encrypting DNS queries mainly shifts it from one party (the DNS server without encryption) to another (the DNS server with encryption). Since most requests on the Internet leak the domain name (for example, reverse DNS lookup or by protocol headers, see below), the merit of secure DNS queries lies less in the protection against eavesdropping, but more in the authentication of the DNS server. However, authentication (of the requested domain) is usually already provided by TLS. On the downside, centralization of all DNS queries (away from the ISPs) to the DNS provider permits their bundled processing: While the data between the client and the server is encrypted during transport, it is decrypted at each end.

Reverse DNS Lookup

The domain name can be inferred from the IP address by reverse DNS lookup: The Internet service provider (ISP), who connects the client to her destination by its IP address, can still (to a good measure) figure out the client’s DNS destination by Reverse DNS lookups: (Though this is not completely reliable, for example, the web hosting service can lodge many domains at the same IP address by virtual hosts or move a domain from one IP address to another.) Thus, not only the DNS server can track the visited websites, but the ISP as well. Therefore, for privacy it is preferable to use the ISP’s DNS server, because the ISP already implicitly has the information passed to the DNS server.


The domain name is sent as plaintext:


In DNSCrypt the client, instead of relying on X.509 certificates emitted by trusted certificate authorities as found in web browsers, has to explicitly trust a public signing key used to verify a set of certificates (retrieved using conventional DNS queries). These certificates contain short-term public keys used for key exchange, as well as an identifier of the used cipher suite. Clients should generate a new key for every query; servers should rotate short-term key pairs every 24 hours.

DNSCrypt: unstandardized secure DNS protocol without trusted certificate authorities.

According to DNSCrypt Team (2019a), the DNSCrypt protocol sits over the TCP (mandatory) and UDP (optionally) transport protocols. The protocol has been around since 2013, but is not standardized (say, in an RFC).

Protocol Steps

  1. The client sends a (non-authenticated) DNS query to a DNSCrypt resolver, which encodes the certificate versions supported by the client, as well as a public identifier of the provider requested by the client.

  2. The resolver responds with a set of signed certificates, that must be verified by the client using a previously distributed public key, the provider public key. Each certificate includes a validity period, a serial number, a version that defines a key exchange mechanism, an authenticated encryption algorithm and its parameters, as well as a short-term public key, known as the resolver public key. (A resolver can offer multiple algorithms and resolver public keys.)

  3. The client picks a certificate (that with the highest serial number among the valid ones that match a supported protocol version) and encrypts by the resolver public key to send an encrypted query, which includes a (magic) number (to identify the chosen certificate) and the client’s public key.

  4. The resolver

    1. decrypts the query using the private key that corresponds to the resolver public key of the certificate,
    2. verifies the query, using the client public key, and
    3. encrypts the response using the client public key.



Disadvantages: - DNSCrypt does not rely on trusted certificate authorities, but the client has to trust a chosen public signing key. That signing key is used to verify certificates that are retrieved via conventional (unencrypted) DNS requests and used for key exchange - While many DNS services use DNSCrypt (such as CleanBrowsing, which blocks adult content domains, and Cisco OpenDNS, which blocks malicious domains), recent DNS services (including Google, Cloudflare, and Quad9) opted instead for DNS over TLS and DNS over HTTPS.

DNS-over-HTTPS (DoH)

DNS-over-HTTPS was specified in RFC8484 and uses HTTPS to be indistinguishable from any other HTTPS traffic and is thus practically never blocked. Firefox has added support for DoH through the DNS servers of Cloudflare. (Google plans on testing DOH with Chrome.)

DNS-over-HTTPS: DNS-lookup protocol that uses HTTPS.

DNS-over-TLS (DoT)

DNS-over-TLS, thanks to the IETF standardization in RFC7858, is the most widely supported in software; For example, Android 9 supports DoT. DoT clients authenticate the service they connect to using Simple Public Key Infrastructure (SPKI) which is a joint effort via the IETF to simplify traditional X.509 PKI and a supported standard of establishing trust.

DNS-over-TLS: DNS-lookup protocol that uses TLS.

DoT is plain DNS traffic within a TLS connection using a dedicated port 853 (and occasionally on port 443). That is, up to the encryption by TLS, it is the same as DNS over TCP/IP instead of UDP. Since TLS is the encryption protocol used to secure almost all other Internet services, the technology is well understood and constantly improved.


See DNSCrypt Team (2019b) for a comparison (to DNSCrypt).

DNSCrypt versus DNS over HTTPS:

DNS over TLS versus DNS over HTTPS:

DNS over TLS versus DNSCrypt:

Self-Check Questions

  1. Which port uses the DNS protocol? DNS is defined in Mockapetris (1987) and uses the UDP or TCP protocol on Port.

  2. Which data reveals the server visited by the user other than her DNS request?

  3. List three protocols to securely look up domain names:


Internet Protocol Suite

The protocols that standardize communication on the Internet can be stacked in to layers: the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) reference-model with seven layers (more of a theoretical abstraction), and the Internet Protocol Suite with four layers (the practical standard). The layers are ordered according to how much structure the processed data has, the higher the layer, the closer to the user’s applications. The two most important Internet protocols (and those that were defined first) are the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), and the Internet Protocol (IP), that specify how data should be formatted, addressed, transmitted, routed and received at the destination.


A virtual private network (VPN) is a private network made up of two or more closed (spatially separate) networks connected via an open network (such as the Internet). The IPsec VPN uses one of two Modes: The transport mode establishes point-to-point communication between two end points, while the tunnel mode connects two networks via two gateways. In IPSEC tunnel mode, IP packets are encapsulated (tunneled) in other IP packets.

Transport Layer Security (TLS)

Transport Layer Security (TLS) Protocol and its predecessor, Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), are cryptographic transport protocols that provide authentication, confidentiality, and authenticity for data transmitted over a reliable transport, typically TCP. Authentication and encryption is established by X.509 certificate. Principally, a file that contains the name, address and public key of the web site and is signed by a certificate authority. These are organized hierarchically and pass trust from the upper to the lower level; those at the top, which are trusted unconditionally, are called root authorities.

Secure E-Mail

E-mail is encrypted: either only during transport (for example, TLS), more convenient, that is, easier to set up and use; from end-to-end (for example, S/MIME or OpenPGP), more secure: In end-to-end encryption, the data is encrypted and decrypted at the end points, the recipient’s and sender’s computers. Thus, e-mail sent with end-to-end encryption is unreadable to the mail servers.


The Domain Name System (DNS) is a distributed database on the Internet that resolves human-readable domain names into machine-readable IP addresses. DNS offers neither privacy as all data exchanged is unencrypted, nor trust, as the DNS server does not need to authenticate. DNSsec offers authenticity by signing all DNS records, whereas more recent secure DNS protocols encrypt all exchanged data and authenticate the DNS server to a client.


  1. How many layers does the OSI model have?

  2. How many layers does the TCP/IP reference model have?

  3. Which protocol is not part of the IPsec protocol family?

  4. Which kind of (cryptographic) algorithm is not agreed on during the TLS handshake?

  5. Which security feature is neither part of the S/MIME nor OpenPGP protocol?

Required Reading

Read the carefully crafted illustrated guides on IPsec Friedl (2005) respectively TLS Driscoll (2019).

Further Reading

Read Dukhovni (2014) on opportunistic security.

14 Practical aspects of cryptology

Study Goals

On completion of this chapter, you will have learned …


Even though the presented algorithms are secure in theory, in practice a lot may go wrong when implementing cryptography; thus, as a software developer, caution must be taken and best practices adopted:

Most importantly, use what is vetted by the test of time; for example, as a software developer, to use (open-source) software libraries that implement cryptographic functions such as encryption, decryption, signing and verification. Besides the cryptographic algorithms, critical is the implementation of the random number generator, which is notorious for exploits: As we saw, in ECC, elliptic curve cryptography, if the same ephemeral key , usually randomly generated, for signing is used twice to sign different documents by the same private signature key, then the ephemeral becomes known and reveals the secret signing key.

Even when well-known time-proven cryptographic open-source libraries, for example, OpenSSL can have security holes, such as the Heartbleed bug contributed by a PhD-student at the Fachhochschule Münster, that made common web servers reveal on request currently processed secret data, such as passwords or server keys. Even though quickly fixed, the question remains if in the meanwhile intelligence agencies exploit these, on top of back doors built into cryptographic software (usually on the behest of government agencies).

Even best cryptographic practice does not stop Moore’s law that predicts a doubling of the computing power every 18 months that progressively weakens keys. Besides continual progress, there may be technological leaps, such as the quantum computer, which would break many common asymmetric ciphers such as Diffie-Hellman, RSA and Elliptic Curve Cryptography and more involved alternatives have been found.

14.1 Random number generation

Cryptography requires random numbers to generate

True randomness is critical for the generation of keys but less so and can be dispensable nonces (where sometimes a key is used as a nonce, see below), for which uniqueness is can be sufficient. For example,


A secret (that is, a secret sequence of bits, or, equivalently, a secret number) often must be generated by the computer; for example,

For secrecy, it is necessary that the output of the generation is unpredictable; since the generation algorithm is usually known, its input must be unpredictable. This excludes, for example, using as input computer times or a number of a known sequence.


For example, if the secret ephemeral key used by the signature algorithms DSA (Digital Signature Algorithm) and its analogue over elliptic curves, ECDSA is known, then the signee’s permanent secret key can be inferred; that is, an attacker can forge the signee’s signatures!

In particular, if two of the same signee’s ephemeral public keys used for different documents coincide, then the secret ephemeral key used by either of these signature algorithms can be inferred. (For example, the standard (Java) library for the generation of a random number on Android generated repetitive random numbers, thus allowing to forge signatures of users of an Android Bitcoin app, see Ducklin (2013)) Therefore, in this case, the generated number must be unique.

Random Number Generators (RNGs)

While true randomness of numbers are critical for security-sensitive applications and can be generated using hardware random number generators, pseudorandom numbers are often sufficient for less confidential ones, for example, for (probabilistic) experimental simulations such as the Monte Carlo method.

Pseudorandom Number-Generator (PRNG)

A Pseudorandom Number-Generator produces sequences of numbers which appear independent of each other, that is, which satisfy statistical tests for randomness (which require careful mathematical analysis such as the BigCrush Test Suite L’Ecuyer and Simard (2007)), but are produced by a definite mathematical procedure, However, this apparent randomness is sufficient for most purposes The random number generators provided by most software libraries are pseudorandom. See “List of Random Number Generators — Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia” (2020) for a list of such pseudo-generators. An ancient influential and simple such is the Linear congruential generator, which for a multiplier aa, offset cc and modulus mm produces the sequence X0,X1,...X_0 , X_1 , ... inductively given by Xn+1aXn+cmodm X_{n+1} \equiv a X_n + c \mod m Its successor that use linear feedback shift registers replace arithmetic in /m\mathbb{Z} / m \mathbb{Z} by that in the binary polynomial ring 𝔽2[X]\mathbb{F}_2[X] . An efficient one that passes the BigCrush Test Suite is, among others, Xorshift+ 128 , an adaption (to pass the test suite) of Xorshift that iteratively multiplies a nonzero initial nn -bit string by an invertible matrix of order 2n12^n - 1. Other generator that pass the test suite are the hash function SHA-1 and the symmetric algorithm AES (with initial values).

Hardware Random-Number Generator (HRNG)

A hardware random number generator is a computer device that generates random numbers from a physical process which is theoretically completely unpredictable, for example, thermal noise, voltage fluctuations in a diode circuit or, quantum optics (which can provide instant randomness). In Unix operating system, randomness is gathered from the devices /dev/random and /dev/urandom. GnuPG, in absence of these, uses process statistics, but also supports the hardware RNGs inside the Padlock engine of VIA (Centaur) CPUs and x86 CPUs with the RDRAND instruction.

Self-Check Questions

  1. List at least three uses of random numbers to generate keys:

    1. purely random key
    2. long key
    3. specially formatted key
    4. automatically generated key

14.2 Long-term security

How to ensure that data encrypted today will still be secure in the decades to come? This is in particular relevant for certain long-lived applications, for example, health data. In practice, the security of a cipher, and thus the recommended key sizes, relies foremost

One has to take into account

Moreover, preventive measures can be taken by diversifying the keys used for encryption so that a single compromised key compromises as little ciphertext as possible: Perfect Forward Security generates a new key (pair) for every new session (that is, exchange of ciphertexts).

Key Lengths

World’s fastest supercomputer, IBM’s Summit (taking up 520 square meters in the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Tennessee, USA) has around 150150 petaflops, that is, 1.510171.5 \cdot 10^{17} floating point operations per second. The number of flops needed to check a key depends for example, on whether the plaintext is known or not, but can be very optimistically assumed to be 10001000. Therefore, Summit can check approximately 1.510131.5 \cdot 10^{13} keys per second; thus, a year having 365246060=315360003108365 \cdot 24 \cdot 60 \cdot 60 = 31536000 \approx 3 \cdot 10^8 seconds, approximately 4.510214.5 \cdot 10^{21} keys a year.

To counter the increasing computing power, one prudently applies Moore’s Law that stipulates that computing power doubles every other year. Therefore, every twenty years computing power increases by a factor 210=10241032^{10} = 1024 \approx 10^3. Therefore, to ensure that in, say, sixty years, a key not surely be found during a yearlong search by world’s fastest supercomputer at least 4.510304.5 \cdot 10^{30} key combinations have to be used.

For a key of bit length nn, the number of all possible keys is 2n2^n. If n=80n = 80, then there are are 2801.210242^{80} \approx 1.2 \cdot 10^{24} possible key combinations. While this number is sufficient for now, the probability for the key to be found during a yearlong search by world’s fastest supercomputer being around 1/2501 / 250, the projected fastest super computer in twenty years will likely find it in half a year. Instead, to be safe against worlds fastest yearlong supercomputing efforts in 40 years, a minimal key length of 112112 is recommended.


For the symmetric algorithm AES , the fastest known algorithm currently is exhaustive key-search, to try out all possible keys, whose complexity (= the number of operations) is 2n2^n . The minimal AES key length is 128128 bits; that is, there are are 283.41082^8 \approx 3.4 \cdot 10^8 possible key combinations. Therefore the chance that world’s fastest supercomputer in say, sixty years, finds the secret key is around 10810^{-8} , a millionth percent. We conclude that the minimal AES key length is safe against brute-force attacks for the years to come.

Asymmetric Algorithms

In contrast to single-key cryptography whose cryptanalysis exploits statistical patterns, by its reliance on computationally difficult mathematical problems (that is, whose runtime grows exponentially in the bit-length of the input), the cryptanalysis of two-key cryptography is that of computational mathematics: to find an algorithm that quickly computes the solutions of the difficult mathematical problem. According to Arjen K. Lenstra (2006), for the classic asymmetric algorithms,

the fastest algorithm is the General Number Field Sieve whose number of operations, roughly, for a large number of input bits MM, putting N=log(2)MN = \log (2) M, is L(N,1/3,(64/9)1/3)L(N, 1 / 3 , (64 / 9)^{1 / 3} ) where L(N;r,c):=exp(cNr(logN)1r). L(N; r, c) := \exp(c N^r (\log N)^{1-r}). To compare this to the number of operations 2m2^m required for exhaustive key-search of a key of bit length mm, we put n=log(2)mn = \log (2) m, equate both numbers of operations, and obtain Nlog(N)2(9n/64)n3/7 N \log(N)^2 \approx (9 n / 64) \approx n^3 / 7 which must be solved numerically for NN; for example, for m=80m = 80, that is, n55n \approx 55 we find M=1024M = 1024, that is, N709N \approx 709, to satisfy log(N)2=43\log (N)^2 = 43; therefore Nlog(N)230500N \log (N)^2 \approx 30 500 and 553/72400055^ 3 / 7 \approx 24 000. That is, at least as much computational effort is needed for finding a private 10241024 bit long key for RSA and Diffie-Hellman by the General Number Field Sieve as for finding a secret 8080 bit long key (say, for AES ) by exhaustive key-search.

For the logarithm over a finite elliptic curve, the fastest algorithm today is the generic baby step, giant step algorithm (or, slightly faster, Pollard’s ρ\rho -algorithm) that complexity is roughly 2n2^{\sqrt n}. Therefore, for the computational effort for finding a private key of bit length NN for Elliptic Curve Cryptography to be comparable to that for finding a secret key of bit length nn (say, for AES ) by exhaustive key-search, the key length must double, that is N2nN \approx 2n.

By these formulas, we can calculate that

These key sizes are therefore sufficient for the decades to come, assuming that no faster algorithm than those known is discovered to solve the underlying mathematical problem.

Quantum Computing

Quantum researchers hope to build computers that harnessing a phenomenon known as superposition where a quantum system is in many possible states before a measurement “collapses” the system into a single state:

Quantum Computer

A classical computer stores information in bits; each bit is either on or off. A quantum computer uses qubits, which can be “entangled”, in-between on and off so that it can carry out multiple calculations at the same time and whose final output depends on the interferences generated by them. However, actually building a useful quantum computer has proved difficult:

Quantum States

The properties measured on one of one particle depend on the operations carried out on all the others: If a particle can take two states (denoted 0 and 1), a system of two particles can take for example states 00 or 11, or even a superposition of these states: For example, each of the two particles, considered in isolation, is measured randomly as a 0 or a 1, but the particles are “twins”, that is the measurement of a state of one of the two particles forces the other particle one into the same state. The violation of a statistical inequality (predicted by John Bell in 1964 and verified experimentally, among others, by Alain Aspect in 1982) proves that this is a characteristic of the particles and not due to a (hidden) link.

A physical quantity in quantum mechanics is called observable and is usually in a superimposed state; only in special (so-called eigen)states it has a uniquely determined (so-called eigen)value. In general, the eigenstate is the result of applying an observable to a (superimposed) state and choosing an eigenvalue.

Formally, a (superimposed) state is a complex unit vector, that is, a vector of length one with complex entries and an observable AA is a (self-adjoint) operator on the vector space of all states. Because AA is self-adjoint, there is a basis bib_i such that Abi=aibiA b_i = a_i b_i for real aia_i; each bib_i is an eigenstate and aia_i its eigenvalue.

An eigenstate bib_i is an eigenvector of AA and interpreted as the possible outcome of a measurement for a given observable; A general state |ψ=cibi|\psi \rangle = \sum c_i b_i is a linear combination of eigenstates. The complex coefficient cic_i of bib_i is called the probability amplitude of bib_i and its absolute value |ci||c_i | in 0,10, 1 is the probability of the measurement of bib_i.

Quantum Bits

Whereas a digital computer processes bits, that can be in one of two states, 0 or 1, a quantum computer processes quantum bits (qubits) whose states superpose:

The basis states are those probability amplitudes that have a single nonzero entry of value 11, of which there are 2n2^n. The state whose entry of value 11 is at σ\sigma in QnQ_n is denoted by |σ|\sigma \rangle.

Example. A single qubit superimposed between 00 and 11 is denoted by a|0+b|1a \cdot \left| 0 \right\rangle + b \cdot \left| 1 \right\rangle such that a2+b2=1a^2 + b^2 = 1, the probability amplitude of two qubits together superimposed between 0000, 0101, 1010 and 1111 is denoted by α|00+β|01+γ|10+δ|11, \alpha \cdot \left| 00 \right\rangle + \beta \cdot \left| 01 \right\rangle + \gamma \cdot \left| 10 \right\rangle + \delta \cdot \left| 11 \right\rangle, with |α|2+|β|2+|γ|2+|δ|2=1|\alpha|^2 + |\beta|^2 + |\gamma|^2 + |\delta|^2 = 1.

Each elementary operation on the state space is then described by a (unitary) matrix of 2n2^n columns (orthogonal to each other): each column is the probability amplitude obtained by applying the operation to the corresponding basis state.

Post-Quantum Cryptography

A quantum computer can solve many classical problems faster than a classical computer. For example,

Therefore, given a sufficiently large quantum computer, current public key encryption schemes are easily broken. (In compensation, quantum mechanical effects offer a new method of secure communication known as quantum encryption.) RSA, for example, uses a public key NN which is the product of two large prime numbers. One way to crack RSA encryption is by factoring NN, but with classical algorithms, factoring becomes increasingly time-consuming as NN grows large; no classical algorithm that factors in O((n)k)O((n)^k) operations for some kk is known.

However, while a quantum computer can solve many classical problems faster than a classical computer, not all of them; the problems solved are all subexponential, that is, exponential in a root of the bit length nn of the input (for example, in the cube root n1/3n^{1/3} for prime factorization and discrete logarithm), whereas genuinely exponential problems, in particular problems that are NP-hard (such as finding the closest vector to a lattice) are conjectured to remain hard even on a quantum computer.

Lattice Ciphers: the Goldreich–Goldwasser–Halevi (GGH) Cipher

This cipher was published in 1997 by Oded Goldreich, Shafi Goldwasser, and Shai Halevi, and uses a trapdoor one-way function that relies on the closest vector problem which is NP-hard. Though this specific algorithm was later cryptanalyzed by Phong, it illustrates the principles on which modern withstanding lattice based ciphers stand, such as NTRU: Given any basis of a lattice, it is easy to generate a vector close to a lattice point by adding a small error vector to the latter. However, to return from this shifted vector to the original lattice point, a particular type of basis is needed.

The private key consists of

The public key is the basis B=ubB = ub of the lattice LL.

If a message mm (a vector (m1,...,mn)(m_1 , ..., m_n ) of integers) and a public key BB are given, then to encrypt the plaintext mm :

  1. compute the lattice point vector v=mBv = m \cdot B,
  2. choose a small error vector ee, for example, one with entries in 0,±10, \pm 1, and
  3. compute the ciphertext c=v+e(=mB+e)c = v + e (= m \cdot B + e).

If a ciphertext cc and the private key consisting of a lattice basis bb and unimodular matrix uu are given, then to decrypt the ciphertext cc :

  1. Compute cb1=(mB+e)b1=mubb1+eB1=mu+eB1; c \cdot b^{-1} = (m \cdot B + e) b^{-1} = m \cdot u \cdot b \cdot b^{-1} + e \cdot B^{-1} = m\cdot u + e \cdot B^{-1}; While mum \cdot u is a vector of integers, the error term eB1e \cdot B^{-1} is fractional.
  2. Therefore the integral summand mum \cdot u can be distinguished from the fractional summand eB1e \cdot B^{-1}; remove the fractional error term eB1e \cdot B^{-1} to obtain the integer vector mum \cdot u.
  3. Compute the plaintext m=(mu)u1m = (m \cdot u) \cdot u^{-1}

Code-Based Cryptography: McEliece’s Cipher

Code-based post-quantum ciphers are asymmetric ciphers that are based on error correcting codes to transmit bits over a noisy channel: To avoid that Alice sends, say 0101, but Bob receives 1111, a simple solution would be that Alice repeats each bit thrice, 000111000111, and Bobs takes for each group of three the bit that appears most often: For example, 100110100110 would be decoded to 0101. However, this encoding scheme is limited to one erroneous bit in each group of three bits. Instead, a linear code multiplies the bit vector vv with a matrix MM, that is, computes w=vMw = vM. For any number of erroneous bits nn, the matrix MM can be chosen such that at most nn erroneous bits in ww are correctable (to vv ).

The first encryption scheme based on linear error-correcting codes was developed by McEliece in 1978 and is still unbroken; due to the (secure) public key size of around 500500 kilobytes, it was shrugged off before the advent of quantum computing. More exactly, the algorithm uses the error-correcting code Goppa codes. Goppa codes are easy to decode, but distinguishing them from a general linear code is known to be NP-hard. The Post Quantum Cryptography Study Group installed by the European Commission has recommended this type of cryptography against quantum computers.

The private key are three matrices, an error correction matrix cc, and invertible matrices SS and PP; and the public key is CC = ScPScP that can correct nn error bits.

To encrypt: compute w=vC+ew = vC + e for an error term ee containing nn errors.

To decrypt:

  1. knowing P1P^{-1} and cc allows one to remove SeSe;
  2. then apply S1S^{-1}.

Hash-Based Cryptography

Hash-based cryptography is based on the security of cryptographic hash functions rather than on the hardness of mathematical problems. Lamport showed how to derive a one-time signature scheme from any one-way function, such as a cryptographic hash function, and Merkle improved on it by the Winternitz one-time signature (WOTS) in Merkle (1990); “one-time”, because a private key can only be used securely once:

Let kk be the private key; fix an integer LL. The public key is K=HashL(k)K = \mathrm{Hash}^L (k), the LL -fold nested application of the hash function to kk. HashL(k)=Hash(Hash(...(Hash(k)))). \mathrm{Hash}^L(k) = \mathrm{Hash}(\mathrm{Hash}(...(\mathrm{Hash}(k)))). The signature SS of a message, given by an integer M<LM < L, with the private key kk is the MM -fold nested application of the hash function to kk, that is, S=HashM(k)S = \mathrm{Hash}^M (k). The signature SS is checked by the equality HashLM(S)=HashL(k)=K. \mathrm{Hash}^{L - M} (S) = \mathrm{Hash}^L (k) = K.

This simple scheme is insecure. For example, signatures can be forged: From the signature SS of MM, one derives the signature of M+1M+1 by Hash(Hash(K))M+1=Hash(S). \mathrm{Hash}(\mathrm{Hash}(K))^{M+1} = \mathrm{Hash}(S). Therefore, one must sign not only MM by kk, but also LML - M by a different key. Still, this scheme

Modern hash-based signatures are more sophisticated than WOTS; however, they can still either only securely sign one message for each key, or, such as SPHINCS, sign a limited number of messages but produce large signatures.

Perfect Forward Security

Perfect Forward Secrecy means that after the correspondents exchanged their (permanent) public keys and established mutual trust,

  1. before correspondence the correspondents create an (ephemeral) session key and sign it with their (permanent) private keys (to avoid a man-in-the-middle attack),
  2. after correspondence each correspondent deletes the (ephemeral) private key.

This way, even if the correspondence was eavesdropped and recorded, it cannot be deciphered later on; in particular, it cannot be deciphered by obtaining a correspondent’s private key. For example, the TLS protocol, which encrypts much communication over the Internet, supports since version 1.2 Perfect Forward Secrecy: More specifically, in the handshake between client and server,

  1. after the client has received (and trusted) the server certificate,
  2. the server and the client exchange an ephemeral public key which serves to encrypt the communication of this correspondence. This ephemeral key is signed by the (permanent) public key of the server. (The creation of this asymmetric key in Perfect Forward Secrecy makes the creation of a symmetric preliminary key by the client in the penultimate step in the handshake in the TLS protocol superfluous.)

The mutual secret key can be established, for example, by the DHE (Diffie-Hellman Ephemeral) or ECDHE (Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman Ephemeral) protocol This key is then used as input to generate a secret symmetric key, for example, for the AES encryption algorithm.

Self-Check Questions

  1. List three types of algorithms considered secure in the advent of quantum computers:

    1. symmetric cryptographic algorithm
    2. lattice-based cryptographic algorithm
    3. cryptographic algorithm based on error correcting codes
    4. cryptographic algorithm based on hash functions

14.3 Incorporating cryptography into Application Development

Risk Analysis

Risk analysis measures the likelihood that an organization’s security will be breached (for example, an intruder exploiting network vulnerabilities) and calculates the inflicted damages from such a breach, be they material (such as data privacy violation) or immaterial (such as a reputation loss). The risk is often measured as a financial risk and countered similar to insuring against threats such as theft. Risk analysis

Don’t roll your own crypto!

The First Rule of Cryptography: Don’t implement cryptography yourself in production code. Instead, leave it to the experts and use a proven library that withstood the test of time under the scrutiny of cryptanalysts rather than a home-made one:

  1. In practice, a cryptographic algorithm is secure if it has proved resilience by defying all attacks. Therefore, an established cryptographic algorithm should be used and proven ciphers such as AES and RSA are recommended. If instead a new one is used, no safety can be assured. In particular, it is a bad idea to design a proper new cryptographic algorithm.
  2. Similarly, a software (library) is secure if it has proved resilience by defying all attacks. Therefore, an established software (library) should be used and common software libraries such as Libsodium (or the widely-used OpenSSL), are recommended.

Authenticated Encryption

Programmers often confuse the encryption and authentication. While encryption ensures confidentiality, authentication ensures integrity. When they have to be done separately: Encrypt then authenticate (that is, compute a MAC, Message Authentication Code). Verify the MAC before decryption. A priori, there are three options for authenticated encryption:


Only Encrypt-then-Authenticate is provably secure in theory, that is, secure against IND-CCA (indistinguishability of ciphertext for chosen ciphertexts), that is, an attacker can ask for any pair of ciphertexts to be deciphered (excluding the ciphertext in question), and still cannot distinguish which one among two plaintexts corresponds to the ciphertext:

  1. The oracle creates a secret key.

  2. The attacker asks for the decryption of any ciphertext (except the one in question), and creates two plaintexts M0M_0 and M1M_1 of equal size.

  3. The oracle

  4. The attacker asks for the decryption of any ciphertext (except the one in question), and

  5. chooses a bit bb' in {0,1}\{ 0, 1 \} .

Example. Bleichenbacher’s attack on PKCS#1 from 1998 is not secure against IND-CCA.

A cipher is secure against IND-CPA (indistinguishability of the ciphertext for chosen plaintexts), if no attacker can distinguish which one of two plaintexts, that he selected before, corresponds to the ciphertext that he receives afterwards. Bellare and Namprempre showed in 2000 for a symmetric cipher that if

then the cipher with “Encrypt-then-MAC” resists an “IND-CCA” attack.

That neither Encrypt-and-Authenticate nor Autenticate-then-Encrypt aren’t secure in theory, but Encrypt-then-Authenticate is, neither means in practice that the former two are insecure, nor that the latter is secure. However, there have been a number of vulnerabilities for the former two, while none for the latter: For example,


Therefore, it is best to use a library that takes care of authenticated encryption as a whole, instead of only offering these functions separately, where one has to be composed correctly oneself; sticking to the golden rule that as much as possible is reused instead of reimplemented:

The AEAD modes (Authenticated Encryption with Associated Data, where Associated Data is whatever must be authenticated but not encrypted) is a modern mode to encrypt and authenticate a message in the same operation, Reliable implementations of AEAD are, for example,

Password Storage

To store a password, as soon as it is received,

  1. hash it using a key derivation hash function such as scrypt (that uses, besides the password, a nonce and iteration count to counter rainbow attacks) or PBKDF2 (but NOT using a fast hash function, such as MD5, more vulnerable to rainbow table attacks), and
  2. erase the plaintext password from memory.

Utmost care must be taken even for less sensitive applications because some users might reuse these passwords for more sensitive ones.

Finally, we recall that Encoding, for example base64 encoding, and Compression, such as Zip compression, aren’t encryption, as they hardly obfuscate information: Encoding and compression algorithms are both reversible, keyless transformations of data:

Self-Check Questions

  1. To authenticate and encrypt a message, one should:

  2. Cryptographic functions should be

  3. Which cryptographic hash function should not be used for storing passwords:

The General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (GDPR) governs the exposure of personal data, processed and stored by hand or by computers, and applies since 25 May 2018 to all companies in the European Union. Besides the GDPR, other national data protection law may apply, for example, in Germany,

GDPR wages the interests of companies and consumers in the digital age and protects every citizen’s fundamental right of informational autonomy by granting the concerned citizen transparency and ultimate authority in the processing of her own personal data; that is,

Personal Data Protection

Every staff member who processes personal data must be instructed on data secrecy. In general, forwarding personal data to third parties is inadmissible without consent of the concerned person. If exceptionally admission is granted, then data must be encrypted and sent separately for each purpose, so that third parties neither an eavesdrop nor collect data.

What is personal data according to law, for example, the GDPR? General data:

Special data that needs special protection is in general (but also listed similarly, for example, in Paragraph 4, 9 of the GDPR):

Thus, for example, in health care all patient information is strictly confidential by law. For example, in Germany, documents can must be transmitted either encrypted or by fax. Only data necessary for treatment can be collected. The patient data must be confidentially stored and kept confidential by the staff. For example, in Germany the unauthorized disclosure of patient data subject to professional secrecy can be punished, by Section 203 of the Criminal Code (StGB), with a monetary fee or up to one year of prison.

Government Trap Doors

Leaked secret documents show that the American National Security Agency (NSA)


The Escrowed Encryption Standard (EES) is a chip-based symmetric encryption system developed in the USA in April 1993. The developer of the algorithm is the secret service NSA. It was developed as part of a U.S. government project to provide electronic devices sold to the general public with a security chip. The encryption key was to be provided to the government, which would then be able to eavesdrop on communications if necessary.

The main difference to other encryption methods is that, if necessary, US authorities can get access to the keys used by two users to exchange data. The procedure is specified in such a way that two keys are required for eavesdropping, which are deposited with different authorities and which should only be released at the same time by court order. This official access possibility is not achieved by a built-in back door in the technical sense, but by depositing two partial keys. If the legal conditions are met, the two parts of the key are issued and joined together.

Skipjack was the algorithm used for encryption within the Clipper chip. The chip was designed to resist external modification and allowed the government to access the data in plaintext through a mechanism called Law Enforcement Access Field (LEAF). After the appearance of an attack in 1994 the project was abandoned in 1996. The appearance of software such as PGP, which was not under government control, made the Clipper chip obsolete and the Skipjack algorithms was made public in 1998.

Bullrun Program

Bullrun (and its British equivalent called Edgehill) is a secret American program by the NSA (respectively by the GCHQ) to break the encryption systems used in the most widespread protocols on the Internet, such as Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), Virtual Private Networks (VPN) or Voice over IP (VoIP). The existence of the program was revealed in September 2013 by Edward Snowden, showing that the agencies have been working on the main protocols or technologies used in the Internet (HTTPS/SSL, VPN) or 4G for mobile telephony to intercept and decipher in real time large Internet data volumes; for example, those circulating on Hotmail, Yahoo, Facebook and especially Google.

RSA BSAFE is cryptography library in C and Java by RSA Security; it used to be common before the RSA patent expired in September 2000. From 2004 to 2013 (till revealed by Snowden) its (supposedly cryptographically secure) default pseudorandom number generator Dual_EC_DRBG contained an alleged kleptographic (allowing for stealing information securely and subliminally) backdoor from the NSA who held the private key to it, as part of its secret Bullrun program:

Cryptographers had been aware that Dual_EC_DRBG was a very poor Pseudo Random Number Generator (PRNG) since shortly after the specification was posted in 2005, and by 2007, it seemed to be designed to contain a hidden backdoor usable only by NSA via a secret key. NSA can potentially have weakened data protection worldwide, in case NSA’s secret key to the backdoor is stolen. RSA Security did not explain their choice to continue using Dual_EC_DRBG even after the defects and potential backdoor were discovered in 2006 and 2007, and has denied knowingly inserting the backdoor.

Operation Rubikon

The Swiss Crypto AG was an internationally active company in the field of information security. Between 1960 and 1990, at the height of the Cold War, Crypto AG was a leading company for encryption devices and produced for countries for more than 130 countries. The CIA was concerned about being unable to decipher foreign messages and approached European manufacturers, including Crypto AG. The (West) German foreign intelligence service BND and the US intelligence service CIA secretly bought the company in 1970. They arranged for many states to be supplied with machines with weaker encryption that could be decrypted by the BND and CIA (Operation Rubikon).

The company enabled these two services to decipher encrypted messages between the 1960s and 2010, While the suspicious Soviet Union and China were never among Crypto’s clients,the CIA could however learn about some of their exchanges thanks to third countries equipped with tampered devices. For example, the CIA estimates that it could

In February 2020, after evaluating a 280-page dossier, Swiss Radio and Television, ZDF and The Washington Post published a joint investigation which proved that the German BND and the US CIA were the owners of Crypto AG and delivered manipulated ciphering devices to some 130 states as part of Operation Rubikon to eavesdrop on communication.

A Security Hole supposedly kept secret by Intelligence Agencies

Heartbleed is a vulnerability in the SSL implementation OpenSSL, which is used in the popular web servers Apache and nginx, which are running two-thirds of the web pages at the time of the bug The Heartbeat allows server and client to keep a TLS connection alive by sending a message of any content (payload) from one end to the other, which is then sent back exactly the same way; to show that the connection is alive:

The RFC 6520 Heartbeat Extension tests TLS/DTLS secure communication links by allowing a computer at one end of a connection to send a “Heartbeat Request” message, which consists of a payload, typically a string, along with the length of that payload as a 16-bit integer. The receiver must then send the exact same payload back to the sender.

Versions of OpenSSL subjecet to the Heartbleed bug allocate a memory buffer for the message to be returned based on the length field in the request message, regardless of the actual payload size of that message. Because of this failure to check the appropriate limits, the returned message consists of the payload, possibly followed by whatever else is allocated in the memory buffer.

The problem with implementing the TLS heartbeat feature in OpenSSL was that the program does not check how long the received payload is. The attacker can write arbitrary values in the payload_length field provided for this purpose in the header of the payload packet and thus read the memory of the remote peer.

This Hearbleed attack works in both directions; let us assume that a client is attacking a server:

  1. The attacker sends the server a heartbeat payload that has 11 byte, but claims that it has, for example, 1616 kilobytes.

  2. The server writes the attacker’s byte into its memory in a buffer called pl. Since the actual size of the payload is not compared, the server assumes the size specified by the attacker (payload) when the payload is returned.

  3. The server therefore reserves 1616 Kilobytes of memory (and a little more for administrative information):

    buffer = OPENSSL_malloc(1 + 2 + payload + padding);
    bp = buffer;
  4. The server then copies the payload size given by the attacker (about 1616 Kilobytes) at this place for the response:

    memcpy(bp, pl, payload);

But the source pl to be copied only has a single byte from the incoming heartbeat! The following bytes consist of any other data that the server is currently processing; such as passwords, data of another user that was just decrypted, or secret keys of the server. The server then sends the data packet bp to the client, which can repeat this attack at will.

The tapping leaves hardly any traces on an attacked computer. It is therefore not certain to what extent the error has been exploited. However, the news agency Bloomberg reported, citing “two informed persons”, that the Hearbleed bug was used by the NSA from the beginning; this was immediately denied by the NSA director: “This government takes seriously its responsibility to maintain an open, secure and trustworthy Internet. There is a national interest in disclosing any such vulnerability as soon as it is discovered.”

Self-Check Questions

  1. When can personal data be collected ?

    With a clear purpose and express consent of the person.

  2. Name at least three examples of specially protected personal data:


Many things can go wrong when implementing cryptography; thus, as a software developer, caution must be taken:

  1. First, it is recommended to reuse what is already available and vetted by the test of time; for example, as a software developer, to use (open-source) software libraries that implement cryptographic functions such as encryption, decryption, signing and verification. In particular, it is out of question to roll develop one’s proper cryptographic algorithm instead of basing one’s cryptography on the established solutions such as AES for symmetric and RSA for asymmetric cryptography. For example, the cryptocurrency IOTA implemented its proper ternary cryptography and hash function, which was quickly unravelled by the Digital Currency Initiative at the MIT.
  2. Thus, even though most was already implemented by cryptography professionals, still great care has to be taken in choosing the implementation and in implementing what is left: For example, the implementation of random number generators is notorious for exploits and the first function to audit on a system. as we saw, in ECC, elliptic curve cryptography, if the same ephemeral key , usually randomly generated, for signing is used twice to sign different documents by the same private signature key, then the ephemeral becomes known and reveals the secret signing key. For example, the SecureRandom class of the Java Android Crypto library that implements cryptographic functions on Android did not properly initialize the underlying Pseudo Random Number Generator, leading to the same ephemeral key being used more than once.
  3. Even when reusing well-known time-proven cryptographic open-source libraries, for example, OpenSSL, bugs might creep in, such as the Heartbleed bug contributed by a PhD-student at the Fachhochschule Münster, that made common web servers reveal on request currently processed secret data, such as passwords or server keys. These bugs, once known, are quickly fixed; the question remains if in the meanwhile intelligence agencies exploit these.
  4. Finally, governments make laws that oblige the use of encryption, but government agencies might also work against it, for example, by demanding back doors to be built into cryptographic software or devices.

Even when best cryptographic practices are applied, Moore’s law predicts that continuous technological progress doubles the computing power every 18 months and thus weakens the future security of keys. Therefore, a security margin for long-term security, usually for around twenty years, has to be added. Finally, there may be technological leaps, such as the looming construction of a quantum computer, which would break many common asymmetric ciphers such as Diffie-Hellman, RSA and Elliptic Curve Cryptography and more involved alternatives have been presented.


  1. Which part of a cipher is in practice most susceptible to be exploited?

  2. Which algorithm is secure against a quantum computer?

  3. For at most how many years will projectively an AES 128128 -bit key stay secure?

  4. To which AES key size does an RSA key of 20482048 bits compare?

  5. To which AES key size does an ECC key of 256256 bits compare?

15 Applications

Study Goals

On completion of this chapter, you will have learned …


Cryptography secures data exchange on the Internet; for example, it protects the content of a financial transaction, be it between a customer and her bank or users of a cryptocurrency, from eavesdropping (confidentiality) and tampering (authenticity). Because correspondents rarely met in person before, asymmetric cryptography (such as RSA) is the cornerstone of secure data exchange on the Internet that makes possible

However, while cryptography hides the content of the messages, their metadata is not, for example:

In voting cryptography allows the voter to check whether her vote has been correctly tallied. However, to avoid coercion, secrecy of the ballot, that is, anonymity of the vote, must be maximally preserved while the tallying process must stay comprehensible for the average voter. The Scantegrity II voting scheme achieves this by pen and paper probabilistic audits.

15.1 Online banking

The Home Banking Computer Interface is an open protocol specification originally conceived by the two German decentralized saving banks Sparkasse and Volksbanken (and German higher-level associations such as the Bundesverband Deutscher Banken) to unify the online access of the client to her bank by standardizing the homemade software clients and servers. HBCI is the counterpart for the European market of the IFX (Interactive Financial Exchange), OFX (Open Financial Exchange) and SET for the north-american market. HBCI

The Financial Transaction Services (FinTS) specification succeeds HBCI 3.0. It is publicly available on the website of the ZKA (Zentraler Kreditausschuss) and supported by Sparkasse, Volksbanken und Raiffeisenbanken, Commerzbank, Deutsche Bank and more than 2000 other financial institutions. First published as version 3.0 in 2002.

FinTS supports

Starting from version 4.0 from 2004

In 2014 version 4.1 was published that contains improvements gained by years of practical experiences and to adopt:

Business Transactions

FinTS predefines business transactions codes, but also allows each bank to define their proper codes.

Code Name
DKPAE Change PIN online
HIISA Transmission of a public key
HKISA Public key request
HKCCS SEPA (Single European Payments Area) payment
HKAUB foreign bank transfer
HKEND End of dialogue

FinTS specifies bank parameter data (BPD) and user parameter data (UPD). If the user is represented by an intermediary, then the IPD are the largely identical counterpart (for the intermediary) to the UPD.

Message Confirmation Codes

Client and bank communicate via confirmation codes that are classified by the first digit of the code:

A message is syntactically valid if it obeys the underlying XML schema; if not, they are answered with the confirmation code 9110 for “Unknown structure”.

Code Text
0020 Information received without errors
1040 BPD no longer current. Current version will follow
1050 UPD no longer current. Current version will follow
3330 Keys are already available
9010 Order rejected
9210 Language is not supported

The confirmation codes enable customer software to react automatically to messages from the credit institution; for example, if the response is “wrong institution”, then the software can automatically request the correction of the institution (as part of the IBAN). While the “confirmation text” gives the user plain text information, the confirmation code facilitates customer queries.


FinTS distinguished between the following roles:

Encryption and Signing

Transactions are encrypted

Using a chip card is the most secure because

If a file is used, then the key must be encrypted by a password chosen by the user and only accessible after manually having entered it.

The PIN/TAN method is more convenient because it does not require a card reader (for example, while travelling).

All asymmetric cryptography uses exclusively the RSA algorithm: The key pairs of the user are to be generated by the customer (from the chip card), and those of the bank are to be generated by the bank; according to the following procedure:

Encryption between client and server is hybrid and uses

  1. RSA for the initial key exchange.

  2. A randomly generated message 32 byte key for the symmetric encryption algorithm:

the current one-time key is encrypted with the public key of the recipient. The length of the one-time key of 256 bits is extended to the modulus length of the public encryption key (2048 bits) by the ZKA padding specified in the crypto-catalogue of the German Banking Industry.

FinTS uses RSA signatures to authenticate transactions (for example, in RAH-9 and RAH-10) and, in RAH-7, to sign transactions by a certificate. The signing key pairs is

An encrypted message is authenticated by signing its plaintext. All messages must be encrypted, with the notable exceptions of those that

Self-Check Questions

  1. List the roles that a customer can assume in FinTS business transactions: issuer, messenger, witness or intermediary
  2. Which encryption algorithms uses the FinTS RAH protocol? RSA-2048 and AES-256

15.2 Voting

For a vote, like every sensitive transaction, for example, a financial transaction,

However, the transaction, the ballot, must be anonymous as well; that is, the receiver cannot know the sender: there is no link to between the voter and her ballot (in particular, that there is no receipt that reveals the voter’s choice). Secrecy of the Ballot guarantees that only the voter herself, but no one else, knows of her choice (with the notable exception of a vote by a physically handicapped person instructing her assistant to give her vote and possibly, though forbidden by law, postal vote).

Anonymity versus Integrity

Integrity is about:

  1. whether a vote is cast as intended (which is obvious in a paper ballot),
  2. whether a vote is registered as cast (which, for paper ballots, relies on trusting the election officials)
  3. whether all the votes are tallied as registered (which, for paper ballots, relies on blind trust into the election officials).

Integrity can only be achieved on the expense of Anonymity, and precautions must be taken to preserve it as much as possible. In an end-to-end auditable (or voter verifiable) voting system, each voter receives an encrypted ID, which she can use to check on a public list whether her choice was likely cast, registered and tallied as intended. The more voters check and errors are committed, the more probable that one of them is detected.

While secrecy can be strengthened by shuffling the assignment of bubbles to candidates on each ballot, the integrity check nevertheless demands a database that assigns each bubble of each ballot to a candidate, and which is owned by the election authorities at some point. Therefore, while integrity can likely be achieved, to break the secrecy of the ballot, it suffices:

To ensure that this assignment between the bubbles of the ballots and candidates is left unaltered during the casting of the ballots, the election authorities commit to it before the election by

  1. cryptographically hashing

  2. publicizing the hashes.

Integrity versus Traceability

In many countries, the voting process that underlies a democracy should be understandable by everybody (instead of having to trust the computer), thus ruling out the use of cryptography. For example,

Instead, most countries opt for paper ballots that are hand counted. Therefore, instead of using voting machines to cast, register and tally votes, voting procedures such as Scantegrity (see below) are explored that use pen and paper to cast, register and tally votes, but cryptographically identify the ballot with the voter’s choice to ensure authenticity while preserving anonymity.

History of Electronic Voting Machines

  1. The first generation of electronic voting machines, the DRE (Direct Recording Electronic voting machine), is characterized by direct electronic recording without printing of the vote. In Brazil, such a microcomputer is used for the collection and tallying of votes. In the USA, this type of voting machine is forbidden because it does not meet the “Principle of Software Independence in Election Systems” that the election result can be audited independently of the machine (as given in the “Voluntary Voting System Guidelines” by the U.S. federal agencies Election Assistance Commission (EAC) and National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)).
  2. The second generation accomplishes the “Software Independence Principle in Election Systems” which registers the vote digitally and on paper. In Brazil such a device was proposed in an electoral reform in 2015, however rejected by the STF (Federal Supreme Court) in 2018 because human intervention would increase the chances for fraud.
  3. The third generation of voting machines is characterized by the scanning of the ballot and an encrypted registration that allow the voter to check herself (without any technical equipment) the correct cast, registration and counting of her vote, but is incapable to prove her vote to others. A prominent example is the Scantegrity voting scheme, which we will present below:


The Scantegrity voting scheme is an end-to-end voter verifiable voting scheme, that is, each voter receives an ID which she can use to check on a public list whether her choice was likely cast, registered and tallied as intended (and otherwise file a dispute). It was devised by David Chaum et al. in 2008 and supersedes the Punchscan scheme by David Chaum and since then continually evolved into versions I, II to III after trial elections. The paper ballot contains:

The voter can use her ballot to

  1. To vote, the voter fills a bubble on the ballot,
  2. to register, an optical scanner recognizes the bubble position and ballot ID, and
  3. to verify her vote, the voter can keep the code of her chosen bubble and the ballot ID by detaching it from the ballot.

A database assigns to each bubble of each ballot ID the candidate shown on the ballot. While this assignment could be achieved in a single table PP

for public auditing of the registration and tally of votes, this assignment is split into two steps and the table PP kept secret and expanded into three tables:

  1. a table QQ in which every row corresponds to a ballot (ID) and the cells of each row contain the bubble codes (in no particular order so as not to reveal that on the paper ballot),
  2. a table SS with a column for each candidate and as many rows as ballots and in which each cell is flagged if and only if the corresponding bubble on a bullet was filled, and
  3. a table RR that contains two columns in which each row assigns to every cell in QQ, that is, bubble of each ballot, a column (and row) in SS, that is, a candidate (plus a column to flag the bubbles that were voted).
The tables Q, S and R that assign a candidate to every bubble code; from Clark (2011)

In table QQ, in each row, the cells whose bubble codes have been revealed on the ballot are revealed. In table SS, the cells that corresponds to the bubble of a ballot that has been revealed is marked.

The public audit reveals a random half of the assignment between each bubble on a ballot and candidate in table RR, that is, either the cell in table QQ or the column (and row) in table SS. While the chance to detect a given manipulated bubble is 50%50 \%, the odds to overlook a manipulated bubble among, say, ten manipulated bubbles is below 11 to 10001000, that is, the probability is <(10,5)100,1%< (1-0,5)^{10} \approx 0,1 \%.

If the voter chooses to audit a ballot, then this ballot is

  1. excluded from the tally by the poll worker,
  2. the full assignment between every bubble and candidate of that ballot are revealed on tables QQ, SS and RR, and
  3. all the bubble codes are revealed, and their assignments are checked.

Again, while the chance to detect a given manipulated ballot is 50%50 \%, the odds to overlook a manipulated ballot among, say, ten manipulated ballot are below 11 to 10001000, that is, the probability is <(10,5)100,1%< (1-0,5)^{10} \approx 0,1 \%.

Scantegrity II

As countermeasures to perceived attacks during trial elections with Scantegrity I, while in Scantegrity I the codes of the bubbles are randomly permuted among a set of letters that identify the bubbles, in Scantegrity II (or the basic system): The voter

  1. fills out a bubble next to her chosen candidate with a special pen that reveals a unique code of multiple letters written in invisible ink that encrypts the cast vote, and
  2. receives for later verification the ballot number and the revealed code to be exposed online.

This way,

Scantegrity III

In Scantegrity III, to prevent a human from reading off the information contained in a cast ballot (where all codes given to the voter were detached):

To prevent a voted ballot being turned into an audited or a spoiled ballot, two “authenticated status” codes are added to the ballot and committed to before the election. Each code is printed on the ballot in slow-reacting invisible ink, and individually detachable (for example, using a perforation).

If the voter:

If a voter later on the website,

Self-Check Questions

  1. List four criteria that an end-to-end voter verifiable voting system should adhere to:

    1. confidentiality
    2. authenticity
    3. anonymity
    4. traceability
  2. Which election steps in an end-to-end voter verifiable voting system should be verifiable by the voter:

    Whether the vote is:

    1. cast as intended,
    2. registered as cast, and
    3. tallied as registered.

15.3 Steganography

Steganography from Greek steganos, covered, is the art of concealing a message by embedding it within another message so that nobody but the intended recipient knows of the existence of the message. One example is given in The Histories of Herodotus where Histaeus shaved the head of his most trusted slave and punctured a message on his head which became hidden as soon as his hair had grown back.

In contrast, in cryptography the existence of the hidden message itself is not hidden, but only its content (for example, when sending an encrypted e-mail). Thus it makes public, presumably important, information is deliberately being hidden, drawing attention to the fact and possibly pitting interested cryptanalysts against it.

Steganography: the art of concealing a message by embedding it within another message so that nobody but the intended recipient knows of the existence of the message.


In computing, the message is typically hidden in a picture, for example, a compressed JPEG, but also an audio file, say, in the MP3 format, is conceivable. This can be used, for example, to hide, in the picture itself, a copyright notice of the owner of a picture (Coded Anti-Piracy). Because a typical picture file has hundreds of kilobytes, a few bytes can be changed to convey a secret message without noticeable change. The secret information is usually stored in the marginal parts of the image: The simplest picture format is a bitmap, that is, a picture

Because man cannot distinguish more than 256=28256 = 2^8 degrees of each primary color, it suffices to represent each pixel by three bytes.

Primary color degree map; Commons (2020)

Least-Significant Bit Substitution: The hidden message, as a stream of bits, can then be stored, for example, in the least significant bit of the eight for each primary color of each pixel: For each byte, as a number bb between 00 and 255255, the hidden bit is 11 if and only if bb is odd.


To read the hidden content in a medium, it must be

  1. detected, and
  2. extracted.

Steganalysis is the art of detecting and extracting the hidden content in a medium without knowledge

Hidden content can be detected statistically by looking for significant deviations to similar reference data without hidden content. For these deviations to be statistically less significant, the hidden content itself should be statistically random, pattern free; this is for example achieved by encrypting it.

For example, Least-Significant Bit Substitution can be detected by a histogram, a diagram of bars, one for each color in the picture whose height is proportional to the number of pixels of that color. Because bytes that were originally

the heights of each pair of neighboring bars, that is, the frequency of pixels of neighboring colors, will be significantly closer to their mean than in the original picture. Therefore Least-Significant Bit Substitution can be reliably detected when the hidden information makes up less than 1% of the whole picture.

To counter this detection method, Least-Significant Bit Matching, instead of Least-Significant Bit Substitution, adds or subtracts 11 to the byte randomly, instead of exclusively adding to even and subtracting from odd bytes. That is, if the bit of the hidden message is 11, then, a coin flip decides whether the byte is incremented or decremented (instead of decrementing the byte if it is odd and decrementing it if it is even). Then, like in Least-Significant Bit Substitution, for each byte, as a number bb between 00 and 255255, the hidden bit is 11 if and only if bb is odd. However, the heights of each pair of neighboring bars in the histogram are no longer significantly closer to their mean than statistically expected and the problem of detecting .

Kerckhoff’s principle, that an attacker who knows of the steganographic algorithm used to store the hidden information cannot detect it, is however more difficult to achieve in steganography than in cryptography.


The command-line tool Tomb by Denis Roio (aka Jaromil), is a Linux shell script that encrypt folders by dm-crypt, which is part of the kernel; the encrypted folders are consequently called Tombs (whereas dm-crypt calls them containers). These can be created and integrated into the running system with a few commands on the command line (which, however, partially need administrative rights). For highest security, and tomb and its key should not be stored on the same device. For example, if the tomb is on a PC or notebook, the tomb could be stored on a USB stick. If however, the key must be stored on the same device as the tomb, then Tomb offers to hide the key in a JPEG picture using steganography. This hides the key from unauthorized eyes and helps remember the key’s location.

Tomb can mount folders that other applications need at runtime, for example, the mailbox of an e-mail client. To this end, it needs the package steghide. The key can be hidden in a small JPEG picture by tomb bury and extracted by tomb exhume:

Self-Check Questions

  1. How does steganography differ from cryptography?

    Steganos means cover while crypto means hide in Greek. Steganography covers up a secret message by a plain message while cryptography reversibly scrambles its content.*

15.4 Mix-Nets

Chaum introduced in 1981 Mix-Nets to communicate anonymously on the network by passing the data through relays that can only forward to their nearest neighbors.


Sending and Receiving Scheme

Each relay has a public key pair with public keys p1p_1, …, pnp_n numbered in the order in which the message travels through them, 11 for the relay after the sender, …, nn for the relay before the receiver.


To send a message mm anonymously and confidentially, the receiver sends:

  1. The sender selects the (IP) addresses ara_r of the receiver and of each relay a1a_1, …, ana_n.

  2. The sender chooses a random number for each relay (to ensure uniqueness of each message).

  3. The sender

    1. encrypts the message mm using the public key of the receiver if available.
    2. encrypts, using the public key pnp_n, the IP address ara_r, the (possibly encrypted) message and a random number.
    3. encrypts, using the public key p1p_1, the IP address a2a_2, a random number and all the data encrypted in the last step.

    and sends this encrypted data to the first relay.


To receive data anonymously and confidentially, the receiver sends to the sender ss the following data (which in turn is successively sent to each relay):

The message mm sent anonymously and confidentially as described above could, for example, be this (encrypted) list of addresses and symmetric keys to receive data anonymously and confidentially.

  1. The receiver selects the (IP) addresses asa_s of the sender and of each relay a1a_1, …, ana_n.

  2. The receiver creates symmetric keys for the sender ksk_s and each relay k1k_1, …, knk_n.

  3. The receiver

    1. encrypts, using the public key pnp_n, the symmetric key knk_n and the receiver’s IP address ara_r,
    2. encrypts, using the public key p1p_1, the symmetric key k1k_1, the IP address a2a_2 and all the data encrypted in the last step,
    3. attaches the symmetric key ksk_s of the sender and the IP address a1a_1 to all the data encrypted in the last step.

    and sends this data to the sender.

  4. The sender

    1. decrypts the packet using its private key to obtain the symmetric key ksk_s and the address a1a_1 of the first relay (after the sender), and
    2. encrypts the packet using ksk_s, and
    3. sends it to the first relay.
  5. The first relay (after the sender)

    1. decrypts the packet using its private key to obtain the symmetric key k1k_1 and the address a2a_2 of the following relay, and
    2. encrypts the packet using k1k_1, and
    3. sends it to the following relay.
  6. The last relay (before the receiver)

    1. decrypts the packet using its private key to obtain the symmetric key knk_n and the address ara_r of the receiver, and
    2. encrypts the packet using knk_n, and
    3. sends it to the receiver.

Tor Project

Tor is an implementation of second-generation onion routing to guarantee anonymity on the Internet. It was originally sponsored by the US Naval Research Laboratory, then the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) between late 2004 and 2005.

Onion Routing: A chain in which every node only knows its immediate predecessor and successor, and in which all traffic between both endpoints is indecipherable to every node but the endpoints.

Connection to Network

To connect to the network, each client:

  1. Fetches a list of Tor nodes from a server.
  2. Automatically chooses a random path (that may change after a while).
  3. Builds a circuit in which each node knows only its predecessor and successor.

The first node in the circuit knows the requested IP address. But from the second node on, the negotiation is done through the already built partial circuit, so that the second node, for example, will only know the IP address of the first node (and eventually of the third node). The packets to be routed are identified by a code (chosen at the time the circuit is built) of the owner of the circuit (the person who built it). Each node of the circuit receives its own private (asymmetric) key encrypted by the public (asymmetric) key dedicated to that node.

Packet Exchange between Client and Server

Before dispatching a TCP packet to the server, the client encrypts it as many times as there are nodes:

  1. with the public key corresponding to the last node, numbered nn ;
  2. with the public key of the penultimate node, numbered n1n-1 ;
  3. with the key of n2n-2 ;
  4. with that of n3n-3 …;

  1. the last time, with that of the first node.

At this point, all layers of the onion enclose the TCP packet. The onion is peeled when the client dispatches it to the circuit she has built :

  1. the first server in the circuit decrypts the packet with key number 1 and sends it to the second server;
  2. the second server decrypts this packet with key number 2 and sends it to the third server;

  1. the last server decrypts this packet with its own private key number nn and receives the original plaintext packet.


A user on the Tor network can set up her web browser to use a personal proxy server to access Tor (such as Privoxy); for example, to connect to

  1. Her web browser sends the HTTP request to Privoxy;

  2. Privoxy removes the non-anonymous information and passes the information via SOCKS to the Tor client.

  3. The Tor client

    1. builds a circuit (if it hasn’t already done so),
    2. encrypts the data to be sent, and
    3. passes it to the first node;
  4. The first node decrypts part of the envelope and forwards the data to the exit node;

  5. This exit node sends the request to

For the website to connect to the user, the steps are carried out in inverse order.


The most accessible use of the Tor network without advanced computer skills is the Tor Browser:

Self-Check Questions

  1. How many times does a client encrypt a packet before sending it to the server through ten nodes in a Tor network?

    the client encrypts it as many times as there are nodes, that is, ten times


The online banking protocol FinTS standardizes data exchange between the customer and her bank by the XML (Extensible Markup Language) format, and ensures best cryptographic practices such as

The blockchain replaces a third trusted party, the bank, that mediates financial transactions, by a database of entries that successively point to each other. This pointer is a hash of the whole other entry, ensuring the database’s integrity: thus, a change of the entry entails a change of the hash, thus invalidates the pointer, thus the whole chain. Because the hashes must have many leading zeros, finding valid entries, aka mining, demands much computational power and practically turns impossible.

Verifiability of the tallying in an election by cryptography puts additional requirements on its implementation because

While some anonymity has to be put at risk to database breaches by colluding election officials, the Scantegrity II pen-and-paper voting-scheme lets the voter check the tallying of her vote probabilistically by an intermediate private database that connects each ballot to the candidate choices.

While cryptography hides a message by reversibly scrambling it, steganography hides it by embedding in a plaintext message, say, by embedding a secret key inside an image. The most common approach is slightly altering each pixel color according to a set rule; for example, to set the least significant bit (out of eight) to that of the message. If done too naively, for example, as described, than statistical analysis gives away the existence of concealed information; however, if done with care, then it is hardly discovered.

The Tor network achieves anonymous data transfer on the Internet by so-called onion routing, where traffic passes through a chain of nodes in which


  1. Which home banking protocol standard precedes FinTS?

  2. How high is, roundabout in percents, the chance that ten manipulated ballots go undiscovered in the Scantegrity II voting scheme?

  3. What does the Greek word Steganos translate to?

  4. What routing technique does the anonymity of data transfer in the Tor network rest on?

16 Blockchain

Study Goals

On completion of this chapter, you will have learned the anatomy of the blockchain that stores and secures the transactions of cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin.


When using a common currency traders trust a third party, the bank, that keeps a ledger of all transactions. When using a cryptocurrency, they put their trust instead into a blockchain: a public ledger of all transactions, split into blocks, packets of transactions, each containing around 2000 of them, immutably bound together. It is maintained (and replicated) by a network of thousands of computers to make it practically unforgeable: The whole network can read all the blocks and it will only accept the addition of valid blocks.

A blockchain is useful as a database for multiple users who trust neither each other nor anyone else.

The Bitcoin network prevents the (malevolent) alteration of the (existing) blockchain by requiring a proof of work for appending a block to it: the computation of an input to a cryptographic hash function that yields an output with many leading zeros.

There are other approaches to make cryptocurrencies costly, for example:

We will see

  1. how the chain of blocks works is built,
  2. what a block (of transactions) consists of,
  3. how bitcoins are generated, so-called mining,
  4. why this hard work, proof of work, is indispensable to ensure the integrity of the chain, and
  5. how bitcoins are transferred.

16.1 Overflight

The blockchain, literally, is a chain of blocks. There is an initial block, the Genesis block and blocks that point to their predecessors. This arrow pointing to the predecessor is a hash, an identification of the entire contents of the previous block; it is an address that appears in the block header. The trunk of the block consists of an average of 20002000 transactions between Bitcoin users.


Since the hash of the block depends on the entire contents of the block, the change of a single bit changes its hash, that is, invalidates the arrow pointing to its successor! Thus, for the blocks to continue to form a chain, this arrow must be changed. Thus, the hash of the successor block changes! Thus, for blocks to continue to form a chain, it is necessary to change the arrow of the successor of the successor, and so on; a chain reaction! That is, if we change one detail, for example, a transaction in the first block, all the arrows (= hashes) that follow must be recalculated!


Enters so-called “mining”, which makes this change very difficult, because only blocks whose hashes are small, that is, start with many zeros, are accepted by the network (that is, by its verifier nodes). Thus, it is not enough to change a transaction and calculate the new hashes of all successor blocks. This change has to be such that all blocks are accepted, that is, their hashes are small! It is highly difficult to find such a change: Currently, searching such a block takes a billion years on a regular computer; but only ten minutes on the mining network. While the bad guy started searching for admissible blocks, the network has already created several others, thereby invalidating his work!


All existing bitcoins were generated by mining, that is, they were given (by the coinbase transaction) as a reward to the one who created a block (with a small hash). All other transactions have an input and output: As input a sufficient amount is gathered together to pay what will be spent. Better almost the full amount be spent, because everything what is not spent will go to the miner who will eventually make this transaction happen (by including it in the block he mined). Therefore usually a transaction includes the sender as a recipient as well to receive the unspent money back; the change transaction (whereas usually only about 0,0010,001 bitcoin is paid to the miner as a transaction fee). The recipient is designated by his public key, and only at the time he will spend the received coins he will need to prove that he owns the corresponding private key, by signing the transaction.

Elliptic Curves

Bitcoin uses encryption by finite elliptic curves to sign transactions: Diffie-Hellman uses finite rings of number such as {0,1,...,m}\{0, 1, ..., m\} (for example, m=12m = 12 for the clock, and a prime number such as p=225519p = 2^{255} - 19 with 100100 digits in Bitcoin). The concept used by Bitcoin resembles that of Diffie-Hellman, only instead of numbers 00, 11, 22, … it uses pairs of numbers (x,y)(x, y) that designate Cartesian coordinates of points on a (so-called elliptical) curve. The beauty of this curve is that one can add points on them: p+q+r=0p + q + r = 0 if these three points pp, rr and qq lie on the same line. Instead of multiplying the same number several times as in Diffie-Hellman, we add the same point several times. It is easy to add points, but it is very difficult to know how many times a point was added to itself to obtain the resulting point. Encryption corresponds to iterated addition, decryption to the knowledge of how many iterations.

Finally, the signature scheme is a variation of ElGamal’s signature: the signature shows that the owner of the private key was able to solve a difficult equation; so difficult that it is practically impossible to solve it without this private key that provides a shortcut.

Self-Check Questions

  1. How many transactions does a block of the Bitcoin blockchain contain on average?

    1. 1000
    2. 2000
    3. 100 000
    4. 1 000 000
  2. How long does the addition of a block to the Bitcoin blockchain currently take on average on a regular computer?

    1. 1 000 hours
    2. 1 000 days
    3. 1 000 000 years
    4. 1 000 000 000 years

16.2 Chain

The blockchain is a chain of blocks that are linked, that is, each block contains a hash of another block, which we think of as a pointer (or address) to the previous block.


Branches, orphaned blocks, occur; however, only the longest chain (more exactly, whose construction was computationally heaviest; see proof of work in Section 16.4) is considered valid. As it is very difficult to extend the chain by another block, branches rarely have more than one block.

Bifurcation Management

The chain was lanced on January 3, 2009 at 18:15 UTC, probably by Satoshi Nakamoto, with the first block, the genesis block.

Genesis block

Each block consists

The hash of the block depends on all of its content. That is, (practically) any change causes its hash to change; for example:

For example:

  1. If one of its transactions changes, then its hash changes.
  2. Thus the pointer to it in the next block changes, thus the hash of the next block changes.
  3. Same for the hash of the block following the next block, and
  4. …so on.

In other words, a chain reaction occurs: The change of a single transaction in one block invalidates all the hashes of its later blocks.

Invalid block
Figure 16.1: Invalid block

Therefore, for the blocks to continue to form a chain, the pointers (that is, the hashes of the later blocks) of all the blocks that follow the changed block must be recomputed: Normally, these new blocks invalidate the blockchain because these new hashes no longer conform to the required pattern (= a sufficient number of leading 00s) to be accepted in the blockchain.

16.3 Block

Each block groups transactions between users in a Merkle tree.


Field Description Size
Magic = 0xD9B4BEF9 4 bytes
Header Contains 6 items 80 bytes
Block Size 4 bytes
Number of transactions 1 – 9 bytes

Each block groups transactions (which have, on average, 50005 000 bytes). First its size (up to 11 Megabyte) and number of transactions (on average 2000020 000) are indicated.

The first transaction, the coinbase transaction, the reward for the work done for its creation, is written by the creator of the block and, therefore, commonly she and her collaborators are put as recipients.

The other transactions are transmitted to the network by the senders, that is, payers, and all block creators, the miners, decide which transactions they include in the block they are creating. To encourage the inclusion of a transaction, the sender may pay a fee to the creator of the block; hence often the miner includes as many transactions as possible, about 11 Megabyte.

To quickly check transactions, they are grouped in a Merkle tree, a (binary) tree, whose vertices are hashes and whose leaves are transactions.

The header of each block contains:

  1. the version of the software used,
  2. the hash of the previous block (for the blocks to form a chain),
  3. the hash of the root of the Merkle tree of transactions,
  4. the timestamp, the creation date (in seconds counted from 1970-01-01 at 00:00 UTC), and
  5. the difficulty, roughly the number of zeros with which the block hash needs to start in order for it to admissibly extend the chain, and
  6. a nonce, a field without (semantic) content, which serves to change the hash of the block without changing its (semantic) content.

The cryptographic hash function used by Bitcoin is SHA-256. In more detail:

Field Updated when… Size
Version the software is updated 4 bytes
Hash of the previous block a new block is created 32 bytes
Hash of the tree root a transaction was accepted 32 bytes
Date of creation a few seconds passed 4 bytes
Difficulty every 20162016-th block 4 bytes
Nonce another hash is proven 4 bytes

The “body” of the block, its content (in contrast to the header metadata), is formed by the transactions. These are grouped in a “Merkle” tree, a (usually binary) tree of hashes where the hash of a node is calculated by those of its successors; the data, here the transactions, constitute its leaves.

The nonce is used to search for a block with a sufficiently small hash without changing its (semantic) content. For quite some time the 44 bytes of the nonce are insufficient to find a sufficiently small hash. That is, after 2322^{32} increments, no found hash is small enough. In this case, ExtraNonce, the coinbase transaction message (which has 100100 bytes) is iterated. However, then the hash of the Merkle tree root needs to be recomputed.


The first transaction, the coinbase transaction, the reward for the work done for its creation, is created by the creator of the block and, therefore, commonly he and his collaborators are the recipients. Each transaction has

In all (except the initial transaction) the input collects outputs from transactions (by referring to their hashes) whose sum is greater than (or equal to) the sum of the outputs. In the initial transaction of the block, the input is arbitrary, and the amount is the reward given to the miner, initially 5050 bitcoins, 6.256.25 in 2021.

The first block of the chain, mined by Satoshi Nakamoto, the anonymous creator of Bitcoin, contains the title of page one of the Financial Times:

    The Times 03/Jan/2009
    Chancellor on brink of second bailout for banks

However, as mentioned above, the content nowadays is often not human readable; instead, it is a value for technical purposes, for example, to alter the block such that its hash is small enough.

16.4 Chain Extension

To append a block to the blockchain, a proof of work must be given, the calculation of (a head of) a block such that its hash is small, that is, that its binary expansion starts with a large number of zero digits (in January 2021, with 2020 zeros in the hexadecimal expansion or 8080 zeros in the binary expansion). Perhaps the most used software for this purpose is currently CGMiner; there are versions for all operating systems, some adapted for graphics processors (GPUs) and others for processors specifically programmed for mining (ASICs).

The hash of a mined block on January 13, 2021:



While the high computational cost is useless to build a blockchain, it is essential for its integrity because it makes it practically impossible to (malevolently) alter previous blocks. That is, it ensures the irreversibility of the blockchain: Once a transaction is in a block which has been extended by, say, at least five other blocks, it is practically impossible to replace the blockchain blocks because every such effort is outpaced: while these blocks are hard searched for, the blockchain has already been extended by other blocks.

Outpacing: While one is hard pressed finding admissible alternative blocks, others have already been added.

Since each block contains in particular as an entry the hash of the previous block, and the hash of the entire block depends in particular on this entry, changing a block requires changing every subsequent block; since each block needs a hash with many initial zeros to be accepted into the blockchain, it is hard to find these subsequent blocks. A lot of work against time:

To change a block in the chain, the single miner needs to

This irreversibility lets one dispense with a third party for the traders, that is, a fiducial authority. Instead, it is the nodes of the network agree on the validity of the transaction.

However, if a miner has more computing power than all other miners, then he can apply the 5151 % attack:

  1. Send a transaction,
  2. await its confirmation, that is, its inclusion in a blockchain block,
  3. at the time it is included in a block, branch off the blockchain by extending the previous block by another block that does not include this transaction,
  4. continue to extend this branch by creating other blocks,
  5. when the transaction is confirmed, that is, 66 blocks have been appended, send to the network the blocks in the meanwhile created. By his higher computational power, his branch is longer than the blockchain; so the verifier nodes accept it as new blockchain!

Proof of Work

A proof of work shows information that is computationally costly to obtain. Often, the work consists of repeating an operation till an unlikely event occurs, that is, brute force.

Bitcoin uses the proof of work introduced by Hashcash to prevent spam by a proof of work required for the sending of each email to each recipient; so that the proof of work makes mass sending costly.

In Bitcoin, the proof of work is required to extend the chain by a new block.


The work consists in searching for a block whose hash with 3232 bytes by the SHA-256 algorithm is less than a certain target number:

Other common Hash algorithms (instead of SHA-256) for proof work are, for example,


We iteratively append to the string “Hello, world!” a nonce, a number used once, such that (the hexadecimal expansion [with the 1616 digits 0099 and AAFF]) of its SHA-256 hash starts with 0000. There are 164=409616^4 = 4096 combinations of four hexadecimal digits; so if the values of the hash function are uniformly distributed, then we expect about 40964096 attempts to find it. In fact, after 42514251 attempts, which take a millisecond on a modern computer, we obtain:

"Hello, world!0" => 1312AF178C253F84028D480A6ADC1E25...
"Hello, world!1" => E9AFC424B79E4F6AB42D99C81156D3A1...
"Hello, world!2" => AE37343A357A8297591625E7134CBEA2...
"Hello, world!4248" => 6E110D98B388E77E9C6F042AC6B49...
"Hello, world!4249" => C004190B822F1669CAC8DC37E761C...
"Hello, world!4250" => 0000C3AF42FC31103F1FDC0151FA7...

However, in Bitcoin, the hashed object, the block header, is more complex, in particular because it contains the root of the (Merkle) tree of transactions.


The ‘difficulty’ field in the block header compares


Initially, for the “Genesis” block to be accepted in the chain, the binary expansion of the hash of its header needed to start with 3232 zeros (= the size, in bits, of the nonce in the block header); that is, it took 2324billion2^{32} \approx 4 \mathrm{billion}) computations of hashes to find a block with such a hash (taking a couple of minutes on a notebook).

Since then, the number of zeros has been readjusted after every 20162016-th block to ensure that the computation of a new attachable block over the network takes, on average, 1010 minutes. (That is, computing 20162016 new attachable blocks takes on average 22 weeks.)

Each readjustment (after 20162016 blocks) calculates the new difficulty as a ratio between

that is, newdifficulty=A/Upreviousdifficulty \mathrm{new \, difficulty} = A / U \cdot \mathrm{previous \, difficulty} To avoid too steep a jump, the new difficulty is 4\leq 4. That is, even if A/U>4A/U > 4 (that is, the network took less than three and a half days to append 20162016 blocks), then the new difficulty is 44.


Computing a block header whose hash is smaller than the current target, that is, whose binary expansion begins with enough zeros, is called mining.

The difficulty is at each moment (with a delay of at most two weeks) proportional to the joined computational force of the miners: The more miners, the more difficult, the fewer miners, the easier. Currently, in 2022, the binary expansion of the hash has to start with around 80\geq 80 zeros to be accepted by the network.

Computing Time

Since the hash used in bitcoin is cryptographic (currently SHA-256), that is, its output doesn’t allow deducing the input, the only practical way to find a header such that its hash is small enough is by brute force, that is, trying out all possible combinations one after another. Since a hash function is almost uniformly random, that is, the probabilities of all outputs are almost equal, it takes on average about 2n2^{n} attempts until a header whose hash has a binary expansion starting with nn zeros is found.

  1. At the beginning of the blockchain, n=32n = 32 and it took 2322^{32} (about 44 billion) computations to find a block with such a hash (taking a couple of minutes on a notebook).
  2. Currently, n80n \approx 80 and it takes on average around 2801.210242^{80} \approx 1.2 \cdot 10^{24} (= one trillion times one trillion) tries of different hashes. A fast processor of a microcomputer, for example the Intel Core i7 2600, computes around 2.41072.4 \cdot 10^7 = 2424 million hashes per second. That is, it takes on average around 510165 \cdot 10^{16} seconds (>109> 10^9 years, that is, a billion years).

This gives an idea of the current combined computational power of the miners, since they calculate this hash on average in ten minutes. Since the hash function used by Bitcoin is SHA-256, as discussed in Section 3.7, it is quickly computed by a CPU, a microprocessor for general use on a personal computer, and in particular,

In fact, the energy expenditure for mining is equivalent to that of the whole of Austria at any given time. For this reason, alternative concepts to the proof of work have emerged, for example, the proof of stake where the owner of the next block is determined by how much she owns instead of how much she can compute. However, so far these alternative concepts have not worked so well in practice.

Once such a block and its hash are found, given both, the verification that the hash is small enough is quickly done: simply compute the hash of the block and compare it to the given hash.


Time Available

The interval to create a new block is, on average, 1010 minutes. While it will not always take almost exactly ten minutes or less, as a Poisson process the probability of a block been found in this 1010 minute range is about 63%63 \% (more exactly, the probability is 11/e1 - 1/\mathrm{e}).

Change the Header

To change the block header, let us recall that the changeable header data consists of (cf. Section 16.3)

In particular, the main content of the block, the transactions, enters into its hash only indirectly through the hash of the root of the Merkle tree.

Currently, since the number of initial zeros in the binary expansion of an admissible hash n80n \geq 80 and the field nonce only has 44 bytes (= 3232 bits), rarely (that is, with a probability of only about 232802^{32-80}) there is a value of the nonce such that the block hash is small enough. Therefore the miners change, in addition to the nonce,


When a new block is discovered, the miner transmits it to the network, and the nodes check, among others:

After the blockchain has been extended by at least 100100 other blocks following this block (so that the network ensured that this blocks will persist in the blockchain, the longest chain), its finder:

As the reward gradually fades out (until it runs out after 21000000=(50+25+12.5+)21000021 000 000 = (50 + 25 + 12.5 + \cdots) \cdot 210 000 blocks), these transaction fees will play a more and more important role in encouraging the miners to hold on mining.

To distribute the unpredictable reward from mining more evenly, many miners join their computational forces in groups, clusters, to share the rewarded bitcoins.

16.5 Transaction

All bitcoins are generated by mining: The miner, the creator of the block, can freely choose the recipients of the first transaction of the created block, the coinbase transaction.

Once generated, a bitcoin changes place by a chain of digital signatures: A bitcoin is transferred by its owner

The sum shown in the Bitcoin Core graphical user interface (initially developed by Satoshi Nakamoto under the name Bitcoin-Qt and used by 9090 % of the traders) is the sum of all transactions that the owner received: For Alice to pay a certain amount, for example, 44 bitcoins, to Bob, the program

  1. joins transactions whose sum is 4\geq 4, for example,
  2. transfers

That is, Alice received another transaction (although of a smaller value than the two initials).

Exhaustion of the entries of a transaction

Bitcoin address

The identity of each trader corresponds to his asymmetric key (ECDSA), a pair of

To get his address, several hash functions are applied to the public key. Then the final sequence of 2525 letters is coded by the Base58 whose 5858 numbers are

To calculate the hash of the public key:

  1. Apply SHA-256 to the public key ECDSA,
  2. apply RIPEMD-160 (to the last result), and
  3. prepend an instruction code (0x0000 for P2PKH, 0x0005 for P2SH).

To add a checksum:

  1. Apply once SHA-256,
  2. apply again SHA-256,
  3. use the first four bytes as a checksum, and
  4. suffix the check sum to the result by 3.

To abbreviate the result (in a human-readable way):

  1. Encodes it in Base58.

To see it in in action, visit

Public Key Conversion

To get the scriptPubkey format used in transactions:

  1. Decode from Base58 to hexadecimal base,
  2. remove the checksum, and
  3. remove the prefix,

and finally add a certain instruction code.

The use of a hash instead of the public key as the address, besides shortening it,

Types of Transactions

A transaction is a bitcoin transfer, first transmitted on the network, then collected in a block by a miner and published. All transactions are public, while (the hashes of) the public keys are anonymous, that is, they do not reveal a priori the owners’ names.

There are two types of transactions:

In more detail:

Transaction in Bitcoin Core application. Paying a transaction fee helps decrease the confirmation time.


In the bitcoin network, there are

A miner is incentivized

However, the miner has no incentive to forward a block mined by someone else to the node network. Instead, he rather hides its existence until he has mined an own block that extends it. This instantaneous transmission is up to the nodes.

A user is incentivized to maintain a node to ensure the integrity of the blockchain at all times. However, maintaining an entire node is above all an altruistic need that is essential to the functioning of blockchain: The chain is only safe using a partial node (which only knows part of the chain) while there are sufficiently many full nodes in the network that guarantee the validity of the blockchain.


We summarize how a transaction is processed, from its emission to its accomplishment:

  1. Send a transaction through your portfolio application.

  2. The transaction is diffused by the nodes and becomes part of the pool of unconfirmed transactions.

  3. Miners

    1. choose transactions from this pool (preferably those that reward them the highest transaction fee, the difference between the joined amounts of all incoming respectively outgoing transactions),
    2. validate them (for example, whether the payer’s balance is sufficient), and
    3. add them to the block they are trying to generate; commonly, until the maximum block size (of 11 Megabyte) is exhausted.
  4. Each miner tries to modify the block so that its hash becomes small enough (currently starting with 1010 null bytes). The probability of finding such a block, that is, the difficulty of the problem, is the same for all blocks and miners. This difficulty is adjusted every 20162016-th block (that is, after about two weeks) so that the miners’ total computational power to find such a block takes on average ten minutes.

    When a new block is appended to the chain, all the miners have to start again with another block since

  5. Every miner who found a valid block transmits it to the network nodes.

  6. The node validates the block, that is, checks whether

  7. If the node confirms the validity of the block, then it appends it to the chain. A confirmation of a transaction is each extension of the chain by a block after the block containing the transaction. The extension of the chain by the block containing the transaction counts as the first confirmation, the block after this one as the second confirmation, and so on. The probability that the last six confirmations (after an average of one hour) are undone is practically zero. Therefore, a transaction is usually seen as accomplished after its sixth confirmation.


For the node to quickly check the validity of a transaction entry, that is, if the cashed in transactions have not yet been spent, he steadily updates the Unspent Transaction Ouput (UTXO) database of all transactions that have not yet been spent. Currently, the UTXO has about 44 GB and is stored in memory to ensure fast queries.

Let us recall that each transaction is unique, and can be spent only once and entirely. When a transaction is transmitted,

To prevent double spending, the node checks whether an outgoing transaction is in the UTXO: if so, it allows the transaction, otherwise it prevents it.


Let us recall that a confirmation of a transaction is each extension of the chain by a block after the block containing the transaction. The extension of the chain by the block containing the transaction counts as the first confirmation, the block after this one as the second confirmation, and so on. Because it is practically impossible that the last six confirmations (after an average of one hour) are undone, a transaction is usually seen as accomplished after its sixth confirmation.

For example, the default graphical interface for bitcoin, Bitcoin Core, shows a transaction as confirmed when the confirmation count reached 66. However, this number of confirmations 66 is arbitrary.

In contrast, bitcoins mined can only be spent after the generated block has achieved a confirmation count of 100100.


The blockchain replaces a third trusted party, the bank, that mediates financial transactions, by a database of entries that successively point to each other. This pointer is a hash of the whole previous entry, ensuring the database’s integrity: thus, a change of the previous entry entails a change of the hash, thus invalidates the pointer, thus the whole chain. Because the hashes must have many leading zeros, finding valid entries, mining, demands much computational power and practically makes malevolent alterations impossible.


  1. How long does the addition of a new block to the Bitcoin blockchain take on average?


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